Pure Innocence (Lauren/You)

By h_g_13

142K 6K 1.1K

A mother searches desperately for a new doctor for her autistic daughter whom doesn't get along with new peop... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
HUGE Announcement

Chapter 4

9.7K 393 51
By h_g_13

"Yeah just make sure to take vitals again to see if there's any change." I called out to Normani before walking into my office with a sigh. There were always countless numbers of parents not willing to take their children to a hospital so they bring them here to have us take care of them. I always tried to arrange for transport to the hospital from an EMT crew and it's just in that moment that they realize how bad their child's condition is. It could be frustrating at times to have to act as first responders rather than nurses or physicians.

I went to sit down at my chair while rubbing my forehead in exhaustion. I just a needed a minute to recollect myself before I started sending our prescriptions and filling out charts. It was almost time for lunch and I have never been more excited for a break in my life. As soon as I got out my pre-packed lunch I got a phone call to which I smiled at, leaning my head back against the chair. I cleared my throat and straightened myself out before answering the phone. "This is Y/N Y/LN."

"Y/N!" Just as I had expected, Lauren's voice rang throughout the phone. I couldn't help the jump in my heart at the sound of her raspy voice. "I-I missed you!" We had come up with a plan to have Lauren call me every day at noon, when I would be off for lunch for a short while before I had to go back to work. Clara and I noticed that it helped calm the younger girl down when we weren't able to hang out. I don't know if Lauren had told anyone about the kids but Clara hadn't changed her attitude towards me. I was hoping that was good news.

"Hi Lauren." I responded with a smile still on my face. I put the phone on speaker and let Lauren ramble on about her morning and the day before that. She went on telling me what she did, how she was feeling, and what she wanted to show me. I loved that the smaller girl wanted to show me everything and anything that she deemed interesting because I loved to see her happy. The raven haired beauty talked to me as I ate my lunch, responding to Lauren when she stopped to make sure I was listening before she went on again.

"Y/N when can I- when can I see you a-again?" Lauren stopped her rambling to ask in a small voice. I also stopped my eating once I heard the pure sadness in her voice, with a longing tone. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck even though Lauren couldn't see me. I tried to think of the best answer for her but I didn't exactly know.

"I don't know Lauren, I've been pretty busy lately." I sighed softly. "I can try this weekend though. I can't make any promises but I can talk to your mom and see what she wants to do." I poked at my food, the majority of it gone already. My lunch would soon be over as well, and I had a patient that was supposed to be coming in right off the bat. I threw the empty container away before turning my attention back to Lauren who still had yet to answer. I sat back in my chair while crossing my arms and leaning my head back. I closed my eyes for a second. "Lauren, I'll see you this weekend. I'll talk to your mom and we'll work something out but please don't be sad anymore, you'll get to see me soon."

"Really?" Lauren clearly perked up at my words causing a smile to form on my face. I nodded my head, completely forgetting that Lauren couldn't see me. I mentally laughed at myself before responding in affirmation. The raven haired girl started cheering loudly on the other side of the line and I couldn't help the flutter in my heart at the sound. I didn't think anyone would be so excited to see me.

"Alright Lauren I have to go back to work now but I'll talk to your mom about this weekend. Goodbye." I straightened myself out and got ready to end the call after Lauren said her goodbyes. After the call there was a permanent smile etched on my face while I went to take care of the first patient back after lunch. The rest of the day flowed by smoothly, and as I found myself standing by the front desk filling out charts, Normani appeared behind me while placing her hand on my shoulder. I turned and offered her a smile, placing my pen back in my coat pocket so that I wouldn't lose it later. I closed the chart and gave Mani my undivided attention.

"What happened to you?" She looked at me skeptically causing me to raise my eyebrow in confusion. "You just seem happier all of the sudden. What happened and don't bullshit me because I know you Y/N. And I know when you're lying so don't even try it, or saying anything like 'nothing.'" The older girl pointed her finger at me as I laughed lightly at her. Camila perked up at our conversation and leaned over as both girls awaited my answer.

