Why you so obsessed with me?

By Solitare_Diamond

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Lila is the preppy smart college girl with the bad companied boyfriend who her parents forbid her from seeing... More

Why you so obessed with me?
You're still obsessed
Stop being obsessed
So you're gonna be obsessed forever...
The Obession is real
The Obession won't stop
This is my Obessession
Another obession gone wrong
Believe in the Obsession
Obession Revealed
(Part 1)The Obession is Never Enough~ Short~
(Part 2) The Obession is Never Enough~ Short~
Obessession Comes First *short* Part 1
Its just my obesssion
Beloved by my Obsession *Part 1*

Obession comes first *short* Part 2

241 8 2
By Solitare_Diamond

Allison and I pulled up to a house blasting with music.

"Where are we, Ali?" I asked

"My friend Miko's party. She's cool" Allison smiled

"I--" I was interrupted by my cell phone ringing

I answered it. It was my mom. She was crying and I heard police sirens in the background.

"Mom!" I called

"Lila!" SHe called again

"What's the problem?" I asked, my voice shaky

I paniced, my body froze. The line had went dead.

"Whats wrong, L?" Allison asked

I didn't hear her. I'm still recalling what just happened. I ignored the drunk girl tugging on Allison's sleeve.

"I gotta get home" I mumbled to myself, but Allison heard me

"What'd you mean 'you gotta get home'?" Allison asked yanking her sleeve from the girl

I started towards the car, but Allison yanked my arm.

"Let me go, Allison!" I yelled, she was shocked

"But but--" she looked for something to say

"What?" I asked

"How am I gonna get home?" she laughed in between words

"Taxi" I got in the car and skirched off. I could picture her mouth just hanging open as I drove off. I reached  to  the house where a thousand of police officers were. Please dont tell me what I think happened. I sighed as I enetered the house. A crime scene before me. A body bag with three police officers lifting it.

"Where's my mom? Mom! Where is my mom?" I panicked. A police officer came to my side

"Calm down. Your mother is fine. She's just in shok right now" the police officer stated

"So who's that?" I tried not to point

"Says here your mother had a protector? A Fiona Yang" the police said calmly

"Yes" I nodded

"She came into the house about 12 with groceries and something from the pharmacy. She was strucked from behind. Your mother was entering the kitchen where she saw the incident, but the guy was wearing black and she didn't see his face. Only the gruesome scene" the police officer read off a clip board.

"So Fiona is dead?" I asked my hands shaking

The police officer nodded then left. That night I couldn't sleep. I stayed up all night thinking about everyone. From Dean to Leon to dad to Fiona to Kellie. This was all soo weird. What if Allsison did it? What if mom did it? But she wouldnt kill her own family. Its stupid. But Allison dosen't even... well she wouldn't have a reason for doing it. But she was acting weird at the party... Ugh! I'm so confused right now. 


Thanks 4 reading!! Poor Lila.......... Vote and Comment would love some feedback!! Dean and Lila to the side>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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