The White Ranger✔

By AnimeGeek201

2.5K 93 0

Ana is your typical teenage bad girl, outcast. No friends, bad grades, and doesn't give a fuck what anyone sa... More

Extended Summary
Chapter 1: Angels Grove
Chapter 3: What the hell!
Chapter 4: We're What?
Chapter 5: Werido
Chapter 6: Lost Hope
Chapter 7: Stories
Chapter 8: Rita
Chapter 9: It's Ranger Time
Chapter 10: Town Heros

Chapter 2: Who Cares

182 8 0
By AnimeGeek201

After I woke up I showered and woke up my brother, after I woke him up I made breakfast for the two of us since mom had already left for work. I sighed as I made eggs and bacon for the two of us, once I was done I set the plates onto the table and called my brother.

"Miguel, ¡El desayuno esta listo!"

"¡Viniendo Ana!"

I sighed as I sat down and began to eat, 2 minutes later and he still wasn't here.

"¡Miguel, venga!"

"¡Solo un minuto!"

I began to lose my patients, so I ate without him, and by the time I was done, he still wasn't here.

"¡Ahora Miguel!"


I watched as he rushed in and quickly sat down, shoving the food into his mouth.

"What took you so long."

"I was watching a show."

I glared at him as I watched him scarf down his food.

"Okay, now go brush your teeth."

He rushed off into the bathroom, I grabbed my backpack and my keys and waited at the door.

"¡Vamos Miguel!"


I watched as he ran out the door and got into the car, I sighed as I opened the door and started the car. I pulled out of the drive way and drove down the road, I came to Miguel's school, I stopped in the parking lot and let him out.

"Que tengas un buen día."

"Voy a, gracias Ana."

"Adiós te quiero."

"Adiós Ana."

I watched as he ran through the gates and into the school. I started the car back up and drove away and to my hell hole. I sighed as I pulled into the parking lot, I parked my car and got out, I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder as I walked towards the school.

"I bet you she does drugs."

"Probably gives her mom a hard time."

"She won't graduate that's for sure."

I rolled my eyes as I ignored all of their comments, while walking through the parking lot, groups of people would look at me, the goths, hippes, and the cheerleaders. I ignored their stares at I walked on, that is until a football hit my head and I feel over.

I looked up to see the entire football team laughing, well, except for Jason Scott, who frowned. I growled as I gathered my books.

"Hey Sanchez! Watch where your going will ya."

I flipped them off as I got back up.

"Fuck you assholes!"

They all laughed as I stared them down.

"No wonder she has no friends."

"I feel bad for her mom."

I dropped my stuff as I stomped my way over to the football team. They smirked as I stood in front of them.

"Come back for more snarky remarks."

I clenched my fist and threw it against his jaw, knocking him back.


Everyone around us gasped, I saw Jason look from me to his team mate. He then helped his team mate up.

"What a bitch."

He groaned. He then glared at me, and I listened to everyone talk about me, all the shitty remarks all the lies.

"I'll show you a bitch."

I growled as I kicked him in the stomach, I groaned and I punched him in the head, knocking him down.

"Alright! What is going on here!"

The principle barged through the crowd and saw the football player on the ground and me near him.

"Sanchez! In my office now!"

I groaned as I grabbed my stuff and pushed my way through the crowd, I take a seat waiting for the principle.

"What you did today was unacceptable behavior."

"He started it."

"I doesn't matter who started it, we do not fight here at our school."

"Ok, but he threw a football at my head, is that tolerated!"

"No which is why he's suspended from the team...while you...well you have Saturday and after school detention. And I will be calling you mother to inform her on today's events."

"Really, that asshole started this and all he gets is football suspension, while I get detention!"

"Yes, now get to class now."

I groaned as I stomped out of the room, making sure to slam the door on my way out. Everyone gave me stares and either laughed or whispered. I walked by the football players, who all looked at me, I made sure to bump into Jason on purpose as I walked by, earning more stares.

I made it to class, on time, and sat down next to Billy, I sighed as I slept through the whole lesson. School went by fast and I was now sitting in detention. I walk in and everyone stares at me, I noticed that Billy was there, but ignored him.

"Well, at least your on time for one class Sanchez."

"Screw off old man."

He sighed as I threw my backpack at a table near Billy. I then sat down kicking my feet onto the desk, while I started to text, I text Miguel telling him that I wouldn't pick him up today.

"No phones Sanchez."

