Old Friend || The Originals

By cassernzero

79.4K 1.7K 97

Faerie - A species of humanoid creature once native to earth, but now primarily exist in the dimensional plan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 11

3.1K 63 9
By cassernzero

Bo's POV

It's been a month since Rebekah left and Klaus has finally apologized for his past sins against me. So, Klaus and I had a talk, and he wants me to have his back while he plots to keep his foothold in the French Quarter and I agreed to his terms. Now what I don't understand is, why is he sleeping with the witch that tortured him and Rebekah. It's not like I'm jealous or anything, I'm just wondering what the hell is going on in that head of his.

My thoughts are interrupted when I feel a presence in front, it's Elijah "I just had a talk with my Brother, I told him of my plans to make this city whole again and he's indifferent." He says. I roll my eyes "Is there a question?" I ask disinterested "What is my Brother up to?" Elijah asks. I sigh and get up from my seat "Even if I know what he's up to. I wouldn't tell you." I answer. I start to walk away when Elijah grabs my arm "I know, you know something." Elijah says menacingly, I glare at him "You better let go me or you're going to regret it." I threaten. He lets me go "I'm not some freaking vampire you can boss around Elijah, so you better keep your hands to yourself." I say in a veiled threat then I teleport elsewhere.

Sometime later, I go back to the compound I'm on the balcony with Klaus looking at his paintings as he starts another one. Elijah joins us and is looking his painting as well "Not a fan of cerulean blue?" Klaus asks Elijah "Not a fan of your continued indifference. I know your up to something and you've involved Bo." Elijah says, I sideway glance at him and go back to looking at the paintings.

"Well, it's difficult trying to unite a community that has a history of mutual loathing." Klaus says "Spare me the platitudes, Niklaus." Elijah says. "A perspective, then? If you want peace, you must begin with the werewolves. A hundred years ago, they had a run at ruling this city. As of late, all they've had is time to watch their enemies tear down that legacy." Klaus says "All the more reason why their reluctant to bring them to the table." Elijah says, I roll my eyes, if these factions really want peace then they'll have no choice but to give the wolves a piece of the city, it's only fair.

"Take a page from Bienville, Brother. If the table's the obstacle, remove it." Klaus says, he pours drinks "Do you recall in 1720, the governor's desperation to secure our help to build the cities first levees? We sat with him, and refused his offer, and so, he plied us with wine, with corseted women, and with raucous camaraderie until he had his yes." Klaus says, Elijah smiles "Are you suggesting that I throw a party?" He asks as if he didn't already know the answer, they toast each other and drink.

Elijah throws a party for all the factions, vampires, witches, and even werewolves. Klaus and Elijah are on the balcony watching party unfold while I sit at the bar drinking, hoping this party won't end in bloodshed. I'm on the balcony standing next to Klaus when Genevieve "Looking for your shrink?" She asks "Don't tell me you're jealous of Cami, love." Klaus answers "And what about him?" She asks glancing at me, I roll my eyes. Klaus doesn't answer "I mean, I understand why you would seek his company, but why would seek her company. She seems so... ordinary." Genevieve says.

I scoff at what she said, what the hell is wrong with being ordinary, besides Cami is a sweet girl "Well, sometimes, ordinary is a welcome respite." Klaus tells her "I thought I was your respite." She says playfully "Well, you are. Promise me—not another about Cami." Klaus says then he glances at me to follow him "Excuse me." He says to Genevieve and leaves, I follow after him.

I walk with Klaus to his study to greet a werewolf, Jackson is his name, I read his mind. What, I don't read the minds of friends or people I'm close too "I'm so glad you accepted my invitation." Klaus says to Jackson. He turns around slightly defensive and ready to attack "So, is this where the great Klaus Mikaelson says something poignant, and snaps my neck?" Jackson says, I stifle a laugh. Klaus glances at me annoyed "I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to offer you a gift." Klaus says "Out of the kindness of your vampire heart?" Jackson says, I stifle another laugh.

"Our hearts are more similar than you might realize. You see, long before I evolved, mine beat as werewolf. I know your power. I know your burden. I'm here to take the latter away." Klaus explains "You want to make me a hybrid? I put my pack first, and I'm not gonna let anything compromise my family line, especially becoming some bloodthirsty vampire parasite." Jackson declares, brave wolf, I like him. "That pride, sense of loyalty? Well, that's exactly why I haven't snapped your neck yet." Klaus says "Well, if you're not gonna kill me, then what the hell do you want?" Jackson asks.

