Survive If You Can [UNDER EDI...

By Jewellery_Bits

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Survive If You Can
Chapter 2|A Month Later
Chapter 3|Food
Chapter 4|Moving
Today's My Bday, So Here, 15 Facts About Me
Chapter 5|Hopes
Chapter 6|Jelly Beans In A Hotel
Chapter 7|A Father's Death
Chapter 8|Escaping The Hotel
Chapter 9|Captured By The Mad Man
Chapter 10|Reasons To Survive
Chapter 11|Night Talks
Chapter 12|With One Left Behind
Chapter 13|Rise And Shine
Chapter 14|Pressured
Currently Of Whats Happening
Chapter 15|Faults and Burdens

Chapter 1|Zombie Age

797 36 147
By Jewellery_Bits

Do correct my spelling and grammar mistakes if there are any. I'd appreciate the help.

"Good lord, kill it!" she shouted, looking at the infected boy.

"That's my son!" He wanted to cry, he couldn't move. After a pole fell on his leg, it felt numb.

"He's not your son anymore! He's one of those now!" she took his gun while shaking. And then,


She shot the undead child through his head.

"Y-You monster. . ." he cried.

"I-I. . . I'm sorry. . ." She fell down on her knees and cried in guilt and fear, looking at child. They were once quite close. He was already gone when he turned, but she felt responsible for his death.


"Gray! We're out of eggs! Here's the list of groceries needed," a blonde girl told her shirtless housemate. They met in High School and have been living together to save money. They're just friends, though. Best friends.

"It's your turn this week, Lucy!" he shouted, clicking the buttons on his controller.

"Fine. But you're doing the dishes tonight!" she yelled, as she grabbed her handbag.

Lucy entered her car and started driving to the grocery store. Even though the grocery store was near, she decided to turn the radio on.

"Everybody should leave California immediately. There have been rumors about a zombie apocalypse! I didn't believe them until I saw one! But please leave immediately for your own saf--" she turned it off. She doesn't fall for those stupid pranks. April was near, they're probably setting something up for April Fools Day.

As soon as she got there, she heard shrieking and screaming coming from the grocery store. Lucy is quite the curious person, but she's also too afraid to check. She made up her mind to go and check. Immediately, she regret.

She saw a man with blood all over him taking out the intestines of a woman, and devouring them. Lucy felt disgusted and wanted to vomit. When the man turned around, she yelled, because of his horrific face. The man started charging towards her, but she ran to her car before he could get her, and started driving as fast as she could to her house

She ran inside and slammed door shut. She didn't wait a second to lock it and run to Gray's room. "Gray!"

"Lucy! What happened?! Why are you crying?!" Gray asked in concern

"I-I saw a man eating a woman's organs! At the grocery store! He came chasing after me next, b-but I drove back as fast as I could! I think he followed me! He didn't even look like a man!" she said so fast, but Gray understood her well.

He ran downstairs to look out the window and saw the man banging on Lucy's car. He immediately said the first thing that came to his mind.

"He's a zombie!"

"What?" Lucy asked. She knew her friend is a gamer (who can be a nerd at times), and she, herself, watches zombie shows, but she couldn't take him seriously.

"He looks like a zombie, Lucy. Trust me! Look at his skin!"

"The guy on the radio did say something about an apocalypse or something-- Wait. Don't tell me that we have to survive like in the movies and games! Oh, God, please tell me this is all a drea- OW!" Gray pinched her.

"It's not a dream, my friend."

"Well there's only one of them, so why not kill it before it infects other people? Or before he infects us!" she panicked.

"That may be a good idea," he replied. "But just get ready by taking all of the food we have and place them in a bag or something. It's a good thing I'm a cop. If not, I wouldn't have a gun," he added with a smirk.

"Yeah. Usually cops don't believe in those things," she pointed out.

"Well, this cop does," he replied.

"But you know what? You may be right. I'll go get the food and other necessities set."

