A Whole New World | The Vampi...

By taliahale

960 57 14

Annabelle Fontaine was ordinary. She lived a small town in Michigan and she watched way to much TV, The Vampi... More

~ Cast ~
Chapter One: Is This a Dream?
Chapter Two: Hello Crazy
Chapter Four: Elijah Doesn't Like to be Objectified

Chapter Three: Morphine and Hot Guys

123 9 5
By taliahale

* Time skip to right before they try to kill Katherine*

As the days went by, the Salvatore boys had eventually become used to the whirlwind of confusion and energy that was Annabelle Fontaine. They had yet to try and figure out why exactly Annabelle could injure vampires, and they honestly didn't want to know.

Annabelle herself had come to the conclusion that she would help from the sidelines, as she believed that telling these people that they were TV characters would probably cause quite a few existential crisis's.

Sporting a large hoodie she had pilfered from Stefan and a pair of leggings Annabelle trotted downstairs, only to find the Salvatore household bustling and  the dining table covered in weapons.

The blonde squinted and rubbed her eyes, visibly annoyed at the noise they were making.

"What in good god are you psychopaths doing up this early" Annabelle grumbled, sleepiness in her eyes.

"We-um. We're, gonna kill Kathrine." Stefan admitted sheepishly.

He and Damon had tried lying to her about their plans before but that normally ended up with her smacking them both upside the head for lying. They had yet to determine how the girl seemed to know everything going on but they were determined to find out.

Annabelle shook her head and clucked her tongue. She wanted to warn them, honestly she did, but she knew she couldn't mess with the events of the story too much. Besides, she was team Delena till the end and in order for that to happen Stefan had to spiral due to Klaus. Which wouldn't happen if the originals weren't drawn to town.

Annabelle wasn't sure what she was going to do about getting back to her world. In all honesty she wasn't sure she wanted to go back. Her life had been fine, but that was just it . It was fine, not amazing, not passionate , not extraordinary.  This was her chance at the life she had always wanted. Annabelle had resolved to play matchmaker and to try her damnedest to keep characters from dying.

"Don't mind me then. She is a bitch of massive proportions." Annabelle said while pushing past Stefan into the kitchen.

There was a pot of coffee already brewed waiting for her in the kitchen. The Salvatore's had quickly learned that a tired Annabelle was not a fun Annabelle. They both had bruises on their shins (courtesy of Annabelle) to prove it.

Once the plan was set the Salvatore brothers and Annabelle made their way to the Masquerade ball. They had originally said no but Annabelle had kicked Stefan in the balls and slid into shotgun before either Salvatore could do anything about it.

Once at the party Annabelle separated from the brothers and went outside to wait for Elena. She had purchased some morphine in preparation for the evenings events.

Sure enough Elena popped out of the bushes a few minutes later.

Annabelle got up and grabbed her arm.

" Come on I've been waiting for you." Annabelle said as she dragged Elena over to Jeremy because she knew that was who she wanted to talk to.

After Elena  finished talking to Jeremy Annabelle dragged her over to a secluded bench and sat her down, Bonnie and Jeremy following. 

"What are you doing Annabelle?"Elena said, confused as ever.

"Wait for it!" Annabelle sang.

Soon enough Elena keeled over in pain. Annabelle whipped out her morphine and offered it to Elena.

"Pain Reliever?"Annabelle questioned.

Elena could only nod in response.

"Jeremy- would you mind telling Stefan and Damon that Kathrine and Elena are linked?" Annabelle asked as she injected Morphine into Elena.

A very nervous Jeremy stuttered out a yes and ran off into the night.

When the evening came to a close Annabelle helped Elena up. Because of the morphine Elena had had she was not ~herself~, and apparently she found pulling Annabelle's hair hilarious.

The two girls walked out to the car, the blonde girl tugging the loopy little brunette along.

"Annabelle?" Elena began. "Can I call you Bella?"

"No."Annabelle interrupted.

"Why not?" Elena whined. "Like in Twilight! Wait- Am I like Bella? Whoa-"

Annabelle clamped a hand down on Elena's mouth to stop her rambling.

Annabelle looked around, only to recognize the setting to be where Elena was kidnapped.
"Elena look out!" Annabelle cried right before she herself was hit over the head.

The last thought Annabelle had before it all went dark was "I hope Elijah is as hot in real life."

Did you guys like this chapter? I know I skipped a bit chunk of time but I wanted to get to the point where the originals come in. I was thinking about Klaus as her love interest?ALSO If any of you lovely people wanted to make a better cover for this book that would be amazing!

- bean

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