Living With The Originals

Oleh Dark-Violet

758K 12.6K 5.2K

Sequel to Living With Damon and Stefan. Marni's back, and ready to kick butt! After discovering that she's re... Lebih Banyak

You Want The Sammich? No.
Why You No Like My Pick Up Lines?
The Bro-Code
Oh Hey, Is That A Cloud?
Hello Mr Pumpkin Goat
Sir Geraldalot, The Carrot.
The Glass Sparkle Named Windex
The Dinosaur That Leaped Into The Shoe
Bow Ties Are Cool.
The World's Ending? Fantastic.
Microwave All Of The Kittens!
Oh My God Stefan, You Can't Just Ask Someone Why They're Purple.
Oh, I Didn't Tell You? I Know What Colour Underwear You're Wearing.
Hey, Assbutt!
Four For You Glenn Cocoa
The End.

The Salt In Your Eye Is Beautiful

45K 686 335
Oleh Dark-Violet

A smirk formed on my face as I walked down the path. I could hear people in the houses I passed, doing their usual morning routine. Petty little humans. They had no idea how easy it would be to stroll into their homes and kill them. I laughed under my breath. No, to do that I'd need a half decent reason.

The only reason I came down this street was lying on the pavement in front of someone's front gate. I crouched down and picked up the news paper, studying the front cover.

'Real estate Agency Burnt Down In Tragic Fire'

'The real estate agency on Oak Street erupted in flames last night, at around 9:00 pm. Employee's were shocked when a mysterious blaze made its way through the building, engulfing everything in its path. Police say that the cause must have been faulty electrical wires; otherwise they might have an arsonist on their hands. Fortunately, everyone in the building got out safely, few with minor injuries.'

I rolled my eyes and dropped the paper. Faulty wires, could they not think of anything better? Then again, if they published that a girl had magically done it, they'd be the laughing stock of the town.

I was wearing a high-waisted black skirt with a grey top, along with my long black coat. I hadn't slept all night, and at around two in the morning, I'd snuck into Klaus' mansion and took my clothes that I'd left there. I wore the same heels from last night, and they clicked loudy as I walked.

My car was still at Klaus' place, and I intended to get it soon, but first I needed coffee. Or preferably bourbon. The Grill was only a little busy when I entered, and I headed straight up to the bar, where, coincidentally, Ryan was serving.

"You again?" he asked.

"The one and only," I smirked.

"I hope you still don't think I'm serving you alcohol."

I laughed. "I'll take a coffee. Extra milk."

He nodded and walked out of view. I glanced either side before casually reaching over the counter and picking up a bottle of scotch off the bench. Satisfied, I left the Grill.

As I walked out the door, I came face to face with one of the many people I didn't want to talk to.

"What is wrong with you?" Bonnie hissed.

"Good morning to you too, Bonnie," I smiled. "And as for your question, why don't you ask Damon and Elena? Oh wait you were in on it too, weren't you? How lovely."

"How could you do that to innocent people?"

I frowned. "Are we talking about the same thing here?"

That was when she shoved a copy of the newspaper I'd previously read in my face.

"I know you did it," she glared.

"Oh, that." I rolled my eyes.

"You're lucky no one died!"

"It's a shame really. Maybe next time I'll stick around and make sure no one gets out."

"So it's true then, you really have snapped."

"Yes," I answered with a bitter smile. "Thanks to all of you going behind my back."

"You couldn't be trusted."

"I've been hearing that a lot lately," I laughed. "Too bad I don't care. Tell me Bonnie, how do you think Klaus will react when he finds out you and Elena daggered Rebekah? Or her for that matter? Rebekah doesn't exactly like being killed."

"It was necessary."

"Oh, I'm sure. I just look forward to when they get revenge," I grinned. "Or maybe I could do the honors. Killing Elena would be extremely fun."

"You wouldn't touch her," Bonnie growled. "Klaus would hate you."

"I'm sorry, you seem to think that bothers me. You see Bonnie, I couldn't care less if Klaus hated me. It would sure be worth it."

"You're not going to hurt another innocent."

"Oh? And who's going to stop me?" I asked.

"I will," she threatened.

I laughed, then looked at her, a dangerous glint in my eye. "I am ten times more powerful than you, Bonnie. Your ancestor Emily may have been a great witch, but you know nothing. You think because you know a few parlor tricks, that you've got it all figured out. You have no idea. If you ever threaten me again, I will kill you. We clear?"

She glared at me and nodded defiantly.

"Great," I smiled. "Have a wonderful day."


*3rd Person POV*


"Have you seen this?" Bonnie asked, walking into the living room of the Salvatore boarding house.

Damon was pouring himself a drink, and looked up to see the young witch hold up a newspaper.

"The real estate place burnt down. I care, why?" he asked.

"It didn't just burn down by accident. It was intentional."

"Wow, some punk teenager thinks they're cool. Still not seeing why I should care."

"It was Marni," Bonnie told him.

Damon snatched the paper out of Bonnie's hand and studied it. After reading it, Damon tossed the paper onto the table.

"Faulty wires," he scoffed. "Couldn't they think of something a little more original?"

"You're not surprised by this?" Bonnie asked.

"Surprised by what?" Elena asked, walking into the room.

"Marni was the one who set the real estate building on fire," Bonnie replied.

Elena gasped. "She did that?"

"Yep," Damon answered. "And to answer your question Bonnie, no, I'm not surprised by this. Marni had snapped, which means she's very reckless at the moment, not to mention dangerous. But it's not our problem. She made her decision."

Someone snorted, and Damon turned to see Mia walk into the room. At the sight of her, he felt angry and upset, because she looked exactly like Marni.

"It wasn't really a decision in the first place. You practically kicked her out," Mia pointed out.

"She ruined the one chance we had to kill Klaus," Damon muttered bitterly.

"Because he's her family."

"Are you really taking her side on this?" Elena asked.

"No," Mia answered. "I'm just saying that the blame isn't one sided. We're all in the wrong here."

"Her more than us," Bonnie stated, her eyes narrowing. "She's hurting innocent people."

"And why do you think that is?" Mia asked. "Elizabeth warned us that something would push her to the point of losing her humanity, yet we let it happen anyway."

"She brought it on herself."

"No, she didn't," Mia argued. "How do you think she felt when she came back here." She turned to Damon. "You, the man she loves, practically threw it back in her face. After all, she thought that if she could trust anyone, it would be you. I guess she wasn't too happy when she found out you went behind her back."

"I did what was necessary," Damon growled. "It would've worked out fine if Katherine hadn't have told her."

"I thought you weren't taking her side," Elena glared, staring right at Mia.

"I'm not," Mia answered. "But I know why she snapped."

"We can't let Marni hurt anymore innocents," Bonnie insisted.

Mia laughed. "Good luck with that. Marni's acting on crazy right now. You're a fool if you wish to stop  her."

"Well, I'm going to ignore her," Damon smirked nonchalantly. "And Stefan, and anyone else who's making our lives hell. By the way, it would be wise not to mention to Klaus that we have Rebekah locked up in the basement with a dagger in her back."

"And what if Marni actually kills someone?" Bonnie asked.

Damon shrugged. "They're just humans. Plenty more where they come from."

"Damon," Elena glared.

"If she does, then that's her choice."

"So we just let her?"

