Jacob and Renesmee

By JLauren01

71K 805 496

She leans forward and kisses my forehead, and instantly, I stop phasing. The very thought of Renesmee was cal... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 4

4.8K 58 60
By JLauren01


It's my birthday! I made it! My cast is off too! Today I am five. SEPTEMBER 10th!!! This is a mark of my getting older. I get to celebrate with my family! Knowing them, I will get to choose what I want to do for the day. I need to figure out what!

I look at my alarm clock and it says 8:30! I climb out of my bed and jump out of my room. I slide down the arm of the stairs, excited about what lies ahead for my amazing birthday! I walk down to the kitchen and I see nothing. "SURPRISE!!" My family and Jacob jump out from behind shelves and counters holding out boxes of what looks like gifts!

I look around the room and see decorations all for my birthday. I smile ear to ear, these people (vamps) really love me. I look down at my hand. They took way too much care of my wrist, to the point that it was taken off a week before today. I well up with love and joy for these people (vamps) and Jasper notices. He steps forward and catches me in a tight embrace. Jasper usually keeps his distance from me, but today he seems to get over this awkwardness between us. I exhale and wrap my arms around him too.

Aunt Rose taps his shoulder and replaces him. "Happy birthday Rene-" she is torn back by Jacob, who says: "Sorry Blondie, but you aren't going to beat me to it." Aunt Rose let's out a hiss of annoyance, but goes silent as Jacob says "Happy birthday Ness! Wow! You grew into a woman overnight!" His eyes grow wide as my mothers grow worried. He embraces me with a warm hug. He keeps me there for longer though. This is weird. I have never hugged Jacob for this long.

They all wish me the same, somewhat at the same time. Uncle Emmett was a touch late, but it is the thought that counts. The morning goes by in a blur of wrapping paper and some human food for Jake and I. When my father asked what I wanted to do for the remainder of the day, I grinned like a madwoman, and said one word, of all the words in the world, just one. One word to change the day. That special word was...

"Baseball!" After I said that, Mom smiled and said there was going to be thunder for the whole afternoon. Which is great!

Then, we walked out into Mom and Dad's meadow and we set up four bases. We divided up into two teams: Me, Edward, Jasper, Rosalie, and Jacob. Then Bella, Alice, Emmett, Carlisle, and Esme. With the way we play, you don't need more than five people. Five vampires equal fifteen humans. We are faster, smarter (not Uncle Emmett), and stronger than all human beings. Though Vampires are no match for me. I kick ass at baseball, and pretty much all of the sports we play.

Our team is up to bat first, while Aunt Alice's team is pitching. I was surprised to see Aunt Alice go to pick up the ball to pitch first. "Why so surprised to see Alice pitch? She can see the future." My Dad says, reading my mind. He picks up the bat with one hand as Aunt Alice starts to throw the ball towards him. BANG! My Father's bat hits the spinning ball into the air, sending it flying into the air. I see my Father run across all of the bases one by one. He swiftly makes a home run as I put my hand out to give him a high-5.

It was my turn to at the bat. I grabbed the large club with my left hand and then my right, steadying my feet into a sideways position. Aunty throws the ball at me and I feel all of my muscles tighten as I swing with all of my might at the non-stop moving ball. It flies through midair and lands far in the woods as run across all four bases.

As I come to my team, Jacob gives me a small, cute wink. Did I just say cute wink? I did! I have never felt this much-piled energy. I feel like it has been building up inside me. I smile back at him flirting back. Flirting? Yes, flirting! Jacob runs up to bat and makes it to third base just as Aunty catches the ball giving Jacob a 'puppy dog' face.

I don't really watch the rest of our batting as I am thinking too much about what was happening with me and Jacob. Whoo. I must be giving my Dad a headache. "Yeah... You are." My Father says at me chuckling. "Shush Dad!" I say starting to chuckle with him. "What is going on you two?" Rosalie asks us. "Oh... a little bit of joy... love... And Renesmee, why are you nervous?" Asks Uncle Jasper. I look across the field at Jacob. "Oh... nothing."

Jasper and Rosalie bat and then we switch teams. Rosalie picks up the ball and starts to pitch a ball for Aunt Alice, who is up to bat first. Alice hits the ball so hard into the air and it looks like a little speck in the sky. "Renesmee! It is going deep into the woods! Run there before it gets there first!" My Dad yells from across the field. "Okay!" I nodded at him. And I did.

I ran and ran and ran all the way deep into the woods waiting for the ball to come straight at me. Then, I saw it. the ball was coming right at me. I reached my hands into the air and caught the balls that were going 150 mph, but now I hear leaves rustling and feet coming through the woods. It is probably just Dad coming to see if I am okay or if I fell down on the way into the woods. "I'm Okay!" I yelled. Something tells me that wasn't my Dad.

This was it. The moment when the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. The moment when any goosebump you have ever had, pops back out of your skin again. The moment when you know you are not alone.

"Renesmee!" A familiar voice shouts. I look up into the trees and I see them. Yes! They are here! "I missed you!" The other voice shouts.

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