I looked up, and everyone was staring at me, the teacher looked at me, and I shrugged as I coutinued to text. He sighed as he got up.

"I'm going to the restroom, please try not to destroy anything while I'm gone."

And he left, I stared down at my phone.

"Look who thinks she's all big and bad just cause she knocked out a guy."

I looked up to see a kid with red hair. I flipped him off as I pulled out a stick of gum. He then started to make fun of Billy, I felt bad for some reason, so I stood up and walked over.

"Why don't you stop being an asshole and leave him alone."

He looked at me and smiled.

"Since when did you care about others Ana."

"I don't, I'm just sick of hearing you run your god danm mouth all the time."

He glared at me and then at Billy.

"You gonna sit there all day or ya gonna sit the fuck down."

He gave me one last glance before sitting back down. Billy looked at me and opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him.

"This doesn't make us friends by the way."

"Right, okay, just uh thanks."

I scoffed as I turned around.


After that detention was pretty boaring, after that I got into my car and drove home, I walked through the door, to notice my mom was home early, sitting on the coach.

"Hey mom."

"Hello sweetheart, how was school."

"It was fine."

"Okay, so where were you?"


"¡No me mientes Ana!"

I jumped back a little bit, surprised by her outburst, my mom usely never yells.

"I got a call from the principle saying that my daughter got into a fight and now has after school and Saturday detention! Por qué Ana, sabers cuánto trate de asegurarme de que estés feliz, pero lo hace tan difícil no solo para mí, pero para ti tambièn."

"Lo siento mamá."

"No your not Ana! This is a countinous behavior, and I you keep it up.....I'll send you to your Tía's."

I gasped, she would never send me to my aunts, she knows that my aunt hates me.

"You wouldn't."

"Yes I would."

"¡Enviarías a tu hija a su tía, la que la odia solo porque tengo detención!"

"It's more than that Ana!"

"Really is it? You know what, I'm done....eres lo peor!"

I grabbed my bag and swung the door open.


But I ignored her calls and began to run, I ran so fast and far till my legs could no longer carry me. I fell onto my knees and looked around to see that I was in the forest. I got up and walked over to the cliff, I looked over to see water below, I threw my stuff down and stripped off my clothing. Once I was done I jumped off and landed in the water.

Zack's p.o.v

"There you are crazy girl."

I looked at the girl, who's been coming here lately doing yoga on the cliff. She was a strange one I'll tell you that,  I sighed as I took a bite of my sandwich, I grabbed my binaculers and looked around. I spotted another girl, who stood at the edge of the cliff, in nothing but her bra and underwear.

"Another crazy one."

I watched as she then jumped off of the cliff and into the water.

"Holy shit!"

I looked into the water to see that she hadn't come up yet.

"Shit shit shit. Hold on crazy girl I'm coming."

I jumped off of the trailer and ran over to the cliff she jumped off of.

"Hey! You alive!"

I didn't see anything so I began to panick, did I just witness my first suicide?

"Who the hell are you."

I turned around to see the girl wrapped in a towel staring at me, she looked pretty cute.


"Were you watching me?"

"Well not necessarily watching, more like I saw you jump into the water and panicked when you didn't come up."

She stared at me as she sighed and shook her head.

"I didn't need you to be concerned over me...besides I don't even know you."

I smiled at her as I let out a little laugh.

"Names Zack Taylor, what about you crazy girl number 2."

"I don't tell strangers I just meet my name. Unlike you, you don't seem to care about your safety."

I laughed again, man she cracks up.

"Well I don't think a pretty girl like you could harm a fly."

"You'd be surprised."

"I'll believe it when I see it sweetheart."

"Your annoying you know that."

I laughed again, and I watched as she grabbed her clothes.

"You gonna stare or give me privacy."

I turned away and let her get dressed. I just meet her and she's making me crazy.

Ana's p.o.v

After I finished dressing I threw my towel at the back of the guys head.

"I'm done."

He just smiled as he turned around, I sighed as I grabbed my stuff.

"Leaving so soon?"

"Yeah, I have a life, and if you really do watch me everyday then you might see me here tomorrow."

I swung my bag over my shoulder.

"See you around Taylor."

"Later crazy girl #2."

I sighed as I walked away and back home. When I got home, my mom and brother were already asleep, I went to my room and threw myself onto my bed. I sighed as I drifted off to sleep.

~ so here is another chapter, I hope that it's good, so please vote or comment, AnimeGeek201 out! ~

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