Skulduggery Pleasant: Welcome...

By Nerororawrz

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Skulduggery Pleasant: Welcome to My World (INTERACTION)
New friends or so friends

Questions and Answers

27 0 0
By Nerororawrz

"Yes it seems like it " agreed Hana and Falvian next to her messed with his hair taking out the grass and little bits of dirt.

"How did you get here?" Ghastly asked carefully trying to cut the tension between the two parties.

" The moron next to me pushed me into the portal. I dont know how he even found the portal " she frowned.

" Excuse me? "

The two groups looked at Mist as she was cleaning her shoulder with her little cat toung.

" This world is full of magic but there has been many loop holes which made it very easy for many things to pass through. Im afraid itll take much time to even find how to get out of this place. But priorities first. Shoudnt we start a fire and get food before miss Cain dies of starvation?" Mist added sneakily with a playful smile on her face.

"I want food " Valkyrie grumpily curled up resting her chin on her knee.

"Lets leave this chat for later and get food then" Ghastly agreed and stood up once more to gather fire wood, suddenly Falvian rolled between the groups out of no where and placed the fire wood in a neat pile. He smiled

"Now we just need the fire and food. This is going to be a great camp sleep over dont you think Hana!" he looked over to Hana looking for aproval but she not interested.

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