Right to the Night

By Snakehipping-Tom

203K 5.9K 3.2K

After the events of the Dark World, Loki has ascended the throne claiming that Thor has abandoned his people... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Forty-Nine

1.9K 67 29
By Snakehipping-Tom

 Loki opened the door slowly and peeked his head in. He gasped and covered his eyes when he saw Elisabete laying in bed holding a small bundle in her arms with Adelina sitting beside her.

"You can look now." She told him.

He let down his hand and smiled as he gazed at Elisabete. She was grinning from ear to ear and she looked absolutely radiant in his eyes. He took a step into the room and she sighed, giving him a look.

"Sit on the bed." She chuckled.

"I can?" He asked.

"Of course you can. Sit down." She replied.

He eagerly seated himself next to her and kept his back to Adelina, unsure if he was allowed to look at her. He heard his newborn daughter huff and coo softly as she squirmed in Elisabete's arms. He glanced up at Elisabete and beamed seeing her take the girl's small hand in hers and making kissing noises at her before laying a real kiss to the girl's head.

"Iona told me it was a girl." He spoke up.

"Another princess for you to spoil." Elisabete giggled.

"I see now the gods won't allow me a boy after what I did." Loki sighed.

"Maybe. I'm sure a boy will come in time." She told him.

"You'd want more children with me?" He inquired.

"Yes. I'd love to carry all the children that we would want to have in the future." She smiled up at him.

She reached over to him and took his hand in hers as she let go of the girl's hand to hold her in her arms.

"Iona said she looks just like me." Loki commented.

"She does. Your eyes, your hair, everything. She's beautiful." Elisabete spoke breathlessly.

"I'm so proud of you. I wish I would have been by your side." He told her.

"Next time." She chuckled.

Loki leaned forward and laid a kiss to Elisabete's temple before pulling away and staring at the wall in front of him. Elisabete let go of his hand and exhaled sharply.

"Loki?" She whispered.

"Yes." He replied, not turning to face her.

"Do you want to hold her?" She asked.

He snapped his head in her direction and furrowed his brow at her.

"You're allowing me to hold her?" He retorted.

"I am. Please, hold your daughter." Elisabete told him.

He leaned forward and carefully took her into his arms. As he held her, he kept his eyes on Elisabete's while he chuckled. He felt the girl squirming in his arms and he laughed merrily.

"Look at her." Elisabete scoffed.

His laughter died down and she slowly nodded her head as his face lit up with delight. He cast his eyes down at his daughter and his breath hitched in his throat when he saw her face. She did look exactly like him and he cradled her close to his chest. He began to sob as he rocked her in his arms.

"Oh, my sweet little girl, I'm going to love you until the day I die. No one will ever hurt you and I mean no one because your father is going to protect you until his dying breath." Loki whispered.

He laid a kiss to the girl's head and found himself unable to look away from her. She slowly opened her eyes and he chuckled seeing the emerald color for a few seconds before she closed them again. She squirmed in his arms and he stuck his finger out for her to wrap around her tiny fingers, which she did.

Elisabete watched him as he cried tears of joy being able to hold his newborn daughter.

"Fausta." Elisabete said.

"What?" Loki asked, not looking away from the girl.

"I want her name to be Fausta." Elisabete replied.

Loki smiled softly and nodded his head enthusiastically.

"It's a wonderful name for her. Fausta. My darling Fausta." Loki whispered.

Seeing him hold the girl made Adelina sad since she hadn't been held by him in so long. She grew jealous of the contact and began to cry loudly. Loki hated hearing her cry and wished for it to stop.

"I think someone wants their father." Elisabete told him.

He looked up at Elisabete and she smiled brightly at him.

"Are you..." He trailed off.

"I will be fine with you holding, speaking, and looking at our daughter again. I trust you." Elisabete declared.

