Videos for my baby (a Kyusaen...

By melclovesscarlet

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the year is 2006, a year after SS501 debuted, a rival band kidnaps Kyujong and Youngsaeng, do to a weird expe... More

authors note
Chapter 1: 3 months
chapter 2: 5 months part 1
Chapter 3: 5 months part 2
chapter 4: 5 months part 3
chapter 5: 8 months part 1
Chapter 6: 8 months part 2
Chapter 7: 8 months part 3
Chapter 9: labour begins
Chapter 10: labour continues
chapter 11: Hwan is born!!!!

Chapter 8: 9 months

80 1 0
By melclovesscarlet

(A/N: This is loosely based off of the show Thanks for Waking Me up they did back in 2005-2006. I had to change the year for this chapter.)

January 1, 2007

Place; Donghae beach resort

Time: Dawn

The group decided to stay at a resort and record a show Thanks For Waking Me Up: New Years Special hosted by Park Kyung-lim. Youngsaeng is about 9 months and due any day now.

"We spent the night here yesterday," Kyung-lim began as she looked at the camera, she was also standing in front of the boys' place in the resort. "The relationship between us is one in which we've already spent the night together." She starts laughing then realized what she said, she quickly apologized, "I'm sorry. But anyways we came here for the sake of witnessing the sunrise together and I think that it is time to wake them up." She then goes inside and sees the manager asleep and wakes him up. After greeting him, she walked to the first room.

"OK let's go wake SS501 up." She replied, "And to welcome 2007, this was specially prepared." She then pulled out a traditional gong. "This is the first step of waking them up. By the sound of the gong. Let's go into one of the rooms." She opened one of the doors to see Hyunjoong, and Jungmin sleeping on the bed. Hyunjoong was wearing a white long sleeve shirt, grey sweats, and his glasses

; while Jungmin wore the same thing except with his panda eye mask and earplugs

. She then goes into the next room to see Hyungjoon sleeping wearing a blue long sleeve shirt and dark grey sweats.

She then goes into the last room and sees Kyujong and Youngsaeng sleeping. Kyujong is wearing a red long sleeve shirt and brown pants;

while Youngsaeng wore a long sleeve white maternity shirt and track pants.

"Looks like Youngsaeng doesn't have a hat on this time," She began as the camera showed him and he immediately turns over to his other side and covers himself with other half of the blanket, "He's tough, the camera crew came in and he covers himself with a blanket. Looks like he's about ready to have the baby any day now." She said and looks at the camera as the camera man shows off Youngsaeng's stomach before he turned around completely. She then went to the other end of the room.

"The time is 6:30 am and the sunrise starts at 7:40," She began as she looked at the clock on the wall; "thank you for letting me see the sunrise officially starts now."

She then hits the gong as the sound echoed through the house, but none of the members got up. She keeps doing it. After the fourth time with no reaction she stops and looks at the camera.

"After no reaction from them," She began and gets a smile; "I shall then sing when playing the gong. AYADEYA!!!" then she hits the gong about twice and the camera shows Hyungjoon stirring but doesn't wake up. She does it again this time Youngsaeng stirs but stops and falls back asleep. The fifth time Jungmin lifts up his head then lays it back down.

"No one woke up but moved! What type of reaction is this?" She asked shocked, "I'll just hit it one more time. Everyone Happy New Year!"

She hits it again but no one wakes up the first time, finally after the fourth time; Kyujong wakes up.

"Kyujong, Kyujong woke up!" She replied as she looked over at the bed; seeing him sit up and pats his hair down. She then goes over to him and hugs him gently. He gently gets out of bed careful not to wake Youngsaeng up.

"You're the first member to wake up on New Years Day." She replied as he bowed and put on his glasses.

"Still can't open your eyes?" She asked as she noticed his eyes were still half closed as he nods, "I'll help you." She then leans towards him as she whispers, 'i love you'. He then opened his eyes wide.

"With regards of you joining us in makeup show," she began as Kyujong stood there; "It's really something worth celebrating." she then pulls out a poster of a cartoon man, "Those who will wake up late will be punished with a exemption of Youngsaeng. First put lipstick on their lips." She then puts a piece of paper that is a shape of lips and sticks in on the poster, "if they still won't get up, we will put blush on both sides of their face." she then puts a cut out of a circle on the poster. "Then a mustache under the nose, then a draw on eyebrow, the a wig. Though they will still look handsome while with the wig." She pulls out the lipstick and hands it to Kyujong and they both goes into Jungmin and Hyunjoong's room. They first go to Hyunjoong and put the lipstick on him, then the blush. He still has no reaction. They then goes back to his and Youngsaeng's room. They both grabbed his arm to turn him over.

"One, two, three." Kyung-lim replied as they both try to turn him over, but to their surprise Youngsaeng moves his hand and slaps her hand making both of them let go with a surprised look.

"I thought this was Jungmin," Kyujong joked looking at her with a smile.

"Let's try this again," She began as they grabbed him again, "One, Two, three."

Again Youngsaeng takes his hand and slaps her.

"Ow! Why is he only hitting me?!" She whispered as Kyujong laughed. The third time they managed to roll him over to his back.

"Let's try and wake him up." she replied looking at him.

Kyujong was the first one to try to wake his lover, he simply poke him. There was little response other than a smack that was automatic. He was still asleep. That was odd. Still it was quite humorous to Kyung-lim.

"Seems like he's not waking up," She giggled. "Let's come back in a little bit and try again."

They then go back to Jungmin and Hyunjoong's room door. They are arguing who will put the makeup on Jungmin.

