Avatar: Last Airbender - Fugi...

By DeadGirlEternal

23.4K 348 56

Second in The Rin Series. Everyone thinks they know the story of how Aang and his friends stopped Fire Lord O... More

Classified File
I Can Take Her!
Forever Loyal
Do You Have Questions?
Lonely But Never Alone
The Chase Is On!
Bitter Peace
Sorrowful Contempt
A/N: Memories For Rin
Many More Plans
Conquer of The Truth
I'm Different!
Darling Daughter
Doomed or Lucky?
Poll Results

Us Apart

1.6K 30 12
By DeadGirlEternal

"Water... Earth... Fire... Air..." Katara voices over as the benders demonstrate as she talks. "My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace when the Avatar kept the balance between the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads. But that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked." It journeys into the map showing the world and closes in on a bender displaying all the elements. "Only the Avatar mastered all four elements. Only he could stop the ruthless Firebenders. But when the world needed him most, he vanished." He disappears from sight. "A hundred years have passed and the Fire Nation is nearing victory in the war. Two years ago, my father and the men of my tribe journeyed to the Earth Kingdom to help fight against the Fire Nation, leaving me and my brother to look after our tribe." It shows the Water Tribe men on their boats and Katara hugging her older brother Sokka holding up a lantern. "Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads and that the cycle is broken, but I haven't lost hope. I still believe that somehow the Avatar will return to save the world."

Us Apart

Three ships, lying side by side, as the centre vessel launches, it emerges from the inlet and out onto the great lake. On one of the ship's deck, Iroh looks out at the water. "Who would have thought, after all these years, I'd return to the scene of my greatest military... as a tourist." Iroh muses solemnly as he says the last bit, he turns to Zuko and Rin, putting on a flowered straw hat and a wide grin.

"Look around, we're not tourists, we're refugees." Rin retorts and Zuko sips from a wooden bowl.

"Ugh!" Zuko groans in disgust spitting over the railing. "I'm sick of eating rotten food, sleeping in the dirt... I'm tired of living like this." He leans on the railing sadly, Rin joins him.

"Aren't we all?" Jet asks with his usual stalk of prairie grass, leading to the silhouette of Jet's face as he adopts a sly grin. "My name's Jet and these are my freedom fighters, Smellerbee, and Longshot." Jet introduces himself and friends, he steps out toward the rail, his companions behind him.

"Hey." Smellerbee greets and Longshot nods in greeting.

"Hello." Zuko greets looking out over the lake.

"Yo," Rin greets and raises her hand to them.

"Here's the deal. I hear the Captain's eating like a king, while us refugees have to feed off his scraps. Doesn't seem fair, does it?" Jet proposes stepping closer.

"What sort of 'king' is he eating like?" Iroh asks the boy.

"The fat, happy kind." At this Iroh's mouth is agape drooling. "You want to help us 'liberate' some food?" Jet asks Zuko, he stares down into at the bowl of gruel then looks at Rin, considering for a moment before hurling the bowl over the railing and takes Rin's hand.

"We're in," Zuko tells him turning around to face Jet

The Earth Kingdom ferry cruising beneath a moonlit sky, on the upper deck a guard passes by a lantern, Zuko stealthily leads Jet and Smellerbee upstairs and around the corner. They pause to look in the kitchen window, then slip around back, Rin is waiting for them by the door, they all pause in shock but get back to forcing the lock while Smellerbee keeps watching for guards, Zuko, Rin and Jet burst into the kitchen. Jet sweeps several hanging bird carcasses into a sack, Zuko uses his swords to nimbly stack eight bowls of food together, securing the stack with a ribbon while Rin grabs some bottles and the boys shoulder their sacks and turn to the doorway. "Guards coming!" Smellerbee whisper-yells to them and the four of them rush to the balcony edge, Longshot fires a line-strung arrow into the railing. Both bundles slide down the line, followed by the two freedom fighters and the arrow pulls free too soon leaving the FIrebenders behind. Rin gets out her Chain Scythe and jumps over the railing attaching the end as she swings and takes Zuko by the hand. They all make it in time as another lantern-bearing guard walks past and they make their way to safety.

The ferry, passing in the calm waters, on the main deck Jet passes out food to the thankful passengers. Iroh, Rin and Zuko sit eating their food with Longshot and Smellerbee. "So, Smellerbee, that's an unusual name for a young man." Iroh comments.

"Maybe it's because I'm not a man. I'm a girl!" Smellerbee retorts peeved and shoots Iroh a look, she gets up and walks off.

"Oh, now I see! It's a beautiful name for a lovely girl!" Iroh calls after her, Longshot quickly rises following after her and catching up with her, he places a hand on her shoulder, he steps in front of her, giving her a hard look.

"I know. You're right. As long as I'm confident with who I am, it doesn't matter what other people think. Thanks, Longshot." Smellerbee repeats, he nods a stern approval.

Zuko, Rin and Iroh sit down on the deck conversing with themselves when Jet sits down next to them calmly. "From what I heard, people eat like this every night in Ba-Sing-Se. I can't wait to set my eyes on that giant wall." Jet beams at them as he talks.

"It is a magnificent sight." Iroh agrees.

"Not really, it's just a wall," Rin grumbles not wanting to see the cause of painful memories.

"So you've been there before?" Jet asks the two.

"Once, when I was a different man," Iroh replies and looks away with regret.

"No, someone I knew did," Rin replies looking down at her hands with a look of hurt and grief.

"I've done some things in my past that I'm not proud of. But that's why I'm going to Ba-Sing-Se, for a new beginning. A second chance." Jet glances around the boat full of people.

