Love You Better

By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

773 0 0

Sisters like to steal everything from each other like food, clothes, and even songs from one another's Spotif... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 14

15 0 0
By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

"Good morning students, this is Mr Gutierrez with some morning announcements. Today homecoming ticket sales start for seniors so make sure that you have the 65 dollars along with your permission slips." The whole class cheered when he had finished since it was our last high school homecoming dance.

"So I heard you're going with Julian." Khalid said turning around. "Yeah I mean I kinda have to." "How does Lex feel about it?" "I don't know or care."

"You don't seem to happy about going with him." "I don't know how to feel to be honest. I mean I'm basically forced to go with him since it's captains tradition ." "Were you supposed to go with someone?" "Nope I'm just gonna be alone. I told Julian that he should spend time with the girl he really wants to be with, but the one he's basically forced to go with."

"You're So tough, but I get it, you don't want your sister to kill you." "It's not that, I don't care about their relationship at all to be honest." "I thought you were okay with it, that's at least what Julian told me." "Well he doesn't know everything you know." "Woah okay relax." He said walking away.

"Hey it's my favorite couple." Khalid said walking over to them. I just hate that it's a constant battle between Julian and I. One day we're the best of friends and the next we're upset with each other.

From me
To Zach: Hey sorry I fell asleep last night.

Z- That's Okay, So hows school?

M- Hell. It's just absolutely crazy.

Z- well at least you have Julian to talk to.

M- Not exactly. He's just living it up with his girlfriend.

Z- Well that sucks, just know you can text me whenever you need me.

M- Thanks. To be honest I'm so stressed about Homecoming.

Z- Wait, Julian told me that you were going together, but he has a girlfriend so what does she think about that?

M- She doesn't know, but I know that she's not gonna be happy.

Z- Are you happy that she's not gonna be happy? I mean you two looked like you had a lot of chemistry and it seemed like you two liked each other.

M- Nope we're just friends.

Z- Well I have football class in a few and I gotta get myself ready.

M- it's all good

"Why do you look so depressed?" Lexi asked standing with Julian at my desk. "No reason." "That's a lie, right jul?" "Uh yeah sure." He said paying attention to his phone. "Well I got called to guidance so I'll be back later. Bye. She said kissing his lips and then leaving.

"Hey are you okay?" He said as I ignored him. "Hey what's wrong." He said putting his hand and my thigh.

"Yo what's up man." Nick said walking in the room. "Nothing much." "What's up with her?" "I don't know, but she's clearly upset about something." "Well I'll leave you to it." He said walking out of the classroom.

"Now Tell me what's up." He said moving my hair out of my face even though my head was still down.

"Okay everyone to their seats and let's get started."
"Great job today girls, you guys better be ready for tomorrow." The coach said as we packed up.

"Morgan can you come here for a second?" "Yeah what's up?" "Are you Okay? You seem...I don't know how to word it, worn out?" "Yeah I feel fine." "Well you don't look fine. You've been loyal to this team since your freshman year and I think you need a few days to just relax so I'm gonna excuse you from practice for a few days." "Are you sure, I mean we have a game tomorrow." "Yeah I don't even want you to show up. I think you just need some rest." "Okay, Just Text me if you need anything." "Okay."

As I unlocked the door to my car Tanner ran into the drivers seat. "Dude What are you doing, do you wanna drive home?" "I do but by myself." "What do you mean?" "Julian is waiting for you."

"Why?" "Because he wants to talk." "Well I don't." "Morgan please just go talk to him." "No." "Did you just say no?" "Yeah." "Bye." He said snatching the keys from my hand and driving off.

"Uh Are you freaking kidding me?" I said as he drove farther off. ""Hey do you need a ride?" Julian asked pulling up next to me. I immediately starting walking and he kept driving towards me.

"Yo What are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?" "Walking." "Exactly." "Where are you walking?" "Home." "Your house is like 2 Miles away." "I know." I said continuing to walk.

"Get in the Damn car." "No." "Don't do this to yourself." "I'm not a little kid Julian, I can handle myself." "Fine you give me no choice." He said and then he grabbed me and put me over he shoulder and into the car.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked trying to get out of the car, but he said the doors locked. "The better question is what the hell is wrong with you?" "Nothing I'm absolutely fine." "No you aren't, this is not like you." "Well maybe it should be." I said still grabbing onto the door.

"Morgan stop." He said grabbing my arm and pulling me close to him. All of a sudden I completely lost it and started crying.

"Whatever it is it's gonna be okay." He said stroking his thumb across my cheek wiping my tears. "No it's not, you just don't get it."

