Old Friend || The Originals

By cassernzero

80.2K 1.7K 97

Faerie - A species of humanoid creature once native to earth, but now primarily exist in the dimensional plan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 12

2.5K 53 2
By cassernzero

Bo's POV

I found where Marcel's living, it's near the docks with a nice view of New Orleans. It's an old warehouse and it looks abandoned, I enter and I fell around for his presence it leads me upstairs. There's some furniture and other essentials "Nice place." I say. Marcel turns around "Bo, would you like a drink?" He asks with two glasses in his hands, I take one and take a sip "I should be kicking your ass all around this place." I say irritated and take another sip.

Marcel gives me a look "Now, why would you do that?" He asks "Because of that mess you caused at the feast of blessings, I was there." I say getting more irritated. Marcel cleared his throat awkwardly "Sorry. I didn't know you would be there." He says "You're forgiven, but you know how much I like witch culture and traditions. Despite themselves." I say.

I feel someone else approaching Marcel's Loft "Expecting someone else?" I ask "Yes." Marcel answers as Hayley barges in like woman on a mission "Come on in. Have a seat. I'd offer you a drink, but..." Marcel says as he gestures to her baby bump. Hayley looks around "Sweet pad." She says "Oh, it's just temporary. Friend hooked me up. Believe it or not, I still got a few of those kicking around. I need friends to keep me informed, to warn me when someone is coming looking to blame me for things I didn't do. For the record, you didn't have to work Diego like that. You and I are long overdue for chat." Marcel says.

"You want to talk? Talk." Hayley says "Tough girl. You're a lot like your Dad in that way." Marcel says, Hayley stares at him stunned "Oh yeah. I knew him. I knew your whole family. In fact, if you knew them like I did, you'd know just how many enemies they have. Back in the nineties, it was the Crescent Wolves who took over the city. Or, tried to. They lived to throw down, and they were good at it, too. They didn't care who they killed as long as they got power." Marcel explains.

Hayley gives him a look "So, the Crescent Curse was your way of stopping them? How heroic." She says "it was either that or kill then all, and I'm not big on indiscriminate slaughter. See, I have this thing about kids." Marcel says "So I've heard." Hayley says. Marcel smirks "Oh, you did more than hear about it, Andre Labonair. You're living proof." Marcel says.

Hayley narrows her eyes at Marcel "How have you known who I am?" She asks "I saw how interested you were in those Crescents. After your little family reunion out at the old plantation house, I started to put two and two together." Marcel answers. Hayley is getting slightly irritated "Tell me something, Marcel. Did you kill my parents?" She asks curious, I really hope he didn't "There was in-fighting among the wolves. Your folks were lowing low. Somebody turned on them. I honestly don't know who. I got there afterwards, found you in your crib." Marcel answers.

Hayley narrows her eyes again irritated "Give me one good reason why I should believe anything that you have to say." She says "Believe whatever you want, but were the last Lebonair. I mean, you could've been a lot of leverage for our side, but instead, I took you to Father Kieran." Marcel says.

Marcel pulls out a duffle bag and hands it to her "What's that?" Hayley asks "Money, mostly. Stuff you need to start over someplace safe. Whatever happened in the Bayou, I'm not your guy. But, the way things are going? Eventually, I might have to be." Marcel says. "So, this is your grand plan? Get me out of town, and Klaus and Elijah follow closely behind?" Hayley asks "I can't say that wouldn't be a positive side effect." Marcel says "So why don't you leave? Follow your own advice?" Hayley asks "I was born here, Hayley." Marcel answers "So was I." She says back, seems there at an impasse.

Hayley goes to leave, but Marcel stops her before she walks out the door "Guy on the bike? The bomber? Word is, he had a gambling problem. Owed money to the casinos—more importantly, to the humans who run them. And Hayley? When things get bad, remember, I tried to get you clear of it again." He says then Hayley leaves.

Marcel fills me in about what happened earlier today at the Bayou, Deplorable, I forget how cruel people can be sometimes, even to children. Marcel's phone rings and he answers it "Klaus, you need to know I had nothing to do with that business out in the Bayou today." Marcel says, he finishes his conversation with Klaus then hangs up "Cami's Uncle died." Marcel says, poor girl, Marcel leaves to go comfort her and I go back to the compound to call it a day.

The next morning, I go to Rousseau's with Klaus for Father Kieran's wake. I know it's a wake but Klaus seems to be in very sour mood "Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" I ask, he doesn't answer, he just stares at his glass of scotch. Cami joins us "Hey! Earth to you!" She says trying to get Klaus' attention, he notices wounds on her face "Your face—" Klaus says, "—Will heal. Listen, I wanted to thank you—" Cami says, "—Unless you've come equipped with means to fill this, no additional platitudes are necessary." Klaus says holding up his glass.