He handed Fausta back to Elisabete and finally looked at his daughter for the first time in nine months. She had grown so much and he hated that he missed it, but, now he had all the time in the world. He put his arms out to her and cried as he watched her stand up on the bed and walk towards him. Her cries weakened as she pouted. When she was within his reach, he wrapped his arms around her and laughed as he stood from the bed, holding her to him. He cradled her head to his chest and wept as he bounced her in his arms. He laid several kisses to her head and cheeks, making her giggle.

"I love you so much, Adelina. I love you. I'm never going to hurt you. Oh, I love you so much, my wonderful little girl. My, you've gotten so big!" He laughed wholeheartedly.

He held her up in the air and laughed along with her as he brought her back down into his arms. She rested her head on his shoulder and he held her to him.

"'Oki.'" She spoke.

Loki gasped and nodded his head as more tears threatened to spill from his eyes.

"Yes! That's my name. Oh, you are so clever." He chuckled.

He kissed her forehead and pulled back as she looked up at him. She beamed with delight before resting her head back on his shoulder with her head facing him and Elisabete. He laid his cheek to her head and bounced her softly as he looked down at Elisabete.

"Thank you." He whispered.

He sat back down on the edge of the bed and they all looked down at Fausta, admiring her. Later that day, Iona had gotten Elisabete's family to come and see the new addition. For the rest of the day as Elisabete was recovering and Fausta was sleeping, Loki sat down in the grass with Adelina watching her as she played with it and some flowers nearby. He just listened and watched her as she babbled and pulled at the grass. There was a soft breeze in the air and he chuckled seeing that her hair had grown long enough to move as the breeze blew around them. He then picked her up into his arms and sat her down in his lap. She was fixated on the grass in her hands as he laid a kiss to the top of her head.

"I love you, Adelina." He said softly.

Hearing his voice, she looked up at him and he laughed seeing the smile on her face.

"Did you miss me?" He asked.

"Yeah." She replied, putting her head back down.

"Do you forgive your father for having neglected you so?" He asked her.

"Yeah." She repeated.

Although he knew she did not fully understand what he was asking, he smiled anyway and kissed her temple.

"I missed you too." He beamed.

Elisabete laid in bed as her mother held Fausta while she slept. Tadeus was staring out the window and she turned her head to look up at him.

"Is something wrong?" Elisabete asked him.

"Why is he out there with her?" Tadeus retorted.

"Because I've learned to forgive him entirely. I trust him." She told him.

Tadeus snapped his head towards her and scoffed.

"I think you've made a horrible mistake." He shook his head.

"Well, it is not your decision to be made," Elisabete explained. "That is the man I've chosen to love and I need to learn and accept him for who he is, despite what he has done."

"I don't think I can ever forgive him." Tadeus admitted.

"He knows this as do I. All I ask of you is to at least tolerate his presence here when you visit." She told him.

"If that is what you wish...I can do it." He sighed.

Elisabete smiled weakly as he walked over to her and laid a kiss to her head. She wrapped her hand around his and squeezed it. That night, Loki cooked Adelina her dinner and bathed her before she was to sleep. His hand shook as he filled a cup with water and poured it over her head. He grinned when she did not cry or fuss over it. In fact, she giggled and splashed at the water, getting his tunic wet. Loki laughed along with her and kissed her cheek as he raised her into the air to set her down on the towel to dry her off. When she was ready for bed, he changed her into her clothes and tucked her into the small crib.

"Good night, Adelina. Sleep well." He whispered.

He laid a kiss to her head and reluctantly exited the room. He walked into his bedroom to find Elisabete feeding Fausta before she was to put her to bed. He noticed the small bassinet at the foot of the bed as he began to change into his night clothes. Elisabete leaned forward and laid a kiss to his lips as he sat back against the headboard. He looked down at his newborn daughter and felt his heart beam with pride over his family. There were all together once more and he knew he would never be this happier in his life. When she finished feeding, Elisabete rocked the girl to sleep and set her down in the bassinet. Loki leaned over Elisabete and she chuckled as he looked over Fausta as she slept.

"I cannot take my eyes from her. She's so beautiful." He commented.

