Norminah Oneshots

Galing kay bitchyminaj

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Very first 5H oneshot 💕 - Higit pa

Even Best Kept Secrets
Washed Ashore
The Fever
The Truth
The Decision
The Morning After
The Journey

The Aftermath

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Galing kay bitchyminaj

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


Dinah Jane.. Lost then Found

I blinked again, looking at Normani. She stared back at me, frozen. My lips were still tingling from the kiss.

Our. First. Kiss.

Normani's First Kiss.

My first kiss.

Finally. I'd had my first kiss.

Her lips were so soft and so sweet. I couldn't help, but gaze down at them again. I was still trying to figure out what she was to me, mystical match or whatever, but I did know that I liked her and I really liked kissing her.

"Normani?" I smiled.

She was so freaking cute. I think she was breathing, but she didn't move. A little piece of her hair was slightly out of place from the others on her forehead. My hand moved up to her face so I could fix it for her.

Finally she moved just as my hand reached her hairline. Her gaze followed my fingertips as I gently tucked it back into place. "Are you sure?" she asked. "Do you know what that would mean for you, for us? You really want that?"

"Yeah, I think so," I said honestly. We needed to talk A LOT, but I couldn't deal with her being upset anymore. I did want to stay and I did want to be with her. "I know it'll be different, but I want to try."

Normani smiled then. It really was the most beautiful smile. She was beautiful.

For some reason I was feeling really brave and I think part of me, well all of me, really enjoyed the feeling of Normani's lips against mine. I leaned forward again. Her eyes softened a bit and this time her hand came up to my cheek. She leaned closer to meet me half way, but when our lips were an inch or so apart, Normani flinched away, looking up. For a moment I was really confused until I felt it too. A few large raindrops falling from the sky.

"Oh. We should get you inside before it really starts," Normani said sweetly. I looked down to see that she was looking at my arm. It was covered in goosebumps. It was really warm out, but I think somewhere in the back of my head I associated rain with freezing my ass off.

"Okay," I said hesitantly. I still wanted to be alone with her.

She stood then and extended her hand to me. "Don't worry everyone will be getting up very soon. The quarters will be empty by the time we get back."

"Are you doing this?" I teased, hinting towards the rain. When I was upright I automatically dusted off my butt.

"No, I promise. It does rain every so often. The trees need to drink too," she said with a smile again. I was becoming a little addicted to it.

Normani slid off the boulder and held her hand out for me. I took it and slid down after her. When I was safely on the ground I laced my fingers with hers. I didn't want to let go. I don't know, I was just feeling so screwed up. She was the only thing that was making sense to me.

Normani, the human blanky.

The rain didn't really pick up as we walked back. Just a few fat drops here and there. We were still relatively dry when we got back to Normani's room. We didn't say much while we walked. I don't know what Normani was thinking, but this didn't really feel like a "walk and talk" sort of situation.

"I'm surprised it rains here actually." I said truthfully.

An interesting sort of silence had built as we walked. Comments on the weather seemed the best way to break it.

"Where you're from it's very cold. Here it remains very warm even during an intense downpour ."

I nodded, biting my lip. I could hear the rain starting to pick up, bouncing of various marble surfaces.

We were back in Normani's room now. Alone.

I was suddenly really, really nervous. The last time we'd been here together I'd made a complete ass out of myself. I hoped I wouldn't put on a repeat performance.

Normani eyed the bed, biting her lip. I guessed I wasn't the only nervous one.

I should say something.

"Umm, please do not think that I am pressuring you to do this, but it is customary to remove all clothing before approaching a bed. Even if to just sit on it," Normani said, before backpedaling like crazy, "You don't have to, but that is our custom."

I thought for a brief moment. If this had been anyone but Normani I would have thought they were full of it, BUT this was Normani. I truly believed that the last thing she would do was take advantage of me.