"No, we wait and see what happens," Damon said. "And if needs be, we deal with her."


*Marni POV*


Okay, so driving whilst not sober is probbaly not a good idea, but it's okay, because I'm awesome. And I have ninja reflexes. Alright, let's face it, drinking and driving is stupid, and reckless, and dangerous, and people could get hurt. It's a good thing I don't care about that though. What I did care about, was crashing my car. It was a beautiful car, and I wasn't willing to part with it.

I was somewhere, and there were trees. And I was driving on a road, so that was something at least. I'd retrieved my car from Klaus' place, and some hybrid had been there. He made a smart ass comment about my car, so I killed him. No one makes jokes about my car.

Klaus hadn't been home, so he wasn't there to order the other three hybrids that attacked me for killing one of their own. I killed them within thirty seconds. So now, I still had drying flakes of blood on my hand. One of them had gotten me good across the jaw. I moved it from side to side. Damn hybrids. I'm sure Klaus wouldn't mind them being dead.

I was tired, and I wanted to go to sleep. The sun had set a couple of hours ago, and sleep deprivation was getting to me. I pulled up in the driveway of a large white house. It was nice, and on the outskirts of Mystic Falls, so I wouldn't be bothered by people.

I walked up to the front door and knocked. From what I could hear, there was only one person in the house. A man in his late thirties answered the door, looking like he was ready for bed. He frowned when he saw me, eyeing me up and down.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"You can," I replied with my charming smile. "Are you the only one who lives here?"


"Good," I smiled. I slipped the small yellow crystal out of my pocket and held it to the man's temple. "Now leave, before I'm tempted to kill you."

The man nodded  before walking out of the house in a daze. Gotta love hypnosis crystals. Almost as good as compulsion.

I entered the house, reminded of the time I borrowed that house from that old lady when I found out Damon helped kill my parents. To think I used to care about him. For all I cared, he could rot in hell.

I made myself at home, walking into the kitchen. It was modern, and nice. I might stay here for a while. I opened the fridge, and made a face. This guy didn't even have orange juice. What an idiot. He had coke though, so that was something.

Walking through another door, I discovered a living room. A huge tv hung off the wall, and a big, comfy looking couch was pushed against the wall opposite. I curled up on the couch, slipping my heels off and pulling my knees up to my chest. It was cold, and I spotted a fireplace, which hadn't been lit. This guy was a moron. I clicked my fingers and flame engulfed the wood sitting there, crackling softly.

I had a few missed calls on my phone. Several were from Caroline and Jeremy. There was even one from Alaric. I ignored them all.


 It was Tuesday, and I was in New York. Considering I had no clothes, because there was no way I was going back to the boarding house without killling someone, I decided to go shopping, and Mystic Falls didn't have much variety. I was only here for a day trip, but I was thinking about spending the night.

I was browsing through dresses when my phone rang.

"You're interrupting me," I snapped, not bothering to check caller ID.

"Ooh, someone's feisty."

"Katherine. Lovely to hear from you. What do you want?"

"Thought I'd check up and see what happened after I left the Home Coming dance. Did you save Damon?"

"Yes, unfortunately," I muttered.

"I see you've had a change of heart. Why so hateful?"

"Well, instead of thanking me for saving his life, Damon claimed I betrayed him and ruined their only chance of killing Klaus. Him and his beloved Elena pretty  much kicked me out, so I don't give a crap about any of them anymore. Everyone can go screw themselves."

"Ah. You snapped."

"Thank you Captain Obvious," I commented sarcastically.

"Hey, don't take it out on me. I'm on your side, remember?"

"Hmm, too bad I don't care. But if it makes you feel better, I don't hate you. In fact, I might actually like you, but if you die, don't expect tears," I smiled.

Katherine laughed. "I like this side of you. It's interesting."

"I know. I'm awesome. Where are you anyway?" I asked.

"Well, I couldn't exactly stay in town with Klaus there, could I?"

"Klaus is harmless. He wouldn't kill you."

"No, because he thinks death's too kind. He drag it out for at least a century."

"Sounds about right. Why did you pretend to be Elena anyway?"

"Because everyone thought Mikael would target her to get to Klaus. Turns out you were more valuable."

I scoffed. "Why would you agree to it? We'd all be so much better off if Elena was dead."

"I don't disagree."

"Well, I'm going to go. As much as I like talking about killing Elena, I need to get back to shopping."

"I'll see you around, Marni."

I hung up and pulled a blue dress off the rack. I studied it, not sure if I liked it or not.

"Black's more your color," a familiar voice said from behind me.

I sighed and put the dress back.

"Why is it, that everyone has decided that today is the day to bother me?" I asked, irritated. I turned around to face the person. "What do you want Klaus?"

Klaus smirked at me. "That's no way to treat your big brother, is it?"

"Too bad, it's the best you're getting," I smiled.

"Was that Katerina you were on the phone to?" he asked.

"Yep," I replied, going back to looking at dresses.

"And where is she?"

"As far away from you as she can get. She's not stupid. Although, I find it funny that you were in the same room as her on Friday. She was pretending to be Elena, after all," I laughed.

"So I heard."

"Why are you here? It can't be a coincidence that you just happen to be in New York on the same day as me," I commented.

"I'm looking for Stefan."

"And you came to me, why?"

"Because you're closest to him," Klaus answered. "Where is he?"

"No idea. Haven't seen him since Thursday. Right before everyone decided it was okay to go behind my back," I smiled. "But apparently I'm not the only one Damon and that lot are hating on. Stefan did something too. I'll have to ask him about that next time I see him."

"I'm not quite sure I understand. Haven't you and Damon got that whole eternal love' thing going on?" Klaus asked.

I snorted. "As far as I'm concerned, Damon can take off his daylight ring and go sun bathing. I couldn't care less about him, Elena, or any one of them for that matter."

"I guess they weren't too happy about you saving me," he assumed.

"Well, they sure as hell weren't thankful for me saving Damon's life either," I muttered. "Thanks for telling me about that, by the way. But I suppose it doesn't matter now." I laughed. "They didn't even believe me when I told them that your hybrids would've killed Damon if he killed you. They said it was an excuse. That's the last time I try to help either of them." I glanced sideways at Klaus. "What do you want with Stefan, anyway?"

"He took something of mine, and I want it back," Klaus stated bitterly.

"And that something is?"

"If you must know, the coffins in which hold my siblings."

I paused. "Stefan has the coffins?"

"Yes, and I would like them back. So I suggest you tell him that, otherwise I won't hesitate to drive a stake through his heart," Klaus threatened.

I turned to Klaus, forming a glare.

"We may be family, Klaus, but I have known Stefan for a very long time. I don't take threats well, and as far as I'm concerned, you won't lay a hand on Stefan," I warned him.

"Then tell him to give me the coffins," Klaus growled.

"I already told you," I hissed. "I have no idea where Stefan is."

Klaus took a deep breath. "I'm not here to fight with you. Just relay the message to Stefan."

"I'm not a messenger, Klaus," I glared. "If you want to find Stefan, I'm sure Damon knows more than I do."

"Fine, but if you do see Stefan, tell him I'm looking for him," Klaus said.

"I suppose I can manage that much."

"I know you've got this whole no humanity thing going on, but look out for yourself," he stated, a hint of concern in his eyes.

