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As the gang continued to look around and appreciate the wonders of the new dimension and Mist being the guide, they stopped near a lake to settle down for the day. It was near night.

" Im so hungry" whined Valkyrie and she collasped on the grass to rest her tired muslces from walking all day.

" We should get some fire going first " suggested Ghastly as he stood up first and looked around.

"I can light up the wood if you want " Mist suggested as she flicked her cord tail which sparkled in electric.

Suddenly a harpoon came out of no where and was just a hair breath from hitting Taniths hand. A rustle came from the bushes, everyone stood up instinctivly and got ready for any fight. Instead of what they 'expected' a squirall passed by and looked up to the strangers for a second and ran back. Everyone relaxed untill a shadow fell in front of them.

Skulduggery Pleasant: Welcome to My World (INTERACTION)Where stories live. Discover now