Redemption of the Dragon King

By adventreader221

58K 661 179

It is not known by many, but the truth is that Acnologia was not always a monster. He was once a human that h... More

Acnologia vs Fairy Tail-The one sided fight
An Unexpected Reunion
A Family Quarrel and the Unexpected Arrivals
StoryTime, and a Chance to Change
Catching up with the fairies
Drunken Beach Night and Family Reunion
A long overdue conversion
Learning about a father's past
A chat between Sky and Apocalypse
Shocking Revelations, The Trial of Power, and The Fated Meeting
A Lucky Break Appears and A Romantic Evening
Let the Games Begin
Day 1
Day 1 after
Day 2
Confession and Assault on Sabertooth
Day 3
Day 3 pt 2
Rage of the Dragon King
Operation: Fairy Stars
The Battle Royal Rages On, Darkness Descends
Dragon Invasion: Arrival of the Promised Time
Invasion Part II: Battle of the Slayers and the Mages
Invasion Part III: Battle of the Kings! Acnologia vs Ghidorah!
Invasion Aftermath and Nightly Confrontations
Celebrations and a Declaration of War

Father-Daughter Bonding Time

1.9K 26 5
By adventreader221

Hello everyone! Its been a while, huh? Well I would to make an update. Chapters for RDK will be released on a MONTHLY basis until the foreseeable future. The reason is I have started college again, and that will be taking up my time for the next few months until Winter Break. So please understand about the slow updates. Also I will be making some revisions to my previous chapter, so that you make get more hints into what plan for the story. So be on the look out for that.

I also have accepted a challenge for a side story I just could not ignore. First, because the challenge really had my interest. Second, I already had an idea fro this story, but this challenge helped push the idea through. So I hope you will read that story as well.

Finally about this chapter. Please note this is a FLUFF/FILLER CHAPTER. Its meant to do two things. Advance Naruto's relationship with his daughter, and to set up events for the GMC. Please, don't be too harsh and enjoy the chapter.

Now on with the story!

Father-Daughter Bonding Time

[Fairy Tail Guild, Magnolia]

Master Mavis was sitting in a small clearing in the surrounding forests around the guild. She was currently starring up at the clear, blue skies, simply enjoying the tranquility. Today was so peaceful, she mused. She hoped all days could be as peaceful, but she knew that this type of peace was only temporary. She was cut from her thoughts when she heard a cough. She looked to see in front of her were Gildarts and Makarov. The Titan and Ace of Fairy Tail wished to speak with her about something important. She was curious by the request, but agreed to it, nonetheless. She got more surprised when Makarov placed silencing and illusion runes to keep whatever was spoken here as secret as possible. Mavis wondered what did they need to speak about that would such high security. Whatever it was, must have been very serious.

"Master Mavis, I am glad you took your time to listen to my request to speak to you." Makarov finally said.

Mavis just giggled.

"I am a spirit, Rokudaime. I have all the time in the world."

Makarov nodded. "Yes there are two things we need to discuss."

"First, a fellow Wizard Saint, Jura Neekis, told me some very important information."

"He told me, that my son, Ivan Dreyar, has become active after seven years of hibernation, along with his dark guild, Raven Tail."

Mavis frown, knowing already about Makarov's son, and how he was forced to excommunicate him, because of his actions being a danger to the guild.

"The problem is that when he left, he had some classified information on Fairy Tail."

Mavis narrowed her eyes in concern on how much did Ivan truly know.

"Does he know about Lumen Histoire?" Mavis asked, knowing full well the repercussions of that coming out. It would be disastrous for not only the guild, but the rest of the world.

Makarov just shook his head.

"I am not sure. He has not released or done anything that proves he knows about it. Even if he did know, he knows that is one secret that MUST be kept secret."

Mavis then asked, "Do you plan to do anything about him?"

She was surprised when he shook his head. "At the moment, nothing. Ivan has done nothing to the guild or exposed any secrets of it. So, I would like to keep it this way. Please understand, Master Mavis."

Gildarts then stepped up. "Makarov showed me the Lumen Historie when he wanted me to become the master of Fairy Tail, but I promise to keep that a secret to my grave. You have my word, Master Mavis."

Mavis smiled before nodding that she understood.

"Now then is there anything else you would like to discuss?" She asked.

Makarov and Gildarts turn to look at one another, before both looked at Mavis with serious expressions.

"Yes, we would ask you about Wendy and her father." Gildarts said.

Mavis eyes widen before she closed them and sighed. This was inevitable so she might as well settle this.

"So the two of you figured it out?"

The two nodded.

"I first thought something was off when I explained my battle with Acnologia. She looked really invested in the story, but both me and the master thought it was because she was a dragonslayer and wanted to know anything that may involve the dragons." Gildarts explained. Makarov then continued from there,

"The next odd occurrence was when Acnologia attacked she seemed overjoyed to see him. This confused me as to why she would be happy to see that THING.....*COUGH*...DRAGON." Makarov corrected when he saw Mavis's angry scowl. "I also saw a red glow under her shirt when Acnologia arrived. Again I ignored all this when we all fought the black dragon. What confused me was that Acnologia had plenty of opportunities to kill me and the rest of the guild, but he did not finish me or anyone else off."

"Then the last thing we learned was when Wendy explained her necklace to Natsu and the others, and that it was her father who gave to her. Myself and Gildarts eavesdropped on the conversation by mistake, but we were too suspicious with Wendy's behavior after we returned from Tenrou. It all just leads to the same conclusion, Gildarts and I have reached." The two then looked at Mavis seriously.

"Master Mavis, is Wendy Marvell the daughter of Acnologia?" Makarov asked.