"Why? Are you afraid the towns people are going to burn me at the stake?" I smirked.

"No, but your not exactly Damon's favorite person right now, and you know how they get all dramatic and try to kill people they think are a danger." Klaus rolled his eyes. "And if the rumor that you burnt that building down the other day is true, then I'm guessing they're waiting for the chance to stop you."

I grinned. "So you heard about that? I must admit, it's a shame Elena wasn't in the building. It would've been fun watching her burn."

"Sorry love, but the doppelganger has to stay alive," Klaus smirked.

"Can I put her in a coma?"

"Fine with me."

"Good," I said, already planning my attack. "And I appreciate the concern, but if any one of them try to hurt me, I'll kill them within a second. I'll be fine. And by the way, if you're wondering where Rebekah is, she's lying in the basement of the Salvatore boarding house with a dagger in her back. Thanks to Elena and Bonnie."

"Ah, I'm sure Rebekah won't be too happy when she wakes up."

"I'm counting on that," I smirked.

"Can I help you at all today?" a sales assistant asked. She was a little taller than me, with red hair and hazel eyes. She was practically drooling as she watched Klaus with adoring eyes.

"No thank you," Klaus smiled politely. I knew he found this humorous.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

I laughed under my breath.


Her face fell slightly. She smiled and walked away.

"You're ridiculous," I commented.

"I can't help the effect I have on people," he smirked.

"Yes," I commented sarcastically. "Because those dimples are so adorable."

He glared at me. Klaus hated it when I pointed out that he had dimples. I pulled out a dress, deciding I liked it.

"I'm leaving. You know how shopping bores me. I think it's time I go retrieve our sister," he announced.

"Give my love to Damon and Elena," I murmured.

Klaus laughed before walking out of the store.

I walked to the change rooms and tried one on. It was crimson, with a high collar. I was observing myself, deciding whether or not to by it, when the annoying sales assistant popped up with that fake smile.

"How are we doing?" she asked.

"Fine," I stated flatly.

"Need any help with sizes?" she asked.

"No." Obviously not, because the dress I'm wearing fits! Ugh, idiot.

"It's a pretty colour," she commented.

"I know." Did this girl not know how to take a hint?

"Where's your friend?" she asked.

Ah. "He left."

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"No. He's my brother."

"Oh. I think he'd like the dress."

I dropped my head back and sighed exasperatedly.

"Look lady, just give it up. My brother will never go for you. Stop wasting your time. Like I said, he left, and he's not coming back. Besides, I think he prefers blondes. Go bother someone else." I took my wallet out and handed her a hundred dollar note. "That's for the dress. Keep the change."

I grabbed my back and shoved my other clothes in it, before slipped my heels back on and walking out of the store.


It was the next day that I was sitting at the Grill with a coffee in my hand. The house I was staying at, lacked decent coffee, so I figured I'd get some that I could actually drink.

I frowned. I wasn't too concerned, but I was curious why I hadn't seen Matt working for the past week. Just as this crossed my mind, Ryan came over to refill my cup.

"You know, you could be a little more subtle," he commented.

"I'm sorry?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I'm not stupid. I know you stole that bottle of bourbon the other day."

"Oh. Your point?"

"Stealing is illegal," he insisted.

"You act as if I care," I sighed.

"Well you should."

I rolled my eyes and placed a fifty on the table.

"There, happy?" I asked. "I paid you for it."

"That's not the point."

"I think it is." He looked as if he was going to say something, but I cut him off. "Have you seen Matt lately?"


"Yes, Matt Donovan. Have you seen him?"

"No. He hasn't shown up for work all week," Ryan answered.

I frowned. That's odd.

"Excuse me," I muttered, getting up and heading for the door.

Just as I reached it, Damon walked through. It was the first time I'd seen him since Friday, and rage filled me, but I gnored him. As we passed eachother, his shoulder slammed mine.

"Watch it," I hissed, sending him a glare before leaving.


I don't know why I came here, but I soon found myself at the front door of the Donovan house.

I knocked on the door and waited. There was no answer, so I knocked again. I heard footsteps and Matt opened the door. He looked terrible. His eyes were bloodshot and he had dark circles under his eyes.

He saw me and went to slam the door, but I shot my hand forward and held it open.

"No! Get away from me!" Matt growled, trying to slam the door.

"Matt, what's wrong?" I asked, confused as all hell.

He gave up on trying to slam the door and ran the other way. I caught up to him and grabbed his arm.

"No! You're apart of it!"

"Matt!" I shouted. "What's going on?"

"Don't pretend like you don't know! I saw you on Friday, Marni. I saw all of you!"

"What did you see Matt?" I asked fiercely.

"I saw that Klaus guy kill that man! You and Damon were there!"

Shock coursed through me. Oh crap.

"Matt, you need to calm down."

"No! I don't know what you are, but I don't want any part of it. Get out!"


"I said get out!"

"Matt, you need to listen to me very carefully," I said. "You cannot tell anyone what you saw."

"Marni, you helped kill someone! And then he caught on fire! And that Klaus guy got stabbed and got up like nothing happened... I'm going insane."

"No, you're not. I'm going to explain everything, but you need to calm down," I urged.

"How can I calm down?" he raged.

"Take a deep breath."


"Matt, I know you're freaking out. Just let me explain."

"Explain what? Why you helped kill someone?"


"I can't do this."

"Matt, please. Just listen."

Matt took a deep breath and sat on the couch. I slowly sat down next to him.

"What are you?" he asked.

"I'm a witch."


"Marni, I'm sorry, but this all sounds insane," Matt said after I finished explaining everything to him. "Vampires and werewolves?"

"I know it's hard to believe, but it's true."

"You're a witch, and Damon and Stefan are vampires?" he asked. "And Caroline as well?"


"Holy crap," he sighed, dropping his head in his hands.

"I know it's a lot to take in, and if you want me to leave, I will. But I need you to promise me that you won't tell anyone. Our lives depend on it," I urged.

"I won't tell anyone," he promised. "But it's going to take time to get used to. I mean, I always thought there was something out there, like aliens or something, but vampires?" He shook his head. "Do aliens exsist too?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

"So, my ex girlfriend is a vampire, and my best friend is a hybrid, thanks to Klaus, who is actually your brother, kind of."

"Hey!" I complained. "I thought I was your best friend!"

"So Damon and Stefan aren't related to you at all?" he asked.


"And you hate Damon now."

"Among other people."

"And because they betrayed you, you snapped and lost your humanity?"

"Pretty much."

"If that's the case, why haven't you killed me?"

I laughed. "It doesn't work like that. If you pissed me off, yeah, I probably would, but we're friends Matt. I still have some part of me that cares about you."

"Good to know."

"I would've told you sooner," I started. "But we try and keep as many people as we can out of the supernatural world. It can be extremely dangerous. But now that you know everything, hopefully you won't be confused."

"You actually died twice this year?" he asked.

"Uh huh. For Elena too. Back stabbing bitch," I muttered.


Matt and I talked for a few hours. He eventually began to accept the fact that I had magical powers. In a way, I was kind of relieved Matt knew. This was it wouldn't be so awkward. I'd meant what I said. I still did care for Matt in some way.

As I walked to my car, I glanced up to find Klaus leaning against it.

"Don't you have someone else to bother?" I asked.