"Can I not be happy for once?" I scoffed playfully but both girls were not impressed. It seemed like they both looked at one another before rolling their eyes and turning their attention back towards me. Normani leaned herself on the desk in order to make herself comfortable as she gave me a dirty look that was of course in a playful manner. "Okay Fine you caught me, but I'm still not telling you what happened." I pointed between the both of them as they began to whine childishly. When Camila and Normani had started to beg me to tell them I left the patient chart on the desk as I walked away with of a roll of my eyes yet a smile on my face. I headed towards the next patient that was already waiting for me so that I could continue my excruciatingly long day at work while trying to avoid my two prying co-workers.

Soon enough the end of the day came and the last patient was out the door. I sat down in my office chair with a sigh of exhaustion before closing my eyes and leaning my head back against the chair. I started to respond to patient emails and complete as much work on my computer as I could but I hadn't realized how long I had been there until Normani came into my office, already dressed to go home. "Y/N come on." She spoke softly to catch my attention. I looked up and raised my eyebrow at her. "You can finish that later, just head home already."

"Yeah I'll leave in a bit." I nodded my head one time. Normani hesitated before finally bidding her goodbye to leave me alone in my office once more. I sighed to myself before getting up a couple minutes later to gather all of my things. I turned off all the lights before letting myself out of the building to walk towards my car. I got settled and started off towards my house with my phone playing music throughout the car on the way. As soon as I pulled into the driveway my phone signaled that I had gotten a text so I opened it to see Clara's name displayed on the screen. She mentioned this weekend and me spending time with Lauren so I immediately responded to confirm that I would be there.

I locked my phone and put it in my pocket before getting out of the car and gathering my stuff with a smile on my face. I headed towards the front door and unlocked it so that I could step inside the house and lock the door again behind me. My phone started vibrating in my pocket so I had to pull it out again to see Clara calling me. I answered it in confusion before trying to put my stuff away where it went. "Hello?"

"Hi Y/N/N!" I should've known it was Lauren. Instantly a smile spread upon my face and a small laugh left my lips at the new nickname she had given me. I milled around my house putting everything in its place while clutching my phone to my ear as I heard the younger girl ramble on about what had happened to her since we last talked. Eventually I had finished putting everything away and changing into comfier clothes so I made my way to the couch in the living room so I could sit down and finish my conversation with Lauren. "-and then I saw- I saw that my mom was texting- was texting you so I asked if I could- if I could call you."

"Wow Lauren, sounds like you had lots of fun." I spoke softly and smiled to myself as I laid back on the couch. The smaller girl quickly agreed and stumbled upon more of her words while I just laid there and listened to her husky voice. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to get lost in the raspiness. No matter if it were over the phone or in person, Lauren's voice never failed to send shivers down my spine even if she didn't mean to do it. I didn't know I had completely zoned out until I heard Lauren calling my name several times. "Sorry, what?" I cleared my throat and gave her my attention.

"I want to ask if I can- if I can spend th-the night with you when we- when we hang out. I want to- want to ask my mom if-if I can." Lauren excitedly rambled on but I quickly sat up in my spot to interject, knowing that it wasn't the best idea. I didn't even know if her mom would allow her to. "You don't- You don't want me to spend- to spend the night?" Lauren's mood soured and I facepalmed myself for making her sad.

"Of course I do Lauren, but I don't know if your mom will let you. You have to make sure you're allowed to." I bit my fingernails anxiously. A big part of it was that for the first time I'd be alone with the younger girl and I didn't know if I would be able to control myself. But I also didn't want her to be sad, so if that meant allowing her to stay here would prevent that then I would have to suck it up. I could hear the raven haired beauty cheer on the other side of the line which made me smile. She never failed to improve my mood. All of the sudden I couldn't hear her as clearly though, meaning she wasn't close to the phone. I rose my eyebrow in confusion as I could still hear her voice but I couldn't understand what she was saying. It suddenly clicked once I heard Clara's voice as well and I knew that Lauren had to have been asking her mom if she could spend the night at my house.

