Liam Payne's Daughter

By Dreaming_5SOS

13K 245 23

It has been five years since mum left Taylor dad and I. I am now twelve years old and Taylor is five. Uncle L... More

Liam Payne's Daughter
Chapter 1 Over Again
Chalter 2 Just Give Me A Reason
Chapter 4 I Miss You
A/N Update

Chapter 3 The Only Reason

1.2K 33 3
By Dreaming_5SOS

Maddi POV

We have been at the park for about half an hour and I just want to go home I don't want to be around mum anymore. "Maddi ready to go" dad asked "YES" I yelled with excitement "Taylor you ready to go" dad asked Taylor "yeah" he said "dad is Sophia coming over tonight" I asked "yeah" dad said "who's Sophia" mum asked "daddy's girlfriend" Taylor said "okay" mum said "okay Maddi Taylor lets go" dad said "bye mummy" Taylor said "bye Taylor bye Maddi" mum said "bye" I said "bye daddy" Hannah said "bye Hannah bye Danielle" dad said "bye Liam" mum said and we left.

"Dad" I said "yeah" he said "will you ever forgive mum" I asked "I don't know princess" dad said "do you think mum is telling the truth" I asked "about what" dad questioned "that Hannah is your kid" I said "I don't know why are you asking" dad asked "because Hannah doesn't look anything like you and she only has mum's eye's" I said "I didn’t really think about that" dad said just as we arrived home I got out of the car and walked to the door waiting for dad to come unlock it. Dad helped Taylor out of the car then he unlocked the door and went straight to my room and locked the door. I took off my purple converse then I laid down on my bed and cried.

How can mum do this to us she leaves then comes back 5 years later. She left without saying goodbye she left and I didn't know why she also said she would never leave dad and I again but she did she broke her promise she lied to me. For 5 years I have been wondering why she left and Taylor has wanted to know who his mum is. She then comes back wanting to be apart of our life no that's wrong she came back wanting to be apart of Taylor's life NOT mine and when she didn't get her way she then says dad has another kid. If she thinks I'm going to forgive her she's wrong.

"Maddi can you please unlock your door" dad said I didn't say anything "Princess please" he said "fine" I said and got up unlocked my bedroom door then sat back down on my bed. "What's up baby girl" dad asked "why does she think she can leave come back 5 years later and be apart of our life" I said "Maddi I don't thinks she meant it that way I-" Dad said but I cut him of "your right she didn't mean it that way because she only wants to be apart of Taylor's life not mine" I said and started to cry again "darling she will never hurt you again" dad said "how do you know" I asked "because I won't let her hurt you again because seeing you hurt like this hurts me a lot" dad said "I love you daddy" I said giving him a hug "I love you too Princess" dad said "are you going to start calling Hannah Princess now" I asked "no because your my only princess and I don't even know if she is my daughter" dad said "dad can you go get uncle Lou please" I asked "sure love you" dad said "love you too" I said as dad walked out the door. "Hey Maddi what's up" Uncle Louis asked walking into my room I just gave him a hug and cried.

Louis POV

"Louis Maddi want's you" Liam said “okay” I said I got up and went upstairs. “Hey Maddi what’s up” I asked walking into her room she just hugged me and cried. “Why does she have to do this to us” Maddi said after I got her to calm down “why does she have to come back into our life’s after 5 years why Uncle Lou” “I don’t know” I said “you’ve had a big day why don’t you try and get some sleep” “Okay night can you tell dad I said night and that I love him” she said “ Okay night” I said “wait” Maddi said “can you sing to me like you did when I was little” “sure” I said “what song” “The Only Reason by Five Seconds of Summer” she asked “Okay I said and then started to sing

Oh Oh,

Oh Oh,

Oh Oh,

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

Don't talk, let me think it over

How we gonna fix this?

How we gonna undo all the pain?

Tell me, is it even worth it?

Looking for a straight line

Taking back the time we can't replace

All the crossed wires,

Just making us tired

Is it too late to bring us back to life?

When I close my eyes and try to sleep

I fall apart, I'm fighting hard to breathe

You're the reason, the only reason

Even though my dizzy head is numb,

I swear my heart is never giving up

You're the reason, the only reason

I feel you burning under my skin

I swear I see you shining

Brighter than the flame inside your eyes

Bitter words spoken,

Everything broken

It's never too late to bring us back to life

 I then looked over at Maddi and she was asleep holding a teddy Dani had got her when they first adopted Maddi I guess she doesn’t remember that Dani got it for her or it’s really special to her because Dani got it. Maddi may hate Dani for what she has done to her Liam and Taylor but she will always love her.

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