Insanity Is The Best Medicine...

By ListeningWoods

238K 6.6K 5.1K

Four. Four different boys. Each infected with an unnaturally strong passion for the same girl. Each with mali... More

A/N before we start
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
An apology
AO3 (and a thank you!!)

Chapter 10

7.9K 256 139
By ListeningWoods

"What do you mean 'I can't walk home with you guys, today'?!" Chiyo complained, shaking her (H/C) haired friend by her sweater sleeve.

School had just ended, the bell signaling the release of the students. Eishun, Chiyo, and (Y/N) were all making their way to the exit, when (Y/N) mentioned that she was leaving with Jun. The (H/C) haired girl sighed and gazed at her brown haired friend with apologetic eyes.

"I'm sorry Chiyo, but Jun wanted to hang out with me today," she tried to explain, only to have Chiyo huff in annoyance.

"That's two days in a row that you won't be walking home with us, though!" She complained, obviously not happy that her friend was bailing once again. (Y/N) sighed for a second time and patted the girl's shoulder.

"How about, tomorrow we go to that coffee shop you love so much, as an apology?" She asked, hoping to make peace with her. Chiyo puffed up her cheeks but reluctantly nodded.

"Hmmm, alright...but no bailing tomorrow!" She quickly added, folding her arms over her chest. (Y/N) smiled at her and nodded. "Promise!" Chiyo demanded.

"I promise," (Y/N) said, happy to have calmed down the brunette.

"Alright. If you bail on me tomorrow, I'll never talk to you again," Chiyo threatened, only earning a small chuckle from her female companion. Eishun, who was walking down the hallway with the two, simply rolled his eyes.

"You made that threat last week, when she wouldn't give you her homework, remember?" He said, causing Chiyo to reply with:

"Well, now I mean it!"

"Yes, we totally believe that you will keep the commitment of not talking to her, even though you couldn't even keep the simple promise of dieting over the summer," Eishun replied, the sarcasm evident in his tone. Chiyo huffed, already ready to defend herself.

"I dieted for, like, two weeks!" She said, puffing up her cheeks once again.

"Three days," Eishun corrected her, making Chiyo growl slightly at him. Sighing, she decided to just give up, and turned back to (Y/N).

"But, seriously, no bailing," she said, giving the sightly taller girl her best puppy eyes. "I'll cry if I can't hang out with my best source of social interaction," (Y/N) chuckled and nodded.

"Don't worry, I promise I'll be there," she said, giving the girl her most sincerest smile. Chiyo smiled in response and then returned to her usual teasing self, after she received what she wished for.

"So, I couldn't help notice that you just mentioned you were hanging out with Jun only. Did he ask you on a date~?" She questioned, causing (Y/N) to roll her eyes.

"It's not a date, he just wanted to hang out," she replied.

"Ooo~ how romantic. Two young high school students. One, a shy boy with a crush. The other, an oblivious girl being led on a mysterious outing. Is this the start of a romance, I can only wonder," Chiyo spoke, waving her hands dramatically as she described the situation from her point of view.

"Stop watching those damned romance movies," Eishun grumbled.

"You just don't like them because it makes you realize how you'll be forever alone," Chiyo shot him a teasing grin.

"Oh, yeah? And how many dates have you been on?" Eishun replied, a knowing glare gracing his features. Chiyo thought for a moment, before sighing.

"You're too mean to me, you know that?" She grumbled.

"I'm too mean to care, too," was Eishun's simple reply. (Y/N) chuckled at the two's harmless bickering.

"Do you guys ever stop fighting?" She questioned, to which Chiyo shot her a large grin.

"Nope! That's why I forced you to start hanging out with us, when we were little. I needed someone to balance out his cruelty," she explained. "Honestly, you were like a blessing, (Y/N)."

