Islamic Stories

By Futoohaat

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Islamic Stories
A New Faith
The Girl And The Lesson
The Boy Who Used To Delay His Prayer
A Young Man's Fear Of Allah
500 Years Of Worship
Sheikh Proves To A Non-Believer That There Is A God
Sharing Is Caring, The Story Of Three Best Friends
The Man Who Didn't Disobey Allah Again
The Courageous Boy
The Reward Of Patience Is Praiseworthy
The Dumb Boy
Three Imams Reply To The Athiests
The Prince Who Left Everything For Allah
The King And His Two Slaves
A Pond Full Of Milk
Clean For The First Time
Think Before You Judge
The Donkey
The Young Man Who Learned What Cannot Be Taught
The once ordinary woman
My Story
Easy Way To Change Yourself
Story of the beautiful woman who wanted a pious husband
Atheist Finds Islam Through Fasting Ramadan
Words worthy of golden ink
Final Goodbye

Be Like Water

949 69 1
By Futoohaat

The following incident took place last year when I was travelling with an elderly Muslim brother. We call him "Brother Wali". We met a Muslim family and the family told brother Wali to give them some advice. Here is what brother Wali told them: A Muslim is like water. Water is so flexible that where ever you place it, it takes the shape of that object. For example, if you put some water in a glass, it takes the shape of the glass. If you run the water through a tangled hose, it will take the shape of that also. The same way, a Muslim should be flexible to the orders of Allah. He should fit into whatever Allah wants. If we put an iron into the glass, then either the glass will break or the iron will break. The same way, if we are not flexible to the orders of Allah and become hard like iron, then either we will break or we will break the orders of Allah.

A hadith states: The believers are very obedient (to Allah), gentle, and kind, like an obedient camel which when led follows and when made to sit, even though on a rock, does so obediently. (Tirmidhi).

May 25, 2014

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