Old Friends (Janet and Toni F...

بواسطة lostarchives00

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After being the best of friends in the 90's and losing touch, Janet Jackson and Toni Braxton finally get a ch... المزيد

Main Characters/Disclaimer
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
So sorry.
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: Part I
Chapter 39: Part II
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53: Part I
Chapter 53: Part II
Chapter 53: Part III
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74

Chapter 43

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بواسطة lostarchives00


That show couldn't be over fast enough. I was a wreck for a good 5 minutes after Toni left and I couldn't seem to get over it for anything.
When I finally waved my goodbyes and took my last bow, I practically sprinted off the stage, and there she was waiting for me. I felt like crying again. But I tried to keep it together.

"Janet Jackson, that was one hell of a show," she said. Her arms were crossed and she tried to hide the wide grin on her face as best she could. I just shook my head, making my way towards her.

"If you ever try to to embarrass me like that on stage again, Toni, so help me-" she pulled me close to her and kissed my lips. I heard some people whistling at us. I dragged her in the direction of my dressing room and locked the door behind us. I just needed this moment alone with her. The show was over.

She sat down on a clear spot on the vanity and I stood between her legs, holding her face tight in my hands and pressing my lips hard against her own. Toni pulled me into another embrace and my eyes started to sting again at that familiar vanilla scent lingering from her body. This was her. I couldn't believe it.

"I missed you too fucking much," I squeaked.

"I missed you more, Janet Jackson. I swear to God I missed you more."

"I'm so happy you're here." I pulled back and she wiped my tears away. Why was it that she never cried? I was a waterfall the moment I saw her on the stage. I couldn't help it.

"Look at you, my God..." She studied my blotchy face. I bashfully ran my hands up and down her thighs, looking down at her particularly sexy outfit.

"No, you, damn..." I checked out her body. "You look so good." It made me excited to see her in the outfit that I bought her for tonight. I hoped she liked it.

"Thank you." Her cheeks flushed and I pinched one between my fingers.

We looked at each other forever and said nothing at all, just trying to take it all in. It probably seemed so dramatic, but I had never been so attached and in love with someone the way I was with Toni, and if I'm honest with myself, I was almost miserable without her this whole month. Touring was only a distraction, but It didn't completely masque the longing.

"Oh my God, Jan, what's going on tonight that you dropped all that money on my outfit?!" She pushed me away and hopped off the vanity. "It's stunning, but Jesus, what is the occasion? I feel like I need to keep the tags on it."

"Just a little get together. As a matter of fact, we should probably start getting dressed. Preston's gonna do your makeup."

"This seems like way more than a little get together."

"Just put it on and shut up. You're gonna have a good time tonight." I pulled my dress from a bodybag in my suitcase. "I'm gonna go shower on the bus, do you want to come with? You probably already took a shower."

"Yeah, I can just hang out in here." She plopped down on the couch, and it reminded me of that first night she saw the show and came backstage. What started it all. I smiled.

"What?" She asked, taking her heels off.

"Nothing.... Okay, I won't be long, I'm gonna get Preston in here to get started on you."

When I got back, he was already just finishing up, and Toni's face was mesmerizing as we caught eyes in the mirror. I didn't think she could get any sexier until now.

"Bra-vo, Preston..." I trailed, getting closer to them. He smiled as he smoothed the bronzing powder over her cheeks. I couldn't wait for her to put the dress on; for me to take it off.

"Thank you, thank you. It helps when the client has a nice face to begin with." He winked at her. She smiled.

"I could not agree more."

"Are you good, J? Do you need a touch up?" He turned around and looked at me. My face was still fully made up, but I had on sweats to make it from here to the bus.

"I think I'm good, what do you think?" I checked my face over, blotting it with a tissue.

"Yeah, you are, just do your lipstick again right before you get out of the car. Okay, my dear, you are finished." He patted her on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Preston."

"No charge. Alright, you guys get changed and I'll see you there."

"Bye, Pres," I said, closing the door behind him. We both started to undress. If it was possible, I somehow forgot about the bombshell that was her body. Her back was turned to me as she stepped delicately into the gown, and it was hard for me not to stare too long.

"How did you know what size I was?" She asked, snapping me out of my thoughts as she took her bra off.

"Some things I like to keep in the back of my head for times like this." She craned her neck for a second to smile at me and then finished getting dressed. The way her curves began to fill up the gown as she pulled it up her body was so tempting.

I just took a deep breath and tried to shake the thoughts out of my head, at least until later. We still had the whole night. I slipped my dress on as well, mostly black with red accents to match her. She was my accent piece for the night.

"Okay, Jan, can you zip me?" She turned around to face me, and my jaw literally dropped. She was made to wear it; I was convinced.

"Toni Michele, I have no words." She looked down and made her way to the vanity to see for herself. I came up behind her and zipped her dress up slowly, my eyes glued to her reflection. I ran my hands up and down her sides slowly, following the hourglass shape of her body like a Rollercoaster. And then something stopped me dead in my tracks. Right in the center of her left breast, two small bumps protruded on either side through the fabric of the gown. "Toni, did you—"

  "Oh, shit," she glanced down at her chest, running her finger lightly across it. "It was gonna be a surprise.... Surprise." She threw her hands up.