"That's very noble of you. I believe people can change their lives if they want to. I believe in second chances." Iroh shares a meaningful glance with Zuko, while Jet studies them both, Rin finds it the prime time to leave the group, making it stand looking over the sailing at the vast scenery in front of her as a single tear falls down into the water below.

The ferry makes progress through the early morning mist, Zuko stands at the prow with RIn in his arms as they look towards the nearing shoreline and Jet approaches them from behind. "You know, as soon as I saw your scar, I know exactly who you were." Jet announces, Zuko glances warily at Jet who stands next to them. "You're an outcast, like me. And us outcasts have to stick together. We have to watch each other's backs because no one else will."

"I've realized lately, that being on your own isn't always the best path," Zuko replies grimly pulling Rin closer in a sign of comfort as the rocky cliff of the opposite shore come into full view, and behind them a looming wall.

The ferry finally lands on the other side, inside the ticket gate, a sour, heavy set Earth Kingdom official woman with a large hairy mole above her eyebrow, looks over Iroh, Rin and Zuko's papers dubiously. "So, Mr Lee, Miss. Kyo, and Mr.... um, Mushy is it?" The Customs Lady asks sounding unpleasant.

It's pronounced Moo-shee." Iroh corrects her in a kind tone, but she looks up from the papers angrily.

"You telling me how to do my job?" She asks him angrily and frustrated.

"Oh, no no no," Iroh tells her stepping closer to her speaking charmingly. "But may I just say that you're like a flower in blood, your beauty is intoxicating." He charms her with a sweet tone.

"You're pretty easy on the eyes yourself handsome." The Customs Lady smiles taking the charming words. "Raorrr." She makes a cat-claw gesture. "Welcome to Ba-Sing-Se." She stamps their papers and pushes them to their owners.

"I'm gonna forget I saw that." Zuko remarks snatching his and Rin's papers from Iroh disgustedly.

"Can we just go," Rin asks and begins to walk away with the two men following behind her, as they step past the ticket gate. Rin gets the feeling someone is watching them and looks around the busy station to see Jet observing them, she puts on a fake smile and waves before making it out of sight.

"I think Lee and Kyo would make good Freedom Fighters. They're just trying to find their way in the world, like us." Jet tells his friends as they stand in the ticket line.

"You don't know anything about them, Jet." Smellerbee reasons with him, not wanting any trouble.

"I know he didn't get that scar from a Waterbender." Jet retorts as he holds his signature grass stalk to his mouth, he wanted for power and he knew that 'Kyo' and 'Lee' would give him that.

"Besides, I thought we were going straight now?" Smellerbee asks him remembering what he had said to them.

"We are, and the new Freedom Fighters could use a guy like Lee and a Woman like Kyo. What do you think Longshot?" Jet asks his other friend shrugging his shoulders at the first part, he knew that 'Lee' and 'Kyo' were together but he couldn't help look at her and want something like her, and thoughts of Katara were long forgotten when thinking of 'Kyo'. He snaps out of his thoughts still looking at Longshot who shoots him a meaningful look.

"I can respect that." Jet replies and moves forward in the line still thinking of the two joining them and maybe taking something for himself. Maybe the old Jet wasn't all gone.

In a large stone train station called the Debarkation point for Ba-Sing-Se, people mill about in groups all around the platform. With Iroh, Zuko and Rin sit at a waiting area sitting down, Iroh with his arms crossed next to Zuko who holds Rin's hand in his tightly feeling each other discomfort when Jet casually sits down next to Zuko. "So, you guys got plans once you're inside the city?" Jet asks the fellow travellers.

"Get your hot tea here! Finest tea in Ba-Sing-Se!" A Tea Peddler advertises as he walks around the platform, all four look up to see a tea merchant pushing a concession cart in front of them.

"Oh! Jasmine, please." Iroh waves him down and the peddler pours tea into Iroh's bowl, he is delighted and takes a sip from his bowl. His eyes widen in shock at the tea and spits it out in disgust. "Blaugh! Ugh. Coldest tea in Ba-Sing-Se is more like it. What a disgrace!" Iroh barks upset at the fact it was bad tea and he loves his tea, Rin walks over to the older man and comforts him by taking the bowl from his hand and they share a look with hidden meaning in their eyes.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" Jet asks the teenager, he gestures for Zuko to follow him as he seems to be ignoring the two others, he rises reluctantly from his seat and signs and walks away from where the other two Firebenders sit. "You and I have a much better chance of making it in the city if we stick together, with Kyo of course. You want to join the Freedom Fighters?" Jet proposes his thought, he wants someone like Zuko and Rin but knows nothing about them.

"Thanks, but I don't think you want us in your gang." Zuko declines his offer due to the fact he couldn't leave his Uncle again and that they were Fire Nation.

"Come on, we made a great team looting that Captain's food. Think of all the good we could do for these refugees." Jet tries to persuade the dark haired teen.

"I said no," Zuko replies firmly, he didn't want to get him and Rin mixed with anything that could cause trouble, they needed to stay under the radar and turns walking back towards Iroh and Rin where he was safe.

"Have it your way." Jet says mildly surprised, usually it was the other way, he focuses in on Iroh, who carefully enjoys his tea now steaming vigorously in his cup. Jet suddenly bristles his eyes open wide in shock, realizing what he is seeing.

Reaching Iroh and Rin, Zuko looks back toward Jet, who now wears a look of hostile suspicion on his face at the scene in front of him, Jet turns around and walks off thinking of ways to show people that those three were Firebenders.

Watching Jet walk away, Zuko abruptly turn away and smashes the cup of tea from his uncle's hand. "Told you!" Rin exclaims sitting back down as she stood next to the older man.

"Hey!" Iroh exclaims in surprise at his nephew's actions.

