Some Girls Bite ↠ Klaus Mikae...

By -missmischief

188K 7.6K 1.8K

Spencer Stilinski. She's back in Mystic Falls. Both Klaus and her are slowly coming to terms with their fee... More

Prank Night
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Spencer & Rebekah Bonding
Ghost World
Ordinary People
HomeComing & Secrets
Klaus & Spencer Bonding
The New Deal
Happy Birthday Caroline
Beacon Hills
Motel California
Bringing Out the Dead
Mikaelson Ball
All My Children
Hospital & No Choice
Ancient Ritual Sacrifices
Nik, Bek's, Koala, Lijah & Spence
Heart of Darkness
The 20's Dance
Before Sunset
The Devastating Call
Mysterious Deaths
The Nightmare
Talk with Nogitsune
Take Down of Void

The Departed

5K 221 25
By -missmischief

"How can you continue when the worst thing has happened?"

I was curled up in a ball on Nik's bed. My heart had literally felt like it had dropped into my stomach.

My heartache was was like a wolf eating at my chest, tearing it's way to my trembling heart. It threatened to devour me, eat me whole and leave nothing but scraps behind. I did my best to ignore it but I had little appetite to do anything but lay here, withering away, letting the wolf tear away at me.

Then a burst of anger fueled me as I pictured the face of Elena. Her face led to the faces of Stefan and Damon Salvatore which made me sit up, swallowing thickly.

I made my way to Nik's bathroom, and looked into the mirror at myself. I stood there, sunken eyes staring back at me. The makeup was gone from my face, my hair was frizzed, and I was clad in years-old pajamas, showing off my midriff and too-tight sleeves. I fell forward, catching myself on the porcelain sink and bowed my head, shoulders shaking. A sense of deja vu swept over me, as the ghosts of my past paraded around me and within me, a sneaky reminder of all the nights I had spent here, struggling to keep breathing when my entire body seemed to sag with exhaustion and numbed agony.

The sadness and the pain I had felt now turned into nothing but a void.

A dark void. A never ending dark void that consumes everything, so your left feeling nothing. Empty. Nothing to subside your hollow soul that creeps in the shadows, away from any other human life because it's emptiness is so consuming it cannot bare to pretend that everything is okay. Nothing is okay! People walk around this earth each day and pretend that everything is okay, and it always will be. Why can't we all just admit that we are just hollow plastic dolls with a painted happy face revealing no guilt, sadness, emptiness - emotion.

Because that is how I feel now.

Nik was gone; gone for good. Rebekah ran, and Elijah and Kol were no where to be found. They all have left me and I'm all alone now.

All I have left is anger. Anger against the damn Salvatore's, my own two cousins, and my ex friends.

My eyes turned to their golden color as I growled and punched the mirror, shards of glass shattering on the sink, and embedding themselves into my fist.

"Karma is a fucking bitch."


I roamed the storage locker halls, trying to find Damon.

The only reason I knew Damon was here was because I had listened in on his phone call with Elena. Apparently they had Nik's body hidden behind one of these doors, waiting for him to be buried.

As I went around the corner, I was grabbed, and my mouth was covered. In a fit of rage, I grabbed the person's hand, snapped it backwards, turned aroune and kicked the back of the legs, making them fall to the ground in a heap.

That's when I realized it was Rebekah. "Rebekah?" I questioned and helped her up. "I thought I told you to run."

"I did but came back as I heard about what happened." She pulled me into a  hug which made me breath out in slight relief. You knoe, before I saw Damon behind her.

I pushed Rebekah away from me and stormed towards him. He went to say something but I punched him square in the face. His head snapped to the right, his hand flying up to fix his jaw. I quickly kicked him in the balls and when he curled into himself, I grabbed the back of his head, and smashed his nose right down on my knee. I then roughly threw him to the floor and started kicking him in the chest over and over again until I fell to the floor in sobs.

"How sweet." Quickly, I got to my feet just in time to see Alaric grab Rebekah by the hair. He punched her head against the car and then threw her on the floor. I rushed toward him, threw a punch my my wrist was grabbed and be ny backwards. I let out a painful scream. Instead of being consumed by the pain, I lifted my leg and went to kick him but he easily grabbed it and threw me across the room. I flew into the wall back first, making a huge dent. I groaned, slumping down to the ground, nurturing my healing wrist.  

I looked up to see Alaric open up Nik's coffin.

"No!" I shouted, standing up and tried to run forward but Damon grabbed ahold of both Rebekah and I. "Please! No! Not Nik!" Alaric raised the white oak stake. "Alaric, please!" With hesitance, Alaric drove the stake through Nik's chest. My mouth opened up, awaiting the scream that so badly wanted to escape but nothing came. Nothing. I was just silently screaming. Silently dying from the inside out.

He was gone.

My Nik was gone.

The guy who I.... The guy I possibly loved was gone and there was nothing I could do.

He was gone and he wasn't coming back.

Nik's body had bursted in flames. He was melting and there was nothing I could do but watch. Watch as the only being that actually made me completely and utterly happy...die.

Even as Alaric ran towards us and fought Damon, I couldn't do anything but watch the flames that grew higher and higher.

I didn't even notice as Alaric's body collapsed to the ground, turning grey; Elena was dead.

I didn't even notice I was having a panic attack until everything turned black and I was once again welcomed by darkness.


Guys... I think I am officially dead.

My poor baby Spencer is broken and I feel so bad about what I'm making her and will continue to make her go through, but what I'm doing to her is going to help her with character development... so yeah, it still doesn't help that I feel so bad though

Ugh! Life struggles is real, bro's.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope I didn't break your hearts....

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