I shook my head with my arms crossed over my chest. "This night just keeps getting better," I kind of muttered to myself.  She turned back around , trying to hide her blush.

"I look okay?" She put an earring in and I grabbed the other one to help her out.

"I am going to devour you tonight," I whispered in her ear. She shivered.

Toni grabbed my hands and held them out to get a look at my attire. "You are flawless, Janet Jackson. And thank you, again for this, seriously. You didn't have to."

"Baby, the pleasure is all... Mine..." I twirled her around one time.

"Can we go?" She getting so shy, and I wondered why. She had absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

"Yes, let's go." I called Joey and he escorted us to our car. We both sat in the back seat. I told myself before we even got in that I would do everything in my power to control myself in this car.

"What is this again? A prom?" She asked as we made our way to the venue. It was only about 15 minutes away.

"You'll see. Just relax." I grabbed her hand and kissed her fingers. "You're gonna love it."


"I promise, Toni. You're not too tired, are you?" I asked.

"No, I got a second wind towards the end of the show. I'm fine."

"Tomorrow we're just gonna relax, drive all night to the next city, so you'll have time to recoup."

"That sounds like a plan." She smiled at me. I leaned over and kissed her lips for what would be the thousandth out of one million times tonight. "I love you, Janet Jackson," she stated.

"I love you too."

"5 minutes to arrival, make sure you're ready, ladies," Joey called behind him. I fixed my lipstick like Preston said and Toni anxiously fiddled with her hair.

"Baby, you look perfect. Relax. It's just like any other red carpet event."

"What is it, though? You still haven't answered my question."

"You'll see! You're gonna love it."

I could hear the booming music and lights coming into view as traffic thickened. People were everywhere, some familiar faces and some that weren't. Joey opened the car door for us and I stepped outside first, all of the camera's pointed and flashing right in my face. Next, Joey went to Toni's side and walked her over to me before I instinctively grabbed her hand. It was sweaty. I squeezed it tightly. I never knew her to be so nervous at functions like this, she used to be the queen of the red carpet back in the day.

From all directions, people were calling our names and we had no idea where to look first as we posed for everyone's shot. My hand snaked around her waist and pulled her close to me for the pictures. She laughed and grabbed onto my body for support. I forgot she wasn't so stable in those 5 inch stilettos. At least mine were platform.

"Are you okay?" I uttered to her as we made our way down the carpet together. My cheeks were about to be tired from smiling so much.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

After we'd almost gone blind, we finally made it inside to the party, and the atmosphere was totally different; I could tell it was more Toni's speed too as she looked around and saw everyone mingling and drinking.

"This is your party, baby. I want you to have fun tonight."

She turned to look at me. "Wait, this whole thing is for me?"

"Well, yeah, I mean if you weren't coming, I wouldn't have thrown it. So it is for you, yes."

"Jan, you spoil me too much... Come on..."

"Yes, 2 shots of tequila and limes to start." I interrupted as someone came around to take drink orders. I brought her to the VIP lounge where Gil and the kids were sitting, already having drinks. "I want to introduce you to everyone."

I went down the line and everyone had warm, genuine greetings to give her. She said hello back as we took a seat on the end of the couch. Our shots came and I held mine up to her. She did the same with a big smile.

"This is to... Being back together. And having no stress."

"Amen." She clicked her glass to mine and we both gulped the strong liquid down, shoving the lime in our mouths right after. Everyone was laughing at the faces we made, but that shit was strong and it burned my throat and chest something fierce. Just the way it needed to be. This was the first of many tonight.

"That was just the warm up," I warned her. And we all know you can drink, so keep these coming," I instructed a waiter.

I pulled her into my lap as we conversed and drank with everyone. I was just waiting for her to get loose enough to dance with me. And then we would really be having a good time. She was talking a lot and smiling and laughing and it was the Toni that I remember leaving a month before, not the one I'd been talking to on the phone--lifeless,miserable. This was the Toni that I wanted everyone to know and to show to the world. I had never been more content.

I squeezed her tight in my arms. "You ready to go dance?" I mumbled in her ear. She was already swaying back and forth to the beat on my legs, so I figured it was time. She stood up and kicked her shoes off, holding out her hand for me. I took it gladly and she led me onto the dancefloor. "Pour It Up" by Rihanna was blasting and I could see something come over her as she started getting into the song. I just stood back and watched her do her thing. Her hips became fluid and she got closer and closer to me as she danced, rolling her body against me.

The way her ass bounced in that dress made everyone kind of stop and stare, but I didn't mind. Because she was only bouncing it on me. I usually wasn't one to even get on the floor, but it was about Toni. And if she was going to dance, then I'd be her partner. And to be honest, I didn't know she had it in her; she was getting low and grimy with it, sticking her tongue out and looking back at me like she wanted me to take care of it right there on the floor. At one point, she grabbed me by the neck and ran the tip of her tongue just barely against my ear. I bit my lip as she winked at me before turning back around.

