Chapter 8 - Preparation

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"What?!" Athor blurts out in his deep voice. "that's tomorrow."

I turn to Doughty to see what he is thinking. His face is blank along with the king's. I decide to take charge by saying, "we need to prepare and warn everyone."  They look at me, their faces are confused, i guess the information hasn't sunken in yet. I walk out of the room and all the way to the battle room. there is a man sitting there with a cymbal next to him. "I need to speak to everyone, it's is urgent!" the guard doesn't ask any questions and just gets up, hitting the cymbal five times.This causes a horn to go off. Just one big long blow, this means that the king needs to make an urgent announcement, but instead of it being the king it's going to be me. I say my thanks and walk to the balcony to make the speech. Once i get there i am met by the queen and she doesn't look happy. 

I wait till most of the people have arrived which doesn't take too long. "People of Slinsil, My name is Zora and i have a very, very important message for you all. Tomorrow the king Krill of Kraznir will come with his army and try to attack us." I say with a very loud voice over a quiet crowd that is starting to become louder as the people whisper to each other. "this means," I say waiting for them to be silent again, "We will have to evacuate the women and the children. They will be put into the bunker under the castle. We will then need all help we can get from those who are able to fight, so that doesn't just mean men but women that can operate a bow or do heavy lifting, otherwise nurses. We will need women in the bunker as well making food and taking care of the wounded. When you here the horn again, all those who can fight will meet here to discuss plans. Those of you who are physicians will meet in the courtroom to discuss plans there and the rest in the bunkers! Now go home and grab food for the night and day to come and something to sleep on and for others to sleep on and take it to the bunker. The more people we have to help the more we are prepared! Good luck to you all and if you have any questions, what no make that any URGENT questions, come to the castle and speak to someone there." I end my speech and turn around to find that Doughty is there and so is the King who is comforting the Queen. 

"Thank you Zora," The King starts, but before he can carry on i stop him,

"No your Majesty, there is no time for thanking, we all have something to do and that is to get the bunker prepared for your wife and all the other incapable of fighting." The King doesn't question my authority but just turns and walks back inside with the Queen probably going to go and help. Doughty looks at me with that handsome smile of his, it takes the nerves away from me. I smile back and just walk back into the castle. "I need to go down to the bunker and sort everyone out. You go home and help your family and make sure my mum and Zarco make it to the bunker as well." I tell him as we walk down the stairs to the castle doors. 

"Okay, see you in the bunker." He says leaving a kiss on my cheek before running off. 

I run down the stairs and meet a huge crowd of people ready to set up camp in the bunker. The people recognize me and let me pass through. I reach the bunker door and when i get inside i look for a high place to stand on. I fine one right next to the door and climb up pointing and shouting out to people where things should go. Suddenly a man screams at everyone to stop. He then hops up next to me and suggests the idea of a chain. It is a really good idea so i thank him and tell him to go and organize the chain outside the bunker. The people who are inside form a chain too. I hop down and go to the end of the chain and tell the soldiers who take the stuff from the people where to put it all. It is a really good system that goes really fast because after a while the bunker is starting to look like a huge house with an assigned bedroom area and a 'kitchen' type area and a children's area. All that is left for us to bring is the food, which i decide to get the women to bring when they come into the bunker so that it gives us more time to strategise. I get one of the guards to go and sound the horn as I make my way to the balcony again. I am met by the king who was waiting for everyone to arrive because the horn went off before I got there.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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