"What are you doing Firebending your tea?! For a wise old man, that was pretty stupid move." Zuko whispers through gritted teeth at his Uncle, he shares a look with Rin.

"I turned my back for two seconds, I swear," Rin tells him, she looks back at Zuko with pleading eyes, he takes her into his arms in comfort for them both.

"I know you're not supposed to cry over spilled tea, but..." Iroh cries out mournfully sniffling and looks down at the cup in a puddle of tea. "That's so sad." The two teens just look at him in confusion but continue to ignore him as they stay in their own world together.

The train soon arrives to take everyone to the Great City Ba-Sing-Se. "Last call for Ba-Sing-Se!" The Conductor calls out, Jet strides angrily towards the train, flanked by Smellerbee and Longshot.

"Jet, relax! So the old guy had some hot tea. Big deal." Smellerbee tries reasoning with her friend but once Firebenders were in his head they never left.

"He heated it himself! Those guys are Firebenders." Jet roars, he knew what he saw and he needed proof. Iroh, Zuko, and Rin board a car as the three Freedom Fighters watch them. Jet raises his collar, and Longshot pulls down his hat as they attempt to look inconspicuous as they board a few cars down.

Zuko, Iroh and Rin enter the car where a family sit by themselves, Zuko sits down with his arms crossed, still obviously angry at what Iroh had done earlier. Iroh sits down between Zuko and the woman, he glances at his nephew before leaning over and smiling at the woman. Rin leans her head on Zuko's shoulder as she closes her eyes, the woman cradles a sleeping baby in her lap while grinning at the man his arm draped over her shoulders. "What a handsome baby," Iroh comments tickling the baby's blanket with his finger.

"Thank you." The Mother says as the baby peacefully sleeps while her mother beams over her.

Two Earthbenders begin to scoot the train forward with a grinding noise, the train travels on a raised track over sunset lit fields.

In the lower ring of the Earth Kingdom Capital in the lower ring, Zuko walks down the street with Rin next to him looking around her in caution. Iroh catches up to him from behind, holding a large vase with several orange flowers placed in it, Zuko stares coldly at the flora. "I just want our new place to look nice in case you bring home a friend." Iroh teases the teens knowing how hard it was for either of them to make friends but hope the change of place will help them to open up.

"This city is a prison. I don't want to make a life here." Rin grumbles to herself thinking of her family that left her.

"Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not. Now come on, I found us some new jobs, and we start this afternoon." Iroh tells the two teens, Rin looks to her left to see Zuko looks upset maybe it was her comment somehow. She couldn't understand why she knew he didn't want to be here either but they walk off to their new place unaware that Jet is staring hard at the three of them.

"Look at them, Firebenders living right under everyone's nose." Jet hisses, Smellerbee and Longshot walk up to Jet from one of the alleyways.

"Jet, you saw a man with a hot cup of tea. It doesn't prove he's Firebender. And what if he is, are we supposed to attack them I thought we were starting over here, changing our ways." Smellerbee tries reasoning with him, but it doesn't seem to be working.

"We are when I get the evidence I need, I'll report them to the police and let them handle it. Okay?" Jet retorts but he had no intention of keeping his word he wanted to deal with them himself.

In the lower ring, a small tea shop sits, Jet leans against the shop's wall near the window and turns around peeking inside, spotting Zuko and Iroh speaking with the tea shop owner but doesn't see Rin. "Well, you certainly look like official tea servers. How do you feel? And where is the girl?" The Tea Shop Owner asks his new employees.

"Ridiculous." Zuko answers and looks at the back door where Rin was, she wasn't just wearing an apron but a green maid costume that gained everyone's attention even Jet's. She walks over to the little group looking down at the floor as she reaches them.

"Why this?" She asks the owner.

"This is tradition." The owner simply answers, she nods as she feels everyone staring and didn't want to kill him in front of everyone, she looks at the Zuko and Iroh both wearing aprons and their normal clothes. She slumps her shoulders in defeat and Iroh desperately tries attempting to tie the string behind his back but his efforts go nowhere.

"Uh, does this possibly come in a large size?" Iroh asks the Owner bashfully.

"I have extra string in the back. Have some tea while you wait." The Owner tells his new employees, he pours out three cups of tea and hands them to the three Firebenders before heading to the back of the shop. Iroh takes a sip of tea from his cup but quickly pulls it away from his lips, his face contorted in disgust.

"Eeow! This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice!" Iroh cries out in disgust at what he had just drunk.

"Uncle, that's what all tea is." Zuko reminds him, in a slightly harsh tone.

"How can a member of my own family say something so horrible? We'll have to make some major changes around here." Iroh tells the two teens, he grabs the teapot and heads over to the window where Jet is spying through. Jet gasps pulling away just in time and Iroh dumps the tea out of the window, Jet slowly stalks around the corner of the shop and leaves.

"I really love tea, but is this really necessary?" Rin asks the older man, he turns to her seeing the sadness and fear in her eyes as she looks around to see guards, and ordinary people walking and sitting around.

In a complex of apartments from a balcony in the shadows, hiding behind a clothesline, Jet spies on Zuko, Iroh and Rin in the apartment across from him. He can see them through the windows on both sides of the room, and shifts his gaze to either side as they talk, Iroh stands by a counter with a teapot, Zuko is lying down on a cot and Rin is sitting down at the table with a scroll in front of her, Jet couldn't see the words too clearly this far away. "Would you like a pot of tea?" Iroh asks the two teens.

"We've been working in a tea shop all day. I'm sick of tea!" Zuko exclaims, he hated this working but he hated that Rin saw him like that more.

"Sick of tea? That's like being sick of breathing!" Iroh overreacts and rummages through the cupboard beneath the counter. "Have you seen our spark rocks to heat up the water?" He asks the two.