I pulled the tie at my waist and quickly unwrapped it. Normani watched me for a second, but then went right to her little rope belt, maybe showing me that this wasn't a ploy. She would get naked with me, help me feel more comfortable. Sorta.

She was faster than me, pulling her robe off, pulling the vine of olive leaves from her hair and swiftly untying her sandals. She put her sandals by the door and her robe she draped over the chair in the corner.

Before I had my robe all the way off Normani was in front of me again, on her knees. I almost expected her to give my calves another slow inspection, but this time she didn't. Instead she swiftly undid the laces and encouraged me to step out of them.

She took my robe and place it next to hers, draped over the chair.

We were both completely naked.

And hairless.

I caught myself looking at Normani's body. She was smaller than me, but like I said, not by much. Her whole body had this soft golden glow. Her breasts were bigger than mine, but not by much. If I was a small C I would have to say Normani had a very generous C cup if not a small D. They were perfect and perky. Her nipples were full, a soft brown. Her body made me curious, especially after that kiss. I wanted to touch her, but I couldn't.

I was scared.

All of these feelings were so new, but I knew they meant so much more, more than the heat and the moisture pooling between my legs.

I followed Normani to the bed and watched her pull the sheets back. I climbed in and she followed pulling the sheets around us. We lay on our sides, facing each other.

"Did you get to sleep at all?" I asked quietly.

"I think only for an hour or so. I know you must be so tired."

"Yeah. I don't think passing out counts as sleep," I chuckled a little.

"I know we have some things to discuss, but would you like to rest now?" She was so considerate, just another thing to add to the list. We could do this, this whole Match thing, I think.

"No." I said. "I want to know more about you."

"Me?" she asked surprised.

"Yeah you. The Queen said you knew all sort of stuff about me before I even showed up and well, I think if we're supposed to be eternal soul mates maybe I should know a little about you." I threw a little sarcasm in my tone to lightening the mood for the both of us.

"What would you like to know?" She was blushing a little.

"I guess since you already know my family," I shook my head, disgusted a little, "Can you tell me a little bit more about yours? Like who's your father?"

She giggled a little before she spoke. It was really freaking cute. "My father is Zephyrus, God of the Western Winds."

That's totally normal.

"Ah," I said "is that why you can-" I hinted towards her hands.

She giggled nervously this time, then continued. "Yes." I guess that made sense.

"Do you know what powers I might have?"

"Um, You can move things with your mind and you should be able to teleport," she told me confidently.

"Really?" Several times when that information could have come in handy crossed my mind.

"That's what my mother said."

"Weird. Do I need to be taught or something?" I asked.

"Yeah. Someone, one of the Amazons, like Lauren or Kehlani, who you met last night. One of them will teach you."

"I see." I let out a deep sigh. This was a lot to process. Not mention I didn't even want to think about Giselle. I'm pretty sure I hated her.



"What made you decide to stay?" She sounded a little worried.

I paused. I think I had been her shoes, my decision would have been confusing to me too. I'd bitched and complained about how weird the island was. I was barely able to stomach their practices. Then I meet my estranged mother and BAM I want to try the kool-aid and become a lesbian.

"Well, if I go home, in several weeks I would be leaving for college. It would be time for me to separate myself from my Dad anyway. You know, try life on my own."

"Mother told me about college. You might like it." I wanted to tell her to stop. We both knew she didn't want me to go to college.

"Yeah well. Either way I'd be leaving my father." I looked down at Normani's collarbone. I really didn't know how to feel about Gordon right now.

"Are you angry with him?" she whispered. I looked back to Normani's eyes. My hand, all on its own, reached up to her cheek. My fingers lazily traced the curve of her face. She pursed her lips nervously.

"I don't know."

"I'm sorry Dinah." Yeah me too, I thought. We were silent for a long minute then she spoke again. "So what did make you decide to stay?"

"You," I replied honestly.


"Yes. Normani some people wait their whole lives to meet the person who they are meant to be with. And a lot of people never even find that person, but I'm with that someone right now. I just-"

"You just what?"