"Well I can tell that you have a few problems, why don't you tell me the simple ones first." "Well my coach told me to take a break from soccer for a little while." "Why?" "She said that I look mentally drained and that I need a break." "Well do you?" "I don't know."

"Okay stop crying you're an ugly cryer." He said and I laughed for a second. "I knew that would make you laugh. So what's your other problem? Is it Noah, Nick, Miles?"

"Why do you always assume that it's one of them?" "Because they're the trouble makers in your life." "Well so are you." "What do you mean?"

"Julian I've known you since July and you've been nothing but trouble in my life. First you run off on me and totally ignore the fact that you left me somewhere that I don't even live." "I thought we already got over this." "That's what I thought too."

"So what's the problem?" "My problem is that ever since we became friends all you've done is wreck me. You came into my life and completely changed me. I told myself that I wouldn't deal with guys like you, but my dumb self did it again. First you asked me to become friends with benefits which is something I would never do and then you've kissed me multiple times when you had a girlfriend."

"Oh c'mon don't put this all on me. You knew I had a girlfriend and I kissed you because I was just in the moment."

At this point I didn't know whether to punch him or cry even more.

"Well maybe I never wanted you to be with her in the first place. You never asked me, your best friend how she felt about you dating her sister. It hurts knowing that you care more about her than me. I fought for you and told people that you were a good guy, but I feel like that statement is slowly starting to fade. Your girlfriend told me to stay away from you, but I still ran the risk and look where we're at now. Whether you knew it or not I had feelings for you in California and then they disappeared and as we started to hook up those feelings came back again. It's been hard for me to be around you two because of that."

"You can go." He said unlocking the car. I immediately got out of the car and the water works began again. I continued to walk, but this time I was happy that I could be alone. Revealing how I felt about him made me feel better because I didn't have to carry that secret on my shoulder anymore.
Julian's Pov
As my phone was dialing Khalid I wondered What the hell did I just do? I thought to myself. I just let my best friend walk away and she just told me how she felt. Part of me was angry because I feel like the same person, but the other part of me was confused. I thought she wanted Noah.

"Hey Khalid can I come over?" I asked. "Dude Practice literally just ended." "Yeah and my friendship with Morgan probably just ended." "I'll probably get to my house in 2 minutes, but Nick is gonna be there too since I gave him a ride and he forgot his house key." "That's fine."

As soon as I got to his house his mom opened the door. "Hey Julian." "Hi Mrs Stevens." "Khalid and Nicholas are upstairs." "Thanks." I said walking up the stairs.

"Hey guys." "What the fuck did you do?" Khalid asked trying to contain his laughter. "I let her go." "What do you mean you let her go?" Nick asked while eating chips.

"She told me that she had feelings for me." "Woah she what?" Khalid asked dropping his phone. "She told me that she hates the fact that Lex and I are together and that when we hooked up she started catching feelings."

"I knew it." Nick said. "What do you mean?" "I don't know if you know, but you could totally see the chemistry between you two, especially at the soccer game." "How? All it was, was some friendly competition."

"You were totally flirting with her whether you knew it or not." "Okay maybe I was by accident, but I didn't think she would catch feelings."

"Oh so now I know why was bitchin at me this morning. I was talking about you and your relationship this morning and I guess she didn't like that." Khalid added

"Well what do I do?" "Well you have two options and I don't think they'll end well." Nick said. "What are my options?" "You either break up with Lexi or you just never become friends with her again."

"What if I don't wanna do any of those things?" "You're gonna have to give up one, it's either friendship or a relationship."

"You know what, Lex has never done anything wrong and Morgan said it herself, I've messed up too many times." "And you staying with Lexi might be the final draw" Khalid said.

"Wait I thought you guys were on my side?" "Khalid's right, you have messed up and it may be the final straw, but deep down she would forgive you, she is my ex after all." "Guys I think I've made my decision, but I'll text you later." "Okay just don't do anything you'll regret."

After I rushed home and started to get myself ready for what was gonna happen next. I knew exactly how to get her off my mind.

To Cutie

J- you busy?

C- I am but I'm need to busy for you

J- Come over

C- really? This is the first time you've ever asked me to come to your house.

J- My brother and Dad aren't home ;)

C- I'll be there in a few

After I put my phone down and started freaking out. I had to hide any evidence that Morgan was ever here in my house.

I found a sweatshirt, her laces from her cleats because we decided to switch them for good luck, and a notebook. I hid them all in a box where she wouldn't find them.

"Hey Julian I'm here, you left the door open." "Hold on I'll be just a second." I said sliding the box under the bead.

"Hey." "Hi" She said and then I kissed her and pulled her in close.

