I'll Take My Chances

By Georgia2000x

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♤ Book 1♤ This idea came to me while I was watching let's plays of Cuphead Don't Deal With The Devil... a gam... More

Chapter 1: Don't Deal With The Devil
Chapter 2: Helping Hand
Chapter 3: All In A Days Work
Chapter 5: Friends Are Family
Chapter 6: Love Has Its Ways
Chapter 7: Past Nighmare Or Present Scar
Chapter 8: Truth About The Past
Chapter 9: Little Surprise
Chapter 10: A Few Tricks

Chapter 4: Deals Have Small Print

162 1 0
By Georgia2000x

The Devil had flames burning in his eyes, rage coursing through his body. On the other hand King Dice didn't mind too much, as long as Cherry was happy. Cuphead, Mugman and Cherry were happy to be with each other again.

"How are you doing Cherry?" Said Cuphead as they stopped hugging each other and stood up straight.

"I'm doing alright I guess, what about you two and Elder Kettle?" Replied Cherry as she gave them a small smile.

"We're all worried about you Cherry" Said Mugman as a look of anxiety grew on his face.

"And we're trying to think of a plan to get you out of this deal" Whispered Mugman as he had a small smile form on his face.

"Really? You guys are trying to help me get out of here?" Replied Cherry as a couple of tears started to form in her eyes.

"Of course Cherry... You're practically like a sister to us" Said Cuphead as he gave Cherry a smile, with a couple of tears forming in his eyes.

"And you guys are practically family to me now and forever" Replied Cherry as three of them had another hug.

"Anyway I better get back to work you guys, so hopefully I'll speak and see you guys again" Continued Cherry as they all stopped hugging each other.

Cherry limped back round to the other side of the bar. Cuphead and Mugman sat back down on the bar stools. She started cleaning a few glasses, while Cuphead and Mugman kept on drinking their port.

After a couple of hours Cuphead and Mugman left the Casino. Cherry was cleaning a table, when she felt something wrapping around her waist. The thing wrapped tighter and pulled her backwards.

"Can I speak to you for a moment Cherry" Said the person from behind her, as they placed their head on her shoulder.

Before Cherry could answer they pulled her backwards into the Devil's private Casino. Suddenly they threw Cherry to the ground, she glanced over her shoulder to see the Devil.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Snapped the Devil as he came closer to Cherry.

"What... do you... mean?" Stuttered Cherry as she tried to stand up, her leg in even more pain.

"Oh come on Cherry... talking to your family... it's against the terms of the contract" Replied the Devil as he walked towards Cherry, grabbed her arm and forcefully stood her up.

"Please... Mr Devil... I... I didn't know" Stuttered Cherry as horror grew in her eyes and fear coursed through her body.

"Small Print my dear... all contracts have them" Whispered the Devil into Cherry's ear, suddenly a cold shiver went down her spine.

The Devil pulled out the contract and gave it to Cherry, she read over the small print and fully understood the terms of it. Slowly the Devil wrapped his tail around Cherry's waist without her feeling it. Cherry has a couple of tears forming in her eyes, from the fear of what the Devil might do to her. Gently he placed a hand on the side of her face.

"Seeing as you didn't know about the terms... I'll let you off easy this time my dear" Said the Devil as he slid one of his hands down Cherry's face.

Cherry's eyes went wide with shock, but she gave the Devil a nod. Slowly she started walking towards the door to the main Casino, quickly the Devil pulled his tail backwards, which sent Cherry flying backwards towards the Devil. She fell against the Devil's chest, Cherry looked up at him shocked.

"You think I was gonna let you off without any punishment" Said the Devil as he gazed down at Cherry.

Quickly the Devil grabbed both of her wrists and pinned her against the wall. He put his head close the her neck, slowly the Devil ran his tounge up and down the side of Cherry's neck.

"Pl... Please... I'm begging... stop" Cried Cherry as the Devil continued to lick her neck.

