Don't Fall

By imeternallyours

153 11 15

Phil Lester, the guy everyone wants to be with. He's toxic. All the girls and and boys fall for him. Dan has... More

see you in detention
if you ignore it, it'll hurt less
lost cause
goodbye...for now
fuck off

this is lovely

17 2 1
By imeternallyours

"So, Who are you going to be in life? Are you gonna be stuck in detention for all of your high school years, or will you be class president? Don't forget that the choice is yours. Welcome to detention. No eating, no sleeping. You guys are lucky I'm being nice today, so you can keep the talking to a whisper." Mr Clark said with a smile.
Welp here I am, awesome. I don't really care about what happens to me anymore so when people start hitting me with paper I usually just pretend like nothing is happening, but not this time. I look over at John's table and see all of the bitches smiling back at me, except for one. Phil Lester. As I said before, he just stares on when I get bullied and to be honest, his stare is quite chilling. I felt the chill enter my body, run up my spine, and settle in my brain, making all my thoughts go numb as I stare at Phil. Suddenly, our eyes lock and I can't look away. His eyes are a beautiful mess of blue, green, and yellow. Phil was the most beautiful mess. Then his lips, so pink and plump, what I would do to go over there and kiss- wait what the hell Dan!? Shut up and turn around. What I didn't know was that Phil was checking me out like I was to him. I heard footsteps and saw an ass sit on my desk. I slowly looked up and my eyes were greeted by Phil's face.
"Hey, love." Phil said sweetly.
I rolled my eyes and looked away.
Phil roughly grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.
"Don't roll your eyes at me." He growled.
"Whatcha gonna do about it? Huh? All you do is watch while I get hurt, you never do anything. I bet you wouldn't harm a fly." I retorted, rolling my eyes again for good measure. I don't know what's up with me today. Maybe the confidence fairy came and visited me last night.
"You have no idea what I'm capable of." Phil said slowly.
Now I'm scared. I kind of always thought that Phil was on my side, but I guess I was wrong.
Phil leaned in closer to my face.
"And you don't want to know." He added with a smirk.
I blushed at how close our faces were, our noses were barely touching.
"Mhm," Mr. Clark cleared his throat loudly, trying to get everyone's attention, " also no PDA please. I'm looking at you Dan and Phil. Try to keep it in your pants while you're at school, but when you're at home, by all means, go wild." Mr. Clark threw a condom at Phil.
"Don't forget to use protection." He winked at us. Of course the health teacher would carry condoms in his pockets, it makes perfect sense. The irony was too much for me so I decided to focus on wiping away the red smeared across my face. Phil looked at my panicked expression and smirked.
He leaned closer to my ear and whispered,
"See you at home, love."
He then bit my ear, earning a shudder from me, laughed, and retreated back to his table.
This is lovely.
So lovely.

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