Many More Plans

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"Water... Earth... Fire... Air..." Katara voices over as the benders demonstrate as she talks. "My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace when the Avatar kept the balance between the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads. But that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked." It journeys into the map showing the world and closes in on a bender displaying all the elements. "Only the Avatar mastered all four elements. Only he could stop the ruthless firebenders. But when the world needed him most, he vanished." He disappears from sight. "A hundred years have passed and the Fire Nation is nearing victory in the war. Two years ago, my father and the men of my tribe journeyed to the Earth Kingdom to help fight against the Fire Nation, leaving me and my brother to look after our tribe." It shows the Water Tribe men on their boats and Katara hugging her older brother Sokka holding up a lantern. "Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads and that the cycle is broken, but I haven't lost hope. I still believe that somehow the Avatar will return to save the world."

Many More Plans

The three Firebenders make it back to the apartment buildings where they live, Zuko looks crushed as he enters the apartment with Rin holding his hand in worry, followed by a pleased-looking Iroh. "You both did the right thing, letting the Avatar's bison go free." Iroh congratulates them and closes the door behind him.

"I don't feel right," Zuko mutters feebly as his vision begins to blur and grows dark, he suddenly collapses letting go of Rin's hand, falling unconscious to the floor, breaking a vase in the process.

"Zuko!" Rin yells out in alarm kneeling by his side.

"Zuko!" Iroh yells out in alarm along with Rin and rushes to his Nephew's side.

"Iroh, what's wrong with him, what should I do?" Rin asks him panicked as she looks down at Zuko.

"Calm yourself, do you have any friends that can help?" Iroh calmly asks her trying to keep a level head.

"Yes, the King's physician, he owes me a few favours." Rin replies and Iroh looks at her thinking of all the good this young woman has done for others even when thinking of herself as evil and on the wrong side.

"Very well, go find him, I'll keep Zuko safe while you're gone," Iroh instructs her but she seems reluctant to leave him. "He will get worse if you don't." He warns her and this pushes her to leave, she gets up and rushes out of the door.

Rin races through the streets of Ba-Sing-Se passing through crowds of people using her soldier movements she had learnt from her Father as she makes her way to the Earth King's Palace.

In the apartment Zuko becomes feverish, tossing and moaning on his and Rin's futon as Iroh kneels next to him, and reaches to take a cloth from a tub of water. "You're burning up. You have an intense fever." He places a damp cloth over Zuko's forehead. "This will help cool you down till Rin gets back," Iroh promises him.

"So thirsty." Zuko groans and tries to sit up, but is pushed back down by Iroh.

"Here's some clean water to drink." Iroh gets the ladle from another bucket and supports Zuko's shoulders while he drinks. "Stay under the blankets, and sweat this out," Iroh instructs him but Zuko snatches the ladle from him and drains it completely. He tosses it away, he turns grabbing the whole bucket, pouring it down his throat and splashing his chest. He hurls it against the wall by the door as it opens before settling back down, coughing.

"So this is my patient, seems healthy enough." A man's voice comments, both Firebenders turn to see Rin with a man in white armour enter the room. Rin rushes over to Zuko's side along with the man as he checks him over.

Avatar: Last Airbender - Fugitive RIn (Earth) ~FINISHED~Where stories live. Discover now