"I'm just afraid I wont be good enough for you," I admitted.

"Why would you think that?" she pleaded.

"Normani you are so smart and talented and funny and beautiful and kind. I'm just me. I'm so selfish and inconsiderate and boring..." I stopped because Normani was staring at me with pained eyes.

"Dinah you are wrong. You are beautiful and sweet and smart and funny. Just because you come from someplace different that values different things doesn't make you any less special."

I huffed still disagreeing.

"And, You're brave," she concluded.

"Yeah whatever."

"I'm being truthful with you. Do you think your friends at home could have handled all of this so well or even tried to handle it half as well as you have?" She had a small point.

Demi would have been in the corner crying since the minute she showed up, but still I wouldn't jump to calling myself brave. "Well can you at least agree that you are smart and funny?" That smile was killing me.

"Okay. I'll give you that," I smirked, then completely against my will, I yawned.

"Maybe," Normani yawned too, half giggling. "we should sleep a little. We can talk more later," she reassured me.

"Okay. Um, do you mind if I roll over? I have this weird thing where I can't fall asleep if I'm not facing the nearest wall.

"Please. I want you to be comfortable," she said with a small smile. I looked her lips again for a moment. I wanted to kiss her again, but we were kinda naked now and I was nervous.

"Thanks," I said sheepishly. I rolled over without kissing her.

Such a chicken.

Suddenly I felt Normani's fingers on my shoulder. I twitched involuntarily at her unexpected touch. It felt nice, but like I said I'm a totally chicken.

"What's this?" she asked tracing a scar on my shoulder.

"Oh, I tried to pet my neighbor's dog and he bit me."

"See, that was brave,'" she said.

I rolled slightly to look at her. "No, Normani. That's what most people would call stupid."

"I guess," she giggled.

I caught myself again, staring at her lips. I think she knew what I wanted or maybe she wanted the same thing cause she leaned forward a little, propping herself on her arm. Softly, her lips brushed against mine.

My heart was beating out of control.

After a brief minute she hesitantly pulled away and licked her soft, pink lips. The sight of it forced me to swallow the lump in my throat. I rolled back towards the wall, afraid of what I might say or do next.

We lay there for a moment in silence, fighting sleep.



"You would have never really liked boys," she told me quietly. There were a few inches of bed and sheets between us, but feeling the heat from her body made my muscles relax a little. Just a little, though. We were still pretty naked.

"Yeah Normani, I'm starting to think that's true."

"Sleep well," she said.

"You too, Normani."

Before I knew it, I was knocked out.

This had been easily the most stressful, the most exhausting 24 hours of my entire life. I'd met my mother.

My actual mother.

She wasn't dead.

She wasn't selling her body for drugs.

She wasn't living the life with a new husband and some new kids across the world somewhere.

She was an immortal. She was a deity. She'd loved Gordon or so she said. She loved and cared for me.

Or so she said.

I hated her.

I was so glad Onika had been there with me, holding my hand. There were times where I just wanted to smack OR strangle Giselle and the Queen. Not that what they were proposing didn't have some of levels of appeal, but their presentation just sucked. I had been lied to for me whole freaking life. Not just a few weeks here and there, but my whole life.

I mean, couldn't I have known? Everyone else knew. Just the thought of all the random girls and birds, who had referred to me as Princess. Who didn't know beside me?

That's why I trusted Normani so much. She wanted me to know and it killed her not to tell me the truth. She wanted to give me a fair chance to decide.

I had a lot to think about, but I knew I wanted to stay. I did believe in fate and if Normani and I were meant to be together, then so be it. The In-laws were already on board. And the upside to staying on the island-I would only be forced to see Giselle one week of out the year.