"They're not there." Jet opens one of his palms to reveal two emerald green spark rocks. "You'll have to Firebend, old man. Where are you going?" He asks but his question is answered.

"No, try next door, they always have spares, also hurry I'd like my tea soon before I go to work," Rin comments not looking up from the scroll in front of her. Jet narrows his eyes as Iroh walks away for a moment but soon returns with a pair of spark rocks.

"They did have another pair, such kind people," Iroh replies once he makes it back and strikes the spark rocks together near the small pile of twigs beneath the teapot. They quickly ignite and a small flame is created, Jet ducks behind the clothesline and leaves.

"Here we are," Iroh hands over a cup of tea to where Rin is sitting, she takes the cup her eyes not leaving the scroll.

"What are you reading?" Zuko asks her looking over at his girlfriend curious and concerned with her behaviour of sorts.

Inside the tea shop, Iroh pours a cup of tea for the officer that had walked in earlier. "This is the best tea in the city!" The Officer exclaims in joy.

"The secret ingredient is love," Iroh replies, in a jokey tone and waves a hand through the steam coming from the teapot and walks towards the back shop where the owner is.

"I think you're due for a raise." The Owner comments, not a second later, Jet slams the tea shop door open and steps inside.

"I'm tired of waiting. These two men and that woman are Firebenders!" Jet accuses them pointing to all three of them, their attention fixated on the Freedom Fighter before them. Jet unsheathes his hook swords preparing to fight, Iroh and Zuko quickly exchange a look, unsure of what to do then turn to Rin who glares at the teen.

Outside the tea shop of Jet stands in the doorway, swords drawn and ready to fight them, everyone's attention is focused on him. "I know they're Firebenders! I saw the old man heating his tea!" Jet roars in outrage.

"He works in a tea shop." The Officer argues their case.

"He's a Firebender, I'm telling you!" Jet bellows on getting angrier that they were just ignoring him.

"Drop your swords boy, nice and easy." The Officer instructs him calmly as the two Officers sitting at one of the tables stand up and prepare to take care of Jet.

"You'll have to defend yourself. Then everyone will know. Go ahead, show them what you can do." Jet warns them and posies his hook swords slowly walking towards the three Firebenders. One of the Officers prepares to draw the swords at his waist when Zuko and Rin step in front of him and Zuko grabs the hilt instead.

"You want a show? We'll give you a show." Zuko threatens and unsheathes the Officer's double broadswords entering his fighting stance, Rin grabs her skirt and pulls out her chain scythe and gets into a fighting stance. 

She pulls a table in front of them with her foot then kicks it at Jet, he slices his hook swords into the table and jumps over it. As he lands on the floor, he swings both hook swords down at Zuko and Rin, who deflects the attack, they jump back onto another table. Jet swings one of his swords through the middle of the table, slicing it in half the other goes swiping it at Rin but she deflects the attack. Zuko steps to one half of the table balancing on one foot, Jet follows up his attack by cutting through the legs on the half of the table Zuko is standing on. Rin rushes towards Jet trying to catch him off guard but he sees her coming and deflects her attack as Zuko quickly hops onto the other half of the table still standing to land in a crane stance. Jet knocks this half to the ground, but Zuko jumps into the air swinging both broadswords at Jet's feet as he lands, with Rin going for his head. Jet somersaults away landing in a crouching position before charging forward at Zuko and Rin again. Zuko swings both of the swords at Jet while Rin uses the chain swinging it around. The weapons soon clash together creating a loud noise.

Outside the tea shop, Zuko bursts through the door tumbling into the street with RIn running out after him with Jet after them doing a few spins before striking at Zuko and Rin with his swords. Zuko manages to block the strike as does Rin and all three fighters lock blades. "You must be getting tired of using those swords and Chain Scythe. Why don't you go ahead and Firebend at me." Jet taunts as they struggle to gain control and walk off to the side. Iroh stands in the doorway of the tea shop and watches on worried for both teens as the sound of blades clanging and the fighters grunt.

"Please son, you're confused. You don't know what you're doing!" Iroh pleads with Jet but he is ignored as Zuko swings at Jet, but he catches Zuko's broadsword with the ends of his hook swords, spinning around deflecting it to the side while Rin strikes out at Jet getting his arm as Zuko spins with it trying to counter attack, but Jet hooks the ends of his swords together at Zuko in a large circular motion. Zuko retreats back a few steps to allow Rin to deflect the bladed hilt as she steps forward taking the attack then attacking back.

"Bet you wish he'd help you two out with a little fire blast right now." Jet taunts them but he doesn't hit a nerve as he swings at Zuko's feet but he stabs one of the swords through the hilt pinning it to the ground. Jet looks at this with annoyance before focusing back on his two opponents in front of him.

"You're the one who needs help." Rin snarls at the boy at the two sword fighters are down to one sword each, Jet lets go of his pinned hook sword retreating a step. He turns in a circle and tries to swipe at Zuko, but he quickly advances swinging his sword at Jet in a horizontal motion with Rin next to him. Jet pulls his attack just in time to bend backwards avoiding Zuko's blade, he misses but cuts the wheat straw sticking out of Jet's mouth in half.

Jet regains balance in time jumping back on to the edge of a well, by now several people are in the street watching the fight between the three teens. "You see that? The Fire Nation is trying to silence me. It'll never happen." Jet calls out to the people around them, he hooks his sword onto a wooden beam above the well swinging forward at Rin, attacking her with a flying kick.

