Hidden Secrets || A Jaded Fan...

By adoringthirlwall

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COMPLETED - 7th April 2017 - 29th December 2017 - - - Jade and Jed are totally in love, but how will Jades e... More

Part 1 || 'We're number one!'
Part 2 || Lady and the Tramp
Part 3 || 'Those Brown Eyes'
Part 4 || 'see you tomorrow:)'
Part 5 || Aladdin
Part 6 || The Breakup
Part 7 || It was who?
Part 8 || "its a date"
Part 9 || The first kiss
Part 10 || Just Friends
Part 11 || Corrie to Coffee
Part 12 || The Catchup
Part 13 || "He's Coming"
Part 14 || Does he trust me?
Part 15 || "do i still love her?"
Part 16 || "whats going on here?"
Part 17 || do i love her?
Part 18 || Aladdin...
Part 19 || "i have to speak to her"
Part 20 || Forgiven
Part 21 || another encounter
Part 22 || for her
Part 23 || The fight
Part 24 || Change?
Part 26 || Back home
Part 27 || I love you.

Part 25 || The (kind of) rescue

784 19 10
By adoringthirlwall

I couldn't sleep throughout the night.

Sam had locked me in what looked to be his brothers room.

I couldn't stop thinking about what he done to me, tears rolling from my eyes non stop.

Why did I come home with him? No one can change within 24 hours just like that. If I had said no this wouldn't have happened.

I felt soulless, as if I was dead. It's a horrible feeling.

I lay there in bed, still strapped up with tears everywhere and puddles on the pillow.

Just how could some be so heartless to another human being?

I was cut of my thoughts when I heard the front door open.

I heard faint voices coming from outside the bedroom door, I couldn't exactly make them out.

The voices then began to get louder.

"You did what?!" I heard a familiar voice say.

Was it Mitch?

I then heard Sam trying to calm him down.

"Sam what the hell is wrong with you?! You have to let her go!" I heard the same voice argue back.

"I cant Mitch!" I heard Sam shout.

So it was Mitch.

"Sam you could get arrested! In fact you will because someone is eventually going to find out" Mitch replied.

"Where are you going?!" Sam yelled.

"Out" Mitch replied blankly.

Sam chuckled. "Oh no you're not"

I heard the front door open followed by a loud bang.

I wasn't sure if it was the door closing or if Sam had threw something at his brother.

"Fuck!" I heard Sam scream in anger which resulted in him punching a wall.

I sobbed even more, I was shaking like a leaf. I'm terrified.

Perrie's POV

I was making breakfast for me and some guy I met at the bar last night, pretty strange I know but he was cool and we got on like a house on fire.

"Thank you" he smiled.

"No problem, Alex right?"

He laughed slightly. "Yes, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain"

"Wait" I said as I thought for a moment. "Are you a football player?" I asked.

"That's correct" he beamed.

"No way! My brother absolutely loves your team!" I said shocked.

"He does?" He laughed.

"Yes! You'll have to meet him, he'd go absolutely insane" I laughed.

"Meeting the family so soon now aren't I?" He joked.

I laughed and hit him on the shoulder playfully.

We were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"I'll be right back" I told him.

I opened the door to reveal an old familiar face. Mitch.

"Mitch? What're you doing here?" I asked confused.

"Perrie I need your help, sams gone absolutely insane" he began. "He's locked up jade and refusing to let her out... I don't know if he's done anything to her but he's been drinking and god knows what he's going to do next" he explained.

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. I had no idea what to say.

"Oh my god.." I said as I started to shake.

I felt someone come up behind me. "Is there any trouble here?" Alex said looking Mitch up and down.

"No-well-yea-my best friend is in trouble" I stuttered, still shaking.

"Where is she?" Alex asked.

"She's back in mine and Sams apartment, sams locked her up" Mitch said.

"Wait I'm confused" Alex said.

"I'll explain fully later, but I need to go help Jade" I told Alex.

"I can help, this Sam guy clearly sounds dangerous" Alex said.

My heart fluttered slightly. I had only met this guy last night and he already doesn't want me in danger.

"Alright but we need to leave now before he really hurts her" Mitch says.

"Alright, but we need to stop for someone on the way there" I announced.

Jade's POV

I jumped slightly as I saw Sam enter the room.

He walked towards me with what looked to be a whip.

Millions of thoughts rushed to my head. Was he going to hurt me even more? Is he going to do that again?

My thoughts were interrupted by the front door barging open followed by yet another familiar voice.

"Where is she?!"

"Jed?" I whispered to myself.

Sam looked at me in anger. "What have you done!" He whisper yelled at me.

He then quickly ran to the door and re locked it.

"Sam! Open the door!" I heard Mitch as he must've been pressed up against the door.

He walked over to me and pressed his finger upon his lips. "Shh" He hushed.

I felt tears rise to my eyes as I continued to stay quiet.

"Jade, it's Jed, don't panic I swear we're getting you out of there!" I heard Jed say as he continued to bang on the door.

Sam looked at the door then at me furiously.

"How did you get him to come here! That wasn't part of my plan!" Sam yelled, revealing he was in here with me as he walked up and down the room.

I sobbed uncontrollably as I shook my head.

"Sam I swear if you hurt her you're dead!" Jed yelled.

"Sam please! Open the door, this isn't like you!" Mitch said joining in.

I heard police sirens coming from a distance, I looked at Sam as I saw him panic.

"You called the police!" He yelled grabbing something from his pocket. "You guys shouldn't of done that" he continued as he walked towards me.

As he got closer, it was revealed he had pulled a pocket knife out.

He cut the ropes free and grabbed me by the neck making me gag a little.

I heard police brage through the front door and then into the bedroom.

The door fell to the ground and I saw a dozen police men behind it.

"Wow wow wow, put the knife down, we aren't here to hurt you" the police said attempting to calm him down but it made his grip tighter on my neck.

I coughed and gasped for air, he had one arm round my neck and the other holding a knife to my chest.

They began to slowly make their way towards us both.

"Come any closer and she's dead" Sam said, poking me gently with the tip of the knife which did still hurt.

The police stopped in their tracks and continued to calmly attempt to get Sam to drop the knife.

More tears escaped my eyes as I saw Jed, Mitch, Perrie and someone I don't recognise stood behind the police.

"Sam please, don't hurt her" Jed spoke up.

Sam didn't reply back, he stood in his place with the knife still placed to my chest.

We all stood in silence for a few seconds not sure what to say to get the knife off Sam.

"Please Sam, because I love this girl. I adore her in every way possible. And this is all my fault..." Jed said looking at the floor before looking back up and at Sam. "If you're going to hurt anyone it should be me"

"Oh I'm going to hurt you, but not in the way you think" Sam replied.

Sam then stabbed the knife into my chest straight after, not giving anyone a chance to take in what he said.

I heard faint screams and shouting as I fell to the ground, everything went fuzzy before finally, everything went black.


Hi guys! Did you all enjoy Christmas? If you don't celebrate then happy holidays!❤️

Wow this chapter was intense to write, but there's another chapter coming soon!

This book is almost finished and it makes me sad:( but I do have a few other book ideas that I think you'll all like:)

I just want to thank you guys for all the reads and votes! It really does mean a lot❤️

Love you all!

- R x

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