He smirked. "You're my favorite person to annoy."

"Clearly. Where's Rebekah?"

"Yeah, about that... I'd thought you'd like to know, that your friend Damon had signed the deed to the house over to Elena, so I can't get in."

"He gave the house to Elena?" I growled, outraged. "That son of a bitch!"

Klaus shrugged.

"Well, lucky for us, I'm not a vampire," I muttered. I got in the drivers side. "Get in."

Klaus laughed and appeared in the passenger side.

We were at the boarding house in no time at all. I pulled up in the driveway and got out, walking with Klaus up to the door.

"Ding dong!" I called as I slammed the door open. I took a few steps inside before both Damon and Elena walked into view.

"What do you want?" Elena glared.

"Thought I'd pop by," I shrugged. I looked at Damon. "It's cute, giving Elena the house so vampires can't enter. Too bad I'm not a vampire."

"How unfortunate," Damon smirked. "Why are you here?"

"I missed you guys," I laughed. "And I thought I'd come by and get Rebekah."

"Well you're not getting her," Elena declared.

"Oh yes, Elena, I am."

"No you're not," Bonnie stated, walking into the room.

"Ah, the whole team's here," I smiled.

"You may be powerful, but you can't take both of us on at once," Bonnie warned.

"Oh, you mean you and Damon?" I asked. "I actually could. But I don't have to." I moved so fast no one had time to react. I grabbed Elena and pulled her neck to the side. "I could just snap her neck and Klaus can enter." I looked at Damon. "I'm sure he'd love to do the honors of killing you."

"Let her go," Bonnie growled.

"Hmm... No."

"Let her go, Marni," Damon glared.

"I should kill her right here and now." I sighed. "But, unfortunately, that's not necessary." I tossed Elena to the side and she scrambled behind Damon. I laughed. "Technically, I still live here. And considering I'm somewhat human, I can invite who I please into this house." I smirked at Klaus. "Klaus, won't you please come in?"

He took a step into the house and grinned.

"Now that's more like it," he commented.

All three of them looked furious.

"What is wrong with you?" Elena asked me.

"What's wrong with me? I got stabbed in the back by the people I thought meant most to me," I glared. "Guess you just can't trust people nowadays."

"Now, if you'll excuse us, we'll be grabbing Rebekah now," Klaus smirked, disappearing.

"So that's it, is it?" Damon asked. "You're that far gone that you're considering killing people now?"

"You brought this on yourselves," I announced. "You know, it's sad to think that I saved your life. After all, this is how you repay me."

"You can't really expect us to believe that," Elena glared.

"You should, love," Klaus smirked, walking back into the room. "Marni's quite right. If Damon had've killed me, my hybrids would have teared him apart. You should be thankful." He turned to me. "Rebekah's in the car, you ready?"

I tossed my keys to Klaus without looking.

"Go on ahead. I'll pick my car up later."

"Try not to kill anyone," he smirked, before disappearing.

I casually strolled over to where Damon kept his alcohol and poured myself a drink.

"So, how is everyone?" I asked with a smile. "I've been great."

"You've already gotten what you came for," Elena glared. "You should leave."

"God, if I didn't know better, I'd think you guys didn't want me here," I laughed.

"We don't," Bonnie said.

"Don't you? I'm sure Damon does. Notice how he hasn't said anything since Klaus told him his hybrids would've killed him, had anything happen to Klaus." I looked at Damon, who had guarded eyes. "I know right? Me? Tell the truth? Who would've thought?"

"Well, knowing you, you probably got Klaus to lie for you," Elena sneered.

"What would the purpose of that be?" I snorted. "So I could have your forgiveness?" Her gaze didn't waver and I laughed. "Elena, your forgiveness is the last thing I want, considering I'm not the one in the wrong. You could be on your knee's begging my forgiveness, and I wouldn't care." My smile faded. "Because you see Elena, I hate you, and I sincerely hope someone pushes you off a cliff."

Elena seemed slightly shocked at this. Her reaction made me laugh.

"You too, Bonnie," I added, looking at her. "Although, I don't want to kill you as much as I want to kill Elena..." I turned to Elena again. "You're just really, really annoying."

I sighed and downed my drink before slamming my glass down on the table.

"And you," I laughed harshly, looking up at Damon. I began to walk towards him, not breaking eye contact. I saw a flash of guilt in his eyes, but I wasn't quite sure I'd imagined it or not. "You broke my heart, betrayed me, and didn't think twice about it."

I was infront of him now, and I leant up so my mouth was next to his ear.

"You mean nothing to me," I murmured.

"Marni-" he began.

"Matt knows." I cut him off, turning towards Bonnie and Elena. I walked to the middle of the room and smirked. "And by that, I mean everything."

"What?" Elena gasped.

"Don't act so surprised," I stated with an eye roll. "He was bound to find out one way or another. He was a tad confused when he saw Klaus kill Mikael on Friday night, as one would be. So, I told him."

"Why would you do that?" Bonnie hissed.

"Are you actually stupid?" I glared. "I couldn't let Matt run around the town screaming 'vampire' now, could I? We'd all be killed."

"I thought you didn't care about us," Elena sneered.

"I don't," I laughed. "But I care about me. And besides, Matt had a right to know. After all, his best friend is a werewolf, his ex is a vampire. How is Caroline anyway? I haven't seen her around lately. Did you stab her in the back too?"

Both girls glared at me.

"You realise that involving Matt in this, you're putting him in danger," Elena stated.

"It was your stupid plan that led to him finding out," I announced. "So you've only got yourself to blame."

"Damon, find Matt and compel him to forget." Elena turned to him with pleading eyes.

I laughed. "You're taking orders from her now? How pathetic."

"No, actually, I'm not." Damon rolled his eyes. He looked at Elena. "Marni's right-"

"I usually am."

"- it's better off that Barbie's ex knows, in case something like this does happen again." He turned to me. "But if he tells anyone else, you're responsible for the concequences."

"No, Damon, I'm not. But unlike any of you, I can actually trust Matt. He won't tell."

"He better not," Damon warned.

"Why? Are you going to kill him if he does?" I smirked.

"No, but if the council finds out, they'll kill us."

I laughed at him. "They could try, but we both know I could kill them all without blinking. Once upon a time, you would've too. But now you're all about the humanity." I rolled my eyes. "You've changed Damon. Being around humans has made you weak. You used to call Stefan a pathetic excuse for a vampire. You're no better. Look at you. Being ordered around by a human. A few decades ago, you would've ripped the heart out of anyone who told you what to do." I smirked. "Except me of course. You were hopelessly in love with me, although you didn't notice at the time. It's cute really. But now you've moved on," My eyes flickered to Elena. "To this stupid human girl, who's nothing but a replacement of Katherine."

Damon growled at me. Bonnie and Elena narrowed their eyes.

"Come on Damon, where's the monster?" I taunted. "Are you really going to let me talk to you like that?"

"Don't make me hurt you," he hissed.

"Go for it," I grinned.

He glared, but didn't move.

I sighed. "What happened to you Damon? You used to be fun. Guess I'll just have to go find Stefan."

Elena snapped her head up.

"You know where he is?" she asked.

I smirked.

"That depends Elena-"

A shudder rippled through my body and I stumbled back, cutting off what I was about to say. I frowned and steadied myself.