Zuko growls as he swings his broadsword at Jet, he parries the attack and steps to Zuko's side and the two end up back to back. They attempt to strike at each other behind them, but neither can get past the other's defence, Rin runs towards them but stops when she sees two Dai Li walking through the crowd towards the sword fighters. "Drop your weapons!" One of the Dai Li Guards orders them, Zuko and Jet step away facing each other, Zuko lowers his sword but Jet points at Zuko, Iroh and Rin who put her weapon down as well.

"Arrest them. They're Firebenders." Jet argues pointing to the three of them.

"This poor boy is confused. We're just simple refugees." Iroh argues calmly.

"This young man wrecked my tea shop, and assaulted my employees." The Tea Shop Owner points at Jet accusingly.

"It's true sir. We saw the whole thing. This crazy kid attacked the finest tea maker and waitress in the city." The Officer compliments making both Iroh and Rin blush.

"Oh ho ho. That's very sweet." Iroh replies bashfully and the two Dai Li walks up behind Jet, who looks at them angrily.

"Come with us son." The Second Dai Li Guard orders Jet but he swings his hook sword at the Dai Li guard, but he catches the sword with his hand covered in stones. The guard then disarms Jet and both guards pull the boy's arms behind his back, binding his wrists together using the stones on the palms of their gloves. They drag Jet away towards a wagon designed for holding captured criminals.

"You don't understand! They're Fire Nation! You have to believe me!" Jet screams out, the three Firebenders watch as Jet is put into the wagon, the crowd begins to disperse as the action is now over. On his knees, Jet looks up as the doors slam shut, the people left in the street watch the wagon roll away. Longshot and Smellerbee look on at this, hidden within the crowd, and silently walk out of sight.

The Tale of Iroh

In the marketplace in Ba-Sing-Se, in the street, Iroh walks pleasantly down the lane stopping to examine a basket being sold by a merchant. "If this is for a romantic picnic, may I suggest this lavender one?" The Merchant suggests.

"No, it is not a romantic picnic, but it is a special occasion," Iroh replies landing the merchant a few coins and picks up the basket, he turns to leave the market stall when a closed flower in a vase catches his eye. He slides the vase out of the sunlight and into the shade. "The moonflower likes partial shade." Iroh bows to the merchant and walks away and continues to examine another merchant's stall which sells a type of Asian Lute which is a stringed instrument called a Liugins. The sound of a crying child catches Iroh's attention and he turns around to see a boy sobbing the middle of the street and his Mother trying to console him.

"Shhh. it's okay. Shhh." The Mother tries consoling her child as he cries, the sound of music being played on one of the Liugins can be heard as Iroh approaches them, singing a tune with a smile on his face. He gets down on one knee next to the crying boy as he sings.

"Leaves from the vine, falling so slow.

Like fragile, tiny shells,

Drifting in the foam.

Little soldier boy, come marching home.

Brave soldier boy comes marching home." Iroh sings for the boy, his once frown instantly turns into a smile as he reaches up pulling Iroh's long beard, he yelps and the child laughs in delight. Iroh smiles petting his poor beard, the boy's Mother takes her son by the hand and leads him away as Iroh stands looking after them with a very pleasant look on his face.

Iroh enters a courtyard to pass through, four boys are in the courtyard with a white ball playing a game. One of the boys hits the ground with his foot and the ball shoots up and back down, he kicks it then follows up with some Earthbending. A patch of Earth rises to create a path for the ball as it rolls along, another player Earthbends to impede the path of the ball before it reaches the goal. This causes the ball to launch up into the air and into the direction Iroh is standing, he moves out of the way just in time, but the ball rips through the window directly behind where he was, a crash is heard and a loud voice comes from inside. "Hey!" An angry man's voice shouts out, Iroh walks over to the boys as they gather around him to listen to what he has to say.

"It is usually best to admit mistakes when they occur, and to seek to restore honour-" Iroh lectures them but is cut off by a loud smash and all five of them look up, startled where at the window a very large body and head are visible through the hole.

"When I am through with you kids, the window won't be the only thing that's broken!" The man shouts at them.

"-but not this time. Run!" Iroh tells them and they make a run of it in different directions.

Iroh runs down the marketplace streets quickly, he hides in an alley, placing the basket down, he looks around the corner to see if he's being chased. "You. Give me all your money!" The Mugger orders him, Iroh gets a look to see a messy looking man with a dagger pointed directly at him standing behind him with his legs bent at a very odd angle as he stands.

"What are you doing?" Iroh asks the man in a calm voice thankful that neither Zuko or Rin is here with him as they would start a fight, it seems to be the only option for them these days since they have made it to Ba-Sing-Se and he was sure he could get out of this situation with just words. Maybe.

"I'm mugging you!" He yells at Iroh as if it is the most obvious thing, though it was of course, but, Iroh had more to say.

"With that stance?" Iroh asks him as if lecturing him.

"Wha-what are you talking about? Just give me your money, old man!" The Mugger orders him with urgency.

"With a poor stance you are unbalanced, and you can be easily knocked over." Iroh lectures him and in one swift move, Iroh grabs the arm of the mugger and disarms him, while simultaneously proving his point by pushing his attacker and knocking him to the ground. Iroh twirls the dagger in his hand in his hand then helps the man to his feet. "With a solid stance, you are a much more serious threat." He demonstrates a proper stance for the mugger and the mugger attempts to imitate Iroh's stance but is still not assuming the correct form. Iroh walks over to the mugger and holds his head still while he adjusts the man's stance by nudging his backside forward with his foot. After helping him assume the correct form, Iroh now pleased with the man's stance. "Much better! But to tell you the truth, you do not look like the criminal type."

"I know. I'm... I'm just confused." The Mugger confesses and holds a cup, and Iroh pours hot, steamy tea for the man. "So you really think I could be a good masseur?" He asks the old man as the two still in the alley, sitting on the ground sharing some tea and talking.

