Chapter Five

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Tommy hesitated and just stared, his mouth went dry instantly "You promised you would never lie to me Uncle is it true?"

"Yes" Tommy managed, he hesitated when he saw Connors eyes widen "But no-one knows, only me and your mother"

"Dad knows I'm not his son though doesn't he?" Connor questioned.

"He knows that when he met your mother she was in the family way..." Tommy explained.

"Was I mistake Uncle Tom...?" Connor asked bluntly causing Tommy to hesitate again.

"No" Tommy replied honestly "You weren't exactly planned, but it was never mistake. I'll be honest with you now Connor, you're old enough to know the truth...Me and and your mum...well I loved her. But I was stupid and when I went to France...well I made the mistake of letting her go..."

"But what about my Dad?" Connor was becoming a little confused.

"Now listen Connor I want you to know that whatever I've told you changes nothing. Your Dad is still your Dad" Tommy continued to explained.

"Did my Mum love you?" Connor asked.

"She did once, but we were young and she loves John now" Tommy put his hand on Connor's shoulder.


Lily sat more upright as Lizzy approached "Oh thank God you're alright" Lizzy sat on Lily's bed and gave her sister a hug "Tommy said Royce was back...said I should go away for a while"

"He's right Lizzy" Lily held Lizzy's hand and smiled weakly.

"And what? Leave you here?" Lizzy was horrified "Lily I can't..."

"I'll be alright Lizzy" Lily smiled "Besides I can't travel far at the moment and I trust John to keep me safe..."

"And what about Thomas?" Lizzy snarled a little as she spoke. It was at this moment Lily realised her older sister still carried a torch for the middle Shelby brother "He seems to be keeping a pretty close watch on you lately"

"He's concerned" Lily frowned "He wants to protect his nephews"

"That's bollocks and you know it, the only boy Tommy Is interested in is his own..." Lizzy snapped a little.

"Lizzy please that's enough" Lily pleaded "You aren't yourself"

"I know I'm sorry Lily, I shouldn't take my distress out on you" Lizzy surrendered when she saw how fragile her sister had become. She suddenly remembered the child she had lost "I'm sorry you lost the baby..."

"It was a girl" Lily spoke randomly "Do you think I'm being punished Lizzy? Do you think God took my only wish away because of Connor?"

"No" Lizzy leant forwards "Because it  doesn't matter who Connors father is, you are an excellent mum. Losing your baby isn't a punishment Lily, it's life...the cruel reality of it"

Lizzy smiled weakly as she watched John enter the room "I'd better go" she sighed before leaning in again "And I don't want to hear any more talk of punishment from you understand?" Lily smiled and nodded "I'll come and see you before I leave and you...promise me you'll take care of my sister" Lizzy looked straight at John and frowned "And that doesn't mean putting another inside her"

John smirked a little "Where's the fun in that?" he grinned playfully, before showing a more serious side "I promise you Lizzy, you have nothing to worry about. I know how to look after and protect my wife" John perched on Lily's bed and touched her hair "Isn't that right love?"

"Yes John" Lily blushed.

"Good" Lizzy said finally before leaving. Lily allowed her head to lean against John's shoulder. She inhaled deeply and looked down at her almost flat stomach. All traces of her child were now fading.

"I don't think I could ever go through this again John" She sighed, John looks down at his wife and kissed the top of her head "I don't want us to have any more children"

"Lil, I've always been happy with the boys, you know that. You're the one who kept pushing for a girl" John laid back so Lily could cuddle into him "Even when the doctor told us the next one could kill you, you kept pushing"

"I was selfish" Lily frowned and John reluctantly pulled away.

"You selfish? Don't talk rubbish, you don't have a selfish bone in your body Lily Shelby" John said softly.

"I do John" Lily smiled gently and took his hand in hers "I was selfish the day I chose you over my family"


It was late when Tommy arrived at John and Lily's house. Polly had collected John and taken him to the Garrison leaving Lily and Tommy alone to talk "Lily I came here because there is something you need to know" Tommy began as he sat down on a chair beside Lily's. She had moved now from the bedroom to the sitting room.

"What is it Tom?" Lily was a little worried by Tommy's expression.

"I spoke to Connor earlier" he began slowly "He knows Lily

"Knows what?" Lily hoped Tommy wasn't going to say the words, but he did...

"He knows the truth about me and you" Tommy continued as Lily's heart raced faster and faster "He knows I'm his father"

"And how does he know that?" Lily's horror turned to anger when she started to put the pieces together.

"Because I told him" Tommy spoke bluntly.

"You did what?" Lily cried "How could you? Why would you tell him something like that?"

"Because he heard us talking Lily, he heard us and he asked me if I was his father...what was I meant to do?" Tommy began to yell.

"LIE" Lily's voice got louder, they were both so engrossed in their argument that neither of them had heard the front door open "Tell him that he heard wrong...tell him anything but that"

"I couldn't lie Lil, he had a right to kmow"

"He's just a boy Tommy" Lily continued to screech furiously.

"YES BUT HE'S OUR FUCKINGBOY, PART YOU AND PART ME AND HE HAS THE RIGHT TO KNOW THAT. HE DESERVES TO KNOW THAT HE WASN'T JUST SOME MISTAKE...HE NEEDS TO KNOW THAT HIS DAD LOVES HIM...That I love him" Tommy was surprised by his outburst, but not as much as when he saw a figure standing in the door way.

"You're Connor's Father?" The voice was shakey "You can't be..."

Lily froze to the spot as the figure staggered backwards and then suddenly lunged at Tommy "SHE'S MY FUCKING WIFE, YOU BASTARD"

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