Mavis looked at the two seriously before sighing and looking down.

"Leave it for you two to have figured it out. I should not be surprised since someone would have figured out." She then looks up at the two.

"Yes, Acnologia's true name is Naruto Marvell. He is Wendy's biological father."

The two men remained in shock silence. While they had some suspicion having it proven factual was something else entirely. Makarov merely sighed before pinching his nose in exhaustion.

"Sometimes I wish I did not have such an analytical mind. There are some things better left in the dark." Gildarts nodding in agreement. Both men wondered what kind of life Wendy had before to be that dragon's child. More importantly what kind of woman would have the power to ensnare Acnologia into her bed to conceive a child. It was mind boggling, and honestly frightening. They definitely did not want to meet the woman who had the power to do that.

In two different locations in the world a beautiful redhead woman and blonde woman sneezed simultaneously sneezed.

The two were taken out of their thoughts when Mavis spoke.

"So now that you know the truth. What do you plan to do? Will you question her about? Will you kick her out of the guild? Will you deliver her to the council?"

The two looked at the first master in shock. However the look she gave them let them know she was being serious.

"Shodaime?! How can you ask something so ridiculous?! We don't care about Wendy's past! She could be the daughter of the devil and kami, but we wouldn't care! She's Fairy Tail! She's one of us! She's family!" Makarov ranted passionately. Gildarts had a steel gaze that said he agreed with everything the master said.

Mavis looked at the two men with critical eyes looking for any type of deceit. When she was sure there was none of that, she sighed in relief before smiling at the two.

"Thank goodness. I can see that you two of you meant every word of it."

The two men nodded.

"Of course we are, master. We're always truthful when it comes to our family." Gildarts said with a smile.

Mavis looked at the two kindly.

"I know. But you must understand. Naruto-nii did not want anyone to know about his child. The dangers that child would be in were too high for him to risk her identity being known to the rest of the world." Mavis explained. Both The Titan and Ace nodded in understanding. If word ever got out that one of the most powerful beings known to all of Earthland had an unguarded child, the hell that would ensue would be unimaginable. They then took notice of how Mavis addressed

"Master Mavis, why did you address Acnologia as 'Naruto-nii'?" Makarov asked with confusion.

Mavis frowned sadly remembering her time with her brother/protector, before shaking it away.

"Gomen, but I can't tell you my history with Naruto-nii. I swore to never speak about his past or our relationship without his consent, and I intend to keep that way until we officially meet again."

The two men frowned, but knew that Mavis was entitled to her own secrets, but there was one thing they want to confirm.

"Master Mavis, does Acnologia pose a threat to Wendy or anyone else from Fairy Tail?"

Mavis shook her head.

"No. Naruto-nii worships the ground that Wendy's mother stood on. He sees that woman as a goddess, and he would commit suicide before harming the last thing he has of his first wife. As for Fairy Tail, he will not harm us so long as we do nothing against Wendy."

"How many know about his identity and about his child?" Makarov.

"Right now, the people that know about their identities are you two, myself, the Celestial Spirit King, Wendy, Zeref, Roubaul, and the dragons that raised dragonslayers are the only ones that I know of."

The two men nodded in understanding.

The two men asked if he had other children, but Mavis said that Acnologia had been very ambiguous when answering that question. So the answer could be yes or no. The two men wondered if there were other kids, who they were, and if they knew the truth of their lineage. Then Gildarts asked something the two men had wondering.

"Wait. Does Acnologia plan to make any contact with Wendy?"

Mavis just smiled in response.

"Well he already has made contact with Wendy."

"WHAT?!" The two men shouted in shock. Mavis then explained how Natsu's group went to the beach to train, and how Naruto appeared before Wendy. She explained how she eavesdropped on their conversation and Naruto's decision to train Wendy to prepare for the Games. Makarov and Gildarts just looked at the first master with their jaws on the floor. Makarov was the first to regain his voice.

"You're telling me that right now Wendy is with her estranged father. The same father known as The Black Dragon of the Apocalypse. This same dragon is training her to improve her dragonslayer magic for the Grand Magic Games?!"

"Yupp." Mavis enthusiastically.

The two were stunned. They always knew that Wendy had great potential to be a powerful mage, especially since she was a dragonslayer. But if her father was teaching her, they couldn't imagine how powerful she would become from this.

"Master Mavis, I have one question?" Mavis nodded for Gildarts to continue,

"What exactly is Acnologia after? What does he gain from all this? What exactly does he want in the end?" Mavis thought how to answer, before replying,

"I am not what exactly what he wants in the end, but I have an idea of what he gains from training Wendy." The two were listening intently.

"He wants to spend time with Wendy. He wants to make up for lost time while helping her to be the strongest mage she can possibly be. As for what his current goal is...Naruto-nii wants to kill Zeref." This shocked the two, "That's why he appeared on Tenrou that day. He hates Zeref with a burning passion. It's a grudge that has been going on for over 400 years. Zeref did something to him, and Naruto-nii won't stop until he sees Zeref's bleeding corpse wedged in his claws." Mavis frowned remembering how much hatred Naruto held for the black mage for what happened during the war. She knew that Naruto had every right to seek retribution, but she did not want him to be consumed by that thirst for revenge.

Makarov raised his arm in question.

"Shodaime, what exactly happened between Acnologia and Zeref?" Mavis just sighed.

"Trust me it's a LONG story that truly shows that this world is not simply black and white. Both of them went through unimaginable hell to get where they are now, but Naruto got the raw end of the deal from the climax of the war. That war caused him to become the so-called enemy to all of humanity for the last 400 years."

