Not Living With The Biggest K...

By StormyRawr

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Last time Naruto and Harmony talked, it was when she confessed her feelings for him. Even though she's nervou... More

Not Living With The Biggest Knuckle Headed Ninja Anymore!
Naruto Recieves Private Lessons From Kaka-Sensei
Do You Know What It's Like To Give Birth?
What Was That Old Sag?
Off On A Mission To Save A Hair Color Stealing Punk!
Ironic Ninja Situations
A Promise To A Friend
Can I Make Having No Kazekage Jokes? Too Soon?
Shut Up No Pupils Boy
I Can Kick My Own Ass
One Thousand Chances Technique
13. No Matter What It Takes
14. A Live Kazekage
15. A Crash Course in Manners
16. Test Subject Friends
17. Do the Ninja Thing
18. To be stupid with Pride or stupid with Anger?
19. A week in Prison
20. Whatever we are
Chapter 21. Learning to Carry Others
Chapter 22. No Matter How Difficult Things Become
Chapter 23. More People to Guide
Chapter 24. Wrecking Things
Chapter 25. A Reunion of Idiots
Chapter 26. He's Surprisingly On Time For Once
Chapter 27. One Stubborn Human Vs. Another Stubborn Human.
Chapter 29. Hokage Fangirl
Chapter 30. Trying to Impress Naruto's Dead but not Dead Dad.

Philosophical Usagi

2.3K 110 31
By StormyRawr

Usagi waited for me to blow. She had trained with me for a few years and had gotten used to the fact that I was the type of person who cursed up a storm when they were frustrated. In fact, I had done that during our training quite a few times when I kept messing up. Usagi had become used to me being angry. "So you are not going to blow this time?" She asked me after a few minutes of running us through the woods. 

"It would do no good in this situation. I have to save my energy for something important. Going on a rant and wasting my energy will do no good." Calmly, I explained to her and twiddled with my fingers. "It's just that it feels like nothing is going the way it should be. We should have defeated that enemy. I should not be as beat up as I am. I shouldn't have lost my headset. This is not going the way it is supposed to be." 

"You defeated that first enemy on your own. At least you did not lose both battles and end up dead. You of all people should know that sometimes things do not go the way they should go or rather, how they go in our heads. However, you are stuck with the situation you have. Blaming yourself will do no good. All you can do is fix yourself up and be ready to help anybody you see." Usagi said to me and I nodded my head. A small grin was on my face. "You sound just like a mom." 

"You and I have already discussed my future of having children. It does not exist." Usagi said in an annoyed tone. I playfully rolled my eyes as I sat up and began to search through my bag for medical supplies. 

"I get it. Kids sound troublesome." I said to her as I pulled out some wrap from my bag. "Just wait until you meet somebody who you want to see how your genes would mix with their's. You will want to know all the possibilities of gene mixtures and even want to create one your own. Of course, you do your strange rabbit mating thing away from me. I feel pity for whoever falls for you." Carefully, I began to warp my wounds in a slow manner. They were delicate and I had a bit of a habit at times to rush my attempts of fixing my wounds. 

I saw a vein stick out on the back of her head when I looked at her. I cringed at the sight of up as old memories flooded my mind of what happened any other time I saw that vein. 

"For your information, I do not want to have to be with somebody careless or some rabbit player. Despite popular belief, rabbits can be very picky on who they want to mate with. We do not just mate in a crazy hurry. We are not sex machines." 

"I know that," I replied to her and attempted to fix what I had done. A mad Usagi was a scary Usagi. "but it is very difficult to control who you fall in love with. Sometimes it just happens." 

Usagi made a loud groan of annoyance. "I get it, you are in love. You feel as though you know everything about love and relationships now. If I know anything about loving somebody romantically from observing, if you want a good relationship with that person make sure you have friendship in there also. Relationships are not black and white." I just about opened my mouth to speak when she spoke again. "Are you two even in a relationship?" 

My face went red when I heard those words. Relationship? I guess that was one of my goals for Naruto and I but he and I have not seen each other for quite a long time. 

"I am taking that silence as a no." Usagi said and shook her head from side to side. "Harmony, sometimes things do not just simply happen. You have to put some effort into things. It is just putting your effort into the right things that really matter." 

