Escape from Kraznir

By Nicolathefreeze777

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There are two countries separated by a river: Kraznir and Slinsil. The people of Kraznir are fierce and warl... More

Chapter 1 - Escaping
Chapter 2 - The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 3 - Helpless
Chapter 4 - Poisonous or Not?
Chapter 5 - Nehemath
Chapter 6 - Coming Home
Chapter 7 - A Lot of Crying!

Chapter 8 - Preparation

72 2 5
By Nicolathefreeze777

"What?!" Athor blurts out in his deep voice. "that's tomorrow."

I turn to Doughty to see what he is thinking. His face is blank along with the king's. I decide to take charge by saying, "we need to prepare and warn everyone."  They look at me, their faces are confused, i guess the information hasn't sunken in yet. I walk out of the room and all the way to the battle room. there is a man sitting there with a cymbal next to him. "I need to speak to everyone, it's is urgent!" the guard doesn't ask any questions and just gets up, hitting the cymbal five times.This causes a horn to go off. Just one big long blow, this means that the king needs to make an urgent announcement, but instead of it being the king it's going to be me. I say my thanks and walk to the balcony to make the speech. Once i get there i am met by the queen and she doesn't look happy. 

I wait till most of the people have arrived which doesn't take too long. "People of Slinsil, My name is Zora and i have a very, very important message for you all. Tomorrow the king Krill of Kraznir will come with his army and try to attack us." I say with a very loud voice over a quiet crowd that is starting to become louder as the people whisper to each other. "this means," I say waiting for them to be silent again, "We will have to evacuate the women and the children. They will be put into the bunker under the castle. We will then need all help we can get from those who are able to fight, so that doesn't just mean men but women that can operate a bow or do heavy lifting, otherwise nurses. We will need women in the bunker as well making food and taking care of the wounded. When you here the horn again, all those who can fight will meet here to discuss plans. Those of you who are physicians will meet in the courtroom to discuss plans there and the rest in the bunkers! Now go home and grab food for the night and day to come and something to sleep on and for others to sleep on and take it to the bunker. The more people we have to help the more we are prepared! Good luck to you all and if you have any questions, what no make that any URGENT questions, come to the castle and speak to someone there." I end my speech and turn around to find that Doughty is there and so is the King who is comforting the Queen. 

"Thank you Zora," The King starts, but before he can carry on i stop him,

"No your Majesty, there is no time for thanking, we all have something to do and that is to get the bunker prepared for your wife and all the other incapable of fighting." The King doesn't question my authority but just turns and walks back inside with the Queen probably going to go and help. Doughty looks at me with that handsome smile of his, it takes the nerves away from me. I smile back and just walk back into the castle. "I need to go down to the bunker and sort everyone out. You go home and help your family and make sure my mum and Zarco make it to the bunker as well." I tell him as we walk down the stairs to the castle doors. 

"Okay, see you in the bunker." He says leaving a kiss on my cheek before running off. 

I run down the stairs and meet a huge crowd of people ready to set up camp in the bunker. The people recognize me and let me pass through. I reach the bunker door and when i get inside i look for a high place to stand on. I fine one right next to the door and climb up pointing and shouting out to people where things should go. Suddenly a man screams at everyone to stop. He then hops up next to me and suggests the idea of a chain. It is a really good idea so i thank him and tell him to go and organize the chain outside the bunker. The people who are inside form a chain too. I hop down and go to the end of the chain and tell the soldiers who take the stuff from the people where to put it all. It is a really good system that goes really fast because after a while the bunker is starting to look like a huge house with an assigned bedroom area and a 'kitchen' type area and a children's area. All that is left for us to bring is the food, which i decide to get the women to bring when they come into the bunker so that it gives us more time to strategise. I get one of the guards to go and sound the horn as I make my way to the balcony again. I am met by the king who was waiting for everyone to arrive because the horn went off before I got there.

"What is your plan?" he asks leaning against the fence.

"I was thinking of making them split into different groups for different jobs and assign a few guards to lead and teach them what to do in each group." The King looks shocked.

"That's a really smart idea, well then don't let me get in your way." he says, stretching his arms to the crowds of men and women. He stands back as I step forward. I stand there looking down at the lessened crowd as they silence themselves at the sight of me. I wait a few more seconds for others to come and to brace myself for what lies ahead. 