The two men remained silent wondering what type of hell did Acnologia go through to become who he is now, and if Wendy could have any influence on that man.

"Master Mavis, can you show us what he looks like as a human? We're curious on his appearance." Mavis smiled at Gildarts question and using her magic to create an ethereal image of Naruto when he still only wore a simple cloak and baggy pants. Needless to say it was not what the two mages expected.

"What the hell?! He looks no older than Laxus. Hell he looks younger. This is the guy that took my arm and leg?! This is the so called Dragon of the Apocalypse?!" Gildarts ranted off incredulously. Even Makarov was having a tough time believing this was the man......or boy?...that caused his family so much grief and pain.

"So his name is Naruto, huh. Guess I would change my name too if my name meant fishcake." Gildarts chuckled out, while Mavis just giggled.

"You should have seen his face when I said the same thing. He got so annoyed that he went ranting off about his name meaning maelstrom, not fishcake. Though I found it too funny and gave him the nickname, fishy-nii." The three promptly laughed at the ridiculous name she given to the blonde.

"Well we better head off back to the guild. Everyone must be wondering where we are."

The two masters nodded.

The two thanked Mavis for her time, but she just waved her hand saying it was her pleasure. The runes were dismissed and soon the trio went off to return to the guild. Gildarts said it was time for him to go pick up that custom order he requested from Rush Valley, while the two masters waved him goodbye, and to be safe on his journey.

'I wonder how you're doing fishy-nii' Mavis thought as she returned to the guild alongside Makarov.

[Sabertooth Guild]

"Hey did you here? They said that the Fairy Tail members that disappeared 7 years ago have returned." One man spoke.

"Yeah I heard that too. I wonder if they compete in the grand magic games." Another man spoke.

"No way! Even if those core members did come back, they're still the worst guild in the country!" A female spoke cynically.

"I don't know. Those fairies can be a real stubborn bunch." The first man spoke.

"Well being stubborn won't win them the games." Spoke the female.

"We'll just have to wait and see." The second retorted. As the three friends continued to drink, but failed to notice that other members of their guild were listening to their conversation.

Two of these men had been listening to the conversation ever since Fairy Tail was mentioned. One had pale spiky blonde hair and the other had messy black hair that nearly reached his shoulders. Both were young men in their late teens with average body builds. These two were Sting and Rogue. The twin dragonslayers of Sabertooth, the current holder of number one guild in Fiore.

"So Natsu-san and the other came back, and are competing in the games, eh? I am actually looking forward to these games this year. What about you, Rogue?" The blonde, Sting, asked his companion.

"Not interested." Rogue retorted. Sting just sweatdropped.

"Uh-huh whatever you say pretty-boy. I'm sure that tune of yours will change when you see Gajeel." He replied back.

Rogue just scoffed before walking away. Sting just sighed before looking at his drink.

"I finally get to meet you face to face, Natsu. I'll show you who the true dragonslayers are."

[Unknown location in Fiore]

"Makarov. The time has come for me to crush you." Ivan Dreyar said.

"The world will know the power of Raven Tail. And at long last the Lumen Histoire will be mine, and then the rest of the world."

[Unknown Mountain Range in Fiore]

"Hey did you hear? The Fairy Tail members that disappeared have come back!" spoke a girl in her late teens with hot pink hair tied in a ponytail with ruby, red eyes. She wore a navy blue cloak that blocked the view on what she was wearing. One of her two companions spoke,

"Really? That means Natsu, Grey, and the others have come back as well." spoke the female of the two. She had Raven hair with red eyes and wore the same cloak. The first girl seem to get even more excited.

"We should go see them, Ul. Come on, please! We can help get stronger for the Grand Magic Games! What do you think Jellal? You can see Erza again too!" She said excitingly.

The man with shaggy blue and red tattoo on his eye looked at his two companions in deep thought.

"You really think they would compete after just coming back after being gone for seven years?" He asked them. Sure Fairy Tail was reckless and unpredictable, but they weren't that reckless.





...Were they?

The two women just giggled.

"Jellal, this is Fairy Tail, we're talking about. If they are anything like we used to know, they'll jump at the chance to show off themselves." Ultear (Ul) said.

Jellal chuckled. "I guess you're right. But they have been gone for seven years. The world has moved on without them. They won't stand much of a chance against the stronger mages." Meredy then spoke up.

"That's why we should help them! Ultear can help them achieve Second Origin. That should help them be a match for most of the competition."

Jellal scratched his chin in thought, considering his young companion's suggestion.

"You have a point. That could definitely give them the boost they'll need. Plus we could use this as time to take a break from our hunting activities."

The other two nodded. The three of them have been hunting demons, dark guilds, and any connection to Zeref for nearly seven years. A nice reunion with old 'friends' would be a nice change of pace for them.

"Plus we can tell them about what we've felt throughout those seven years during the games and around Fiore. They can be our spies for any suspicious activities." Ultear said. Jellal also looked at the two with a smirk on his lips.

"Well then I guess it's unanimous. Let's go see where those members are located at right now." Meredy shouted in excitement.

"Yeah! I can't wait to see Juvia-chan!" Meredy shouted in joy before running off ahead.

Jellal and Ultear just laughed a bit at the girl's antics.

"Your daughter is as energetic as ever." Jellal finally said when he calmed down from the laughter. Ultear just nodded.

"I wouldn't have her any other way. C'mon dad we need to catch up to her before she gets herself into trouble again. Plus I know how excited you are to see Erza again." Ultear playfully teased before running off to catch up to her daughter.

"Ha, ha, ha." he responded before going after the two girls.

