Reach out for the Sun [UsUk]

By saturnshipwreck

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Title: Anni Saikku - Reach out for the Sun AU: Soulmate, in which you cannot see the colour which is your sou... More

One: In the Stupidest Way
Three: Pen, Paper and Candlelight
Four: Teach Me How to Live
Five: Too Painful to Breathe
Six: Lies, and Unexplainable Fears
Seven: A Spark of Madness
Eight: To Shake Off the Worry
Nine: Confess All Your Fears
Ten: Sooner or Later, the Fire Dies Down
Eleven: Dine and Dance, My Dear
Twelve: I'm Numb, He's Burning Out
Thirteen: Maybe I've Done Enough
Fourteen: With All That I Am
Fifteen: Reach out for the Sun
Sixteen: Somebody Catch My Breath
Seventeen: There Is Always Hope
Eighteen: Paganini, La Campanella
Nineteen: Thank You for Everything
[Author's Note]

Two: Paint My Skies Blue

387 15 32
By saturnshipwreck

In the afternoon of that same day, Alfred and Arthur agreed to go on a date. Or rather, a meet-up to get to know each other better. After all, they were, apparently, meant to spend their lives together, so why not discuss things that both of them enjoyed, were fond of and considered important to them.
The two of them were now comfortably sitting in a coffee shop just a block away from the supermarket in which they met in the early hours of the day, each slowly sipping a warm beverage - Arthur with a cup of coffee, and Alfred with some hot chocolate.

"So tell me, Arthur, what do you like to do in life?" The American began the conversation, gently resting his arm on the table at which they were sitting. His deep, blue eyes were glistening with a different kind of happiness, and his heartbeat sped up every time he would glance at Arthur.

He wasn't hopeless anymore. As much as he denied needing someone to spend his life with, it was such a relief to know there really was someone for him. And he was sitting right in front of him, sandy blonde hair partially covering his eyes, cheeks slightly blushing from how the other was looking at him.

"I, uh, I'm a really uninteresting person, seriously. I just sit at home and write, that's it." The Englishman chuckled weakly, taking another sip of his drink.

"And you're saying writing is boring? I actually write songs, and play the violin. If nothing, we're both total nerds", Alfred laughed, his usual smile brightly gracing his facial features.

Arthur was left wide eyed. Alfred played the violin? He would have never considered him a musician. Perhaps journalist, entertainer, but nothing like this. It was quite a pleasant surprise, and also taught the Brit a short lesson to never judge a person by their cover. "I've always wanted to play an instrument." He smiled, absentmindedly taking Alfred's hand into his without even noticing.

But the American noticed, and he couldn't help but turn a bit red, enjoying the warm touch that the other offered so simply. "I can teach you if you'd like. Only if you let me read some of your writing, though." He grinned almost mischievously, but maybe Arthur just perceived it in the wrong way.

"W-what? I'm not letting you read any of my work, it's horrendous!"

"I bet it's brilliant."

"I refuse to let you anywhere near my desk."

"You can't stop me." The American pursued with a smirk, receiving a playful eye roll from the slightly irritated Brit.

Once Arthur realized that Alfred was that kind of person - cheerful, mysterious, charismatic, unstoppable, and absolutely gorgeous - he simply sighed, a small smile forming in the corner of his lips. He was skeptical of letting someone into his life, especially so suddenly, but he was more than ready to make an exception for Alfred Jones.

"O-oh, there's also a very important thing that I have to tell you... So you don't, well, try anything. Better say it now than wait a year, I guess." The shorter man began, slightly stuttering as he stumbled over his words.

"I'm listening." Alfred replied peacefully.

"Okay, how do I put this nicely... I-I don't want an intimate relationship. I mean I do, I do, but... Nothing extreme, uh... If you know what I'm talking about." Arthur tried his best to put his thoughts into a proper sentence, but was fairly close to failing that simple task. "I'm asexual. There. I'm really sorry that you have to bear with that, but kissing will do. Nothing more."

The younger stared at him for a second, raising an eyebrow questionably before releasing a long string of honest laughter. "No need to be so nervous about that, damn! It's not like I was going to jump you as soon as we exit the coffee shop or something. Actually, I'm not so far away from identifying with that myself, to be honest. Physical intimacy just... Doesn't seem that appealing. I want to connect with you on a spiritual way."

Arthur released a long exhale, placing a hand on his chest out of relief. "Thank goodness. I was worried I'd disappoint you or something." He let out an airy laugh, happy that it didn't turn out the way he thought he would.

"Don't worry." Alfred waved his hand in dismissal. "I like you a lot, Arthur." He then stated, making direct eye contact, getting lost in the other's gorgeous looking jade green eyes. Noticing a sudden spark of happiness in them, he smiled gently, wanting to kiss him right there. But he wanted to save that moment for later, when they needed to part until the next day.

"L-like me? Why would you like me? You're just saying that because we're basically doomed to be with each other. I don't mind it, but... You can't just say you like me, you haven't truly met me! I'm boring, ordinary, and no longer a teenager. If there wasn't for this bloody fate thing that just had to connect us, I bet you'd find someone so much better than me, someone you deserve."

