Something to Smile About

By Marvinlover99

78.1K 1.2K 365

Cassandra Charlotte Cat, aka Cass, is the Cheshire Cat's daughter. Cass was always a cheery, mischievous, evi... More

All About Me
In the Beginning . . .
Rotten to the Core
First Meetings and Dorm room
Plan A . . . Fail!
Classes. . .*yawn*
I'm friends with. . . . A DOG!?
Magic in the Kitchen & Some Sauce in a Shoe
Did I Mention that Bennyboo loves Pixie?
Sniffles and Purring
Parents and Pictures
Defend the Kingdom!
A Little Too Much Catnip and An Awesome Concert
Let's Blow This Popscile Stand
I Crown Thee King Pupper!
Something To Smile About
New Story Out Now!

Saying Goodbye and Limo ride

5.7K 94 30
By Marvinlover99

I puff into Malefecent's castle just as she started screaming.

"I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!" Leficy yells, doing some weird arm movements.

"Our will?" Makeup woman ask clearly irritated. Lamp lover and Spotty dog lover agreed with her.

"Our will, our will." Leficy says before telling Mal that if she doesn't do it she'll be grounded for life. The two of them do a staring contest as I turn into cat form and climb on the arm of the couch. I stretch and yawn before laying down. Soon Mal loses the stare off and Makeup Woman calls for Evie.

"My little Evilette in training." Makeup woman says as Evie sits in front of her, "You just find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother-in-law wing, and-"

"Lots and lots of mirrors!" Evie and her mother said together, with Evie smiling probably as big as I can.

"No laughing, wrinkles." Her mom scolds. What's wrong a few wrinkles? Laugh lines are the best kind of wrinkles you could get.

"Well they're not taking my Carlos cause I'd miss him too much." My head shoots up before I fall off the couch, unfortunately, on my back.

"You would Mom?" I hear Spotty ask as I scramble to a standing position. You see I have a reputation of always landing on my feet and I'd like to keep it that way.

"Of course I would," Cruella says as I jump back onto the couch to find my Dad on the back of it.

"Was your trip to the floor pleasant, Darling?" He asked for me to roll my eyes.

"Ha ha ho hum. Does the Jabberwock like pretzels?" I reply for my dad to chuckle.

"Maybe Auradon won't be so bad." I hear Spotty say. I look over to see him drop his mother's leg.

"Carlos," She gasps, "they have dogs in Auradon." I shiver as Carlos looks at Leficy.

"No way! I'm not going!" He yells. Typical Spotty, but I can't blame him. I mean. . Dogs, yick!

"Jay's not going either!" Lamp lover says," I need him to stock the shelves of my store." He then turns to Jay and asks what he had stolen. Jay cleaned out his pockets but the only thing his dad was interested in was a lamp that, to his disappointment, had no genie.

"Evie's not going anywhere till we get rid of this unibrow." Makeup woman says. Making Ribbion gasp and touch her forehead.

"What is wrong with you all!?" Leficy yells, "People use to cower at the mention of our names!"

"Oh, how wrong you are Leficy Dear." I hear my dad say. Uh oh.

"What'd ya mean cat!?" She spats probably annoyed with the nickname. My dad gets off the couch and goes into human form.

"Well, you see," He chuckles, "I've  never had some person cower before me, if you don't count mice. You should remember well, you know that I'm not from here, because I am not bad, just extremely and undeniably mad."

"Whatever Cat! You know I was talking to the villains. Stay out of this!" Leficy yells. She then goes on to rant about how for 20 years she's searched to find a way off the Island and how the Auradon citizens have robbed the villains of their revenge. I was too busy yawning to listen.

"Revenge on Snow White and her seven little men." She says.

"Ow." Queenie humfs.

"Revenge on Aladdin and his Genie."

"I will!" Jafar shouts for Jay to hold him back.

"Revenge on ever sneaky Dalmatian that escaped your clutches."

"Oh, but they didn't get baby. They didn't get Baby!" Cruella laughs, getting looks from me, Carlos, and my dad. I mean I've seen crazy, lived in it my whole life but with this girl, she's beyond Wonderland crazy, she's psycho. Plus her thing with wearing animal fur, what's up with that? I quickly change into human form scared she was going to have a psychotic breakdown and skin the first furry thing she sees.

"And I, Malefecent, the evilest of them all, I will finally have my revenge on Sleeping Beauty. . ." Ohh, sleeping. A nap sounds absolutely perfect right about now. Leficy went on to tell Queenie to give Ribbon her magic mirror while Leficy herself gave Mal a book, after having Queenie help with the refrigerator. The limo then honked, meaning we had to say goodbye. I hugged my dad.