[Forest area in a Beach Resort]

A black portal opened and two figures came out. One was dressed in a black cloak with his hood down exposing his blonde hair to the bright rays of the sun. Naruto then looks at his companion. She was a petite girl that barely reached past his waist. She had her hair in pigtails and wore a green scaled dress. Wendy noticed her father's look and merely gave a cheeky grin in response. Naruto just chuckled and patted her on the head which resulted in an annoyed pout from said girl. Naruto just continued to look at his daughter with pride.

They had finally completed their training camp with a few days to spare before the games begin and one day before her friends would return from the Celestial Spirit World. Wendy had surpassed every expectation that he had for her. She truly inherited his stubbornness and his ingenuity. They manage to increase her offense spells and not just for her dragonslayer magic, but also normal spells that fell under her wind affinity to give her more options for magic attacks. She also managed to gain an acceptable level of control of her drive mode and dragon force forms. She was even able to make amazing progress with her dark half's powers, but she still does not have full control, but the progress she made in less than one year was still astounding.

Now he may have gone a bit overboard trying to get her to control her dragon from, but you could never be too cautious, especially when it involves dragonslayers. Plus he did not want to risk Wendy losing control without having some experience in controlling that power. Wendy had made progress with her relationship with her dark half, but she said her other half was still being a little bit stubborn, but willing to cooperate as long as they can get stronger and stand on the top. As for her Shinobi training, what could he say? His chibi-hime passed with flying colors. While he couldn't teach her everything, he did teach her all the basics he knew about control, stealth, trap making, seals, and many other things that he had already been incorporated into their training camp. He also taught Wendy some of the skills that Hinata was proficient in. Wendy took it all like a fish to water. Naruto was cut from his musings when they reached a clearing in the forest to the beach, and saw several people rushing past them.

"Hurry up, today's the last day of the carnival."

"Yeah I know! I even heard there's gonna fireworks tonight!"

"Oh this is gonna be fun. And to think, this is just a pre-celebration for the Grand Magic Games!"

"Not that is something I can't wait to see!"

The group continued their rush leaving behind Naruto and Wendy to their own thoughts.

'A carnival, huh? Haven't seen one since my time in Konoha and they weren't really pleasant, so I stayed away from any celebrations in the village. I wonder what Wendy thinks.'

He looks down to get his daughter's opinion, but immediately regrets when he sees the look on her face. Her face was all puckered up, her eyes were big and wide, her hands were clapped together, and her lips were quivering. It was the most dreaded attack any female could know and has affected any man that has been struck with it. Even his father, Thoron, fell prey to it whenever his wife used it. He would even admit to falling to the attack when Hinata, Anna, and the others used it on him.

It was the dreaded PUPPY EYED ATTACK. Naruto had to sweatdropped at Wendy's usage, knowing exactly what she wants. He sighs before smirking at her.

"Alright, I get the hint. You want to spend our last day at the carnival, right?" He asks.

She nodded quickly.

"Alright, you win. You can drop the eyes."

Wendy grew a big smile before grabbing her father's hand and dragging him to the market area of the beach resort.

"Let's go buy some clothes! We have to look nice for tonight." She said with stars in her eyes.

'Hell yeah we need to make sure we empty that old man's pockets.' Dark Wendy said.

'I agree.' Wendy thought before giggling evilly with her counterpart.

Naruto heard the giggling and had a bigger sweatdropped. Maybe he opened Wendy up a bit too much from her shell. She was getting a little to cheeky, and her dark half was not making it easier.

'Somehow I know this may be a bad idea, but I'll let it slide. As long as I can make Wendy smile, I'll manage.'

[A few hours later]

"Hurry up Tou-chan!" Wendy yelled to Naruto

"Hai, Hai." Was the response he got.

Wendy wore a white no sleeve dress with a red bow around her neck and waist. She had red clips holding her pigtails and wore brown boots with white stockings. She looked to her dad casually walking behind in a leisurely pace.

Naruto was not much for colorful clothing and went with the basic black. Yet he made it work all too well.

He wore a black shirt under a black, short-sleeve jacket. He wore black jeans with a chain dangling from one side of the jeans, he wore shin-high, black boots. His green necklace was out shining to the world, he wore two bracelets consisting of black beads on each arm, he had a skull ring on his left index finger and a silver one with a fire pattern on his ring finger and finally he had black earrings with silver dragon heads on them.

(Think of the default clothing for Noctis in Final Fantasy XV. The earnings are the ones Cloud wore in Advent Children, I believe.)

All in all, Wendy thought her dad looked awesome, although she wished her dad picked brighter colors, but at least he made black look good. She also noticed he was not holding any of the shopping bags they bought, which means he probably stored them away in his pocket dimension. She had to mentally pout at that. Sealing was too convenient for her tastes! She wanted to see her dad struggle with the load as they were walking around.

'Hear hear, sister!' Her dark half replied.

She shook her head from the thoughts she was having.

'Damn it. I am turning into a sadist, thanks a lot tou-chan.' She mentally scolded.

'Oh come on it can't be all bad. Plus we weren't causing him harm. We just wanted to see him suffer a bit carrying our luggage.'

'That makes him sound like a servant.

'Need I remind you, He's OUR dad. He's expected to deal with annoying shit like this on all daily basis, and put up with it with a smile on his face.'

'I doubt we are a normal father-daughter pair.' Wendy retorted.

'So what? Normal is overrated. Plus he's making the effort so that is all that should matter. Now we need to focus on the quickest way to empty his pockets.'

'Hai.' Wendy thought before she yelled from someone flicking forehead. She looked up to see her father smirking at her.

"Now what are you and your other self scheming,my chibi-himes?" He said with a knowing look.

Wendy blushed, know she had been busted.