It was oh, so obvious he was flustered. And Alfred found that incredibly cute. "I might have just met you, but I'm very good at reading people. There's something more to you than what you say. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I feel it. You're special, Arthur, and I'm so happy I get to be with you."

And then Arthur was left speechless. It was something that no person could do to him, leave him without a word. But this boy was different, as if he had just walked out of a movie or a book and decided to not only sprinkle colour onto the world, but also erase all loneliness from the Brit's life. He definitely reciprocated those feelings that the American expressed with a simple 'I like you'. "I... I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say anything. It's enough that you're here." Alfred replied in a soft tone, quickly glancing through the window, noticing how the weather was bright, perfect for an afternoon walk. "Would you like to take a walk with me?"

The Englishman wordlessly nodded, standing up from the table in a slow movement and waiting for the other to do the same. As Alfred got up as well, with a bit of trouble, it seemed like, they headed towards the exit of the coffee shop, both greeting the lady cleaning the table by the window before they left the place. 

Alfred's eyes were lost among the green - they just happened to walk through a long boulevard, but this time it wasn't grey, it wasn't a sad sight to see. It was absolutely stunning. There were still trees which hadn't been touched by September's And for Arthur, that was the light blue sky above, only a couple of clouds passing by here and there, none of them bringing along the usual moody weather. "It's beautiful." The younger man spoke up first, excitedly taking in his surroundings, and remembering every detail of it.

"There was a boy", Arthur began speaking almost in a whisper, "who came into my life so unexpectedly, when I was already far too close to letting the loneliness break me, and painted my skies in the brightest blue with only his smile, his charismatic look..."

"What are you saying? Y'know, I want to hear whatever the writer has to say."

"I-it was nothing, I assure you."

And the boy's name is Alfred Jones.

- - -

So they walked. Hand in hand, alongside one another, lost in the sight of nature which now graced the dusty old buildings of Brighton that used to be so uninteresting, but now seemed so insightful, and chatted away their entire afternoon with whatever came to their mind.

"Tell me Alfred, what brings you and Matthew to England?"

"Well, it's a pretty long story and I wouldn't want to bore you with the details, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to hear anyway... But to make it short, we needed a new start. A lot of shit happened back in Philadelphia. We kind of wanted to forget all of it and basically rolled the dice to see where to go. So here I am, in Brighton." The young American spoke so casually, as if he didn't have a single worry in the world, radiating relaxation wherever he'd go.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Arthur replied sincerely. "I've been through stuff myself, I know how you feel."

"Nothing to be sorry about. In fact, I am thankful for each and every bad thing, because if it hadn't happened, I would still be in Pennsylvania and not here in England, walking with the man with whom I was meant to be. It all happens with a reason, you know? At the time, I thought the universe wanted to make me suffer, but through experience I realized that definitely wasn't the case. The world just had a different plan to bring me where I belonged."

"That was... That was deep." The Brit was genuinely surprised by this sudden change of atmosphere - from constantly cheerful to a question of life, fate and what the universe had in store for its people. And it all came from Alfred, who seemed more mysterious with each second.

Arthur wanted to know the boy's story from the first page to last, no matter how long the book is. It seemed like an interesting one, a fiction just like his own.

"Hah, well, I guess I can be like that sometimes." The other simply chuckled, looking down at the ground, smile faltering for a moment. After all, no man is able to smile the entire time.

Suddenly, the moment was broken by Alfred, who was brought to the ground by some kind of invisible force, and let out a short gasp at the feeling. "Damn it! I think I tripped over air."

Arthur immediately jumped to help, holding out his hand for the other to get up, but couldn't restrain himself from laughing at the boy's clumsiness. He seemed to be bad with not only holding things, but walking as well. It was a sight for a good laugh.

"Agh, I'm sorry about that." Alfred said as he brushed off the dust from his clothes. "It happens sometimes, I'm not so sure why. I should really be more careful." He said in with a slightly uneasy tone.

"Yeah, you should", the Brit said through the remaining bit of laughter. "And it's alright, I'm no better than that."

But there was a hint of fear hidden in Alfred's eyes that Arthur wasn't sure how to decode.

He would just have to find out with time.

- - -


Buon giorno! Or buon pomeriggio, or whatever you bloody want. It's not like I speak Italian or anything, though I would love to.
TeaMafia_ is the reason why.

And! I! Went! Off! Topic! A g a i n !

Anyway, have me explain.
Arthur is asexual, which doesn't mean he doesn't feel physical attraction, but just means he doesn't want anything more than kissing. (Basically me.)
Alfred is demisexual, which means that he maybe would, under the possibility that the other person wants it as well, carefully step into an intimate relationship after developing very strong feelings for the person. And that takes time. But it doesn't bother him that Arthur doesn't want that. He wouldn't force him into anything.

So... I hope you enjoyed this! It suckssss (I'm so skeptical about this fic) but what can you do?

Thank you for reading!

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