"Of course!" Iroh encourages.

"This is so great! No one has ever believed in me." The Mugger says.

"While it is always best to believe in one's self, a little help from others can be a great blessing." Iroh verses off to the man helping him to see that crime wasn't the answer.

A tree on a hill within the city as the sun sets leaves gently fall from the tree as Iroh approaches the trunk and looks out over the city. Iroh places the basket down and removes his hat, then rests on his knees and piles some rocks at the base of the tree. Searching through his basket, he removes several things and places them at the bottom of the tree. He pulls out a sheet of paper he looks at it for a few seconds, closing his eyes and bowing his head, before placing it down as well. Finally, he pulls out joss sticks, which are sticks of incense that burn, and lights them with his fingers by clicking the tips and places them down as well. Iroh finishes making a small memorial for his passed son, Lu Ten, the memorial is little more than the burning joss sticks, a few apples, and a bag with unknown contents. Most importantly, a sketched picture of Lu Ten sits against the rocks. "Happy Birthday my son." As he says this he begins to cry. "If only I could have helped you." He begins to sing his song that he sung to the boy in the market but has difficulty keeping his voice from cracking up under his grief for his departed son. "Leaves from the vine, falling so slow.

Like fragile, tiny shells,

Drifting in the foam.

Little soldier boy, come marching home.

Brave soldier boy comes marching home." He sings for his son.

The Tale of Zuko + Rin

At Pao's tea shop, the place where Zuko, Iroh and Rin work under the guise of Lee, Mushi and Kyo respectively. Inside where Zuko walks down the shop with a tray of cups and looks over his shoulder once at something, he walks up behind his Uncle who is on a ladder, stacking things on a shelf behind the counter with RIn holding more boxes for him. "Uncle, we have a problem," Zuko tells him and Iroh descends the ladder. "One of the customers is onto us. Don't look, now." He informs them but they still look to see a very attractive girl sitting in the corner of the shop sipping her tea. "But there is a girl over there at the corner table. She knows we're Fire Nation." Zuko forces Irog to turn around as he had turned to look along with Rin, he turns her around as well, but Iroh sports a grin on his face while Rin looks annoyed. "Didn't I say don't look!" Zuko exclaims at the two.

"You're right Zuko, I've seen that girl in here quite a lot. Seems to me she has quite a little crush on you." Iroh tells his nephew, and looks to Rin to see her with an unemotional mask, she needed to know that there are others out there and as she was acting so cold towards the both of them it seems that they both need to see this for themselves.

"What?!" Zuko reels back in surprise at this new piece of information, he couldn't think of anyone else but Rin, he loves her even if she was acting so cold to him as of late but he knew she would eventually tell him what was bothering her. It just took some time.

"Thank you for the tea." The girl they were discussing voice comes from behind them suddenly, causing the two men to part away from each other. Rin walks over to her but is ignored by the girl which makes Rin narrow her eyes and stomp away from her. "What's your name?" the girl asks Zuko as she hands over a few coins and he turns away from her.

"My name's Lee." Zuko answers and turns back to her before his Uncle whispers into his ear about his plan and why he should do it. Something along the way of Rin being unemotional was worrying them both and they needed to know and she usually told them when certain things happen to her or others and this would be both. "My Uncle and I just moved here." He tells her once they had finished discussing their plan in hushed tones.

"Hi Lee, my name is Jin. Thank you and, well, I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime?" She asks him which was surprised by her forwardness but he had to go through with the plan but was hesitant which his uncle saw.

"He'd love to!" Iroh answers for him.

"Great! I will meet you in front of the shop at sundown." Jin gleams and walks away, leaving Zuko standing bewildered as his Uncle throws an arm around his shoulders with a large, goofy grin on his face again.

"Don't you worry, Rin will come around so just try to enjoy your night out," Iroh tells him but Zuko was doubtful and didn't want to lose Rin because of this plan.

Nightfall over Ba-Sing-Se and outside the shop, the doors open as Zuko steps out into the street wearing a very handsome green outfit and his hair done up. He walks out into the middle of the street and looks around as Jin emerges from around the side of the shop and approaches him. "Hey. Well, look at you." She gushes and reaches up messing his hair so it looks normal again. "You look so cute!"

"It took my Uncle ten minutes to do my hair," Zuko complains, he really didn't want to be here as he hadn't seen Rin all day since Jin had asked him out thanks to his Uncle's stupid plan. Jin grabs Zuko by the arm leading him off as he glances back at the tea shop hoping to see Rin but his wish wasn't granted.

They make it to the town square where several people stand around doing various activities and at a patio restaurant, Zuko and Jin sit eating, Jin sips at her tea while Zuko pokes at his last piece of food with his chopsticks, not looking at the girl wishing to see Rin soon. "So, how do you like the city so far?" Jin asks him.

"It's okay," Zuko replies seeming bored.

"What do you like to do for fun?" She asks him trying to get the conversation rolling.

"Nothing," Zuko replies, he couldn't tell her he likes spending time with Rin and training with her, he loves spending time with her. That was fun for him and her, or he always thought it was but recently she had become distant, his thought get cut off as the waiter walks over to them.

"Excuse me, sir. Would you and your girlfriend care for dessert?" The waiter asks Zuko.

"She is not my girlfriend!" Zuko shouts at the waiter and pounds on the table with his fist, "How dare he think she is my girlfriend. Only Rin!" Zuko screams inside his head, everyone in the restaurant goes quiet and glances over at him. The waiter walks away from the couple and Zuko laces his fingers together and looks around at Jin who seems to have not taken any kind of offence or, indeed, any form of notice to his outburst and devours her noodles from the bowl at an alarming rate. Zuko blinks in shock at the scene before him. "You have... quite an appetite for a girl." He states trying to find something to say.