"What the..." I muttered. I felt that feeling before, but I couldn't place it. It was a feeling of familiarity. I felt something tug at my mid, as if I was being drawn towards something.

An image suddenly flashed across my mind, and I felt the pull again. I wanted to go there. I needed to go there. I laughed under my breath. Clearly I was going crazy.

"Marni?" Damon asked, frowning.

I looked up at him, realising I was still here, in the Salvatore living room, with the three people I despised most at the moment.


I disappeared in a blur, not hearing what he was about to say.


*3rd Person POV*


Damon stared at the spot Marni had just been standing in.

"What was that about?" Bonnie asked.

He didn't reply.

You mean nothing to me.

The words echoed through his mind like shards of glass. He'd lost her for good this time, and it tore his heart open.

"Damon?"He looked up to meet Elena's worried gaze."What's wrong?"

"I'm an idiot, that's what's wrong," he muttered.

"Hey, no you're not."

"Yes I am, Elena," Damon growled. "Mia was right. It is my fault she snapped. She told the truth and I didn't believe her."

"No," Elena said firmly. "For all we know, Klaus could've been lying."

"It doesn't matter anyway," Bonnie added. "Marni's snapped whether we like it or not. She's hurting innocents."

"Because they're so special, aren't they?" Damon asked sarcastically.

"Don't let her get to you, Damon," Elena pleaded. "She almost killed me this before. She's not the same Marni."

And it was all thanks to him.

"I need a drink," Damon muttered, stalking out of the house and slamming the door behind him.


*Marni POV*


There was an eerie silence as I stepped out into the clearing of the woods. I couldn't hear animals, or anything else in the forest. Just the soft whoosh of the wind, rustling the leaves of the trees around me. It was really creepy.

But not as creepy as the giant house infront of me.  It was a faded white, and looked very old. Most of the windows were smashed, and those that weren't had dust on them.

It had been over a hundred years since I'd seen this house. The last time I'd been here, I'd tried to save Emily Bennett from being burned alive. If Damon hadn't have been there, I would've been burned too.

I knew for a fact that this place had some serious witchy mojo stuff going on. It had been built on the grounds that over a 100 witches had been burned by witch hunters before that. The Founding family had thought it'd be poetic to burn Emily there too.

The question was, why the hell was I here?

I could hear whispers now, coming from the house. Curiosity got the best of me, and I found myself walking up the steps to the front door. I pushed it open and it creaked.

Huh. Creepy.

I shrugged and entered the house. I kept an eye out. There was probably a naked homeless person in here somewhere.I frowned when Stefan popped into my mind. He wasn't a naked homeless person. Well, that I knew of, anyway.

I looked at the stairs leading upwards. The rail had broken off and a few of the steps had caved in.

"Uh, no..." I decided. "The basement it is."

Back in the 1860's, the Maybelle's had lived here, before the Founders discovered this was where the other witches were burned. They'd had a horrible daughter called Jennifer, and I'd been forced to spend time with her when my parents came to visit them. To get away from Jennifer subtly, I'd play hide and seek with her. She was terrified of the basement, so I'd always hid down there and read a book to pass the time. Damon had laughed at me when he found me one time when he was visiting Jennifer's older brother David.

Leading down to the basement, was secure cement steps. I lightly walked down them and followed the hallway until I reached the basement. I paused when I saw the last thing I'd ever expected to see.

Four coffins, side by side.

It was only when I'd opened one did I realise that these were Klaus' coffins.

I stared down at Elijah's still form. Even with grey skin and veins sticking out of him, the man still looked epic. It was definitely the hair. Without thinking, I grabbed the dagger sticking out of his chest.

Just as I was about to pull it out, I was grabbed from behind and ripped away from the coffin. I got out of their grasp and slammed them against the wall. It took only a second for them to pin me to the floor. I was about to kick them off me, but then I realised who it was.

"Stefan," I stated, looking up at his green eyes. I hadn't seen him in ages.

"Marni," he smirked. "Didn't expect to see you here."


He was on his feet in an instant, and held his hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me up.

"How did you find me?" he asked.

"I don't know. I felt drawn here. Probably that phsycic bond thing we have." I looked around. "I heard you had Klaus' coffins. He's not happy."

"Good," Stefan smirked. "I've heard about you too. I see I'm not the only one without their humanity."

"You can thank your brother and your girlfriend for that," I muttered. "What happened there, anyway? I heard that you disowned them or something."

"I tried to stop them from killing Klaus," he replied.I raised my eyebrows. "I didn't feel right about not letting you know, but when I went to call you, Damon snapped my neck. I woke up to find Katherine, who told me Klaus' hybrids were going to kill Damon if he touched Klaus. I told her to warn you just as Elena walked in the room. She wasn't too happy about that. She tried convincing me to tell Katherine not to tell you, but I just left."

"Wait... Did Elena know that Damon could've been killed?" I asked.

"I don't think so."

"And this, Stefan, is why I like you better than everyone else," I sighed. "Even when you have no humanity, you still manage to trust me, unlike everyone else in this town."

"You got hurt, didn't you?" he murmured.

"In the last two weeks, I've had my heart broken, had the people I loved and trusted turn their backs on me, and be accused of betraying them all," I laughed bitterly. "I'm not hurt, Stefan. I'm pissed. I've done nothing but help all of those ungrateful bastards. I even died to save Elena. I threw my life away to save Damon. In fact, I've saved them all countless times. But of course that doesn't matter. But I don't care anymore. If it were up to me, they'd all be dead."

"Look, they don't matter," Stefan announced. "Like you said, they turned their backs on us. We don't owe them anything. But we need to stick together. We're family, remember?"

"You're right Stefan. Who needs them? We have Mefan," I smiled. "And Mefan kicks ass."

"Yes it does," he grinned.

"This is the part where we have an emotional hug, isn't it?" I asked.

He laughed. "Yes."

I laughed with him and hugged him.

"Thank you," I murmured.

"For what?"

"Not turning your back on me."


We stood like that for a moment, and I sighed.

"Alright, enough emotional stuff. It's making us look like we aren't manly."

"You're right."

"And we're very manly."


"So, I have a question," I began. "Why steal Klaus' coffins?"

"Klaus took everything from me when he compelled me to turn my humanity off," Stefan expains. "I figure, what better way to get revenge than taking what means most to him?"

"Smart idea," I nodded.

"I need you to promise you won't tell anyone where they are," he pleaded.

"Your secret's safe with me. On one condition. I want in on your plans."

Stefan frowned. "What'd Klaus do to you?"

"Nothing. But his hybrids, on the other hand, are extremely irritating. And I wouldn't mind pissing off Elena."

"How would that piss her off?"

"Because I know where you are, and she doesn't," I grinned. "And besides, if Klaus hadn't have compelled his hybrids to kill Damon, I wouldn't be in this mess. But then again, Klaus would be dead... You see why I hate everyone?"


I sighed and studied the room.

"So this is where you've been hiding out?" I asked.

"Yep. If any one else comes down here, the witch spirits hide the coffins."

"Then why can I see them?"

"They obviously trust you."

"Now that's a first," I smirked. "So do you like, sleep on the floor or something?"

He laughed. "No. Upstairs there's a bed I had the sense of putting there."

"What about plumbing? Somehow I doubt this place has hot water."