"Thanks you all for coming and volunteering for a very scary and dangerous battle. We are going to be attacked by our worst enemies and if you are not prepared to fight for your family's safety, then i suggest you go and help out at the physicians. I do not want anyone under the age of fifteen to fight so if that is you, then you do not have to go away but you can help by setting the arrows on fire or helping in some other way. Now this is what we are going to do, all those you wish to work on the arrows will you please make your way to the your right and group up there." I point out to my left where they all should stand. "Those who wish to work with swords, please stand on your left. "I say pointing to my right. "And all those of you who wish to work with the catapults, move backwards and all those who don't have a job move forwards, for all of you will supply weapons and get the injured to the nurses. I wish that we do not have to many people moving forward. Now you may move." The crowds move their several ways. I turn to the King to ask him about the weapons but find he is gone and in his place is the head of our army, Ronin.

"The King said you might need my help?" His voice is deep and manly suiting his muscular build. 

"Ah, yeah I do. I was wandering what is the weapon count? We can't have to many people doing one thing if there isn't enough weapons." His face is lit with a smile.

"Darl, we will have enough weapons don't you worry. You just sort out everyone and i'll do the weapons." Did he just call me darl? Okay, 

"Thanks Ronin. I'm going to join the people you wish to work with arrows and i'll set them up along the kingdom wall." I say.

"Zora." Zarco comes running in puffing. "How can I help?" I stare at my brother as if he is a stupid little boy. "And don't just tell me that i should go and sit in the bunker with everyone else. I am capable of fighting. Okay? Even mum isn't there, she's going to help with the wounded." His puffing slows. He is right, and I know it. I can't let my emotions get in the way. Zarco can fight. 

"What can you do?" I ask trying to push the fact that he is my brother aside. 

"Uh, I'm good at sword fighting." This makes my hair stick up. Couldn't he have chosen a safer thing? I try push the thought out of my head. 

"Okay Zarco, go with Ronin and help him then join him with the swordsmen." He nods his head and the both of them start walking back to the castle. "Ronin," He turns around, "Look after him please." I beg. He walk back to me, puts his hands on my shoulders and says, "He'll be fine. It's in his blood to be a good fighter." He smiles and turns back disappearing into the castle. I turn around and look over the balcony, there are four groups of men and women looking up at me waiting for my command. My mind goes blank and I stand there staring out into the distance. 

"Swordsmen you will be met by a man named Ronin and he will help you, follow him when he arrives at your group. People who are going to work with the catapults, I've sent the caretaker of them to you and when he arrives he will tell you what to do. The people in the arrow group, meet up on the kingdom walls and wait there until Zora comes to direct you. And the rest, i will come and tell you how you can help." Doughty throws his fist into the air and shouts, "FOR SLINSIL!" The crowd below do the same and then they all separate to their different directions. Doughty turns and looks down at me. "Go on beautiful, you've got a army to lead." He smiles, kisses me on the cheek and walks off. 

"Doughty," He stops, "I love you.


"Okay, I want everyone to grab a bow and a bag with arrows in and to move along the wall and find your spot. I want no gaps. Once you've got to your spot, I want you to set your bow and arrows in a comfortable position for yourself. Then in pairs, go and fetch some oil from the storage room next to the gate. Bring it up and set it between the two of you. I will come back shortly and talk about tactics and how we are going to work as a team. GO!" After I say this, everyone grabs an bow and some arrows and they run along the wall. This is my opportunity to go and check up on everyone else. I decide to go to the physicians. I run down the stairs from the wall and to the castle courtroom. When I open the door I see many women walking around sorting out beds and carrying bandages. There are beds laid out neatly and orderly ready for wounded to come and use. I look around to find my mother and see her at the other side of the room by the door leading to the throne room. She is arguing with the queen. I run to her trying not to bump into anybody. "Mum, whats going on?" I ask her, interrupting their conversation. 

"Oh, honey, we don't have enough space for all the wounded in here so i suggested that we use the throne room as well, but somebody doesn't want to get it dirty. We're in a war, everything is going to get dirty." The last sentence she aims to the queen. My mother obviously doesn't care who she is talking to. 

"Uh, your Majesty. My mother is right. We need more space and the throne room is perfect for it. And no offence but if you die, what will it matter if the throne room is dirty or not?" I say trying to convince her. Her face still looks mad but just turns around and walks off. "I guess that's a yes?" I smile and open the door to the throne room. "Everyone, there is more space here." I shout. My mother grabs me and gives me a hug. Be careful love. she whispers. "I will mum," I kiss her on the cheek and walk away. 