"What's up jul?" "Nothing I just wanted to hang out with my girl." "Aww well I like spending time with my boy. What do you have planned?" "Well how bout we watch a movie?" "Okay Sounds good"

"I'll be back." I said walking into the kitchen. I immediately started feeling nervous. "It's just Lexi, not Morgan." I said to myself. "Shit I meant celebrity." I said to myself knowing that if Lexi ever found out about Morgan and I's past before we started dating that she would most likely physically or verbally hurt her sister.

"Sorry jul I got bored in there by myself, what are you making?" She asked sitting on the counter. "Just some popcorn." "Nice, What kind is it? Extra salt." "Nope extra butter." "Dang you are just like Tanner and Morgan, that's their favorite, I personally like the salty one better." "Then throw extra salt on it." I said noticing that I just snapped at her.

"Jul are you okay today?" "Yeah I'm probably just a little tired from soccer, but I'm not tired enough to not hang out with you." I said kissing her softly. "Well that's good to hear. I'd rather be here than home hearing Morgan on facetime complaining about some boy."

"Why don't you head back to the living room, I have to ask you something when I get back." "Well Okay, can I at least take the popcorn with me?" "Sure and you can take the salt with you too." "Yay" She said leaving.

I randomly started to clean the appliances in my house when I reached a picture frame in one of the drawers. It was my mom and dad at homecoming their senior year and of course she had the necklace on.

"Shit Lexi." I said forgetting that I had to ask her to homecoming too, but I had given her sister the necklace. I quickly ran past her without her knowing and got to my room. Khalid, not caring what electives he took this year gave me a necklace that he made out of macaroni and beads in Arts and Crafts class that symbolizes loyalty. I grabbed that, put it in a box, and ran down to her with it.

"Sorry about that, I just had to do something." "That's okay, I didn't put too much salt on the popcorn by the way." "Good, so anyway we've been together for quite some time now and Homecoming is coming so I want to know if you wanna go with me." "Of course." She said opening the box.

"What's this?" She asked holding up the necklace. "It's just a little something I made for you." "Oh, thanks." She said putting it in the box.

"I'm happy you said yes because I was afraid that since I'm also going with your sister, you would get mad." "What?" She asked both confused and mad.

"She never told you did she?" "Nope, why do you have to go with her? I mean you're friends so you could've rejected her." "I actually asked her." "When, before we started talking?" "Yesterday, But it's a Captains thing. For example the baseball and softball captains are going together and the boys and girls basketball captains are going together."

"That was your decision though." "Honestly I'm new here so I'm just doing what everyone told me to do." "Okay, I don't blame you for doing that, I mean I would do the same thing if I was in your shoes."

"So you aren't mad?." "Oh I'm mad, but I think I can deal with it. Are you sure we'll have enough alone time?" "Yeah, were just gonna arrive together and dance for a few and then I'll be yours for the rest of the night." "I guess as long as I get some time with you, I'll be alright."

"So what movie did you pick out?" "So I looked down your Netflix and found either Friends with Benefits or No Strings Attached." "Oh wow." I said as my was racing with thoughts a million miles a minute.

"So which one?" "You pick." "I can't decide, they're both my favorite movies." "Just do Eenie meanie." "I did that and I got Friends with Benefits." "Then we're watching that." She said Turing the lights off.

"Hey." I said and then She turned her head and I kissed her. "Dude I'm trying to watch the movie." She said pushing me out of the way.

For the rest of the time I tried to tease her, but she just wouldn't give in. I even did things like whisper in her ear and texted her, but she still ignored me. As soon as the movie ended I needed to make a move.

"Well this was fun." "Well we can make it more interesting." "Oh can we?" "Yeah." I said kissing her again, but this time hard right away.

I immediately removed her top and mine. I went down on her so that I could have the control that I wanted. She slid her skirt off and kicked her boots to the side as I took off my joggers.

"Holy shit, you are so hot Julian." "Thanks Morgan."

"What?" She asked pushing me off of her. "I said thanks Lex." "No you didn't, you said thanks Morgan." "No I definitely didn't." Julian I'm not deaf." "Well if I did it was a complete accident."

"Do you have something going on with her or something because there is just no way you could call me her." "No, you guys are sisters and she's my friend. It's just all a misunderstanding."

"I'm home." Justin screamed walking into the house. "I'm leaving." She said getting up putting her clothes back on. "Woah what's going on here?" He asked. "Nothing, I was just about to go." She said pushing past him and slammed the door.

"Damn who hurt her?" "I did just like I hurt everyone else." "As much as I wanna hear this story, I'm exhausted. Tell me in the morning." "Whatever."

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