"I'm afraid I can't Cherry... I've got to teach you a lesson somehow" Replied the Devil as he grabbed Cherry's wrists tighter and pushed his body against hers.

The Devil drew his mouth closer to Cherry's neck and bit into it. Cherry screamed in pain and agony, quickly the Devil put on of his hand over her mouth. She tried to push the Devil off of her but he was too strong. Suddenly she felt the Devil sucking the blood from her neck. Cherry felt her legs becoming weak, slowly she felt like she was going to faint. After a couple of moments the Devil stopped and unclamped his mouth from Cherry's neck. A few drops of blood fell from Cherry's neck, and two holes left in her neck. Suddenly Cherry collapsed, but the Devil caught her in his arms.

"You couldn't handle that could you?" Said the Devil as he picked up Cherry in a bridal carry.

Slowly the Devil walked over to his office and opened the door. Then he opens another door that was in his office, this room was the Devil's room. Which was similar to King Dice's room only it was in black and red. The Devil walked over to his bed and placed Cherry down on the bed. He then went to the bathroom and picked a bandage out of his cupboard.
The Devil walked out of his bathroom and back over to Cherry, gently he wrapped the bandage over the two holes in her neck.

Quietly he walked out of his room and into his office, he sat down on his leather chair and started to finish off some paper work. It was about an hour before there was a knock at the Devil's office door.

"Come in" Said the Devil as he continued to do his paper work.

Slowly the door opened and King Dice stood in the doorway. He lent up against the door frame and looked over towards the Devil, his arms crossed.

"What is it Dice?" Said the Devil as he glanced up from his paper work.

"Is Cherry with you? I've haven't seen her in the Casino for a while... don't know if she might have ran off?" Replied King Dice as he stepped into the Devil's office and closed the door.

"Cherry's fine, she's in my room resting" Said the Devil as he pointed towards his room door. 

"Can I speak see her?" Replied King Dice as a look of concern began to grow on his face.

"Go ahead" Said the Devil as he glared at his room door, then he carried on doing his paper work.

King Dice walked over to the Devil's room door and slowly opened it. He saw Cherry sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing her neck. Quietly King Dice closed the door. Cherry glanced up at him, tears starting to form in her eyes. She didn't want Dice to get hurt because of her.

"How are you doing Cherry?" Said King Dice as he walked over to Cherry.

"I'm fine... I think" Replied Cherry as she slightly rubbed her head, and gave King Dice a small smile.

King Dice sat down on the bed next to Cherry. She glanced over at him, and he glanced down at her.

"Are you sure?... you've been limping and you seemed to have passed out for a while" Said King Dice as he gently placed a hand on the side of Cherry's face.

Quickly Cherry wrapped her arms around King Dice and started to cry. King Dice was shocked, but placed a hand on the back of her head.

"Dice... the Devil said that if I keep doing what I'm doing with you... You're gonna get hurt... and I don't want that to happen" Cried Cherry as she placed her head tighter against his side.

"And... that I can't see or speak... to anyone who I know that come into the Casino" Continues Cherry as she calmed down a bit.

King Dice wrapped both his arms around Cherry and gave her a hug. He gazed down at her in his arms.

"If we keep it private... how's he going to know?" Whispered King Dice as he placed a hand on Cherry's chin and tilted her head slightly upwards to look at him in the eyes.

Cherry looked up at King Dice wide eyed. A small smile formed on her face. King Dice stood up and held a hand out for Cherry. Gently Cherry grabbed his hand and stood herself up, her leg still causing her pain but not as much as before. King Dice let go of Cherry's hand and they both started to walk towards the door. As King Dice and Cherry walked out the Devil gave Cherry an evil grin.

"How's the neck sweetie?" Said the Devil as his grin turned into a smirk.

"It still hurts" Replied Cherry as she and King Dice Continued to walk out of his office, King Dice glanced down and noticed the bandage on Cherry's neck.