"Zora!" I turn around and see Xina running to me. 

"Xina, hi, i'm sorry i didn't come see you. Do you know whats going on?"

"Yeah, I heard your speech and I wanted to join the swordsmen, but then I got told to help out here. Where are you going?" She says it while panting from a little jog.

"I'm in charge of the Archers and you don't have to help out here if you don't want to. 'too many cooks spoil the broth' So if you want you can still go and join the swordsmen. They are with a guy called Ronin, they should be at the gate." I say thinking again, can't she have chosen a safer thing?. 

"Okay thanks Zora. And good luck, fight well." The corners of her mouth raise slightly in an attempt to smile.

"You too. Oh and you will meet this guy called Zarco too. He's my brother. Tell him who you are and you guys can stick together. I have to go now. Bye" I step forward and give her hug. I don't want to let go as I will be letting go of one of my only friends. However I do and I watch as she runs out of the castle. What do I do now? I guess i'll have to go check on the people in the bunker. Wait no. I have an army of archers to lead and teach. Urgh. I wish this was just all over.

I stop thinking and start doing. I start running out of the castle and to the kingdom walls where my army waits for me.  There are men and women sitting, waiting, worrying. I don't blame them, their lives just changed. Many of these people have never fought before. Never killed before. But I am their leader, i must show them that its either the enemy or us. 

I stop my little pep talk to myself and run up the stairs. A woman at the end rises from the wall shes sitting on. "What do we do now Zora?" It's Taliar, the lady who lives next to us. Her voice is so innocent. She isn't supposed to be here. She is a mother, with 3 beautiful girls and one handsome son. She's got a family to care for, to go home to. She is holding a bow in her hand. It's shaking. 

"Uh, well..." I don't know whats gotten in to me, but suddenly I cannot speak. I cannot lead. Taliar grabs my shoulder and pulls me into a hug. "You can do this. Be brave." She whispers. I look at her as she lets go and nod. Breath. 

"Okay, erhm. There is a whole army coming. It has been sent by the evil Krill. They will come and attack the west gate first. Then they will come and attack the castle, so they will need to come through the main gates. So i will need most of you to be here. But also others on the west. Now it will only need to be about a third of you which is a lot. I will walk with you there and help you when they come to start but my main position will be here, at the main gate. The royal archers most of you will be here as well but i will need some of you with the others in the west in case it gets really bad. Now this is how it's hoping to work. You will be in pairs at your position. One of you will be ready with a arrow, and then behind them will be the second person, who will have their arrow on fire. You two will switch places constantly shooting arrows at the enemy. I know that many of you here are not soldiers. I know that you haven't killed before. But tonight that's going to change. I'm sorry." A little muttering happens, so i raise my voice. "I am sorry, but if you don't, they will kill our swordsmen. They will kill your sons and daughters. They will come into your home and destroy it. You have to kill them before they kill you. Tonight you are not farmers. Tonight you are not carpenters. Tonight you are not merchants. Tonight you are fighters. Archers. Survivors!" I shout the last part. I think I said it more for myself than for them. They All cheer once i'm done, holding their bows in the  air. "For Slinsil!" They all shout. these people are here for their kingdom. To save the place that they live in. Most of these people are poor. They are from the east side - where I come from. They are the ones who are willing to die for everyone. It saddens me.

We haven't had a battle in the last 10 years. Before that, when I was 9, there was a battle. but it was a small one. We were attacked by Orcs. They came during a festival we were having. We were celebrating the wedding of our King and Queen. There was a big party with lots of food! Everyone, including the poor, got food. We were all stuffed till we couldn't eat no more. That was the last time I ate like that. Zanna was there too. She got injured in the battle. They attacked our weakest point. The farm land, or otherwise known as, The East side.They got through the gate and attacked our party. Everyone was dancing, I was dancing with Zarco. When they came they just ran through our party. No one was expecting it, but we were lucky that there were soldiers on guard who came to help. I remember seeing an orc walking,  Zanna was in the way so he just hit her to the side. It was a small battle because we were prepared. Unlike today, we are not ready for a battle. Especially not one of this size. 

"Zora?" A boy about the age 16 weaves his way out from the crowd. "Do you think we will win?" This question shocks me. His eyes are so young. They are sky blue, his shaggy, brown hair causing them to stand out. I'm sure he's going to be a handsome man whens he's older. If he makes it through this. If any of us make it through this. 