'Aboard mission! We've been compromised!' Dark Wendy screamed.

"Nothing Tou-chan!" Wendy responded rather loudly.

Naruto chuckled, "Uh-huh."

Wendy just grabbed his hand and dragged him forward, all the while he was chuckling in amusement.

While walking through the different stands, Wendy noticed all of the people staring at them in amusement. However, she noticed many of the ones looking at them were females. And all of them were giving her father looks. Looks that she recognized easily. They were looks filled with lust. A frown appeared on her face. While she had no problem were her dad having some fun, because seriously he needed it; she was not about to let some stranger get into her father's pants. That was reserved to Anna-kaachan and Auntie Irene.

Wendy face glowed red before she quickly shook away the blush. She really should NOT be thinking these thoughts. They were too weird and inappropriate for her. She blamed her dad for this. Ever since the talk she had with him about sex, she could not help but look and admire some of the guys she was seeing. Hell, many of the guys in her guild were quite the lookers as well.

'Some of the girls were not bad on the eyes either.' Dark Wendy replied.

Wendy blushed again hearing what her dark half thought. She really did not want anyone to know what her dark half was thinking; she just wanted to focus on one boy in her mind.

'Yes focus on him and the dreams we can have of him once we claim him as ours.'

'Please stop we'll too young to think such thoughts!" Wendy said desperately in her mind.

Unfortunately that was in vain, because Dark Wendy would use any opportunity she could to tease Wendy.

'What did your dad say about being a shinobi. Old enough to drink, old enough to kill, old enough to torture and of course, old enough to have sex. The most important one!' She said gleefully at the end.

'I am pretty sure that was not the most important one.' Wendy replied dryly.

Dark just snorted.

'So? You heard what he told us; shinobi have a short life expectancy. Hell, mages take huge risks as well with the jobs we take.'

'Maybe so, but I would like to keep some of purity for a few more years.'

Dark Wendy just scoffed again.

'Please, our mother was our age when she lost it, and let's not forget about how our dad said mom had similar perverted thoughts like you are having right now.' Dark replied, knowing he got her this time.

Wendy nearly fell forward remembering how her dad said Hinata-okaasama was bi-curious, which he was thankful for creating the sexy transformation to please her. Something she hoped no one would ever ask for.

Worse was that Anna and Irene were in the same boat. And it was all thanks to her father. Seriously were all of her mothers/aunts bi-curious as well, because of her father and one damn transformation?!

'Just think about it. All the fun we can have with our boyfriend and bringing a cute female friend to enjoy the fun as well.'

By this point Wendy had to stop and control the blood coming out of her nose. If she got anymore ideas into her head she just might lose it.


She looked to see her father looking at her blankly.


"If your gonna have perverted thoughts about your boyfriend and/or girlfriend, please wait until we are alone and not in public."

"He's not my boyfriend yet!" Wendy yelled with her face completely red.

Naruto smiled and raised an eyebrow.


Wendy clasped her hands over mouth, as her face lit up like a christmas tree and steam was coming out her head and ears.

'Hahahahahaha! Told you so! You so want him as your boy toy.' Dark continued to roar in laughter at Wendy's predicament.

This was the one thing she hated about her father. When he found out she had a crush on a boy, he did not forbid her from seeing him. Nope, like his name suggest, he did something unpredictable. He teased her about it! Seriously her dark side teasing her is one thing, her dad doing it was crossing the line! Well it was crossing the line in her cute, little mind. She shook her head and looked away with a cheery red face.

"Can we please just keep going?" She asked desperately.

Naruto smirked at how cute she looked embarrassed. It was just too much fun teasing her.

'Like her mothers.' He thought nostalgically.

Deciding he teased her enough for now, he grabbed her hand and showed around the carnival. As they were walking along when one of the game stands got there attention. It was a 'Test your Strength' Hammer Game. The carny of this game was boasting enthusiastically to his audience.

"Come all, come all! See how strong you truly are. Use our hammer to slam the platform. Hit the bell and win a wonderful prize!" The man then took notice of Naruto and Wendy.

"How about you young man? Test your metal and win a prize for the young girl." Everyone turned to Naruto, and several females and even some males gain a blush on their faces, while many other men and females glared at him in envy.

Naruto ignored the looks and turned to his daughter.

"What do you think Wendy? This cause the announcer and several to laugh mockingly at the duo.

"Oh how cute. Can't do anything without asking the young las?"

Naruto smirked and decided to humor the fool.

He steps forward and asks for the heaviest hammer. The announcer smirked confidently before going to his stand and getting the hammer and handing it to Naruto.

Naruto that the hammer was quite big. Easily the size of his head. He also noticed that the hammer was heavier than it looked. The carny must have added more weight inside the hammer to make it less likely for someone to win.

Naruto mentally shook his head at the foolish human. It was time for a little humiliation. Naruto walks over to the platform and smirks.

Naruto raises the hammer with both arms and over his head and....


The hammer smashed on the platform sending the bar sailing up and smashing into the bell and completely destroying both of them. Thankfully he held back or else he would of destroyed more than just the bell and bar. He looked to see everyone's jaw on the floor. Well the guys anyway, the women all had hearts in his eyes, many began screaming for his hand in marriage or to have his children. Naruto just sweatdropped at the shallow women's boasts. He turned to his daughter, and noticed Wendy's blank look.

Naruto's sweatdropped got bigger. Okay, maybe he did show off a bit too much. But he simply shrugged, and walked towards the host. The host just looked flabbergasted. He trembled when he saw the feral smile on the blonde's face.

"My prize." Naruto finally said.

"W-What?" The man asked in fear.