"I'll just stand at the side and watch you put the makeup on him." She replied.

"I'll just watch nonna put the makeup on him." Kyujong argued.

"I can't do that." She replied shaking her head.

"You're the MC." He replied smiling knowing he was right. They then goes into the room and walks to Jungmin's side of the bed. She puts the blush on him as Kyujong stand there. As she applies the blush, Jungmin moves his head. She does it again and he raises his hand to grab her but Kyujong stops him. She keeps applying the blush until Jungmin takes off the eye mask and sits up and glares at them both.

"It wasn't me." Kyujong replied showing his empty hands.

"Why are all these things in my hands?" She joked looking at Kyujong, she then looks at Jungmin, "These are not mine. How did this happen? You look really cute."

She tries to remove the make up as Jungmin just looks at her.

"Jungmin wake up quickly." She replied as she sits down beside him; "we'll be watching the sunrise later."

"You should wash this during the new year." Kyujong replied pointing to his eye mask.

"A white panda became a grey one." Kyung-lim replied as she picked up the dirty eye mask and showed it to the camera as Jungmin took out his earplugs.

"Wash it during the new year." She replied looking at him as he nods. He gets up and pats his hair down. They then go back to Hyungjoon's room and apply the fake mustache. He woke up once he felt Jungmin putting it on him.

"Seriously guys?" Hyungjoon asked as he chuckled.

"You should thank us for planting some hair there." Kyujong joked. Hyungjoon looks at him with a questionable look on his face as he brought up his hand to his chin. He then feels the fake mustache and quickly gets up and runs to the mirror. He then takes it and puts it under his nose and smiles. He then takes it off. They then go back to Jungmin and Hyunjoong's room.

"He had no reaction at all before." Kyung-lim replied looking at the three members. Jungmin then takes the fake mustache and puts it on his boyfriend's neck and quickly moves his hand thinking he'll wake up. Without a reaction, he then removes it and noticed that Hyunjoong moved his head and hand to swat it away, making Jungmin jump.

"Jungmin you're even more scarier then he is." Kyung-lim replied as Jungmin shushed them. He then puts the mustache under his nose. Hyungjoon quickly draws on his eyebrows. Jungmin then connects them making it look like a unibrow. After that they go out the room.

"The members seem very happy right now," She replied looking at them. Then she looks back at the camera, "They are even reassuring each other saying 'you're very cute' and 'it's not that bad'. Let's hold hands and laugh before going in. Think of Hyunjoong's face." As they imagined it and they laughed.

"OK let's go back to Youngsaeng." she replied and they all went back into Kyujong and Youngsaeng's room to find him still sleeping. Jungmin came next trying to shake him awake at first gently. When that didn't work he tickled him. Nothing worked. He simply push them away. All the while he snoozed uninterrupted.

"Seems like he's being stubborn." Kyung-lim replied.

"Let's wake him together.." Hyungjoon suggested. They all shook him gently hoping it will wake him up. He finally woke up to have all his friends around him except for Hyunjoong. He shook the sleep out of his eyes and sat up allowing to cover the fall and showing his stomach.

"Youngsaeng is finally awake." Kyung-lim replied looking at the camera and then looked back at Youngsaeng.

"How are you feeling?" She asked

"I'm feeling ok." He replied as Kyujong helped him sit up as the blanket fell showing of his stomach to the camera and Youngsaeng gets up out of bed, he then puts his glasses on and they all walked back into the hallway.

"Just as everyone expected, Only Hyunjoong is still in a deep sleep. Well only one thing to do left." She replied as she pulled out the wig, "Put the wig on him and leave him a photo as a souvenir." She then looks at Youngsaeng, "you haven't seen what he looks like right?"

"No." Youngsaeng replied shaking his head as he rested on of his hands on his stomach.

"What do you think it'll be like?" she asked, "Jungmin is even tearing up."

Hyungjoon, Jungmin and Kyujong pretends to cry.

"Don't cry kids," She began; "Wasn't it done by you?" Then soon started to laugh and Kyung-lim takes Youngsaeng's arm and carefully leads him to Jungmin and Hyunjoong's room. She then takes the wig and puts it in front of his face to block his view for the reveal.

"One, two, three." She said and pulls down her arm showing him Hyunjoong. Youngsaeng then looks at his hyung and snorts with laughter. Kyung-lim hands him the wig.

"Please put this on him." She replied. Youngsaeng and Jungmin walks over to the bed and Jungmin carefully lifts his boyfriend up. Youngsaeng then carefully lifts Hyunjoong's head and puts the wig on him.

"Hyunjoong, you need to wake up." Kyung-lim replied; "we have to go and watch the sunrise. Expose the ears." She said to them as Hyunjoong finally woke up.

"How can we let a scene go to waste?" She asked and Hyunjoong looked at the camera and waved tiredly.

"Let's take a photo as a keepsake." She replied, "Hyunjoong's famous words 'I'll wake up the earliest.' Said he would definitely not get any makeup on him. A somewhat confident Hyunjoong."

"Does he look like he's here for treatment?" Hyungjoon laughed

"Don't you think it looks like this?" Jungmin replied teasingly, as he grabbed his boyfriend, "Oma, hurry and wake up oma!"

"Oma, it's time to wash your hair." Kyujong teased making the others laugh.

"Let's take a group photo," she replied as they got into place; "One, two, three." The cameraman clicked the camera and took the photo. After washing up they went and watched the sunrise.

(A/N: Ok there is this chapter the next chapter will be when the labour will start so keep an eye out!! Hope you like it so far!!!)

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