"What's your name?" I ask him.

"It's John." John?  As in Little-John. 

"Uh... Well John. I cannot guarantee anything, but if we all work together and look out for each other, i'm sure we will be able to win this." I make an attempt to smile, but it fails a little. "Okay, so those of you who want to fight in the west, come with me. We need to get ready. We have a battle to WIN!!" I turn to Taliar. "You are coming with me." She nods and follows me through the crowds. Some people follow and some people stay. There are also some arguing with others where is the safest place to be. "Taliar, I need you to do me a favour." I speak to her while make  my way to the west gate.

"Anything." She says. Her soft voice reminds me of my mother.

"I need you to take charge of the people on the west." I look over my shoulder and see her face frown.

"Zora I-"

"I believe that you are a fantastic leader and if you can raise Cedany, Arabell, Loreena and Jarion, then i'm sure you can lead an army." I say letting out a little laugh. I see a smile appear on her face. I see it disappear as i turn my head back. 

We are almost at the gate. I look down and see the swordsmen getting ready for battle. Zarco isn't down there. He must be at the main gate. I try not to think about it. He is in the danger line. Stop it Zora! I look away from them and continue. We stop just above the gate.

"Okay Taliar, I need them to line up across here in pairs. One person will shoot while the other gets their bow ready, then they swap. Okay?" She nods but doesn't say a word. She looks nervous. Some of her long blonde hair is blowing in the wind causing it to come out of her fish tail plait. Her brown eyes stare at me. I can tell she's nervous. I look down to her fragile hands that are shaking. I grab her left hand and look at her face. She is really pretty. It confuses me how she isn't remarried after Coran died.

"I believe in you. You just have to believe in yourself."

"I do, its just.... I'm scared Zora. What if they get through. What if we don't beat them and they get into the bunker?" I let go of her hand and hold her head in my palms. She tries to smile.

"I know. Zarco is down there getting ready to fight with the swordsmen. He could die tonight. We could all die. But that's why I need you to do this for me. To protect Zarco and to protect the four little gremlins that belong to you." She let's out a little giggle. It turns into a laugh. It is good  to see her laugh, but I think it is keeping her from crying. I give her a quick hug and turn around to address my army behind me.

"Taliar here, will be your leader. She will direct you. But the main thing I want to say is... Just shoot and beat those stupid Kraznians!" I turn back and smile at Taliar. When she smiles  back I start running through the crowd to get back to the main gate.

When I get to the gate I tell the army exactly what I told Taliar. They all move and find a spot and get ready. When they are done I tell them that they can go to the bunker to grab some dinner and some food for tomorrow. It is getting dark when they start leaving. I decide to stay up on the wall for a little while. The swordsmen are still not done. Ronin must be teaching them the way of the warrior or something. I can see them from where I stand. I try to scan the crowd for Zarco and sadly I find him. He is standing near the front. Xina is standing next to him. Wait are they holding hands? They are. I did not see that coming. Maybe she's just scared and he's comforting her. Ronin stops talking and let's them go. Zarco and Xina look at their hands and just smile. They start walking with  the crowd, still holding hands. This is just slightly weird.

I wait for a while staring at the orange and blue mixed sunset out on the horizon. It is so beautiful, so clean and pure. It hasn't yet seen blood, like so many that are going to fight. "Zora." A deep voice interrupts my thoughts. I turn around in fright. It's Ronin, he is standing at the top of the stairs. "It's beautiful isn't it?" He joins me at the wall, leaning his elbows against it. 

"Uh yeah it is... How was the preparation?" His blue eyes are focused on the sunset, not wanting to let go of the day. 

"Zora," He gives it up and looks at me, "You need to rest. You have done enough, and there's a big battle ahead of us. No more battle talk, and that's an order." His gaze turns back to the horizon. I see a smile on his face, a very handsome face I must admit. He looks at peace. I wish I could feel the way he looks. All I am is stress, I am worried about what tomorrow will bring. 

"I think we should go have dinner. We have a big day tomorrow." I say slowly turning to the stairs. Ronin turns around without a word and just walks behind me. At the top of the stairs I can see the whole kingdom. I can see the west, with all the rich houses, the east where I live, the  castle, the market place and also the forest where Zanna got taken from me. Zora don't go there, she betrayed you. I look away and just carry on walking. The thought sits on my mind. She betrayed you! This is all  that is repeated in my head. 

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