"My prize." Naruto repeated, "I won, right?" The host just began to sweat even more.

"Y-Yes. W-We have a winner ladies and gentlemen! In fact, he gets the bonus of winning two prizes!" Everyone screamed in agreement, seeing the amazing test of strength.

Naruto just smiled and looked at his daughter.

"Wendy come pick your prizes, now."

Wendy had stars and quickly found what she wanted. She two took her prizes and showed Naruto and everyone else what she picked.

Naruto was surprised and so was the audience. Wendy chose an orange fox and a black dragon that looked a lot like Acnologia. Naruto and the audience looked a little dumbfounded.

"Are you sure?" Naruto asked. Wendy nodded.

"Las I am surprised with the fox, but are you sure about that dragon. He's not really the most friendly dragon around." Naruto and several others snorted at that remark.

"Understatement of the century." Naruto muttered. Wendy nodded again.

"Yeah I am sure. The two may look ferocious on the outside, but both are just big softies on the inside." Wendy said cheekily.

That caused several people to laugh outright. Acnologia gentle, HA. Next thing they'll hear is that he is a loving parent. Naruto sneezed knowing exactly who was talking about him at that very moment.

He looked at Wendy before shaking his head in amusement, before grabbing her so they can go to the next stand.

Naruto keeps walking until something catches his interest. A smell he had not smelled in a long time. He looked to see a fairly large ramen stand and it was empty. He looked at Wendy, but was surprised to see her gone. He looks around, but sweatdrops when he sees her at a ramen stand. It seems Wendy also gained his love for ramen along with Hinata's love for cinnamon buns. That gives Naruto an idea and quickly finds the closest sweet stand.

Wendy meanwhile just ordered two bowls of ramen one miso ramen, and the largest bowl of ramen with everything on it for her dad.

"Are you sure you can handle such big bowls little girl?" The cook asks.

"The big one is for my dad."

"He must have one hell of an appetite."

Wendy giggled "You have no idea."

"Very funny, my chibi-hime." Naruto spoke.

Wendy turned and smiled at Naruto.

"Hey daddy, sit. I already ordered."

"Alright, alright. No need to be so bossy."

Wendy glared in annoyance, "I am not bossy."

Naruto smirked "Uh-huh."

"Hahahaha I can definitely see the family dynamic here." The cook joked.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Naruto remarked while smirking.

"Hey you don't mind answering a personal question."

Naruto cocked an eyebrow in curiosity, but shrugged. It was a question. What's the worst that could happen?

"Why you look so young and be that girl's father."

"My magic. It has been passed throughout my family for generations. It gives us large amounts of vitality which equates to large amounts of magical reserves, regeneration, unrivaled stamina and long lasting lifespans. I may look around my late teens or early twenties, but I am actual around my 40s." Naruto lied. Well it wasn't a technical lie since everything he said is a fact for a member of the Uzumaki Family Clan with some tweaks to work in this world. Even if he no longer acknowledges the name as his own, he still gains there wondrous benefits. Among other benefits, of course.

"Damn that is some magic. Think you share some of that." The cook asked.

Naruto shook his head.

"Sorry old man. Family only and it's not something that can be given." He replied.

"Old man?! I'll have you know I am quite fit for a man in his sixties."

Naruto and Wendy just laughed at the cook's antics. The two received their order and began to enjoy their bowls of ramen.

Naruto just sighed as the ramen went down his throat. Its same like it has always been. It's like nothing has changed.

"Its as good as always-ttebayo." Naruto muttered.

Fortunately Wendy heard that and looked at her father in shock before getting a big smile and cheering in victory.

"Finally!" She shouted

'I was wondering when we were gonna get him to say it.' Dark muttered with a tone of satisfaction.

Naruto looked at his daughter strangely.

"What?" He asks. Wendy pointed a finger at him excitingly.

"You said it!" Naruto just looked even more confused.

"Said what?"

"Your old verbal tick, I having been thinking of so many ways to get you to say it. And you finally said it while eating your old addiction."

Naruto just sweatdropped.

"How long have you been thinking of this?" He asks.

"Ever since I first heard about it from your stories and your memories."

Naruto's sweatdropped just got bigger.

"Let me guess this straight. For months you have been plotting to get me to say my old catchphrase just for you own satisfaction?" He asks slowly.

Wendy blushed before scratching the back of her head.

"Well when you put it that way, it sounds kinda dumb."

Wendy yelps when her forehead is flicked again by her father.

"It is dumb, but coming from you; it's absolutely adorable."

Wendy glared at him before going back to her bowl, and finishing her meal. The two finish their bowls, and left once Naruto paid.

The two kept walking before seeing a rollercoaster. Thankfully both could enjoy the ride without getting motion sickness. Wendy seriously had to thank her father the anti-motion sickness seals her father gave her. They were really a lifesaver for her.

She than saw a karaoke bar. Naruto was hesitant to go inside, but eventually yielded to his daughter's plea.

The two were enjoying the horrendous attempts of people trying to sing while eating a triple banana split sundae with several flavors of ice cream; vanilla, chocolate, caramel, and cinnamon with sprinkles. It would never stop surprising Wendy how much of a sweet tooth her father is. She guessed he got that from Hinata-okaasama. Suddenly the lights shown on Naruto. That only meant one thing.

It was Naruto's turn to sing.