"You're right about that," he muttered.

"Come live with me," I suggested. "I stole some random guys home."

"Thanks, but no. I don't want to risk anyone find the coffins."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, then I'll stay here."

"You don't have to do that."

"Yes I do. We're Mefan. We stick together. I will have to do something about the hot water though..."


It was an hour later, that I returned to the creepy house.

I hummed to myself as I walked down to the basement, to find Stefan sitting in a chair.

"Okay, so I brought chocolate, Mountain Dew, chips, water, cup noodles, shampoo, conditioner, some hairspray-" He glared at me. "Don't deny it Stefan. I know you use it. And I brought us these." I held up the two duffle bags I had in one hand.

"What's in those?" Stefan asked.

"Clothes. I grabbed all of my stuff from the house I was staying at, and I went all ninja and stole most of your clothes from the boarding house," I informed him. "Oh, and while I was there, I grabbed a few of these." I tossed him a bag full of blood bags. "I thought you might get hungry. I was going to bring you a bunny, but last time I did that as a joke, you stole my poster of Johnny Depp."

"You hated me for that," he laughed.

"It was Johnny Depp. Of course I did." I set the bags down and dusted my hands off. "There's still a few more in my car. Wanna help?"

"Where's your car?" Stefan asked.

"Just outside," I answered as I walked up the stairs.

"Don't you think people will realise we're here if you leave your car outside?"

"Not if you're awesome like me," I replied.

I walked out into the sunlight. My car was parked a few feet away and I pointed to it.

"There's nothing here," Stefan frowned, turning to me.

"Look again," I urged.

He looked back, and raised his eyebrows.

"How did you do that?" he asked.

"I put a cloaking spell on it. It's a bit like what the witches are doing with the coffins. You can only see my car if I allow you to."

"Smart," he nodded.

"I know."

He helped me bring the rest of the stuff down to the basement and I leaned against the wall.

"Marni, is that a shower curtain?" Stefan asked, raising an eyebrow at one of the bags.


"There's no shower here."

"But there will be," I grinned. "Show me where this bedroom you stay in is."

He obliged, and I followed him up the steps. As we reached the staircase, instead of walking up them, I leaped and landed on the top step. Stefan did the same. The room he lead me to was large, and dust covered the walls. There was furniture, but most of it had rotted away, apart from the king sized bed in the middle, which Stefan had added.

"Cosy," I commented. I stepped into the room and splayed my palm out. All of the dust in the room lifted and drifted out of the window, which had been propped open. "Much better."

I spotted a door on the other side of the room and ventured into the other room. It was pitch black in here, so I clicked my flingers. A flame appeared in my hand, lighting up the room. It was a bathroom of some sorts. There was a bath tub and, thankfully, a shower head.

"I thought you said there was no shower," I stated, looking over my shoulder at Stefan.

"It doesn't work."

I tried a tap, and nothing happened. I placed my hand against the shower head and waited. After a moment, nice clean water sprayed out of it.

"It does now," I smirked. "Okay, so that fixes the shower problem. I think this place is fit to live in."


Stefan and I were sitting infront of a fire we'd made down in the basement. It was freezing in this place, and I had four layers of clothing on, as well as the blanket Stefan and I had wrapped around us.

We were sharing a block of chocolate, and talking about what we would do from here.

"Can I please undagger Elijah?" I asked.


"Why not?"

"Because it would ruin the plan."

"Come on! I've been waiting forever to undagger Elijah! I miss him."

"Not now."

I grumbled and stole the chocolate out of his hand.

"So why are there four coffins anyway?" I asked. "Klaus has Rebekah, and the only siblings left are Elijah, Kol and Finn. There should only be three."

"That's what I'm trying to figure out."

"Have you opened it?" I asked.

"I've tried. It's locked. Nothing will open it."

I frowned and stood up.

"Which one is it?" I asked.

"The one on the end."

I made my way over to it and lifted, but the lid wouldn't budge.

"It won't work," Stefan informed me. "I've tried everything."

My eyes narrowed. I lifted again, but it had no effect. I grabbed a shovel laying on the ground and started smacking it against the coffin.

"Look man," I spoke to the coffin. "Just be nice and everything will be okay."

I gave up and tossed the shovel down. I placed my hand on top of the coffin and closed my eyes.

"This has been locked with a spell," I announced, turning to Stefan. "The only way to get it open is to undo the spell."

"Great," Stefan said.

There was an awkward silence.

"So... Are you going to undo the spell?" he asked.

"I can't," I replied. "Firstly, I don't know what is required to undo this spell, secondly, I don't even know what the spell is, and thirdly, I don't even know if I want to undo this spell. If Klaus has a coffin that's been locked by some serious juju, then maybe it's best if we keep it that way."

Stefan looked at the coffin. "Maybe you're right."

"Of course I am."

"The question is," Stefan began. "Who's in the locked coffin?"


"Come on, Stefan," I smirked. "It'll be fun."

It was Tuesday morning, and I was trying to con Stefan into joining me today.

"Going to school is the last thing I want to do right now," he replied. "Why do you want to go anyway?"

"So I can hang out with Elena," I answered. "We have History together today. Maybe Bonnie can sit with us."

Stefan laughed. "You really do like provoking people, don't you?"

"It's amusing," I shrugged. I was using the mirror above the old basin in the bathroom to make sure I didn't stab myself in the eye again with my eyeliner. "Oh! Do you think she'd mind if I hung out with Jeremy?"

"You know for a fact she will."

"Good," I smiled. "Hmm... I wonder if she'd get angry if he and I started dating again... I'm sure he still has a little crush on me. Although, I think he and Emma are together. Oh well, she'll get over it."

"And what about Damon?" Stefan asked, leaning against the doorframe.

My expression turned cold.

"Damon has no say about what I do with my life," I muttered.

"You know that's not what I meant."

"I no longer care about Damon. He broke my heart. He can go to hell," I said after a moment.

"Do you have any feelings left for him?" Stefan asked.

"Well," I smirked, standing upright. "I will admit, he's not that bad looking. His personality ruins it though."

"Coming from the one who was in love with him," Stefan pointed out.

"You're one to talk," I scoffed. "Tell me Stefan, why exactly did you fall in love with Elena?"


"So, how do I look?" I asked, turning to face him.

He studied me. I had skin tight black jeans on, along with an off white top and my leather jacket.

"Like you're about to cause trouble."

"Good," I smiled. "Sure you don't want to come cause it with me?"

"I'm sure. We can't risk one of Klaus' hybrids finding the coffins now, can we?"

"You worry too much, Stefan," I laughed.


I sighed as I got out of my car. It was sunny today, and the majority of students were outside, tossing around footballs, or frisbies. Some of the girls from the cheerleading squad were practicing routines for the football game in two weeks.

I slipped on my Aviator sunglasses and shut the car door. I walked towards the entrance of the school, my six inch high ankle boots clicking on the pavement. I had a certain cockiness about me as I walked. It showed that I didn't have a care in the world. As they say, the key to confidence is not caring about what others think about you.

A smirk grew on my face when I noticed people watching me walk by.

I reached my locker and twisted in the combination. I pulled it open and put my sunglasses in there. I closed it and found someone standing infront of me.

"Ugh." I rolled my eyes, seeing Elena. "What do you want?"