"Only to give you back the city that was taken from you. How is that for poignant?" Klaus says "Why would I trust someone who's conspiring behind his own brother's back?" Jackson asks. Klaus tells him that he is supporting his brother, but he doesn't want vampires to protect his unborn child. He wants werewolves to protect his child, because of there unity and the pack mentality of wolves. Klaus grabs a wooden box and pulls a ring, and shows it to Jackson "My mother was a very powerful witch. I watch her craft all manner of magical items, but her most prized possession was this ring. I hadn't seen it for 1,000 years, and then it turned up hanging around the neck of a werewolf—a direct descendant of my biological father. I believe she gave him this ring as a way of freeing him." Klaus explains.

"How so?" Jackson asks "Daylight rings shield vampires from the sun. So, why not a moonlight ring to protect werewolves from the curse? Think about it! No more breaking bones, no more losing control to the beast within." Klaus says "What do I have to do?" Jackson asks convinced. After Jackson leaves "So, do I get to make those moonlight rings, because that sounds fun." I say excited, Klaus shakes his head "No." He says. I pout "Why not?" I ask a little upset "Because I have someone else in mind." Klaus answers "Who? Genevieve?" I ask scowling, Klaus doesn't answer.

I sigh in disappointment and lay on the couch "Not going back to the party?" Klaus asks "No... I think I had too much to drink... gonna sleep it off." I answer as I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. I wake up groggy, I don't know how long I was asleep. Klaus is painting then Elijah comes into the study with a piece of paper and an inkwell "Sign it." Elijah says to Klaus "Why? You've already done so on our behalf." Klaus says "Brother, I am not a fool. It's clear to me you're not as disinterested as you'd like me to believe. Sign, please. If there is no peace between us, then how can you expect others to follow suit?" Elijah says "Fine, if it will make you happy. But, I assure you, this city's inhabitants will not adhere to this agreement." Klaus says.

Klaus signs the contract "Well, you are welcome to wager against me. You will lose." Elijah says "We'll see." Klaus says. I massage the sides of my head as a headache is forming, god, I'm such a lightweight. I hear a throat clear, I look up and see Elijah holding the contract near my face "I think you should sign too." He says "If you don't get that contract out of my face, I will burn it then I will hex you into oblivion." I say getting angry.

Elijah glares at me and I glare back then he sighs and leaves, Klaus chuckles "I can never get Elijah to do that." He says "Yeah, well he can't boss me just because I forgive him." I say "But, I can." Klaus says "No. We have an agreement, that's all." I say correcting him "Sure, whatever you say." Klaus says smirking, I ignore him and go back to sleep.

I wake up the next day to construction noise, I get up to find out what is making all this noise. I go downstairs to see men working on the compound "Enough with all the racket!" Klaus shouts "Is there a problem, brother." Elijah says the he turns to the workers "Gentlemen, please." He says and they stop working, thank god. "I agreed to a general sprucing up, not a bloody three-ring circus." Klaus says "Marcel and his minions abused our home for the better part of a century. Now, you might be content to live in squalor. I'm not." Elijah says.

"I agree with your brother. It's a new era in the French Quarter. This place could use a makeover." Genevieve says, great... she wants something "Careful, Elijah. When this one agrees with you, it's a sure sign she wants something." Klaus says, "Actually I do have a request. I'm told our coven hasn't been able to celebrate feast days in the open since Marcel restricted the use of magic. Now with the new peace, I'd like that to change." Genevieve says.

"Am I to assume that you have a certain feast day in mind?" Elijah asks "La Fete des Benedictions. Feast of blessings. In the past, members of the community offered witches gifts in exchange for blessings. We'd like to use it as a forum for introducing our young harvest girls." Genevieve answers. A feast of blessings, always wanted to attend one; oh, and I have to get a gift for Davina "So your coven attempted to destroy my family—and you yourself held my siblings in unspeakable torment—and you would like a party for the witches?" Elijah says "I made my amends with your brother. Why don't you think it over?" Genevieve says and leaves.

After I got over my hangover, I went with Klaus to St. Anne's Church. I see one werewolf dragging another wolf into the church "When I asked you to bring Cary to me, it was as my guest. Might I recommend you release him before I opt release you from your mortal coil." Klaus threatens "I found him like you asked, and he jumped me. Now, his pack's been going at mine since the beginning of time. I don't owe him a thing." Blond wolf says.