Gray was ready for this his whole life. He plays and watches a lot of zombie games and shows after all. Zombie nerd.


"I can't believe you yelled at my dad!" a petite woman with short, blue hair shouted at her boyfriend, whom was driving.

"He started it first!" her boyfriend, with long, jet black hair shouted back.

"Yeah, but you didn't have to shout at him back, Gajeel!"

"Alright! I'm sorry!"

"Sorry my butt! He's my dad! Now he will never approve of you, you know?! How are you going to keep your promise?!"

"I WILL keep my promise! I always do, Shorty!" he turned his head to her

"You bett--" she was cut off by the radio guy.

"Everybody should leave California immediately. There have been rumors about a zombie apocalypse! I didn't believe them until I saw one! But please leave immediately for your own safety!"

"Oh, my. Shouldn't we listen to-- Gajeel! Look out!" she yelled, turning the steering wheel to the right, causing the car to crash into a tree.

"Levy! Are you hurt!?"

"No. . ." she replied, panting.

"That damn guy! Why was he walking so slow in the middle of the road?!" he shouted, getting out from the car.

"If you're going to yell at him, then stop," but he didn't listen to her and went to look for the guy.

After he couldn't find him, he yelled, "Yeah! Run, you little rat!"

"AAHHH!!!" he heard Levy scream.

He didn't wait a second to run back to her. "Levy!"

He saw the man that he was searching for, trying to grab Levy, while groaning. Levy somehow climbed a tree for safety. She must've learned how to climb from one of her books. Levy is known to be a big bookworm.

Gajeel took out a bat from his car and hit the man on his head. The man, then fell unconscious. He looked dead, though.

"Levy. You can come down," he told. She went down carefully and hugged him.

"What the heck does this guy want?" he asked, kicking the man's head.

"I don't know, but let's call the police."

"What is wrong with his skin?"

"I don't know. . ." she replied.

"You're the doctor."

"I'm a vet, idiot."


"Jellal! Are we there yet?" a pink haired girl groaned, as she slid down from her seat. Her brother ignored her and just kept on driving.

"Yeah. When are we arriving?" a girl with long blue hair whined.

"I know it's far, but this is taking too long!" their sister, who had black hair complained.

"Juvia wishes she can drive," she muttered as she traced random shapes on the window. She speaks in third person since she started to learn how to speak.

"This is exactly why I hate sisters. They are so impatient!" Jellal yelled in irritation. (A/N: That may be true, but brothers are too.)

"Too bad you only live with sisters," the woman with black hair said.

"Why can't you be guy, Ultear?" She just rolled her eyes at her younger brother's stupidity.

"When are you going to get yourself a girl?" the teenage girl with pink hair questioned.

"So I can deal with another girl? Yeah. No way. I have enough girls in my life," he replied.

"Meredy is right, though," Juvia pointed out.

"You know, since you broke up with the frog witch, you haven't been interested in loving a girl anymore. That was like 3 years ago, Jellal-San," his youngest sister, the girl with blue hair said.

"Wendy is right. You just don't believe in love anymore since she cheated on you," Ultear added.

"I believe in love. Family love," he replied.

"That does not count," Juvia frowned.

"Also, why do you guys call her "the frog witch"?" he asked.

"Because she has green hair and her voice is like a frog," Meredy answered. "And she looked like a witch. Your taste is really bad, just so you know."

"Since the day I saw her, I started hating green," his older sister said. (A/N: green is my fav colour tho XD.)

"But you stole Juvia's green dress just two months ago," she reminded her. Ultear looked away and pretended as if she didn't hear her.

"But Jellal, you live with girls. Not all girl are the same. There are better girls than that witch," Meredy tried to reason with him.

"But you guys are the same. Always trying to pry into my love life," he retorted.

"Everybody should leave California immediately. There have been rumors about a zombie apocalypse! I didn't believe them until I saw one! But please leave immediately for your own safety!"

"We're on our way to California!" Ultear panicked.