"You weren't exactly bearable either," Eishun huffed. The three continued to walk, until reaching the gate of the schoolyard. (Y/N) shivered at the change in temperature, as they had just walked outside. Looking around, she was happy to find Jun, standing by the gate with his headphones on and playing his phone, glad that she wouldn't have to wait in the cold. She bid her friends goodbye and walked up to the raven haired male. Not noticing her right away, the boy continued to scroll through his phone, his eyes locked on the screen and his face buried in his scarf. Realizing that she wasn't being noticed, (Y/N) tapped the boy's shoulder, causing Jun to jump slightly. The azure eyed male looked over to her, quickly removing his earbuds.

"(Y/N)! Hey! Y-you scared me. Ahahah..." he greeted her, still a bit startled by her unexpected appearance.

"Ah, sorry about that Jun," she apologized, a friendly grin on her face. "So where're we headed?" She asked. Jun hastily shoved his phone into his coat pockets and gave her a shy smile in return.

"It's a surprise," he explained. He began to walk away from the gates, motioning for (Y/N) to follow. (Y/N) quickly fell into step with him, obviously not ready to let the matter drop.

"Can I get a hint about where we're going?" She asked, only to receive a shake of Jun's head.

"Sorry, but it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you," he replied. The two quickly made it into town, as it was a short distance away from the school building. During their short walk, (Y/N) continued to ask Jun where he was taking her, at times making the boy almost give in, until he quickly stopped talking so he didn't reveal their intended location. Once the two made it into town, Jun led her to a small shopping district, lined with small stores with nice decorations that were left over from the previous holiday season. Jun continued to lead his (H/C) haired companion until he stopped at a small shop, nestled in between a family owned restaurant and a flower shop. (Y/N) examined the name of the shop, which was printed in bold white letters on the front window.

"The Catfé?" She looked questioningly to Jun, who was slightly pink and had his face buried in his scarf again.

"W-Well, I, uhh..." Jun began, struggling to find his words. "I-Its a cat café," he explained. "I went into town to explore and stuff when we moved here. I found this place and have been looking for someone to go with. The guys don't really want to, though. But, when you said you liked cats, I thought you'd maybe like this place." (Y/N) continued to examine the inside of the café from the window. A few cats were visible, peacefully napping beside a few customers in the bay window. Multiple other cats roamed the room, accompanied by the other café-goers. (Y/N) looked back to Jun, who was nervously shifting his feet. "I-If you don't want to, we can go," he suggested nervously.

"No, I'd love to go in! I've heard that this place had just opened, but I've never had the chance to come," (Y/N) replied, smiling at the blushing blue eyed male. "I'm sure it'll be fun!" Jun offered a small smile and nodded.

"A-Alright, let's go, then."

Once the two made it inside, they were immediately greeted by a cheerful employee. She quickly introduced herself and led them inside the café, her pink dyed hair bouncing as she happily showed them the main part of the café. The employee swiftly went over a few rules on how to treat the cats and the handed both (Y/N) and Jun a small slip of paper, which contained the menu items. Then, the girl left them be, telling them she'll be back with them soon.

(Y/N) and Jun made their way to a small, two-seated table by the wall. The two sat in a tense silence, neither of them knowing how to start a conversation with the other. It wasn't until a cat came up to them, that the awkwardness was broken. The cat was pure white, with beautiful brown eyes, and it's fur puffing up around it to make it look as soft as a cotton ball. (Y/N) slowly dropped out of her seat, onto her knees, ready to greet the kitten.

"Hey there~," she cooed affectionately, holding out her hand for the cat to nuzzle against. The cat immediately began to rub against her, purring happily as it did. Jun giggled from his seat, and soon dropped to his knees beside (Y/N).

"That one sure does like you, huh?" He said, stoking the feline's back. (Y/N) smiled at him.

"I guess so," she replied. "It's so pretty, too! Kinda looks familiar," (Y/N) stated, half to herself. She paused her playing with the cat, trying to recall why these events seemed so well known to her. When she looked back to Jun, she noticed a subtle look of disbelief on his face. She tilted her head, confused at his sudden change in expression. "Is something wrong?" She questioned the you raven haired male. Jun blinked at her before showing her a smile that looked almost adoring.

