The Moon Fortress

By 93Mika

1.8K 77 19

Summery: In an Alternate Universe where Krypton and Daxam were never destroyed, undercover agent Kara Zor-El... More

Chapter 2: Stand Your Ground
Chapter 3: No More
Chapter 4: First Mission
Chapter 5: Don't Hold Your Breath
Chapter 6: Moon River
Chapter 7: Kai Rand
Chapter 8: What Lies Beneath the Sands
Chapter 9: DEO
Chapter 10: Abort
Chapter 11: Night in Gale
Chapter 12: Tooth and Nail

Chapter 1: Millions of Miles Apart

328 11 0
By 93Mika


  Hi everyone! I'm new around here. I've been reading a lot of works and learned a lot from you guys! You are all awesome and I really appreciate everyone's writings.
This is my very first Supergirl fanfiction and I'm pretty excited to share it with you! I've been working on it for a months and have tried to put my best skills at story telling in it! I really hope you like it.  


Thirteen year old Kara Zor-El looked out onto the Argo city skyline from her bedroom window as Rao was setting. She gazed pass the flying pods to the darker parts of the sky – the stars just starting to slowly appear – as she tried to find the constellations, just as her aunt Astra had taught her. A particularly bright red star caught her eye, and she easily recognized that it was not a star, but in fact the planet Daxam. Their infamous sister planet which she had never been to. Kara often wondered about Daxam, what the people there were really like, if they were as terrible as people described them to be, or if she would ever one day set foot on the planet. She remembered her studies clearly on the bloody history of wars between their planets, how the vengeance and anger had never fully disappeared, even after hundreds of years, Daxam was ruled by obnoxious tyrants while Krypton was proud and prosperous by its unshakable democracy.

Or so she believed. She was deep in thought when she heard her mother calling her.

"Kara. Why are you still awake, dear?"

"Mother! I was just looking at the stars."

Her mother was in her formal dress uniform as a judge. Clearly she had just returned home. Kara fondly took in her majestic sight and deeply sighed with proud. She really wished she could be as brave and strong as her mother was someday. She moved towards her and hugged her firmly, taking in her scent, and Alura rubbed Kara's back kindly in return. They stayed that way for a while, until Alura let go of her to look at her face.

"Something on your mind, daughter of mine?"

Kara bit her lower lip deciding whether to ask her questions or leave them. She took a deep breath before letting herself ask a question.

"Mother, why do we never go to Daxam? Are we still enemies?"

Her mother sighed and walked to sit on the edge of Kara's bed. She didn't say anything for a while, and Kara thought she wouldn't answer her, but kept waiting until Alura looked towards the window before looking at her daughter.

"No Kara, we are not enemies anymore, but old wounds are hard to heel. A wrong move and we would stumble back to more bloodlust and destruction. We do not fight anymore, but we keep our distance."

Her mother answered patiently as Kara moved to sit next to her.

"I wonder what it really looks like on Daxam."Kara exclaimed. Her mother caressed her hair and smiled.

"There are lots of pictures in the Archives. You can look at them next time you go there with your father."

Kara nodded excitedly as a list of ideas and questions were forming in her mind. Alura saw Kars's eyes light up with curiosity.

"Kara dear, it's time to sleep. You don't want to feel tired in the morning for your classes." Her mother urged her under the bed sheets and Kara reluctantly crawled under them, but couldn't stop herself from asking one last question.

"Mother, are there still kings and queens on Daxam?"

Alura rolled her eyes, but answered nevertheless. "Yes. Currently King Lar Gand and Queen Rhea rule Daxam."

"Do they have Princes or Princesses too?" Kara saw her mother was getting impatient therefore she negotiated. "I swear I won't ask any more questions."

Alura smiled, kissed her forehead. "Yes Kara. As a matter of fact the king and queen have a son, and before you ask I don't know his name and age. "

Kara accepted her answer and didn't press for more information just like she promised. "Good night mother."

Alura dimmed the lights in her room as she was leaving her room. "Good night Kara. Sleep well my little star."

Kara stirred to her left side and though her eyes were shut, her mind kept fantasizing about Kings and Queens and how wonderful it must be to live in a palace with huge ballrooms and fancy dresses. She dozed off, wondering what this mysterious prince would look like and what was he doing right now.


Millions of miles away on Daxam, the so called Prince, despite Kara's assumptions, was not having a good time at all. Prince Mon-El, who had just turned fourteen in the previous week, listened tiredly through the half closed door to her parents' bedroom while they were arguing yet again. He wasn't that close to his parents, as he found both of them to be intimidating – especially his mother. He was so sick of the endless fights at night time, arguments that were mostly about politic disagreement, something Mon-El loathed and never understood.

Unlike what many believed, Mon-El's parents seemed like they couldn't care less about their only son, the prince. He craved for their acknowledgment and encouragement, something that he sadly thought would never receive from them. Every day he felt he was getting farther and farther away from them, filling his time with mindless games and parties with his friends. Although they called themselves his 'friends', Mon-El knew they cared more about his wealth and position as the crowned prince, but at least they pretended that they liked and cared about him.

He was walking down the hall to his bedroom when he passed by his parents royal chambers. The door wasn't closed and Mon-El heard their raised voices, involuntarily stopping to listen since this argument seemed more serious than most (if their hostile tones were any indication).