And Normani had been right about me and boys. I honestly couldn't remember ever even having a crush on someone, guy or girl. Maybe something in the back of my heart just knew that there was someone special waiting for me. Maybe there was a part of my mind that kept me happily crush-free, kept me happy and single, for Normani. She was smart, and funny and remarkably sweet and caring. She was gorgeous and I would say a pretty excellent kisser.

I didn't hate the idea of us being together forever.

Not one bit.

It was dark when I opened my eyes again. I was very warm and comfortable. Someone had lit a small torch and placed it just inside the door.

My arms were wrapped around Normani. My head was resting on her breast. She was still asleep, breathing softly. I could hear some vaguely familiar noises coming from outside. The women of the island were at it again. Having sex, having fun, making love, fucking or whatever you want to call it. The same sexually charged energy filled the air, but this time it had a genuine effect on me. I wanted to wake Normani up, but I didn't know for what.

We were still both pretty timid the two times we'd kissed. It might have been way too soon to test the physical limits of our relationship, whatever that physical relationship was supposed to be.

My body, without my permission took control then. I didn't even realize what I had been doing until much later. I moved my head just a little, just so Normani's nipples was near my mouth. I kept the rhythm of my breathing close to normal, but for some reason, I began breathing hot, wet air on Normani's nipple. It started to harden, making my mouth water.

After just a few breaths Normani moved, sighing a bit. I closed my mouth, holding completely still.

Normani moved again, her eyes fluttering open. "Dinah?" she whispered, just barely. We looked at each other for a long moment. I had no idea what to say.

I wanna see what second base is like for us? No, that wouldn't really work.

Normani bit her lip and then placed her hand gently on my cheek. I pushed myself up so we were eye to eye.

"I-I want to-" I started. I had no idea what I wanted.

"We can just kiss, perhaps and see what happens," she suggested sweetly. The breathy sound of her voice was making me unbelievably warm.. and wet. I felt so awkward.

"Okay," I replied, before pausing. "I just, I'm just nervous. I don't really know what to do."

"I'm nervous too, Dinah. Trust me. I do know some things. When we're ready I'll show you."

"Okay," I gulped.

Normani sat up a little. The way she moved made me think I should roll on my back. She rolled on her side and brought her fingers up to my lips. I looked into her eyes, glinting a beautiful hazel in the torchlight, the flecks of green and caramel dancing together. She looked like she wanted to say something, but she was holding back.

I reached up and ran my fingers down her cheek very slowly.

"You can tell me," I said.

"I will," she whispered. "Soon." She kissed me then.

This time was completely different. Before it was almost like we were counting the seconds, just seeing how long the kiss would last before one of us would chicken out and pull away. Now I didn't want to pull away at all and I don't think Normani did either.

My eyes had slid closed. Her head tilted slightly and her lips parted. They were wet and sweet and so soft. I loved the way her mouth felt against mine. My arm wrapped around Normani's body and I pulled her a bit closer. Well, for a second.

Her breasts pressing against my right one was not close enough for her and once she was on top of me, settling herself between my legs, I realized that before we hadn't been close enough for me either.

Our lips had been moving together in perfect sync, when I moaned lightly against her lips. Her stomach gently brushed the throbbing spot between my legs. I think the sound I made encouraged Normani to shift her weight, pressing her stomach against me once more. I moaned again, breaking my lips from hers. I opened my eyes just as her lids fluttered open. I think her gaze mirrored the overwhelming desire I was feeling.

"Open your legs a little wider," she whispered patiently.

I did what she said and she moved up my body a little bit, bringing her dripping core in line with mine. I drew in a sharp breath at the sensation. I could feel the wetness from Normani's pussy connect with mine. A soft gust of air between our thighs made our juices cool and tingle. My hips started to wiggle a little bit, determined to find more friction. Gently she ran her fingertips down my thigh to my calf. I swallowed the lust and the nervous energy building in my chest and let the goose bumps spread.

Her eyes held mine as she brought my leg up and wrapped it around her hip. The movement forced my hips to tilt slightly upward. My other leg slid up on its own and wrapped around the other side of her body. My heels gently pressed into the back of her thighs.