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"What do you think I'm doing here, Elena? I'm going to school obviously."

"Why? You have no reason to."

"Oh, come on Elena," I smiled. "There's no need to be like that. I mean, if you'd prefer me to go hang out with Jenna..."

"Stay away from her," she hissed.

I laughed. "Or maybe I'll go visit Damon. I'm sure he misses me. But you wouldn't like that." I tilted my head to the side, smirking. "You feel something for him, don't you?"

"No, I don't," she argued, but a flicker of her eyes betrayed her.

"It's hard, isn't it?" I taunted. "To resist his charms, his good looks. He sucks you right in, until you can't help yourself. But there's just one problem. He doesn't care about you that way. Even if he did, it wouldn't matter. Because to him, you're still Stefan's, and Damon won't let anything come between him and his brother."

Elena swallowed loudly.

"Believe it all you want," she began. "But I don't have feelings for Damon. I love Stefan."

"Yes, but he doesn't love you. Not anymore." I smiled. "But you can go for Damon if you're that desperate. Doesn't bother me anymore."

I looked over her shoulder and I grinned at who I saw.


"Hello Marni," she greeted, her English accent very noticeable.Elena gasped slightly and spun. Rebekah looked down on her. "Elena."

Elena remained silent. Fear showed in her eyes, and I didn't blame her. Rebekah could be very scary when she wanted.

My grin widened.

"I should rip your heart out," Rebekah growled. "You put a dagger in my back and tried to kill my brother." Rebekah relaxed her expression. "But Nik has asked me not to harm you, for the sake of his precious hybrids. But be warned," Her face turned murderous again. "If you ever cross me or my family again, I will gladly rip your throat out."

"We did what was neccesary," Elena spoke up, her voice trembling slightly.

"What you did was stupid," Rebekah stated. "And I wouldn't do it again. Because if you kill our brother, I'll kill yours."

"Stay away from Jeremy," Elena glared.

I laughed. "Make me."

"Go bother someone else," Rebekah sighed. "You humans are so irritating."

With an icy glare sent in my direction, Elena stalked off.

"God I hate her," I commented. "Can't we kill her and tell Klaus someone else did it?"

"That is an intriguing idea, but Nik would know. He always does." She glanced over her shoulder at Elena. "Nik told me you turned your emotions off, and that they all turned their back on you."


"Good. I like you better like this," she smiled.

"Me too."

The bell rang, and Rebekah and I started to walk down the hallway together.

"Have you seen Stefan lately?" Rebekah asked.

I smirked. "Klaus is getting you to try and get the coffins back, isn't he?"

"Honestly, I couldn't care less," she stated. "The stupid feud going on between the two of them is pointless. As long as Stefan doesn't dump the coffins to the bottom of the ocean, it doesn't matter if he has them. It's not like Nik was going to undagger my brothers anytime soon. I'm not sure I want them undaggered anyway."

"Why not?"

"Finn hates what we are, and he always used to give lectures about hurting humans." She made a face. "Kol is extremely cocky and irritating, and goes out of his way to annoy me."

"And Elijah?"

"I must admit. I do miss having him around."

"That makes two of us."


I was about twenty minutes late for History, not that I minded.

The class went quiet when I appeared at the door, and as I expected, I recieved glares from Bonnie and Elena. Caroline, on the other hand, looked somewhat troubled. Alaric obviously wasn't expecting me, because shock filled his eyes.

"Sorry I'm late," I smirked. "I got... Caught up."

"That's fine, have a seat," Alaric stated.

I spotted a seat towards the back between Rebekah and Matt and started walking in that direction. A ghost of a smile made it's way across my face as I passed Jeremy and Emma, who both looked surprised.

As I sat down, Alaric began talking again, going on about something.

"I was wondering where you got to," Rebekah murmured.

"I needed a drink, so I went to the Grill," I shrugged.

Class droned on, and I laughed as I listened in to Bonnie and Elena muttering about what they were going to do about me. Mia, who was sitting infront of me, laughed under her breath.

"Imbociles," she muttered.

I rose an eyebrow.

"And here I thought you were team hate Marni," I murmured.

Mia turned her head to the side slightly.

"I know you saved Damon's life. It's their fault you snapped. They're just too ignorant to accept it," she shrugged.

"I remember when you were trying to convince me to go 'bad'" I smirked.

"I've got nothing against it."

It was at that moment when my phone started ringing.

The class all turned in my direction. I looked at caller ID and laughed, before declining the call and putting my phone on silent.

"Sorry," I apologised to Alaric.

He cleared his throat and went back to teaching.

My phone buzzed, signalling I had a message.

Answer your phone.

I began to reply.

Bored already Stefan? And I can't. I'm in class.

The reply came two seconds later.

Call me when it ends, it's important.

I put my phone down and wondered what could be so important. I felt someone watching me, and I looked up to meet Elena's eyes. She quickly looked away and I rolled my eyes. Thankfully, class ended shortly after.

"Marni, can I talk to you for a moment?" Alaric asked.

I sighed and pulled myself up on a desk.

"Sure Ric, what is it?"

He closed the door and turned to me.

"Damon told me what happened."

"Good for him."

"Marni, you don't have to do this."

"Do what?" I asked. "Not care anymore? Too late for that."

"I know you're hurt-"

"No, Ric, you don't. I'm sure you got their side of the story, how I betrayed them, but you don't know anything."

"Then tell me."

"What's the point?" I asked. "It won't change anything."

"Don't do this. They're not worth it. Damon's not worth it."

"Tell them that.Now if you excuse me, I have a phone call to make."

Without a second glance at him, I slipped out of the room.

I reached my locker and put my books in their before dialling Stefan's number.


"Sorry, I got held up. Now what's so important?"

Before he could reply, a familiar voice spoke over him.

"Who is that?" Elena asked, stepping infront of me.

"Ugh, you again?" I groaned. "Don't you have something better to do than stalk me?"

"Is that Stefan?"

"No, it's the Easter Bunny." I rolled my eyes. I heard Stefan laugh from the other end.

"It's him, isn't it? Where is he?"

"Sorry Stef," I spoke into the phone. "I'll have to call you back. You're ex is being more irritating than usual."I hung up and glared at Elena, who was now joined by Bonnie. "What do you want?"

"What's going on?" Bonnie asked.

"Not much," I answered.

"Where's Stefan?" Elena snapped.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I smirked.

"Tell me where he is."

"Hmm... No."

"Marni, tell us what's going on," Bonnie said fiercly.

"And why would I do that?" I asked. "It's clealy none of your buisness."

"It is. We have a right to know," Elena argued.

"Do you now? Last time I checked, we played for different teams."

"Right, you're in Klaus' side now," Bonnie glared.

"That's where you're wrong," I corrected her. "You see, Stefan and I have our own angle, and I suggest you don't get in the way. Now go annoy someone else, before I get angry."

"We're not scared of you," Bonnie announced in a defiant tone.

In the blink of an eye, I grabbed Bonnie by the throat and held her up against the lockers, her feet dangling off the ground. She clawed at my hands, struggling desperately to loosen my grip. Her face turn red as she tried to breath. The hallway was deserted, so no one came to help.

"Then you are incredibly stupid," I hissed.

"Marni stop!" Elena cried, trying to pull at my arm. I shoved her, hard, and she slammed into the lockers. She cried out in pain and slumped to the ground.