The right things? I guess teenage ninja romance will be a bit more difficult than I thought. Oh well, a challenge is something that I always enjoy. I pondered to myself and grinned. "I have to say Usagi, I really like our philosophical talks. You seem to know a lot of things." 

"My other summoner has done a lot of things and taught me many things. I guess that I am just trying to pass things on to somebody who will need it." She explained and I raised an eye brow. 

"I have to be honest, I don't know if I should be offended or honored." My face was wrinkled together in the thought of it possibly being both. That was when Usagi chuckled.

"I really like seeing the calm side of you. You might have a bit of trouble possessing it, but it will get easier to possess as you get older. You will be able to think more clearly than you would if you were mad. I feel like today you will really need to be calm." 

I had successfully bandages all of my wounds. They were tight, but comfortable too. "I will keep that in mind then." I then poked the bandages to double check them. "If anything from training with you have taught me, is that your advice will definitely be helpful to me. You made me realize how arrogant I was when I was younger and how I thought I knew everything. I still have that now. The more I realize I know nothing, the more I realize how much work I have ahead of me." 

"Like I said, another summoner of mine has taught me it. Don't worry, that person has had years of experience in their lifetime." Usagi said to me and I smiled. 

"Will I ever get to meet them?" 

"Maybe. It is more of a type of chance." 

"Do you mention me to me as much as you mention them to me?" 

"Now is not the time for questions, you have a mission to do." Usagi said in her commanding tone of voice. 

Just when I was going to learn some more things, Usagi shuts off the learning time. She really knows how to make me have to work at stuff. I thought and sweat dropped a bit. "So what is your bright idea for what I should do next?" 

"You should start to get used to thinking on your own." She answered me and slowed down to a stop. "What do you think would be best? It is your choice." 

After a few moments of thought, I answered her. "I am as fixed up as I can be. I don't know where Guy's team is. All I can do is hope that Kakashi's team is at the giant boulder still." I answered and pointed in a direction. "It is north and should be near a sad attempt of a stream." 

"On it." Usagi said and set her body up to sprint. I clutched onto her fur as she sprinted towards my destination. 

Unlike the run before, this one was silent. I was forming in my head what to expect and what to plan for. I assumed that the Akatsuki were still there. They were going to make it difficult. Especially if we ran into the two sided plant fellow again. He really knew how to hurt somebody. Then again, they needed brute strength to be in the Akatsuki. 

Once we reached the area where the boulder used to be, I saw Sakura and Granny Chiyo inside. 

"Sakura!" I yelled and jumped off of Usage. "Thanks Usagi." I yelled as I ran over towards Sakura. 

"Harmony stop!" Granny Chiyo yelled at me with wide eyes. I froze exactly where I was and tried to not move an inch. "You cannot run into this battle as easily as you want. Sakura and I have planned what to do against our enemy." 

"Where are Naruto and Kakashi Sensei?" My tone showed a bit of worry and panic in it. 

"That blonde idiot went off after a member of the Akatsuki who had Gaara's body." She answered me and I felt my body become weak. "The White Fang's son followed after him." 

"Damn it Naruto." I hissed in frustration. My body turned in a turned direction down the stream and I was ready to sprint after them. Granny Chiyo spoke again. 

"Do not go after them. You will cause a greater risk." When she said that, I was enraged. I had worked my ass off to attempt to get away from my enemy to help the others, but in the end my effort was put to waste. "Do not throw a tantrum. You need to sit back and wait to help for further assistance when asked. Right now, Sakura and I got this." Then Chiyo moved from the rock and faced the red headed man puppet. 

At first I was pissed that Chiyo made me stand back. Moments after that command, I saw something truly amazing.

Sakura in battle. 


I am so sorry that this is on the short side and out at a later time than usual. :c This week has just been really busy with school and I got little sleep last night because of a wonderful Breakfast Club sleepover. I now understand why everybody adores the Breakfast Club so much. When you talk to people and learn their stories and know things about them that nobody else does, you feel a connection. It was so amazing last night/ this morning. I would not trade that time on anything. 

Enough of that, how did you guys like the chapter? c: What do you want to see happen in future chapters? How is the path of life? You can answer these questions in a comment below because I really like hearing what you guys think and want to see. (: 

Have a wonderful day and stay lovely. (: 

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