After a few freestyle circles, 2 rounds of her favorite martini, and about 30 minutes, Toni was hot and tipsy. Nothing could stop her. I was about at the same level, and nothing had ever felt this good to me. We were genuinely happy and watching her joy after having to listen to her agony over the phone for far too long was something I couldn't describe.

Gil offered to be the dedicated babysitter, remaining slightly lucid while I got drunk with Toni. I was grateful for this, because at this rate, I didnt think either of us would make it back to the hotel room in one piece. But it was okay because it was her and me and we were together.

She clung tightly to me as we went to go sit down for a moment and take a break. I ordered her some chips and guacamole, and now she was acting like I'd asked her to marry me at the small gesture.

"I love you so much," she kept repeating. She wasn't stupid drunk (just yet), but I wasn't used to the way she was acting. It was all just funny to me.

"I love you baby, thank you," I said to our waiter as he brought the platter. I dipped some out and held the chip in front of her face. "Here, baby, taste this."

"I'd rather taste you," she pouted. "When are you gonna take me into the bathroom already?" She crunched the chip obnoxiously and rested her hand on my knee.

"Just wait til we get to the hotel, I got something for you."

"You think I can wait that long? I mean, look at you, Jan. Look at me."

I chuckled. "We've gone an entire month. I think you can hold out just a little longer. But If you're really ready to go, then I can call Joey."

"Are y'all good in here? Your kids are fucking it up out there, girl." Gil came back in and grabbed the plate of chips from Toni.

"I don't know, it's looking like she's ready to go..." I trailed, feeling red because she was feeling me all up in front of him.

"I see, well... Just come get me when it's time."


Toni grabbed my face and kissed me before I could finish talking to Gil. She tasted like strawberries. It was wet and passionate and it turned me on, to say the least.

"Hold up, Toni, I'm not as sober as you think. We'll get going in front of all these people if you don't stop." I tried to push her off of me, even though I didn't really want to.

"Let them watch, baby," she cooed. "I don't care."

"I know you don't. Come on, let's go watch the kids." I stood up and grabbed her hand. She had the chips in her other hand, and I laughed as we made it out to the dance floor, and sure enough, there they were, showing out for everybody with their moves. I loved watching them do their thing. Sometimes it was hard to see their true style when we all did the same choreography at rehearsals and shows, but this is what made them all unique. And I was happy I chose the talented group that I did.

And then Toni's hand started to creep from the small of my back to my ass, rubbing big, slow circles on it. I turned to look at her and she watched the dancers the entire time as she motioned me closer to her to say something discretely.

"I'm ready to go," she muttered into my ear, her attention still on the dancers and commotion of the party around us. She looked at the time on the watch I bought her; I looked over to see that it was just about 2 in the morning.

"Right now?" I whispered back. She squeezed my ass, and I jumped a little bit.

"Right now."

I had never seen her so demanding and eager, especially not in mixed company, but I guess a month without sex would do that to you, not to mention her barely sober state. But I knew I wanted it just as bad as she did.

I cleared my throat. "Alright, I'll tell Gil and Joey." I smoothed my dress out and went back to the lounge for my purse and phone. Toni stood at the entrance, just studying my every move. It was making me so anxious. We couldn't get back to the room fast enough.

The car ride was painful; the only reason I didn't get her started right then and there was because there was no partition, and I still had some good judgment left In me. But Toni was gone and she had been for a good while, begging to do anything to me that could hold her over in the mean time.

I unwillingly denied. Just a moment more, and my body was her playground. I'd let her do anything at all. Something in my gut told me that we'd be venturing into some uncharted territory as she whispered her fantasies to me.
It all sounded very appetizing, just as long she understood that I was going to put her in her place before she'd even get the chance to touch me.

Finally we were there, and as Joey escorted us to our room, Toni was steady talking a good game about everything she was going to do to me. Of course I entertained it all the way up until we stepped inside that door and he shut it. I shoved her onto our bed and she was totally stunned at the gesture, being that I'd been so mild-mannered before.

"Shut up," I demanded as she tried to protest. "Shut up. That's enough."

She looked totally helpless while I stood in front of her, undressing myself slowly.

"You're so sexy, baby," she told me.

"What did I say? I don't want to hear a word from you unless you are addressed. Do you understand me?"

She was quiet, just watching me.

"I said, do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Stand up."

She quickly scrambled to her feet and it was almost like she couldn't look me in the eye. "Turn around."

I pressed my fingers softly against her throat, and her whole body shuddered. "I missed you, baby. You're my only playmate. I was getting so lonely, just playing by myself." I purred against her skin. She let out a puff of air.

"Did you miss me, Toni Michele?" I pulled the zipper slowly down her back. The sound seemed twice as loud in the silent room, save for her choppy breathing.


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Ms. Jackson."

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