Once they were out of his office, King Dice and Cherry walked back into the main Casino. Cherry walked over to the bar and King Dice stayed around the gambling tables. They day seemed quite slow after that. Cherry carried on cleaning tables and glasses, while King Dice kept on looking over at Cherry every once in a while.

The Casino closed at 11:30, King Dice cleaned the gambling tables while Cherry cleaned the tables. The Devil came out of his private Casino and looked the main doors up. As he walked back the Devil glanced over at Cherry and winked at her. Once the Casino had been cleaned down, King Dice walked over to Cherry, while Cherry walked over to King Dice. She gave him a small hug then let go of him. King Dice held one of her hand and they both walked back to King Dice's room. They both opened the door and walked in, King Dice locked the door behind them.

"We have Mondays and Thursdays off, so we don't have to get up tomorrow" Said King Dice as he walked over to his wardrobe, while Cherry sat on his sofa.

"That's good" Replied Cherry as she gave him a small smile.

"Well... are you not going to get changed?" Said King Dice as he hug his suit back up into the wardrobe.

"Dice... I don't excatly have anything to change into" Replied Cherry as she slightly blushed and looked away embarrassed.

"Oh I see... don't want to wander around in your underwear like me then?" Said King Dice as he smirked at Cherry, with his entire body on display.

Cherry's eyes went wide with shock, she felt so embarrassed. King Dice was someone very attractive to Cherry, but to her she was just someone with nothing attractive about her. Suddenly King Dice started laughing, Cherry stared at him with confusion.

"I'm joking... here" Said King Dice with a smile as he threw Cherry a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.

"Thank you Dice" Replied Cherry as she gave him a smile then stood up from the sofa.

She walked into the bathroom and changed into the T-shirt and shorts King Dice had given her. Slowly Cherry walked out of the bathroom and placed her clip and gloves on King Dice's dresser. She placed her shoes by the chair under the dresser. Finally Cherry hung her dress up in the wardrobe.

Cherry sighed as she closed the wardrobe door, slowly Cherry turned around to see King Dice in the kitchen making some food. Then Cherry walked over to his sofa and sat down. She couldn't help but wrap the blanket around her and lay down. Slowly Cherry started to drift off to sleep. King Dice was standing at the kitchen doorway looking over at Cherry. He walked over to Cherry and picked her up in a bridal carry. Cherry woke up and looked up at King Dice, with wide eyes and a bit of shock.

"Dice... what are you doing?" Said Cherry as she placed a hand against his upper chest.

"Nothing... I was just giving you the comfortable sleeping spot" Replied King Dice as he gazed down into Cherry's green eyes.

"Dice I'm fine sleeping on the sofa" Said Cherry as she gently placed a hand on the side of King Dice's head.

"Or we could share the bed" Continued Cherry without even thinking, her eyes went wide with shock.

King Dice was taken by surprise when she said that. Cherry placed a hand over her eyes and blushed slightly, she had only thought about doing that.

"I wouldn't mind that... as long as you're comfortable with it" Replied King Dice as he gave Cherry a wide smile, then pulled her closer to him.

Cherry began to blush, she looked away trying to hide her emotions. King Dice placed a finger on her cheek and turned her head to look back up at him.

"Well... what do you say? Would you be comfortable with that?" Continued King Dice as he lent in closer to Cherry, a smile forming on both of their faces.

"I'd be comfortable with that Dice" Replied Cherry as she wrapped her arms around King Dice's neck.

King Dice walked over to his bed and placed Cherry down, she got in the bed then so did King Dice. Cherry placed her head on a pillow and fell asleep within minutes. Soon enough King Dice was asleep.

Meanwhile down in the Devil's office, he was flicking through his calender. Checking all the dates for upcoming events, one of the events was the Friday in two days time. Nothing had been done about it, so in the morning he would tell Dice about it.

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