"Rhea you cannot possibly be thinking about this! This is madness! I needed this budget to buy cargo ships for exporting and traveling! Why did you use it before discussing it with me?"

"You have no sense of greatness, Lar! Your mind is small!"

"HOW DARE YOU!? You confuse greatness with bloodlust! You think our people need more of that? How many families will lose their sons before you understand that war is not what our people need!?"

"It is only your stupidity that makes you this stubborn! I am the daughter of the late king and I know what makes the people of Daxam strong and proud! They need to remember the way our ancestors built our nation! "

"You're wrong! What our people need is to work with other planets, to trade with them, not to conquer them! This is all because you've been talking with that Dominator's ambassador! They have brainwashed you with their fancy weapons and you gave them all the money without hesitation like a child!

From his place next to the door frame, Mon-El as someone, probably his mother, punched a table. The sound made him jump a bit at his place.

"I WILL NOT HAVE YOU INSULT ME LIKE THAT, LAR! You disappoint me! If you keep thinking like that you will dishonor our gods!"

Mother answered father with venom in her voice. Mon-El shivered a bit at her tone and silently shifted towards the open slit of the door and secretly peered at his parents with nervousness, trying not to attract any attention to himself. His parents were standing tensely six feet apart with clenched fists glaring at each other dressed in their formal royal dark gowns and robes. His father sighed with frustration.

"Rhea, the world has changed. You cannot go that long before losing everything with waging war on weaker worlds and claiming them. Nothing good will come from that. What are you going to do when they defy us? How much more money can you offer those treacherous Dominators before they stab us in the back and leave us defenseless? We already have powerful enemies like Krypton. What happens if they side with them?"

"Kryptonians are very easy to read and I can manipulate them. And as for the dominators, they are too dependent on us for their slaves and merchandise. They will not turn against us. It is not in their best interest."

The queen scowled, like this matter should have been clear as day. She then turned her back to her husband, showing her unwillingness to continue the conversation and moved to stand in front of the mirror, putting down her tiara on its place on a table. She looked at herself in the mirror, shining with arrogance all the while.

Mon-El often feared Rhea's cold gaze. Sometimes when she would smile, Mon-El could see how it never reached her eyes and he wondered why she was like that.

"And if they don't play to your game?" His father demanded. Mon-El shifted to look at him, who was still standing at the same place, never once taking his eyes off his wife. Mon-El looked back at his mother, seeing her glance at her husband in the mirror with a raised brow.

"You underestimate the power of my judgment and intelligence, Lar. Those petty projects of yours, will just form Daxam into another failed world with a broken economy. They will never work, and I will not have Daxam fall so low. We do not beg. We claim!" Rhea answered firmly and without any more words she walked towards the inner bedroom of their private chambers, leaving the king alone to fume over an unresolved discussion.

Mon-El waited a bit longer, watching his father put his hands on his hips, looking at the floor in front of his boots. Mon-El chewed on his lip and tip-toed away from the door, before dragging himself heavily to his own room. He went straight to the balcony. The warm breeze of nightfall greeted him and ruffled his short dark hair. Taking a deep breath, Mon-El contemplated the things he had just heard. Was there going to be a war? Who was right? Do Daxmites really need to prove themselves to other races constantly? To seem great and powerful in their eyes? Mon-El often dreamed of becoming the army general, going to wars, fighting enemies in his shining armor with a mighty refile in hand. Proving his wits and power to his people. And more importantly, his parents.

He dreamed of the day he would become the King, hearing the people cheer him and shout his name, praising "Long Live King Mon-El!"

Tonight though for the first time, he thought what if his father was right. What if some aliens came to their planet and he had to watch hopelessly as buildings crumbled and his parents and the people he knew died? His mined raced with worry as he looked at his city skyline and the flickering lights. He could hear a faint cry from somewhere behind the tall palace walls. He had become familiar with such sounds. The slaves would cry into the night. After dark, when their ruthless owners would sleep, they would hide out in the shadows and cry over their cursed fate.

Mon-El closed his eyes for a moment as his heart clenched at this unfairness which he had no power to correct, before he gazed into the cloudless sky filled with stars. He wasn't looking for anything in particular as he searched with his grayish blue eyes and stopped on the glowing blue star. Although he didn't know much about the stars, Mon-El knew enough to recognize that this bright object was in fact Krypton. After what he had heard about Kryptonians tonight from father, he was shocked. Mon-El always thought Kryptonians were gullible and snobs, not self-righteous and intelligent fighters. He was amazed that father actually feared them. Then again, what would he know? He skipped classes sometimes and never paid attention to history. Mon-El heard another cry for help as he kept his eyes on Krypton. He wondered what was it like on Krypton – what was it like to live in tall towers with shiny silver pods zooming around, everything clean and in order without any poverty or hunger. Were they truly happy in their Utopia?

End of Chapter 1


  So what do you think?!
I have to admit that English isn't my first language and if you see problems in the writing, my lack of knowledge is to blame. I would be glad to improve my writing with your help. Do not hesitate to tell me in the comment section your thoughts!
I will try to update weekly!
You can find me on tumblr here:  

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