In love with my best friend's...

By Rebeccaxchapman1

15.6K 270 467

"DID YOU KISS HIM, YES OR NO?" He said to me. "No, I haven't kissed him, and I wouldn't, but you don't tru... More

Leon and Violetta arguing over Diego.
Francesca goes over Leon's house
Francesca looks after her mom
I can't Francesca
Leoncesca date
After Leoncesca's date
The plan
I don't believe you
After a while -
I want you to come for dinner at my house tonight
Bad things happen
Merry Christmas!!!
I can explain.....
I want you to promise me Leon
The wrong truth
I want to trust you Diego
I love you Diego
Violetta you have to tell the truth
Your not coming back to the studio?
Uhh...Is it going to be different?
Wedding planning
Other plans for the wedding
Our wedding
Hawaii *Part 2*
A beach day
Last day in Hawaii
Time to go home *suitable for 12+ only*

What if Leon's right?

478 8 19
By Rebeccaxchapman1

Francesca and Camila went into the music room and saw Violetta.

Camila: Hey, Violetta are you okay?

Francesca: Yeah, what's wrong?

Violetta: Nothing, I'm fine

Camila: Are you still mad at Diego?

Francesca: Yeah, what's up with that?

Violetta: I don't know I just can't trust him I don't know what to do.

Camila: But, it was all because of Ludmila, do you think those would be together no way?

Francesca: Nothing is impossible with Ludmila.

Violetta: But, girls what if Leon's right? What if Diego and Ludmila are working together?

Camila: Oh, now you listening to Leon too much.

Francesca: Well, when Leon's sure of something he doesn't lie.

Violetta: Girls I need to talk to Ludmila and see what she thinks of it.

Francesca: But won't she lie?

Camila: I think Leon is jealous like he wouldn't say anything nice about Diego anyway because he's a jerk, an arrogant jerk who doesn't like seeing you happy, remember he went out with Ludmila so he was once a bad boy Violetta a bad boy always a bad boy.

Francesca: Hey, that's my boyfriend your talking about.

Camila: Oh, well he doesn't even know if he loves you, Francesca.

Francesca: Uh, excuse me he does love me we sorted out our differences yesterday.

Camila: Yeah, until he talks to Violetta again.

Violetta: Girls your not helping right now.

F/C: Sorry.

Violetta saw Ludmila in the corridor.

Violetta: Well, I congratulate you on your big act, Ludmila.

Ludmila: What do you mean by that?

Violetta: You know your big act of being friends but you weren't any of our friends were you? You just wanted to get close, so you could hurt us even more but you didn't succeed I can tell you one thing Ludmila you are going to end up alone if you keep up with these games of yours.

Ludmila: I don't ever end up alone because I'll have my career unlike you.

Violetta: yeah, you'll have your career but fame and success are one thing but friends and family are another you can lose your career where you'll never lose family or friends because they'll support you through anything, but you're choosing wrong Ludmila.

Ludmila: Your only saying family because you're knocked up, wow talk about slut I bet it's not even Diego's, I bet it's Leon's baby.

Violetta: Do you love acting this way towards people?



Violetta: Leon, I'm fine I can handle her.

Leon: Yeah, well I'm not interested in what you say to her Ludmila come to me now.

Ludmila: Leon, don't act like you are helping me because you and her will always have a history.

Leon: *Closes the door* Are you happy now?

Ludmila: Listen to me you weren't the one to get her pregnant and Diego was.

Leon: I'm not part of your plan Ludmila I'll never be a part of your plan.

Ludmila: Then why did you bring me here?

Leon: For you to learn a lesson *walked out*

Ludmila: What lesson Leon? Leon? *hears the lock* No you can't lock me in here Leon open the door right now.

Leon: Hey Ludmila, turn around.

She turned around and a bucket of paint fell on her she was covered in paint.

Leon: Now that's your consequence.


Leon: she deserves it.


Leon opened the door and she walked through it everybody laughed at her.

Leon: Pablo, it was for her good.

Ludmila: You will pay for this.

Leon: No, thanks I had it free.

Pablo took Ludmila out and they all went in the zoom.

Pablo: Okay so because of this incident, I want to know what happened.

Ludmila: Sure, I'll tell you Violetta's knocked by Leon.

Pablo: Violetta, your pregnant?

Diego: with Leon?

Violetta: Yes, I'm pregnant but it's not with Leon, it's with Diego.

Leon: Diego, it's your baby, not mine.

Diego: I'm so happy *kisses her head* Are you still mad at me?

Violetta: Yes, I can't trust you.

Pablo: Okay, so Leon what made you lock Ludmila in the music room and throw paint over her?

Leon: She was shouting lies and I didn't like what she was saying to Violetta she called her slut.

Pablo: Did you Ludmila?

Ludmila: Yes, because she is one.

Pablo: Okay, I'll leave it as it is but if this happens again I will do the consequences okay?

The bell rang, Violetta went for a walk to think about everything and Leon followed her but acted naturally.

Leon: Hey.

Violetta: Can you please go away I don't want to talk to you.