"Shouldn't we turn back?" Wendy suggested.

"They just said that to scare us off. There must be something there they don't want us to know about," her older brother replied. "We need to refill the fuel, if you want to go back anyway."

Jellal stopped at a gas station and said, "Since I'm driving, one of you go and pay." Meredy groaned in response and regretted it later. "Meredy, since you opened your mouth, you pay." He smirked.

"What?! You jerk!" she yelled and took the money from his hand. She left the car and walked to the counter. Thankfully, she didn't become overdramatic and slam the door. She broke it once, and Jellal didn't plan on paying for the repair once more.

Meredy knocked on the glass, but nobody was there. "Hello?" she called, looking inside through the glass. "Excuse me! Is anyone there?!" she yelled. "It's blazing out here!"

Suddenly, a woman got up, causing Meredy to gasp and take a step back.

"Oh, sorry. You startled me." She placed a hand on her chest. "What happened to you? You're bleeding!" The woman didn't reply, but kept on groaning and moaning. "Miss! I'll-- We'll take you to a hospital, but first we really need to refill our-- AH!" Meredy screamed, as the girl went to grab her through the glass.

"Meredy!" Ultear and Jellal shouted, as they quickly got out of the car. The girl behind the counter kept on banging on the glass. When Jellal eyed her, she looked like she just got into a terrible accident. He grabbed Meredy's wrist and the three of them ran to their car. Jellal pressed on the pedal and drove away.

"Damn it! We still need to refill th--" Ultear cut him off

"Was that a zombie just now?"

"Why did you guys pull me away? She looked like she had to go to the hospital!" Meredy yelled.

"She looked like a psycho!" her brother yelled back. "Didn't you see she was holding a knife on her other hand?!" he added.


"She looked more like a zombie than a psycho," their older sister stated.

"The radio guy said something about a zombie apocalypse just!" Wendy said in fear.

"She was a psycho, Ultear! Stop with your imaginations!" he argued.

"Can't Jellal-San just go to another gas station?" Juvia asked.

"That was the only one near." Suddenly the car stopped. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT! Damn it!"


"I know! We need to call somebody." He took out his phone, but it was out of battery. "See, Meredy?! I wanted to borrow your charger just now!"

"Let's try mine," Ultear said and pulled out her phone, but when she wanted to call, it didn't allow her. "Oh darn. I forgot to pay my phone bill last week."

"Let's try Ju. . . via's. . ." she trailed off.

"What's wrong?" her youngest sister gave her a concerned look.

"She left it at home," she laughed nervously, playing with her fingers, as she looked to the ground.

"Ugh! What is with our luck today?!" Meredy screamed in frustration.

A second later, somebody banged on Wendy's window. "GAH!" the siblings screamed.

"What the fu--"

"Juvia, give me your hockey stick." Ultear didnt take her eyes of the thing.

"She's going to hit him?!" Juvia screeched. "Why don't Juvia ask him, what he wants, instead of hitting him!"

"He's a zombie!" Their eldest sister took Juvia's hockey stick and walked out of the car to hit the guy in the head.

"What the heck. . . ?"

"Um, Jelly-Bean, my baby brother?" She said in worry. "Two more are coming. Guys! Get out of the car and run!" They did what she told without bringing anything, except Wendy. She was the smart kid in the family.

They ran away as far as they could from their car, but the zombies were fast. "Crap!" Meredy shouted, but they lost the zombies afterwards.

"Um, Jellal-San? Where are we?" Wendy asked.

"Where do you think we are?! The forest!" their pink haired sister shrieked in panic, as she pulled her hair. "How did we get here?! We were on the road! In the middle of the road!"

"Juvia doesn't even know what's happening anymore."

"Ultear's fault!" Jellal screamed out of blue, pointing to the said sister.

"My faut?! I saved us! Those were zombies!"

"Yeah, right!" he argued. What does it take for him to believe?