"Um, thanks so, Lee, where were you and your Uncle living before you came here?" Jin asks him in curiosity and to keep the conversation going.

"Um, well, we've been travelling around for a long time," Zuko answers vaguely still not mentioning Rin as he was trying to stick to the plan his Uncle came up with.

"Oh! Why were you travelling so much?" She asks him.

"We were uh, apart of this travelling circus." He replies thinking on the spot.

"Really? What did you do? Wait, lemme guess, you juggled!" She smiles, he folds his arms, pausing for a moment before responding.

"Yes. I juggled." He responds.

"I've always wanted to learn how to juggle. Can you show me something?" She requests holding out an assortment of objects from the table that Zuko takes into his arms. He then throws each one of them into the air, one after the other, then prepares to catch them, he succeeds in catching none of them and one manages to fall onto his head breaking into many pieces. Jin doesn't laugh at this nor Zuko, but she smiles gently at him.

"Whoah! I haven't practised for awhile." He remarks as he wipes shards of the egg from his hair.

"It's alright. Hey, I want to show you one of my favourite places in the city." She chimes in excitement.

Somewhere in the city that is only lit by the light of the full moon with no people around but Zuko and Jin, the ladder leading the forme by hand. "I'm so excited for you to see the firelight fountain. The lamps make the water sparkles and reflect in the pool in the most beautiful way." Jin gleams at the thought of seeing it as she leads Zuko into an open area with a large fountain and several posts with candles on top surrounding it in a circle; however, to spite its name, it is dark and the candles are unlit. "I can't believe it! They aren't lit!" Whines and Zuko looks at the disappointed look on her face for a moment, then at the candles thinking of taking Rin here one day if she ever speaks to him again that is.

"Close your eyes and don't peek," Zuko instructs and walks out into the circle of candles, holding his hands together, and closes his eyes as he prepares. He begins to Firebend using his pointer and middle fingers on each hand, he shoots small bursts of flame in all directions at the candles to light them. Once he finishes, he stands straight and looks at Jin, still with her eyes closed thankfully for him. "Okay. Now you can look." He assures her and she complies opening her eyes to see the whole area lit by candles.

"Oh wow..." She walks over to him looking around in amazement. "What happened? How did they light? What did you...?" She asks him but Zuko simply smiles at her in reply. They both turn to look at the fountain, as he examines his work, Jin brushes her hand through her hair and smiles at him, though he doesn't see as he's too distracted by thoughts of Rin. Jin reaches over grabbing his hand to hold it, this attracts his attention, Zuko turns to look at her smiling at him. They both turn to face one another and as Jin begins to lean in for a kiss, Zuko quickly draws a piece of paper out of his pocket holding it between their lips.

"I brought you something. It's a coupon for a free cup of tea." Zuko adds breaking the almost kiss and silently sighs to himself.

"Lee, this is so sweet." Jin smiles taking the coupon from him.

"Don't thank me. It was my Uncle's idea. He thinks you're out most valuable customer." He replies taking a few steps away from her.

"You Uncle is a good teacher. I have something for you too." She tells him and walks back to him placing her hand on his cheek. "Now it's your turn to close your eyes." She instructs and he does so then she makes her move. Jin delivers a short kiss and pulls back, Zuko jumps back away from her, standing for a second, looking at her, then turns his back and begins to walk away. "What's wrong?" She asks him confused at why he had pulled away so erratically.

"It's complicated. I have to go." Zuko replies thinking of Rin, there were no sparks when he had kissed Jin but with Rin there were fireworks and he wanted to keep that feeling only with her. Thinking about her he runs from the fountain leaving a confused Jin standing there alone but his thoughts weren't on her they were on the only woman he loves Rin and he was going to find her and tell her that.

Zuko continues running down the streets of Ba-Sing-Se, he finally makes it to wherever RIn was, he looks to see her in front of a makeshift grave in a field of sunflowers, she just stands in front of the grave looking at it. 

The closer Zuko gets the clearer the image she had placed there, it was of her Father and now he understood why she didn't want to come here because six years ago her Father had died in battle and this is where it was. "I'm sorry," Rin whispers into the window, Zuko stops in his tracks unsure of who she was talking to but that was soon answered. "I saw you kiss that girl and I am so sorry that I'm not good enough for you." She cries and turns to face the young prince with tears streaming down her face.

"It was a mistake, I vow I have no feelings for that girl. I love you Rin but you've been so distant as of late and it's been worrying me and Uncle." Zuko explains and she looks back over her shoulder at the grave of her Father.

"I'm not very good at explaining my emotions..." She tries telling him, but he makes the final steps towards her and embraces her into a strong hug letting her cry into his shoulder.

"It's okay, but if you ever need to tell me something or even Uncle just tell us. I promise we're here for you." Zuko vows to her and keeps her close to him.

After some time the tears stop and Rin pulls away from Zuko to look into his eyes, she leans in and their lips meet, this was like fireworks exploding all around them, this was how it was supposed to be. "I love you," Zuko mumbles loud enough for her to hear.

"I love you too." She replies and holds him tight against him.

"Marry me." He suddenly asks her, shocking her, she pulls away from him looking at his face for any signs of deception but she saw nothing but love.

"Yes." She answers, it takes a few seconds for him to process what she had said and engulfs her into a hug with a massive grin on his face along with a big smile on her face. "We're getting married!" She exclaims in disbelief and kisses Zuko again stronger with more passion.