From then on our movements were natural and automatic. Normani was clearly in control, but my body cooperated very well, matching her rhythmic brushes. I had no idea what exactly we were doing, but it felt so amazing. Normani's clit began brushing against mine, almost softly. It sent this wild tingling sensation all over my body and when she leaned in closer and began kissing me again, our nipples began to rub together.

I couldn't control the way I was moaning and sighing and whimpering into her lips and neither could she. She was making me more and more wet with every sound rising from her chest. I wanted her so bad.

My tongue pressed against her lips and they parted automatically. Her tongue came into my mouth and softly caressed my tongue. She tasted so sweet. I started cataloging then all the things I wanted to do to her, all the things I wanted her to do to me. Feeling her lips and tongue all over my body, the taste of her, gliding my tongue between her legs, her nipples between my fingers, between my lips.

These fantasies wove in and out of my consciousness as I drifted back to the present. My hands traced the soft skin of her back down to her perfect ass. I gripped it with both hands, pulling her closer to me. She moaned deeply, thrusting her tongue deeper into my mouth. The pressure created the most delicious, forceful friction. I knew soon I was going to come.

A few perfect minutes later, though Normani pushed herself up and off of me. My eyes flew open.

What is she doing?

I watched her as grabbed my hips and pulled me down so I was flatter on my back, my head barely on the pillows.

"Tell me, okay, if you like this," she said nearly breathless. She was close too. I trusted her. She knew a way that would make us come, together.

I nodded in agreement.

Staying on her knees Normani brought one of her legs over my hip so that our thighs were interlaced. She grabbed my waist and pulled me an inch or so further down. Then she lowered herself onto me.

I cried out as every single inch of our dripping wet pussies started rubbing together. I had no idea my body could feel this way. With one hand Normani held on to my thigh, with the other, she traced my swollen nipple. My right hand gripped her thigh, holding on. Her skin was so soft.

My eyes squeezed shut as I pressed into her as hard as I could, letting her control the way our hips rocked together. My mouth was watering uncontrollably. Normani was making me feel so good.

Our bodies rubbed together desperately, hard. I couldn't get close enough. I wanted Normani to consume me.

Soon with one final push, my pussy started to quiver, moisture seeping out of me. My eyes squeezed tighter, flashing lights blinding me behind my eyelids. Normani's name broke from me lips, but in my head, my mind recited a single phrase over and over again.

I love you, Normani. I love you.

"Dinah," her voice came again and again in perfect high pinched whimpers. I could feel her juices coat me has she came, gripping my hip tightly.

She leaned forward kissing me slowly again, breathlessly. She pulled our legs apart gently and slid back to where she had been before, laying on top of me. She rolled us then on our sides as we both started to come back down.

Our lips broke a part, but she kept kissing my cheeks and my neck. I was panting, trying to refocus my blurred vision.

Normani and I had had sex, I think. Well, Normani and I had made love.

As we lay there in each other's arms, I now knew what all the religious hype was about. It was worth waiting for that one person. This wouldn't have been the same with anyone else. Not with boys back home, not with the girls in the lagoon, not with Sun. Sure anyone could make me come, but Normani had made me feel loved, fully and completely. She was patient and attentive and thorough and amazingly sexy.

The friendship was covered. I knew even if I had decided to leave, I would always want Normani in my life. But now with the way we had just been connected, the finally piece of our mythical puzzle, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life pleasing Normani. Being with her would never get old. I would never grow tired of seeing her smile or hearing her moan. I knew that she was my soul mate, bound to me for eternity and I knew now, that I was in love with her.



I'm back. Someone asked me for a day in the life so I wrote a night in the life. Thank me because I feel like shit and I probably look it too. 🙃

Thank you as well for reading 💖 and for my Beynika fans, Nervous 2 is up next. Be looking out.

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