Leon: *holds her arm* Wait, are you okay?

Violetta: Why did you do this to me?

Leon: Do what to you?

Violetta: *Points at her stomach* This why?

Leon: Why is it bothering you? Or is it someone else?

Violetta: I went to the scan yesterday, Leon.

Leon: Oh, yeah and how did it go?

Violetta: Leon, I'm terrified what if I can't look after it?

Leon: You will believe me.

Violetta: I feel like I'm doing this alone and I have no one.

Leon: *Holds her hand* You have me, Violetta, I'm always here for you and at the end of the day I'm the baby's father.

Violetta cuddled him and cries.

Violetta: I'm sorry I just want our child to have a bright future.

Leon: And it will.

Violetta was still hugging him and Leon kissed her forehead while stroking her head to get her to calm down.

Violetta: See not even Diego can do this to me.

Leon: Do what?

Violetta: He never holds me in his arms or kisses my forehead or strokes my head as you do

Leon: well he's not special to you he doesn't get you like me.

Violetta: *Puts her hands down the back of his jeans* Mm, I could just stay here forever.

Leon: *Feels her hands on his butt* Baby, are you trying to turn me on?

Violetta: No, I just want to touch you, you can touch me too if you want.

Leon: I can't, Violetta.

Violetta: Why not?

Leon: Because I won't be able to control myself.

Violetta: Please try, Leon.

Leon moved his hands up underneath her dress and rested his hands on her butt and kissed her neck, he gripped her neck with his teeth to leave a mark.

Violetta: Leon, *moans* Leon.

Leon: *whispers* What, baby?

Violetta: *Pulls out from him but kept her hands in his jeans* We're in public you know I don't like doing these things in public.

Leon: Babe, nobody's here it's just us.

Violetta: I'm Diego's girlfriend Leon and you are Francesca's boyfriend we can't do this to them.

Leon: You love me I can see it in your eyes, you don't trust Diego I know you don't because of the way you look at him, and Ludmila you have second thoughts about him.

Violetta: *Leans into him* Your right, but I can't do this to Diego without giving him an explanation.

Leon: He doesn't need an explanation Violetta *kisses her* all he needs to know is who you love.

Violetta: *Kisses him back strongly* But Leon you told me that Diego wants to get me out of the studio.

Leon: *Between the kisses* I tell you something now just forget it right now okay and just enjoy what happening right now.

Violetta and Leon kissed and it was a proper make out Violetta took her hand out of his jeans and put one hand under his top so his skin was showing, Violetta could feel Leon squeezing her butt which made her moan in his mouth.

Their hot breath turned into fast breath and Violetta wanted to jump on him but she had to contain herself Leon mumbled something in her mouth.

Leon: *Mumbles* Jump on me, baby

Vilu: *Puts one leg on his waist but left the other one on the ground* I can't Leon, I have to contain myself.

Leon: Baby, jump onto my waist.

Violetta: *She jumped on his waist and felt his hands taking her pants off* What are you doing? Leon?

Leon: shh, relax I'm not doing anything bad I swear.

Violetta: Leon, we are too public I don't like it.

Leon: Babe, I won't do anything I swear.

Violetta: Then why are you taking off my pants?

Leon: Babe, do you trust me?

Violetta: uh......

Leon: Do you trust me yes or no?

Violetta: Yes, Leon I trust you

Leon: well, then when I say relax just relax okay I'm not doing anything bad I swear.

Violetta: Then leave my pants on and I'll trust you.

Leon: No, baby you need to trust me without them *he put her down on the floor* close your eyes,

Violetta: *Looks at him* Why?

Leon: Just close your eyes.

Violetta closed her eyes and could feel Leon spinning her around but Violetta was holding his thigh so she didn't fall.

Leon: *Holding her sides* I got you, baby, you won't fall.

Violetta: Can I open my eyes now?

Leon: Open them.

Violetta opened them to a house that was really old and broken apart.

Leon: What do you think?

Violetta: Where are we?

Leon: At the end of the river.

Violetta: But, we were in the park

Leon: I was walking with you while we were kissing you just didn't notice.

Violetta: Okay, so what are we doing here?

Leon: what if I told you, we could decorate this house and make it our own, then we can be together and the studio is only *points up the path* right there.

Violetta: So, we will still go to the studio?

Leon: of course and when we do have the baby we'll take it in turns one week I'll stay home and look after the baby and then one week you look after the baby

Violetta: But, we'll miss too much of the studio, I don't think I can go back to the studio once the baby's born Leon because I will need rest and I won't be ready to leave it alone

Leon: Unless you take a month out and come back when the baby's grown a bit.

Violetta: Or maybe I'm not meant to be in the studio, maybe Ludmila is right.

Leon: So, what are you going to do?

Violetta: Leon, I'm going to quit the studio.

Leon didn't say anything just hugged her and she hugged him back.

TO BE Continued

Will Violetta quit the studio If they live together?
What about Diego and Fran?
Are they going to be together?
Find out in the next part

Comment below what you think will happen to them.


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