Iroh leans out of the window of his, Zuko and Rin's apartment, looking up and down the street waiting for Zuko's return from the date and for Rin from wherever she had disappeared to. Behind him, the door opens as Zuko enters without saying a word but he wanted to but he had to plan his part in the plan him and Rin had thought of as payback for Iroh's idiot plan. "How was your night, Prince Zuko?" Iroh asks his nephew but Zuko just walks across the floor and into what must be his room and slams the door behind him without a word. Iroh looks after him for a second with a confused look on his face before turning back to the window to trim the flower bed sitting there. He hears the sound of the door opening again, he turns back around to see Rin enter the apartment and head straight for her room, but before he can say anything she closes her door behind her.

An hour later Rin's door opens again with a bag of her things over her shoulder, Iroh looks at her in shock thinking she was leaving both him and Zuko and he begins to panic when she knocks on Zuko's door, he opens the door to her and takes the bag, leaving Iroh very confused. "We're getting married in a few days, could you help us tomorrow?" Rin asks Iroh and they look at him to see a look of surprise that turns into happiness for the two of them.

"Of course, get some sleep you two." He tells them and smiles watching Rin close the door behind them and he smiles pleasantly then returns to his flowers.

A few days later, it was the big day for Zuko and Rin, they were only 17 but they knew they were going to spend the rest of their lives together. At the local church in a room, Zuko stood in front of a mirror with Iroh behind him both dressed in the traditional Earth Kingdom wear. Iroh tries fixing Zuko's hair but he keeps pulling away from him. "Stop it, Uncle," Zuko orders him and looks at himself in the mirror.

"You seem nervous," Iroh points out, he looks at his nephew with a slight gleam in his eye. "Do not worry you will be fine, I promise. I will go to check on your future wife." He tells him and leaves the room with one last look at his nephew with a smile on his face.

In another room inside the church stands Rin looking into a mirror in her wedding dress, she hears the door open behind her, she turns to see Iroh walk in. "It is almost time, are you ready?" Iroh asks her, she turns back to look into the mirror pulling at her hair still missing the length she once had.

"I believe so, it's just I wish my parents could be here to see it both of them." She replies thinking of her adopted parents and her birth parents wishing she had some family left in her life.

"I am sure they are watching on, my dear," Iroh promises her and the sound of music fills the church. "It is time." He tells her.

Inside the church, stands Shai the former Royal Advisor to King Bumi of Omashu with Zuko to her left looking nervous.

The doors open with a low creek, they turn their heads to see Iroh and RIn walking into the room down the aisle. Zuko looks at her with awe, she looks beautiful with her long flowing white dress and her hair done up, she looks amazing, he turns to face her as she stands in front of him. 

They both look at each other with shy smiles on their faces mouthing 'I love you' to one another. "We are gathered here by the Great Spirit, to witness Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation and General Rin Yuu of the Fire Nation," Shai announces startling both Zuko and Iroh as they didn't know who she was.

"She's one of my friends," Rin whispers to Zuko loud enough for Iroh to hear and they nod in understanding.

"Can I continue?" Shai asks them, they all nod at her and she continues. "To come together in holy matrimony under the Great Spirit, we may stand on Earth Kingdom soil but you are of the Fire Nation and we shall honour the tradition. So we shall begin, under the Great Spirit Prince Zuko and Rin Yuu come together. If anyone has a cause as to why these two should not be lawfully wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." She pauses waiting for a few seconds. "I charge you both, here in the presence of the Great Spirit and the witness of this company, that either of you know any reason why you may not be married lawfully and in accordance with the Great Spirit's word, do now confess it." The two say nothing in the small pause. "Rin, will you have this man to be your husband; to live together with him in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health, and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto him as long as you both shall live?" She asks Rin.

"I will," Rin answers smiling at Zuko across from her.

"Zuko, will you have this woman to be your wife; to love together with her in the covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health, and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto her as long as you both shall live?" Shai asks Zuko.

"I will," Zuko answers taking Rin's hands smiling lovingly.

"Will all of you witness these promises do all in your power to uphold these two persons in their marriage?" Shai asks Iroh and a woman next to him, which is another one of Rin's friends called Shin which was the twin of Shai.

"We will," They answer and continue with the ceremony.

"Zuko, please proceed with your vows," Shai instructs Zuko.

"I, Zuko, take you, Rin to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to the Great Spirit's holy law. In the presence of the Great Spirit, I make this vow." Zuko speaks taking her right hand in his.

"Rin, please proceed with your vows," Shai instructs Rin.

"I, Rin take you, Zuko to by my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to the Great Spirit's holy law. In the presence of the Great Spirit, I make this vow." Rin speaks taking his right hand in hers and drop hands.

"Bless, Great Spirit, these rings as a symbol of the vows by which this man and this woman have bound themselves to each other; through the Great Spirit." Shai prays.

"Amen." The rest pray.

"Now please Zuko give Rin her ring," Shai instructs and Zuko takes Rin's hand placing her ring on her left ring finger.

"I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honour you, in the Name of the Great Spirit." Zuko recites.

"Please, Rin give Zuko his ring," Shai instructs.

"I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honour you, in the Name of the Great Spirit." Rin recites and Rin takes Zuko's hand placing his ring on his left ring finger, Shai joins Rin's right hand and Zuko's right hand.

"Now that Rin and Zuko have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, with the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of the rings, I pronounce that they are husband and wife, in the name of the Great Spirit. Those whom the Great Spirit has joined together, let no one put asunder." Shai prays.

"Amen," They pray together.

"Rin and Zuko, having witnessed your vows of love to one another, it is my joy to present you all gathered here as husband and wife. Zuko you may kiss the bride." Shai says and the two lean in and kiss the three witnesses cheer for them and they pull away looking into each other's eyes.

Here I am DeadGirlEternal, this is the first chapter of the New Year, please comment, favourite or follow, hope you like let me know and the next one is on its way! Happy New Year To All My Readers!

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