Everyone was cheering him on to get on stage. Naruto was about to decline, but one look from Wendy told him otherwise. He sighed before going up and taking the mic. He takes a few minutes looking for a couple of good songs, before finding the perfect one to start with. He stares at his rather large audience. He takes a deep breath and begins,

[Insert Song: Fever333; The Innocent]

You'll get this now
Oh yeah
Haha, ha
I'ma get this now
And I'ma take mine just to get mine

You think, I know
Wide eyes got a narrow scope
You think that they'd know
Not to shoot a man while he on the floor
That's why these youngins they run before talkin' to police cause they know the deal
See young Trayvon Martin had just left the market with candy and got his ass killed

No more excuses
We must refuse this
Silence is useless
Long live the innocent
They tell us stories
Of star-spangled glory
This is your warning
Long live the innocent
Whoa, oh, oh (Oh yeah)
Whoa, oh, oh (Oh yeah)
Oh, oh, oh (Oh yeah)
Long live the innocent
Hey hey
Oh yeah
Oh, oh, oh, oh yeah

Eyes of the law do not (They don't)
Look anything like my own (Not like mine)
I can see clearly now (What they look like?)
That the arraignment is gone
Yes I did go head up with that cop tryna do me like Radio Raheem (Take me to him)
I looked at the judge, said "I feared for my life and I pray that you'll do the right thing"

No more excuses
We must refuse this
Silence is useless
Long live the innocent
They tell us stories
Of star-spangled glory
This is your warning
Long live the innocent

It ain't what you are, it's what you can be
It ain't what you are, it's what you can be
It ain't what you are, it's what you can be
And I see you, my brotha
All they know is what you show them

No more excuses
We must refuse this
Silence is useless
Long live the innocent
They tell us stories
Of star-spangled glory
This is your warning
Long live the innocent
Whoa, oh, oh (Oh yeah)
Whoa, oh, oh (Oh yeah)
Oh, oh, oh (Oh yeah)
Long live the innocent
Whoa, oh, oh
Whoa, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Long live the innocent

With the first song over he quickly began to sing the second one.

[Insert Song: Matisyahu-Live Like a Warrior]

Feel like the world don't love you
They only want to push you away
Some days people don't see you
You feel like you're in the way
Today you feel, as if everyone hates
Pointing their fingers, looking at your mistakes
You do good, they want great
No matter what you give they still want to take
Give your love and they throw it back
You give your heart they go on attack
When there's nothing left for you,
Only thing that you can do, say

Today, today, live like you wanna,
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire,
Fight like a Warrior,
Today, today, live like you wanna,
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire,
Live like a Warrior

Some things you should let go, they're only gonna pull you down,
Just like weight on your shoulder they are only gonna make you drown
We all swing high, we all swing low,
We all got secrets people don't know
We all got dreams we can't let go,
We want to brave, don't be afraid

Today, today, live like you wanna,
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire,
Fight like a Warrior,
Today, today, live like you wanna,
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire,
Live like a Warrior

Your heart is too heavy from things you carry a long time,
You been up you been down, tired and you don't know why,
But you're never gonna go back, you only live one life
Let go, let go, let goooooo, Let go, let go, let goooooo,

Today, today, live like you wanna,
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire,
Fight like a Warrior,
Today, today, live like you wanna,
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire,
Live like a Warrior

Today, today, live like you wanna,
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire,
Fight like a Warrior,
Today, today, live like you wanna,
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire,
Live like a Warrior

Once Naruto finishes, he notices a deafening silence from his audience. He sees everyone's eyes are wide as dinner plates and their jaws were on the floor. Even Wendy and her dark half were just as shocked as the rest. Needless to say, the entire audience was shocked. They did not think that anyone with some decent talent would appear tonight. But Naruto's singing just blew the competition. Every single person in that bar was completely entranced by his singing. Hell, even the workers and managers of the bar stopped what they were doing just to listen to Naruto's singing. There was just something about it that got their attention and kept them enthralled throughout the entire time.

The silence was soon replaced with loud cheering and clapping. The cheering got so loud that everyone outside could hear, and people wondered what got everyone so cheerful. Naruto just stares at everyone in surprise. It was so weird to have people cheer for him, for anything at all! He was so used to people screaming away from him in terror, he had forgotten what it was like to have people cheer for him in joy. Before they could ask for an encore, he gets down the stage and quickly leaves with Wendy. Once he left, he noticed Wendy kept looking at him with stars in her eyes. Naruto sweatdropped waiting when Wendy will finally say something. Finally after a while of starring, Wendy asked the question that was on her mind.

"Why didn't you tell me you sing?!" she asked as Naruto chuckled before ruffling her hair.

"You knew I could sing, Wendy. Remember the lullabies I used to sing to get you to sleep?" he teased. Wendy just playfully glares at him.

"Lullabies don't count! Anyone can sing them. So how did you learn? Why did you learn to sing? Why didn't tell me?" Naruto looked amused at the questions.

"To answer your questions, you never asked me if I could sing. I like to sing, because Hinata used to do it as her hobby, and she also used to sing a lot for me when we were together. So I decided to learn to honor her. Plus it kept me from getting bored for a few years along with other activities."

Wendy just tilted her head in confusion. "Other activities?" Naruto just rolled his eyes.

"Cmon Wendy, you think all I did for 400 years is just destroy or go in hiding? I do have hobbies besides torturing humans, killing, and destroying the shit all around me."

"Could've fooled me." mocked Wendy.

'So very true.' Dark muttered.

"Ha. Ha. ha." He mocked back.

The two found a cozy spot on the beach with some milkshakes. Wendy devours the cinnamon buns her dad bought her while waiting for the fireworks. She didn't have to wait long as the show began that lit up the entire sky for miles.

Wendy smiles and leans on her dad. Naruto notices and wraps his arm around her to bring her closer.

'Best day in a long time.' both of them thought.