The sound of footsteps stopped their argument, as they all turned their heads towards the same direction. A girl came out of the bushes, with terrible injuries. "P-Please. . . Help. . ." she said, before falling unconscious.

"Hey! Wake up!" Jellal yelled, running towards the girl with his sisters.


"Why are we camping again?" a woman with scarlet hair asked.

"So you can take your mind off my moronic brother," her friend replied. "Erza, you don't deserve him. You're my best friend-- I know family is usually more important than friends, but you're also like my family. And he was the wrong one! He cheated on you! With your enemy!"

"I really appreciate that you're supporting me, but do we really have to go camping?!" Erza shouted. "We could've gone shopping instead."

"Camping doesn't use money, and I'm broke," her friend said.

"I haven't camped in 11 years, Kagura," she replied.

"I really wished Millianna could come," Kagura said, changing the subject. "Come on. This is a nice place to set camp."

"Hey, Kagu? Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"I heard groaning," Erza said, looking around.

"What? You must be imagining things."

"Yeah. You may be right."

"This break up is making you crazy, huh?" her friend teased with a giggle.

"Ugh. Ew, no. He's a scumbag." Erza sat down on a fallen log and took out a container from her bag. "I'll eat my cake, while you set up the tents."

"You brought cake for camping?"

"Have you never heard of "always bring cake wherever you go"?" Erza said bluntly.

"No one has ever said that. . ." her friend replied. "But help me set these te-- Erza! Look out!" Kagura shrieked, but the man had already jumped on Erza, causing her to scream. The man was about to bite her, but her fear changed to fury in just a second when she saw her cake on the ground.

"You bastard!" She pushed him off, but three more guys came, looking like they had got into an accident or something.

"Erza, we should run."

"They ruined my--"

"Now's not the time!" Kagura grabbed Erza's wrist and ran. As they ran, they hit many things, which caused them to have scars and bleeding scars. Two more of those things appeared in front of them.

"Kagura, run! I'll deal with this," Erza said.


"Now!" She regretted leaving her friend, but then, she accidentally slipped on a rock and fell. She hissed as her wounds made contact with the ground, but she kept on running. Barely.

She heard voices of people, and she immediately thought of asking for help, knowing she was on verge of fainting. "P-Please. . . Help. . ." Kagura said, before falling unconscious. The last thing she saw were the colours blue, black, and pink. Mostly blue.


"Zeref! Are you coming or not?!" a man with pink hair shouted.

"Tell me, why do we have to this today?" Zeref, who had black hair, asked, descending the stairs.

"Because I want you to be the first person to meet her!" he replied. "And today's the last day she's free before she starts working again!"

"I canceled my appointment for you, Natsu, so she better be a girl that I can approve," his brother said.

"She is the sweetest and kindest and most caring and the most beautiful girl I've ever met!" Natsu exclaimed excitedly.

The brothers walked to the park to see it oddly empty. That park is never empty, but Natsu saw white coloured hair and ran straight to her. "Lisanna! I'm here! My brother wants to meet you!"

"Well, he forced me to meet you, but I don't mind," Zeref said, but her back was still facing them.

"Lis?" Natsu called again. He placed a hand on her shoulder to turn her around, but when she did, her face was horrific. She didn't look as beautiful as Natsu had described. "L-Lis?" Lisanna was about to launch on him, but Zeref quickly pulled him and ran away.

When they stopped, a bench was near, and Natsu sat as he panted, still with a frightened look. "Wh-what happened?" Zeref asked, panting with him.

"I. . . I don't know. . ." Natsu couldn't believe what he saw. Was that really her, he wondered. He didn't want to believe anything.

Was the chapter good? I tried my best! I just suck at first chapters! You should know that by now, if you read my other books. Lol.

Btw, I dont hate Lisanna. In fact, she is one of the sweetest and most caring girl in Fairy Tail, so how can I hate her? Most Nalu fans probably dont agree, but meh.

And also, I dont ship Graylu, but I respect Graylu shippers. People have different opinions, please respect too.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Have a good day/evening!

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