"You remember," he breathed out in a quiet voice filled with happiness. "You actually remember." (Y/N) looked back towards the cat, feeling a little bad that she didn't exactly know what he was talking about. Flashing him an apologetic smile, she gathered her courage to ask what he meant.

"What do I remember, exactly?" She asked. Jun's face dropped for a moment before his smiling features morphed into an understanding expression.

"You said this cat looked familiar, right?" He questioned (Y/N), to which she nodded in reply. "Well, when we were younger, you and I found a cat that looked exactly like this one." (Y/N) took a moment to think to herself, trying to remember. She was staring at the still purring cat in front of her, when it's gaze met hers. Finally, the name the two had given the cat had come to her.

"Wait, I think I remember. Didn't we name her Daisy?" She asked, turning back to her blue eyed companion, only to find his expression filled with relief and adoration.

"You really do remember!" He said, leaning forward, towards the girl, his sudden excitement evident in his smile. (Y/N) smiled at him.

"Yeah, I do," she chuckled. "If I remember right, you're the one who found her and practically dragged me to over to see her."

The young boy continued to drag his (H/C) haired friend by the arm, towards his home's small garden behind the house. (Y/N) had come to play with the young boy, accompanied by her other three friends. However, once the sun had started to set, the other boys were picked up by their parents, leaving on (Y/N) and Jun. Jun, being his usual shy self, busied himself with playing alone in his mother's garden. (Y/N) was content with waiting in the front yard for her parents to arrive, until the young boy came running up to her in uncharacteristic boldness. He had grabbed her by the arm, and, without a word, pulled her from her seat on the porch steps and dragged her to the backyard.

"Jun!" The young (E/C) eyed girl called for what seemed like the tenth time. She, again, received no response from the quiet child. Leading her to the bushes that lined the back fence, Jun stopped and finally released (Y/N) from his grasp. (Y/N) stared curiously as the boy signaled for her to stay quiet and crouched down in front of the shrubbery. Jun held out his hand to the bushes, causing (Y/N) to almost ask what he was doing, until a small pink nose poked its way through the leaves. Soon, the creature was fully out of the foliage, revealing itself to be a beautiful white cat with mesmerizing blue eyes. (Y/N) immediately dropped to her knees beside her friend, momentarily startling the feline, before it settled down once again and began to affectionately rub against Jun. "It's so cute!" (Y/N) said in a quiet tone, hoping not to frighten the cat. Jun smiled towards her and nodded.

"She's super sweet, too. Hold out your hand and she'll rub against you," he said. (Y/N) did as she was instructed and, sure enough, the purring cat began to mimic its previous affectionate actions. (Y/N) smiled towards her friend, excited to see that the feline liked her.

"What should we call her?" She quickly asked. Jun thought for a moment before his eyes caught themselves on the white wildflowers that tended to grow in his yard. He grinned and looked back at his friend. "She matches the daisies," he stated, referring to the cat's beautiful white pelt. "Let's call her Daisy."

(Y/N) chuckled at the memory. "I came over every weekend just to play with that cat," she stated. Jun laughed along with her.

"Yeah, she was really confused when you left that Summer," he mentioned to her. As she was about to reply, (Y/N) heard a small noise coming from her pocket. She pulled out her phone and a message notification from her brother appeared on the screen. The message said to hurry home to help with dinner. (Y/N) glanced out the café window and noticed how dark it had gotten.

Geez, it gets dark way too quickly in winter, she thought to herself. Turning to Jun, she explained that she needed to leave. Jun nodded understandingly, saying that he needed to head home and do his homework anyways. The two left the café and walked home, (Y/N) being accompanied by Jun until they had reached his house.

"I had a lot of fun today," (Y/N) said, smiling at the black haired male. Jun nodded, pink dusting his cheeks, however his small smile not going unnoticed.

"M-Me too," he stated quietly. (Y/N) bid the boy farewell and began to head down the sidewalk, a small smile on her face.

I've never seen him smile like that before, she thought, unaware of the blue eyes that were watching her leave.

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