sing ; shawn mendes

By momentswithourboys

337K 8.4K 5.9K

Her smile was weak, and it was as though she used all her energy to do so. I would do anything to get a beaut... More

Sing ; shawn mendes


18.4K 525 472
By momentswithourboys

these songs gave me inspiration ! hope you guys like it ! xx

wake me up - by Evanescence

just a dream - Nelly

last first kiss - One Direction


"Elyssa!" I screamed for her. There are a bunch of people in here. Every move I make causes me to bump into people.

I feel claustrophobic and my breathing is being taken over. I gasp for air. The oxygen that was once surrounding me is vanishing quicker by he second.

"Elyssa!" I only use my breath to call her. Still no sign of her.

I lost her?

I was proven wrong when I saw her sitting in the sandbox. It's the little her. 4-years-old.

"Elyssa?" I quietly called out. All of a sudden I was able to breathe peacefully.

Her head snapped towards my direction. She smiled and waved her hands, indicating me to join her. People start to disappear and our destination faded from a room to the park.

I slowly walked towards my best friend. The one who I am in love with now.

My feet immediately stopped when she began to gag. I feel my heart beating rapidly.

I want to help her.

She's throwing up.

Why can't my feet move?

The sand is being soaked with her puke.

My head is burning.

The color changes from clear to red. Blood.

Her nostrils begin to bleed.

"Elyssa!" I scream.

She falls back and tries to roll to her side. She is choking on her bloody puke.

Hands pull me by my clothes and I fall back. My throat burns.

I can't see her, no matter how hard I try to sit up or roll to the side. I can't.
My head was forced to turn to the side and there her eyes looked at me. Those beautiful, brown eyes that are so dark they look like the color black. They look at me, pleading. She stopped throwing up.

Her mouth has blood around her lips and cheek. She is breathing heavily. My body is frozen; I want to hug her and grab as many tissues as I can to wipe that blood away. I can't; they don't let me.

"Why didn't you help me, Shawn?" Her voice is weak and barely audible. I look into those eyes and see the Elyssa I know and love. When I look everywhere else, I see the mean-adorable-4 year old girl that I met for the first time.

"Me?-I-But-Something is wrong." I bit my lip to stop myself from crying.
"No, you just did not try hard enough."


I see her expression change into a blank face. Her eyes stayed open, her lips are slightly apart and her heavy breathing faded.

"Elyssa?" I was able to move my hand, no, my whole body actually.

I sat up and placed both hands on her shoulders, shaking her to awaken.


"Elyssa!" I cried out. "Elyssa!"


I jolted up, nearly falling off the bed. I breathed heavily as if I held onto my breath for a while. My eyes scanned the surrounding. A poster of Ed Sheeran to my right, a guitar on the corner by the window, and the smell of my cologne.

My room.

Aaliyah watched me cautiously. She woke me up.

"Are you okay?" She neared me and placed a hand on my shoulder. Im shirtless with basketball shorts on, but I'm still sweating as if I just came from a marathon.

I nodded and accepted the hug that she offered. This is my first-ever nightmare and I literally feel like I'm gonna shit myself.

It was about her...dying.

I didn't even realize the small tears that ran down my cheeks until Aaliyah wiped them off with her sleeve.

"Must've been some dream, eh?" She may be 11, but she acts so much older. She turned out to be a good girl. So mature and polite-kind and outgoing.

"Wanna talk about it?" She says momentarily.

"No." I wave her off. "But thank you."

"I could hear you from my room." She shook her head.

"Sorry." I lightly smiled and she returned a smile, too.

"Well, Elyssa called not long ago and said that she was coming in a few. Saying that she wants to talk."

"Oh." My palms began to sweat more than they already were, if that's even possible.

"Well okay." Aaliyah stood up. "If you need anything I'll be in my room, crying over bands. Bye!"

"Psycho." I teased and watched her skip away, out of my room and to her own.


"Shawn, I need you to something for me." Elyssa finally comes and enters my room without knocking.

I remember the last time she came in without knocking.

"Hey Shawn, I need-" She barged in and stopped mid-sentence.

She automatically squealed and covered her eyes. "I-I-"

"Get out, get out, get out!" I covered my bare body and run towards her; I guided her out the room and slam the door.

Thank God my mom is still working. She would had never allowed Elyssa to barge in like that.

"I'm so sorry!" She called from the other side of the door.

"You have a nice butt!" She called out again right when I put my briefs.
My cheeks flamed.


"Okay, so we all damn know for sure that I have cancer, leukemia, and we don't know if I will survive it or-"

"You will." I confirm.

"Wait." She looked irritated but took a deep breath before speaking again.

"Can you be my first-" Her cheeks flamed.

"What!" I choked on my own saliva. No matter how much I care and love her, I will not have sex with her. Not now, I mean.

"No, no, no. You are not having sex!"

"God damit, Shawn! Let me finish before you go all ape shit!" She threw her hands in the air and her cheeks flamed even more, if that's even possible.

"I want you to be my first kiss." She slumped on my bed.

My heart began to beat rapidly. Yes, yes, yes.

"Why?" Reality I don't give a damn on what the reason is. I just want to kiss her so badly. Call me selfish, I don't care.

"I have not socialized with that kind of species before." She shrugs.

"What does that make me." I made it sound as if I was offended, but my small smile said otherwise.

"You don't count. You're like a brother to me."


"Then it would be wrong to kiss me." I really don't give a damn if it would be wrong, when it really isn't. It would be perfect.

"Please, Shawn." She pulled me by my arms. I stand in front of her, between her legs. "It's just one, simple peck."

She continues to plead. I'm not accepting it. One, she considers me as a brother. Two, the kiss wouldn't mean anything to her. And Three, I just want to see how far she will go all out for me to accept.

It adorable when she begs for things.

"Why don't you want to kiss me?" She pouts but changes her expression.

"Are you gay!"

"No!" I answer; I bite down the laugh that wants to escape from my mouth.

"Then why don't you want to do your dear friend a favor?" She tilts her head to the side.

I sit down beside her; she turns her body to face me clearly.

"Elyssa I love you. I really do, but you'll have your first kiss. Not with me because it won't feel special to you." What the hell am I saying? I want to make it feel special, just for her.

"It will. Because my best friend and I will have our first kiss together." She smiles so innocently.

"You're insane." I chuckle and kiss her forehead, disappointing her into thinking I was going to do it.

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