"You see, it's that short-sighted attitude that led to the demise of the werewolves." Klaus says "I'm pretty sure Marcel and the witches did that." Blond idiot says "The packs should have been united. Marcel saw that weakness and he exploited it. If you seek to rebuild with only the crescents, you may as well stay in your hovels in the bog!" Klaus says to the idiot annoyed.

Klaus turns to Cary with a smile "I don't believe we've had the pleasure of an introduction." Klaus says "Legend says you're descended from our line." Cary says "The legends are true. Come here. Klaus says and shows him the ring "I understand that this ring was passed down through generations of our family. I need to know what stone it housed?" Klaus asks "I never saw it with a stone." Cary answers "Could you find out for me, mate? Hmm? See what you can find out." Klaus says.

It's nighttime, the feast of blessings and it's everything I thought it was, truly magnificent. Now it's the after party where we give gifts to the harvest girls "Welcome. As is our time-honored tradition, you are all welcome to deliver your offerings. It is our custom that no one should be turned away, no blessing be denied." Genevieve says.

Guest line-up including myself, as people give gifts to the harvest girls, but I notice that they won't let anyone give gifts to Davina. Well, that's not happening, I go next; I go to Davina but an attendant stops me. I step hard on his foot and step pass him, I walk towards Davina and give her a small velvet box. She goes to open it but I stop her "Don't open it here. When your alone and away from people, open it and read what's in there." I tell her "Thank you." She says smiling and I smile back "No problem, sweetheart." I say. I walk away and I see Genevieve and Monique glare at me, I scoff.

I see Klaus dragging out Josh "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please. We are gathered here today to pay homage to our beloved witches, but one very special witch has been utterly ignored. That seems a little unfair to me." Klaus says and hands her a small box. Davina shakes her head "No. I don't want your gift." She says, I stifle a laugh "I understand why you would reject me. In truth, many of us here today have been wronged in the conflict which my brother's treaty ended. Your friend Josh was involved in a plot to kill me. It would be well within my right to execute him here and now. But, in the spirit of solidarity, and for your favor, Davina, I hereby pardon him. Josh from this day forward, you have nothing to fear from me. Please." Klaus says as he hands her the box and leaves.

I walk over to Davina and Josh "So, are you gonna open it?" Josh asks Davina, she opens it and is stunned at whatever is in the small box "What? What is it?" Josh asks "It's the spell that makes daylight rings." Davina answers. Damn, Klaus is really good at giving gifts.

Suddenly a group of drummers, march into the room "Happy Fete des Benedictions. We have a message for all of you from Marcel Gerard." The lead drummer says, the drummers take out razors and slit their wrists open, bleeding all over the floor. The vampires in the room start to vamp-out because of the blood "Control yourselves. This is a vulgar trick. We do not violate our agreement." Elijah states. The lights go out and chaos ensues, an arm wraps around my waist and pulls me away. I struggle against there grip "Bo, it's me, calm down." Klaus says, I push him away "You're welcome." He says "Thanks." I say begrudgingly and walk away.

That's one way to end a party, freaking vampires; I need to have a talk with Marcellus. I hear a whisper then suddenly I'm at the docks "Woah." I hear someone say as I turn around, I see Josh and Davina with the piece of paper I give her in her hand "Right, I totally forgot." I say.

Davina is stunned at my sudden appearance "Wait, was that—I thought your name was—" She says "It's only part of my name, a nickname. What I gave you is my full name, only use it for emergencies. Memorize it and burn the paper. Names have power and I'm trusting you with mine, do you understand." I say, she nods "Yes, I understand." She says.

"Now for your other gift, Josh your welcome to come too." I say, Davina's face lights up "Oh my god, are you finally taking me there?!" She asks excited, I nod. I create a portal "Whoa, that's cool. Is it safe?" Josh asks, I chuckle "Of course it is, ladies first." I say. Davina goes in then Josh, then I go in "Wow, it's so beautiful here, Bo." Davina says in awe, I smile as She and Josh take it all in, the grass, trees, and wildlife.

They spot my cabin "Is this where you live?" Davina asks, I nod "Come on, lets go inside." I say. We go inside "Nice place." Josh says "Thanks." I say back. We spend of the night enjoying each other's company, well technically it's daytime here in my Plane, it's always daytime here. Anyway, I dread on what the next day will bring.


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