War Of Hearts

By KT-Jayne_1R

64.3K 1.4K 236

He was never meant to fall in love with her, it was forbidden from the beginning. He was a Gangster from Birm... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten/Forbidden
Author Note
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Eight

3.6K 80 26
By KT-Jayne_1R

Tommy and Lily walked slowly around the yard, Lily had taken him to see the horses "You sure you're going to be alright here Lil?" Tommy wondered cautiously. He noticed Lily didn't seem herself "I can take you back..."

"To what Tom? John, the house, Birmingham? No you're alright Tommy, I'm more than happy here...in London. I have family here" Lily smiled weakly.

"Lil, you have family in Birmingham" Tommy replied, as he took Lily's hand in his.

"Family?...They're Not exactly loyal family are they?" Lily sighed referring to John and Lizzy.

"I didn't mean...I was talking about Arthur, Polly and me" Tommy replied and Lily smirked a little "You'll always have me Lily"

Lily and Tommy paused for a moment, taking in the moment, but as Tommy moved his face closer to Lily's  she panicked and moved away. She pulled her hand out of Tommy's and quickly turned her body away from his "I know, you've always been there for us Tom"

"That's not exactly what I meant..." Tommy tried but he realised how desperate Lily looked, so he changed the subject quickly "Listen I've got business in Camden Town this evening, then I need to head back to Birmingham..."

"What you're Leaving?" Lily frowned "Now?" she added as Tommy stood up "Of course I know how busy you must be, I mean..."

"Lily no matter where I am or what I am doing, nothing in this world could ever make me to busy for you...and I don't mean You and John or You and the boys...I just mean you..." Tommy gently moved some hair from Lily's face and kissed her cheek gently. Lily couldn't speak she just inhaled and exhaled deeply "Goodbye Lil"

"Goodbye Thomas" Lily spoke gently as she watched Tommy turned and walk away.


Aunt Sal was pouring some tea when Lily arrived back inside "I've told Daisy to fix us some dinner..."

"Lovely" Lily was distant.

"Will Tommy be joining us?" Aunt Sal wondered and Lily sighed.

"No Tommy has business in Camden Town to attend to, then business in Birmingham" Lily replied.

"That's a shame" Aunt Sal's response caused Lily to look up and glare at her a little "I always saw Tommy as a more suitable match for you...he has more about him..."

"Sal stop it" Lily frowned "I don't need to hear this right now"

"Don't you?" Aunt Sal sat back in her chair after putting the tea pot down "Lily sweetheart..."

"No Aunt Sal, I married John" Lily snapped "Any feelings I had for Thomas are gone..."

"Right...keep telling yourself that Lily and one day you might actually believe it" Aunt Sal sat forward now.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lily's tone was defensive.

"It means I've got eyes, Christ anyone who has eyes can see what's going on here...those feelings you claim to have overcome, are still very much there...they haven't gone, you've just buried them deep. In the hope that loving John will be enough..."

"I do love John" Lily argued.

"Yes I know you do...but he doesn't set your heart racing does he...he doesn't rage a desire in you does he...not like Thomas" Aunt Sal seemed to be heading in the right direction and this worried Lily, she thought she had hidden her feelings for Tommy very well.

"This is nonsense" Lily scoffed "John is my husband and Tommy is his brother...thats all he ever will be"

"I don't know what's worse the fact you are denying yourself true happiness...or that you actually believe what you're saying..." Aunt Sal frowned "Lily one day you are going to wake up and realise the life you have with John isn't enough, you'll admit that I was right...but You know what, it'll be too late and Thomas will have moved on and married someone else. If you want something in this life you need to act on it...I learnt that the hard way"


John slouched in his chair as Lizzy entered the office, it had been almost two months since Lily had left for London.

"This came for you" Lizzy handed John an envelope, the address was written in Lily's handwriting. John didn't hesitate, he opened it immediately.

"Thank the fucking lord" John cried and he laughed joyfully "She's coming home Lizzy"

"That's great" Lizzy frowned "John there's something I need to..."

"I need to call Polly, I need to make the house nice when she gets home" John quickly picked up the phone and spoke to Polly "I know it's great news isn't it. I can't wait to see her Pol, and the boys I've missed them so much..."

Lizzy watched as John gushed excitedly down the phone. Her heart raced the more she thought about what she had to tell him. The moment had almost passed and Lizzy knew she had to tell John before she lost her bottle "Alright Polly I'll pick some up and come straight back..." John hung up the receiver and looked at Lizzy "Are you alright Lizzy?"

"No not really, John...I don't know..." Lizzy inhaled "John I'm pregnant"

"Pregnant?" John repeated as his body slumped in the chair "But...is..."

"You're the father John, there hasn't been anyone else before or since" Lizzy seemed a little calmer now she had revealed her secret.

"There's a woman Arthur uses..."

"No John, I won't be visiting any woman...I want to keep this baby" Lizzy replied as John ran his hands through his hair.

"And you're sure it's mine?" John struggled to take it all in.

"Yes John" Lizzy scoffed furiously "Do you honestly think I'd be sat here if it wasn't? You think I'd do this to Lily by choice?"

"Lily, fuck" John exclaimed "Lily can never find out about this"

"But..." Lizzy frowned and John glared at her "I thought..."

"What?" John's demeanour changed and he became a little aggressive "That I'd leave my wife? Turn my back on my boys...for you and...and that" he pointed at Lizzy's stomach "It was just sex Lizzy, perhaps you would have understood it more if I paid you" Lizzy slapped John hard across the face and he shot to his feet "Get the fuck out" he yelled.

"John please" Lizzy tried but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

"Just fuck off" John spat. He watched as Lizzy scurried away before finally falling back down into his chair, leaning his elbows on the desk and running his hands through his hair...how the hell could he have been so stupid...?

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