A few hours later, Naruto appears in Wendy's room in the resort with said girl in his arms. It was a long and exciting day for the two dragons. He places her on her bed and was about to leave when he feels a tug to see Wendy looking at him with half lided eyes.

"Can you please stay with me, tonight?" she pleads.

Naruto sighs, but smiles nonetheless.

Naruto changes into more comfortable clothing before setting a futon next to Wendy's. Soon both fall into a blissful sleep.

It was the best sleep either had in a long time.

[The Next Day]

The two were standing in the area where Wendy last saw her friends. The two were going over some last minute things before Naruto left.

"Alright Wendy remember what I told you for the games?" Naruto asks

"Be weary of Raven Tail if they appear, watch out for Sabertooth and their dragonslayers, Lamia Scale with their own sky slayer, and Mermaid Heel with my aunt and mom."

"Good." Naruto nodded in approval.

"Are you sure I can't convince you to join my team?" she asked hoping her dad would change his mind. Having him on the team would definitely ensure her guild's win.

Unfortunately Naruto shook his head.

"Sorry my dear, I think that would be a little unfair for the rest of the teams if I participate."

Wendy's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"You're not planning to participate with your own team are you?" Naruto rolled his eyes in amusement.

"No my dear. As entertaining as that idea would be, I will stay clear of participating in the games. I will only appear if I have to. You have my word. Plus I think your guild will exploit an interesting rule in this year's games."

Naruto said as he shows Wendy a page from the GMC rule book. Her eyes widens in surprise before giving her dad a cheeky grin.

"Now you have all your equipment and weapons stored in your seals."

She nodded. Naruto then smiled.

"Good now for some last minute gifts."

Naruto opens his storage dimension, and takes out two books come out. Wendy recognized the two instantly.

"Mom's album and her journal? Are you sure?" She asked, knowing how much her father valued anything from her late birth mother. Naruto nodded.

"Yeah I feel it would be better if they were with you. Plus I hope it helps you feel closer to her."

Wendy nodded in appreciation before storing the books away. Naruto then gave her two other notebooks with notes of how to continue her training regiment to master her dragonslayer abilities without him.

"One last gift for my cute, little dragon princess." Wendy blushed before glaring at him in annoyance for yet another nickname he's gonna call her by.

She sees her father bites into his wrists, and was about to ask what he was doing before he brought his hands close together. A crystal orb began to form with the blood going in the orb along with a large amount of wind magic. The process continued for a few seconds before a sphere the size of a small rubber ball was in his hands. It was dark blue in color and had a glowing white hue in the center. The glow was in the shape of a dragon.

Wendy looked in shock, having a very good idea what this was.

"I-Is that a-a-a.."

Naruto nodded.

"Yes a Wind Dragon Lacrima. With this, you will also be a third generation dragon slayer."

Wendy looked at him in shock. He was gonna give her a dragon lacrima just like that?

"Are you sure?" Naruto nodded again.

"Yes you have earned the title of dragonslayer in my eyes,Wendy. So you are worthy of such a gift." Wendy nodded.

"I am ready, daddy."

Naruto pushes into Wendy. Wendy checks herself.

"That wasn't too bad." Naruto just chuckles before telling her it was time for him to go.

Wendy gave her father a tight hug, which he gratefully returned.

"I will be watching the games, while I am doing an important project for the dragons. We will see each other again, Wendy. I promise to show up on July 7th. I will fulfil my promise and tell you and the other dragonslayers what happened to your dragons. You have my word." Wendy nodded.

"Before then be weary of the games. There is something else going on with royal family. Soemthing possibly to do with Zeref. Demons and other monsters have been appearing more frequently throughout Fiore. Be on guard at all times when you feel something wrong. Bad stuff will happen on July seventh and I need you to be ready. You and the other humans won't survive the cataclysm that is to come alone. I will be there to make sure you will to see the next sunlight. Do you understand Wendy?"

She nodded and let go. Naruto bent down and gave a kiss on the forehead.

"Good luck to you, your sisters, and your guild. Fairy tail can prevail. I know it."

Wendy looked up with a fire in her eyes.

"We will win!" she cheers confidently. Naruto smiles

"See you soon my chibi-hime" he said as he opened a portal and went through it.

"Bye daddy! Say hi to Gira-chan for me!" she shouts one last time as her father dissappears.

Wendy stood there for a few minutes before turning her head when she hears footsteps approaching her. She sees Jet and Droy jogging towards her. She sweatdrops when she feels no change in their magical power. A bright flash blinds the three of them. Suddenly Team Natsu with Juvia and Levy appear.

All of them having blank stares on their faces.

Wendy's sweatdrop got even bigger. 'Oh boy looks like they just found out about the Celestial Spirit World's time difference. This won't end well at all.'

"Hey guys where have you been?" Droy asks.

"Yeah the games start in five days!" Jet shouts.

"OH MY GOD?!" Natsu, Gray, Erza, Happy, and Charla all shout as they all fall forward on the sand. Julia and Levy were hugging each other, crying a waterfall of tears. Lucy was on her knees and shaking her fist up into the air.

"Mustache-teme give us back our time!" She comically screamed into the sky.

Wendy just chuckled. Yup everything was back to normal for her.

Well that is the end of chapter 9. Now I can say next chapter is the beginning of the GMC Arc. I hope you enjoyed to this fluff chapter. Also please review and read this chapter. Also please look at my challenge story and read and review that as well. Once again chapters will be slow for some time. Please understand and I hope to hear from you guys soon!

Also as a personal side-note I do not own the story as I stated in the description, but I have made a slight change to the part where Naruto sang the music so yeah... Besides you have to agree it suits the Acnologia persona of wanting redemption for the story-line.

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