"That's only because she looks like you." Elisabete laughed.

Loki gave her a look before kissing her sweetly. When he pulled back, she took his face in her hands pulled him into another kiss. She moaned softly as he deepened the kiss before pulling away and groaning.

"If there wasn't a baby in here, I'd take you right here, right now." Loki whispered.

"As lovely as that sounds and as much as I would love that, my body is nowhere near ready of that kind of activity." Elisabete told him as she patted his shoulder.

Loki laid back on his side of the bed as Elisabete curled up next to him and blew out the few candles that were lit around the bed on the nightstands. The two laid down in bed and fell asleep together. During the night, Fausta had woken up. Elisabete was still fast asleep as Loki woke up. He carefully got out of the bed and walked over to the bassinet. He picked the squirming girl up into his arms and hushed her as he bounced her.

"Shh, shh, shh. You're alright. Dada's got you now. You don't smell and it's only been a few hours since mama fed you." Loki whispered.

After a few moments, Fausta calmed down and gazed up at Loki. He smiled and cocked his head to the side.

"Ah, I see. You just wanted your father to hold you. Well, I'm going to be holding you for as long as I can, my sweet little girl." Loki told her.

He watched her as she fell back asleep. He knew that in another few hours she'd be awake again to feed as he set her down in the bassinet. As the next few days went by, Loki had returned to work and hated having to leave Elisabete and the girls alone. When he returned, he was welcomed back by Adelina running, as best as she could, towards him. One one particular day, Loki, Elisabete, Iona, Adelina, and Fausta, were all at the table eating their dinner. Elisabete helped cut Adelina's food as she had Fausta in a wrap around her body. Before they could finish, there was a loud knock at the door. Iona answered it and her eyes widened as she looked up at the visitor.

"Who is it?" Loki called out.

"Um...it's, uh..." She trailed off.

The visitor entered the house and they all turned to look at him. Loki's eyes widened as Elisabete dropped her fork on the ground.

"Oh, I thought you'd be happier to see me." The visitor snickered.

"Thor?" Loki inquired. "What are you doing here?"

"I come with some bad and good news." He replied.

"Yes?" Elisabete asked.

As Thor turned to look at her, he smiled brightly seeing the babe bundled up towards her. He walked up to the table to get a better look at them. He could not help the even bigger smile that appeared on his face when he saw them sitting at the table like a family.

"My, Adelina has gotten bigger," He commented as he pinched her cheek, making her giggle. "And Búri said you had had the new child."

"I have another daughter." Loki announced.

Thor's breath hitched in his throat as he beamed with delight, clapping his hands together.

"I have two nieces now! How wonderful!" He exclaimed joyfully.

"Her name is Fausta." Elisabete added.

Thor felt his eyes well with tears upon hearing the name. He cleared his throat and bit his lip as he composed himself.

"May I hold her?" He inquired.

"Of course you can!" Elisabete replied.

She walked over to him and carefully handed her over to Thor. She made sure he held her right and stood by his side watching over them. Thor cradled her head in his hand and laughed seeing that her whole body was held by just his two hands. When she opened her eyes, she looked right up at him and he gasped, having sworn he saw a smile spread across her lips.

"She looks just like you, Loki." Thor chuckled.

Loki could not help but smile seeing his brother holding his daughter. It made him remember that he too was a father and had deserved to hold his child during his lifetime.

"What was this news?" Loki asked.

"Odin has passed away." Thor announced.

The room grew quiet as Iona stood by Elisabete's side, taking her hand in hers.

"He has?" Loki scoffed. "The old man's finally croaked?"

"He has, Loki." Thor replied.

"How is that good and bad?" Elisabete asked.

"Bad for Asgard and good for you." He spoke.

"You aren't making any sense." Loki scoffed.

"With his death, I am to be coronated at the new king of Asgard, and with this power, I wish to bring you all back to court." Thor told them.

Elisabete smiled brightly as she looked back at Loki, who had a mortified look on his face.