Bonnie's eyelids started to flicker shut and I knew she was loosing consciousness. Deciding I'd gotten the message across, I dropped Bonnie and she fell to theg ground, gasping and coughing. Elena scrambled over to her to comfort her.

"What is wrong with you?" Elena cried, looking up at me with tear filled eyes.

"You keep asking me that question, Elena, and I keep telling you the answer." I looked down on them. "I suggest you stop bothering me, or I might get angry and do something worse, such as kill you. Now that would be fun."

With a smile, I casually strolled down the hallway and redialled Stefan's number.

"Sorry about that, continue on."

"I found a hybrid looking through the house today. Klaus is getting closer to discovering the coffins."

I frowned. "The hybrid must have followed me yesterday."

"Make sure to keep an eye out."

"You too."


I sat at the bar in the Grill, swirling the ice around in my drink. I'd been here most of the afternoon, and I'd tried to con Stefan into coming with me, but we both knew that with Klaus looking for him it probably wasn't such a good idea.

I was ignoring everyone, as usual, but I was aware that Damon was playing darts, and Elena was ranting about her issues to him. I glanced sideways in their direction.

"Jeremy's boss told me if he doesn't pick up his slack, he'll get fired," Elena was saying.

I'd completely forgotten Jeremy worked here.

"So? He's a teenager. I doubt he wants the job anyway," Damon shrugged.

"Damon," she scolded. "He needs responsibility. He can't just let his life slip away again. I mean, he's dating a werewolf."

"You were dating a vampire," Damon reminded her.

"And look how that turned out. I just don't want him to destroy his life. And with everything that's going on... I just worry about him."

"You're his sister. It's natural. But if I've learned something over my very long and great life, it's that siblings can take care of themselves." Damon frowned. "Granted, my brother's shut his emotions off and is hiding away plotting God knows what with Marni, but somehow I don't see that happening to Jeremy."

Elena sighed. "Are you okay?"

"What makes you think I'm not okay?" Damon asked, tossing a dart at the board.

"You're day drunk," Elena pointed out. "It's not exactly your most attractive look."

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh. What is my most attractive look?" Damon smirked.

"I'm not saying you have one," Elena replied. "This is my least favorite."

I resisted the urge to gag.

"Well now, isn't this cute?" a familiar English accented voice asked.

It was at that moment did I realise Klaus was standing a few feet away from them. I smirked, interested in how this played out.

"Klaus," Elena gasped slightly.

Damon moved in front of her, protective, almost. Klaus smiled at their reaction.

"You're going to do this is the Grill?" Damon asked. "Infront of everyone? That's a little beneath you, don't you think?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Klaus stated innocently. "I just came here to get a drink."

"I'm surprised you haven't skipped town. Aren't you bored yet?" Damon asked.

"Truth is, I've grown quite fond of your little town," Klaus said. "I think I might stay a while."

Klaus took one of the darts out of Damon's hand and walked past them both.

"I can imagine you're wondering, how does his effect you?" Klaus mused. "And the answer is, not in the slightest. As long as I get what I want and everyone behaves themselves, you can go on living your lives how you choose." He smirked and turned back to them. "You have my word."

I snorted. Cocky bastard.

"What more could you possibly want?" Elena asked.

"Well for starters, you could tell me where I can find Stefan," Klaus suggested.

"Stefan skipped town," Damon answered.

"Well you see, that is a shame," Klaus stated. He threw a dart without looking and it landed right in the middle. He fixed his glare on Damon. "Your brother stole from me. I need him found so I can take back what's mine."

"That sounds like a Klaus and Stefan problem," Elena commented.

"Well consider this me broadening the scope, sweetheart" Klaus responded.

"Why don't you ask Marni where he is?" Elena retorted. "She knows. She and Stefan are working together."

"Oh come on now," I smirked, having made my way over to them. They all looked at me. "Let's not play the blame game."

"So you and Stefan are working together now?" Klaus asked. He seemed slightly amused.

"Well, I don't mean to brag, but yeah. We are." I looked at Elena. "How's Bonnie? She didn't look too great the last time I saw her."

She responded with a glare.

"What did Stefan take, anyway?" Damon asked.

He was ignored.

"I want my coffins back, Marni," Klaus stated.

"It's good to want things Klaus," I smiled.

"Coffins?" Damon asked. "You mean the ones your siblings are in?"

"Obviously," Klaus rolled his eyes. He turned to me. "They're your family too."

"I'm well aware. And no harm will come to them, provided you cooperate."

Klaus glared at me.

"I'm not in the mood for games, Marni."

"Neither am I," I responded. "We may be family or whatever Klaus, but your hybrids on the other hand, are a nuisance. They're everywhere. Kind of like fleas."

"Ah, so you're the one who's been killing them. A shame really. I liked them."

"They had it coming," I shrugged.

"Give me the coffins."

"You can have the coffins, when your hybrids leave town," I declared.

He laughed. "Sorry Marni, but that's not going to happen."

"Then no coffins for you," I smiled.

Klaus sent me an irritated look.

"If I don't get my coffins, I'll start killing people one by one," Klaus announced. "Starting with Damon here."

My eyes flickered to Damon, who looked at me with alert eyes.

"Go ahead," I suggested.

Klaus laughed again. "Oh, right. He means nothing to you anymore." Klaus looked at Damon, who showed no emotion. "Sucks to be you, mate."

"My offer's final, Klaus," I stated. "Once your hybrids leave, you'll get the coffins."

"I'm not quite sure I agree with that," Klaus replied.

"Too bad," I shrugged. "You see, we're calling the shots around here now, and one way or another, your hybrids will be gone. Even if I have to kill every last one of them." I smiled at them. "You all have a lovely evening now."

I left the Grill and got in my car, before driving home.


*Holds out gun*

Here, shoot me. I deserve it. It's been TWO WEEKS people, and that's not good enough. I'm a sick, twisted, horrible person. But I'm going to read out my list of excuses anyway.

*clears throat*

1. Last week was the end of the school term, and I had exams to prepare for, which I'm pretty sure I failed.

2. I've been staying at my friends houses a lot lately, because apparently I'm good company.

3. I've also had to work, and I usually work at night, so it takes up my writing time.

4. For the past half week or so, I've been down at the Gold Coast, visiting family, with no access to internet.

5. I just heard a loud thump and I'm the only on awake. I'm now crapping my pants.

Hopefully, if you love me enough, you will eventually forgive me. I'll even give you some cheese. And dandelions.

So, let's talk about the chapter...

Marni is bad ass. Nuff said. It is so much more fun writing this now that Marni doesn't give a crap about anything.

TEAM MEFAN. Aren't they awesome?

And before you guys ask, no, Marni and Klaus don't hate eachother. Just a little sibling rivalry is all.

If my gramma is horrible, I'm sorry. It's 1:21 am, and I can not be bothered to edit properly. I did what I could.

GOOD NEWS. I am on holidays now, so hopefully I will be able to upload faster than usual. If not, feel free to send me hate mail and death threats.

Well, I suppose I should go sleep, considering I can barely keep my eyes open.

OH! I suggest you all go watch Snow White And The Huntsman. It was pretty epic. And if I'm being completely honest, I only watched it because Chris Hemsworth is in it. Ah, how I love him.



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