Cami gives him a look "Okay... I'm in a crap mood because my Uncle just died, and people are partying like it's Mardi Gras. What's your excuse?" She asks, Klaus just scowls. She looks to me and I just shrug my shoulders "Klaus, seriously, what's going on?" Cami asks "I've been having these dreams about my dead Father. No diagnosis necessary, love. I've already got this one covered: my fears of fatherhood, of scaring my child as my Father scarred me, are manifesting nightmares." Klaus says as he fake smiles and takes a long drink from his glass "It's a total cliché." He says, but for some reason hearing that he's having nightmares about his Father feels ominous.

"Truthfully? I'm just surprised to hear you acknowledge out loud that you're going to be a Dad. Your Baby Mama has been living out in the for months, it's not exactly what to expect when you're expecting." Cami says, Klaus glances at something I turn to see what he is looking at, it's Marcel. He just arrived at the wake "I know more about the trials of fatherhood than you might imagine, Camille." Klaus says, Cami sees Marcel sitting at the bar "And it worked out for you so well the first time, why change a thing?" Cami says sarcastically then leaves.

Klaus continues to sulk and be lost in his thoughts then Marcel rises a toast to Father Kieran and everyone drinks to his honor including myself. Elijah joins us at our table "Seems rather uncivilized to laugh and dance around the body of a loved one." Klaus says, Elijah pours himself a drink "Yes, far better to practice your process of grief, Niklaus—denial, rage, and hoarding coffins in basements." Elijah says, I chuckle.

Hayley joins us at the table and sits between Klaus and Elijah "I will warn you, Hayley, Niklaus is in a spectacularly foul mood today." Elijah says "Sod off." Klaus says irritated, I stifle a laugh. I let them talk among themselves as I get lost in my own thoughts until I hear Klaus and Elijah talk about there Father "Have dreamt of our Father?" Elijah asks curious "Go ahead, have a good laugh." Klaus says "I can assure you there is no piece of this that I find even remotely amusing, Niklaus. Especially considering I've been dreaming of him, too." Elijah says serious.

Klaus is stunned "What?" He asks, "If you are also seeing him..." Elijah says then he sees Genevieve enter Rousseau's, she sees us all sitting at our table; she smiles and waves at us "Perhaps our elusive, unknown enemy is orchestrating a further attack?" Elijah says.

Klaus stares at the witch "Well, then. What better way to punctuate a day of peace than by killing someone?" Klaus says as he and Elijah at her. Klaus, Elijah, and I follow Genevieve to a Voodoo Shop, they interrogate her but she knows nothing and wants to try and find answers. He comes back and tells us that the supernatural purgatory is disintegrating and that the souls in the purgatory aren't going out quietly, hence the nightmares of their Father.

Hundreds of community members have gathered in the streets of the French Quarter after the funeral, as Father Kieran's casket is placed in a horse carriage to begin the parade in his honor. The funeral procession starts and I'm walking alongside Klaus, Elijah, and Hayley, she's having coughing fits and that worries me "You alright? You look—" Elijah says "--- A hundred months pregnant and pissed off at the world?" Hayley says, Elijah smiles "I was going to say you look lovely." He says.

I see Hayley talking to Cami then she walks away, she looks like she's about to kneel over I try to get to her but Klaus and Elijah beat me to it. They carry her back to the compound, Genevieve is with us "I can help—" She says, but Elijah pushes her away "Don't touch her!" He says angrily "Let it be, Elijah. She was nurse." Klaus reasons "There's a spell I can do. Klaus, get chamomile from the pantry. She's trembling. Your jacket, Elijah." Genevieve says.

Elijah gives her his jacket, Genevieve checks her pulse then she begins chanting a spell. Klaus gets frustrated and bites into wrist to feed blood into Hayley's mouth in the hopes that it would heal her "Come on!" He shouts, Klaus and Elijah fearing the worst. Elijah throws a table against a wall in frustration.

Genevieve continues to chant her spell, Elijah goes to pick her up "I'm taking her to a real doctor." He says "If you move her from here, my spell will break. There won't be enough time to get her to a hospital." Genevieve says. They argue back and forth on how to save Hayley as Genevieve continues her spell then she is stunned for some reason "I know what to do. Get my bag, the gris-gris pouch! Now!" She says.

Genevieve performs a ritual with herbs and other ingredients then Hayley wakes up with a loud gasp, Klaus and Elijah comfort her and I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding "You're alright, love. You're alright." Klaus says "I saw him. He tried to kill me. I saw Mikael." Hayley says frightened, everyone is stunned including myself.

Ominous, ominous, so freaking ominous... I'm feeling seriously bad omens right now. Seeing that Hayley is fine I teleport to a nearby alley I create a portal to my Plane and walk through it. I've been walking back and forth in my cabin for a while as anxiety builds up inside of me then suddenly everything goes black.

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