"Thor, they'll crucify me if I go back there." He sighed in defeat.

"I will ensure that no one touches you. Besides, you are my brother and I want you with me." Thor told him.

"Even after what...I did?" Loki asked.

"That is in the past. And although I am still hurt over what you have done...you are my brother and I have to accept you for who you are." Thor explained.

The following day, Loki and Elisabete packed their things and moved back into the palace with Adelina and Fausta. As they walked through the halls, the news of their arrival had spread through the palace like wildfire and into the cities and towns. Thor had them move back into Loki's old chambers. They were heavily guarded and the whispers and stares as they walked down the halls did not go unnoticed by them. As the next few days went by, Loki and Elisabete were given fancier clothes and were welcomed back to court. Búri had visited them and spent some time to hold and admire Fausta.

"You have played your cards very well I see." He commented.

"Well, I have no more to play now." Elisabete sighed.

"You are mistaken, my dear," He told her. "You have one more that has not been dealt."

"Really?" She inquired.

"Oh, yes. Have you forgotten what I told you in that courtroom?" Búri scoffed.

"I thought that was part was a bit of a stretch." Elisabete replied.

"You shall see when Thor is being coronated as the new king of Asgard." He told her, smiling brightly.

When the day came for his coronation, Loki and Elisabete sat front row with Fausta in her arms and Adelina in his lap. They watched as Thor walked up towards the throne. When he was announced king of Asgard, he stood from his knees and the audience gasped and muttered to one another as Thor handed back the scepter to Búri.

"No. I have never wanted this throne. I am not worthy of this title. I may be a great warrior but there is someone more compassionate, stronger, more courageous, braver, and fairer than I'll ever be as king. I saw it in their eyes as they spoke about this realm and no one can do this realm more justice than them. That is why as my first act as king of Asgard...I declare that Elisabete Ranvirdottir should be this realm's ruler." Thor announced.

There was a loud uproar as the people verbally gave their opposition. Her eyes widened as she was at a loss of words to say. She turned to look at Loki and he was as shocked as she was. Thor motioned for her to come up to the throne and she handed Fausta over to Loki before walking up to the platform. Thor took her hand and helped her up the stairs towards Búri. He gave her a quick wink and she tried to hide the smile that came across her face. She recited the oath and Thor placed the crown on her head as Búri handed her the scepter.

"I now declare you, Elisabete Ranvirdottir, the Goddess of Fertility and Wisdom, the official new Queen of Asgard!" Búri declared.

Although no one clapped, Elisabete accepted her title. There was a scheduled feast and celebration to honor the new ruler, but Elisabete said she wished to spend that time alone with Loki and her children.

"I cannot believe he did that." Loki chuckled.

"Now that I am queen of Asgard that makes you king consort to me." She teased him.

"You are going to make a fine queen. You are going to make this place far better than I ever could." Loki told her.

"Do you really think so?" Elisabete inquired.

"I do. Most of the things I did as king, I did because I knew you were struggling in your life as a commoner. I wanted to make life easier for you. Now, you are an educated and well-rounded woman. I trust you to be this realm's ruler." He explained,

"I guess it's time I told you the secret that Búri whispered to me." She sighed.

She took his hands in hers and laid a sweet kiss to his lips before pulling away.

"He predicted Odin's death and my rise in power." She whispered against his lips.

"You knew this would happen this whole time and you never said a thing?" He asked, quite shocked at the revelation.

"Frankly, I never said anything because I never really believed it. But then Thor announced Odin had died and when he welcomed us back into court, I knew. I just never expected I would be named queen in such a way as that." Elisabete explained, trailing off with laughter.

Loki wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply as he spun her around. She laid her hands against his chest and gave him a quick kiss before resting her head against his.

"My queen. My beautiful and loving and queen." He whispered.

"Wait...so this means I have power over you, doesn't it?" She giggled, biting her lip.

"I guess it does." He replied, rolling his eyes.

"I quite like being queen." Elisabete snickered.

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