Chapter 1

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A young, (H/C) haired girl turned the corner, shivering slightly, as the crisp winter wind blew against her. She pushed her scarf closer to her face, trying to keep as much warmth with her as possible. The girl sighed in annoyance.

"Ugh, I hate this cold." She complained, as she was blasted with another gust of chilling wind. She was too caught up in complaining, that she didn't hear the fast footsteps approaching her.

"(Y/N)!!!" A loud voice roared out, excitedly. The girl barely had time to turn her head, before being tackled to the ground in a strangling hug. "How are you doing, my bestest friend in the whole, wide world?"

"Ack! Chiyo, get off of me!" (Y/N) said, irritably, as she tried to push her attacker away.

"Chiyo, you're going to kill her. Let go, before you strangle her." A, deep, monotone voice stated from behind. Chiyo's weight was suddenly lifted from (Y/N)'s body. She looked up, to see her savior looking down at her with a blank expression, holding out his hand for her to take hold of. She smiled up at the boy, before taking his hand and lifting herself off of the ground.

"Eishun! I can always count on you, to save me from surprise attacks!" (Y/N) joked, dusting off her winter clothing. The boy, Eishun, only nodded in response. He stuffed his hands into his black hoodie pockets.

"You're not hurt, are you?" He asked.

"Nah, I'm good." She said, giving a thumbs up. Suddenly, a blur of brown and yellow dashed past Eishun. Two arms hooked around the girl's neck in a loose hug, as a small, smiling girl looked up at her.

"(Y/N)! Oh my god, it's been forever! Haven't you missed me?" The girl asked, beaming with excitement to see her friend.

"Chiyo, we were only on break for two weeks. And even during that time, you texted me every ten minutes, video chatted me during the most random of times, and ended every day with an hour long phone call. How could I have missed you when it practically felt like you were with me for the entire time?" (Y/N) asked, as she unhooked the arms from around her neck. Her friend's face dropped into a disappointed pout.

"But, I was so bored without you here. And Eishun wouldn't even go hang out with me. What was I supposed to do?" She asked.

"Find new friends to annoy twenty-four-seven, maybe? Cause you sure as hell are great at annoying us all the time. It shouldn't be hard to find other people to make miserable." Eishun stated, bluntly. Chiyo gasped, looking at Eishun with a hurt expression, as she held her hand over her heart, as if the comment had physically wounded her.

"Eishun, how could you say such a thing? I am the most wonderful person alive. Everyone enjoys my company." She said, her voice filled with over-dramatic sarcasm. Eishun rolled his sky blue eyes at the brown haired girl.

"If by 'everyone' you mean 'everyone who is too lonely to care if you're annoying as hell or not' then, yeah." He responded, crossing his arms. Chiyo pouted at the taller boy and shot her hand out towards him. Her fingers latched onto the chestnut haired boy's ear, tugging against it's lobe. Eishun winced at the sudden pain.

"Stop being a meanie! If you don't, me and (Y/N) are going to leave you to find a better third wheel!" She threatened, glaring at the brunette with her bright orange eyes.

(Y/N) giggled, as she watched the two from the sidelines. Yes, this was a normal day in the life of (Y/N) (L/N). The young girl was a Sophomore in high school. Attending school with her two friends, Eishun and Chiyo. She had moved into her neighborhood with her father and younger brother, after her parents had gotten divorced when she was eight. There she met Chiyo and Eishun. The three quickly bonded, after Chiyo declared that it was fate that they all had met and had practically made them all play together every day. They had stayed close friends, even throughout the tough years of middle and high school. Chiyo's lively energy and Eishun's motherly attitude seemed to keep the group together, regardless of the situation.

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