"Remember what I told you," he said, "and don't forget to take plenty of cat naps and eat plenty of tuna, and have some cat fun at least twice a day, and take your cat nip, and groom behind your ears, and--"

"Dad I really have to go." I whisper. He nods and says he hopes to hear from me soon. I then go outside and climb in the limo. I sit beside Evie and soon Jay climbs in.

"Reeeeeeeeaaaaaarrrrrr! Jay you're on my tail!" I yell. Jay stands up and I pull my tail away and examine it.

"Sorry," Jay mutters sitting back down.

"It's fine I guess. It's been abused all day." I say as I smooth out the fur. It really had been through a lot. First Lucifer's kids played sneak attack with it. Then it got pulled at Matt and Hallie's tea party, and got tea spilt on it. Then Jay stepped on it and now he's sat on it. Today just isn't the best of days for the tail.

Mal finally climbs in after what seems like forever, and we begin to drive off. As leave we hear yelling.

"Bring home gold!"

"Bring home a puppy!"

"Bring home a prince!"

"Stay away from rocking chairs!" I face palm. Couldn't have just said bring home something, could ya Dad? I look up and scan the containers of candy. I wouldn't eat any, since I couldn't have the sugar, but it was a good way to avoid the smirks on the others' faces. Soon the boys start fighting over the sweets making me roll my eyes and look over to the girls.

"You're looking a little washed out, let me help you out." Ribbon states applying some pink stuff to Mal's cheeks.

"Eww, stop." Mal groans, "I'm plotting."

"Well, it's not very attractive." Evie says before biting into a blue candy stick thing.

"Oh, these, it's salty like nuts but sweet like I don't know what. " Spotty says. Jay tells him to let him see, which Carlos just opens his mouth to show chewed up bits, but Jay punches him and takes part of the candy in his hand. Jay brakes the piece in half and offers part of it to me.

"Um, cat, remember?" I point to my ears, "I can't have candy." Jay shrugs and puts the sweet in his mouth before we hear Evie yell, "Look!" We look to see we're driving off the edge of the island. . . .and straight into the water!

"It's a trap!" Spotty yells. We all grip onto each other and wait for our demise, but after a few seconds of screaming, I open my eyes to see we're not dead. The yelling stops and Evie says that it must be magic. Then Mal asks the driver if she opened the barrier with a little button she pushed.

"No, that one opens my garage." He says, "This one opens the barrier, and this one. . ." The small window rolls up and Mal turns around smiling.
"Okay, nasty, I like that guy." She says. After a few more minutes, Jay realizes that I still have his beanie.

"Yeah, I do, and you're gonna have to fight me to get it back." I challenge pulling it down more.

"Please, I could beat you with one arm tied behind my back and blindfolded. You're just a Kitten anyway." Umm, excuse me? I might be the only freshmen here but I am not a kitten.

"Excuse me? I'll have you know I come from a long line of ferocious tigers, and not just tigers but wonderland tigers that live at the edge of Microwave Swamp!"

"Oh pa-lease, you're as ferocious as a flee! Like this one!" He pokes me in the stomach and I jump. Uh oh.

"And this one!" He does it again. I turn to cat form and try to get to the other side of Evie but Jay picks me up.

"Now you're in for it!" He says before tickling my stomach.

Okay so video isn't exactly how it happened. Jays holding Cass with one hand and tickling her with his free hand.

"N-no J-jay! N-no! St-stop it!" I yell. He soon puts me down and I scurry over to Mal, only to have her pick me up and hand me to Evie.

"Aww, who's a pretty kitty." Evie coos scratching me behind my ears and under my chin. I try my best to get down without having to bite her. I really don't want to hurt Evie since she's always been like a big sister to me, but the petting and gushing were just kinda. . . . well. . . embarrassing. Plus, Mal would always tease me, saying I pur when she pets a certain spot, but believe me, the only time I've ever purred was when I was with my dad, having catnip. I finally give up after a while and see that the boys have gone back to eating the sweets. Evie sets me in her lap while still petting me and I soon fall asleep.

15 minutes later.

   "Kitten, time to wake up." I hear Evie say. I open my eyes to see that we've stopped and the guys are fighting over something. I climbed into the seat between Evie and Jay before stetching and turning to human form. I hear music coming from outside and knew it would stop when Jay and Carlos fall out of the car, and I bet a weeks worth of catnip it's gonna happen that way. I know Muscles and Spotty too well, but hey, we might as well make our first impression on these people one that they'll never forget.

  Sorry about any spelling and grammar mistakes, and that haven't updated in a while, I'll try to update as soon as possible. 

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