It wasn't long before I heard rustling on the phone and Clara's voice sound throughout the speaker. "Y/N are you sure you want to do this? You don't have to just because Lauren wants to." I heard Lauren whine at her words but the mother clearly shushed her which caused me to have to try to hold my laugh in. "I don't want you to feel obligated to spend time with her because you certainly don't have to. You've already done so much for us already."

"Clara it's perfectly okay." I laughed lightly. "I don't mind at all. I would love to spend time with Lauren and I know you and Mike need some time to yourselves so I don't mind helping out with that either. You spend all your time caring for Lauren so please let me. You deserve a break too." I tried coaxing because even if I was okay with it and Clara still declined, I knew Lauren would really be upset and that was the last thing I wanted for any of us. It took a couple seconds before I could even hear Mike's voice as him and Clara spoke quietly. I laid back on the couch as I waited for the older woman's answer, and I could hear Lauren trying to work her charm on them with the three of their voices sounding throughout the other line.

Eventually I heard Clara come back onto the phone with a sigh. "Y/N if you're really sure about this I don't see why not. But I just want you to promise me you'll call if anything happens or if you can't handle her anymore." The older woman finally agreed and I could hear Lauren cheering loudly in the background. I smiled at the sound but Clara went on. "If we need to, Mike and I will come get her. We can work everything out later because I know you just got off work but if you're really sure about this then Lauren can spend the night."

"Yes, I promise to contact you if needed but I'm sure I won't have to. As long as you're okay with it, I am too." I smiled to myself. Clara and I finished our conversation in mutual agreement that we would talk about it more in person when I came to hang out with Lauren. Eventually she gave the phone back to Lauren whom couldn't stop talking about how excited she was to see me. I didn't notice how long we had been talking before Clara's voice sounded again. I listened as Lauren's mother told the younger girl that it was time to go. I took the phone away from my ear to see it was around nine o'clock at night before quickly placing it back on my ear.

Lauren whined loudly but eventually sighed. "Y/N/N, I have to g-go." She admitted sadly. I nodded and realized that she couldn't see me so I cleared my throat and agreed with the emerald eyed beauty. "But I get to- I get to see you Saturday, r-right?" Again, I agreed with a laugh before she squealed to herself. I smiled at the sound. "I can't- I can't wait. I'll see y-you in two days Y/N!"

"Goodbye Lauren." I spoke softly. "And goodnight. I'll see you in two days." Lauren hung up the phone after bidding her goodbyes and I laid back on the couch with a dreamy sigh. My eyes closed on their own behalf as I laid in serenity with my heart fluttering in my chest. I couldn't help the schoolgirl crush and it was even worse since Lauren had kissed me, it intensified my already strong feelings. All I wanted was to do it again, just like Lauren had explained after it happened. I was still wary about it since the emerald eyed girl had told me it affected her on a more sexual level but at this point at least I knew she wasn't uncomfortable around me. That was the last thing I wanted.

Eventually I stood from my spot on the couch to make myself something to eat since I hadn't had anything since I got home from work. I made a quick, easy dinner that I finished at an even quicker time so that I could head off towards my room. I turned on my TV before completing my nightly routine in the bathroom of brushing my teeth and doing whatever else I needed to do. When I turned off the lights I traveled back into my room before taking my shirt off and climbing into my bed. I placed my phone on the charger and finally got myself comfortable so that I could watch whatever came on the TV.

I don't know how long I stayed up but eventually I realized that my eyes started to droop out of tiredness and exhaustion. I cuddled further into my pillow before finally letting myself fall into the darkness of sleep, green eyes prominent in my head.


Sorry for the shorter chapter but for some reason this story is so hard for me to write lol

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