Ssb X Kitsune Reader One shots

By Shoko--Instano

16.3K 187 121

What's happens when you are accepted into smash. When you get to meet all the smash fights. When you get to h... More

About you
What i protect pt. 1 Marth X Reader
Another Me Link X Reader Part 1
A Relaxing time Ike X Reader Part 1
More than a flame Roy X Reader Part 1
Once In A Book Male Robin X Reader Part 1
Choose me Male Corrin X Reader Part 1
My Guardian Angel Pit X Reader part 1
What i protect Marth X Reader Pt. 2
Another me Link X Reader Part 2
Make Me Good Dark Pit X Reader Part 2
My Guardian Angel Pit X Reader Part 2
Once In A Book Male Robin X Reader Part 2
Choose me Male Corrin x reader part 2

Make Me Good. Dark Pit X Reader Part 1

1K 13 3
By Shoko--Instano

Dark Pit was mean to many people and wasn't known for being the nicest guy around like his counterpart Pit. He had no idea how to be nice or even what being nice actually was. Since he was 'Dark' Pit. People automatically treated him mean because he was supposedly evil. But that wasn't the case, he wasn't cared for and that explained his sour behavior to others. However (Y/n) could see that even Dark Pit could be nice. If...he had a little help. (Y/n) watched Dark Pit as he walked around the mansion. He sat on the couch and put on a show to watch.

''Dark Pit doesn't seem so mean. I wonder why Peach told me to stay away from him.'' Said (Y/n). She started making her way to Dark Pit. She smiled as she approached him.

''Hey Pitoo.'' Said (Y/n) as she jogged to him. Dark Pit got mad at the nickname and got up to walk away. (Y/n) was surprised. She caught up to him. ''Wait wait don't leave. Why are you leaving?''

''How many times do I have to tell you and other people?'' Said Dark Pit in a low voice. He whipped his head to (Y/n) with pure anger in his eyes. ''DON'T CALL ME THAT GOD FORSAKEN NAME!!!'' (Y/n) was shocked at him for yelling at her. She jumped a bit.

''I'm sorry. I didn't know you hated that name so much.'' Said (Y/n).

''So you think that I would like to be called a doppleganger? You think I like being known as a copy. Just the evil twin. Think before you talk.'' Said Dark Pit as he walked away. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes and followed him.

''No I don't and I'm sorry I called you Pittoo. I promise I won't ever call you that again.'' Said (Y/n).

''What does it matter to you? Your just another droplet of moron in the all ocean of annoyance. Just leave me alone.'' Said Dark Pit. (Y/n) placed her hand on his shoulder.

''I said sorry already. What else do you want me to do?'' Asked (Y/n). Dark Pit looked at her as silence filled the air.

''I want leave me alone.'' Said Dark Pit. He removed her hand from his shoulder and started walking away again towards his room. (Y/n) stared at him as he walked away from her. His figure getting smaller and soon disappearing behind a corner. (Y/n) sighed.

''I really got to be more wise when it comes to Dark Pit.'' Said (Y/n). She sat down on the couch and thought about what Dark Pit said. She could understand him though she wasn't a doppleganger, in her game she couldn't be heard or seen by people. She knew Dark Pit couldn't be heartless, no one could be, but he sure was having trouble showing his feelings. ''Maybe I can help him be nicer and show his feelings.'' (Y/n) smiled and cheered. ''Yup I need to do that.'' (Y/n) jumped up and ran to Dark Pit's room. She stopped in front of his door and knocked.

''What?'' Said Dark Pit.

''Please let me in Dark Pit. I think I can help you.'' Said (Y/n).

''Help me? With what? I don't need your help with anything.'' Said Dark Pit through the door.

''I understand where you are coming from.'' Started (Y/n). Dark pit looked at the door shocked. ''I understand that because your darker than Pit that people treat you evil. Your not, I understand that. I wasn't able to be seen by anyone back in my game. We are the same. Only a limited amount of people talked to us. We were nothing to other people. But just because I can't be seen doesn't mean you can't be loved.'' (Y/n) faced the floor. She heard the door unlock. She looked up as Dark Pit opened the door.

''Is this what you wanted?'' Asked Dark Pit.

''Please...let me in.'' Said (Y/n). Dark Pit looked into her (E/c) eyes as her (T/c) tail wagged behind her. He sighed.

''Fine.'' Said Dark Pit. He moved out the way and let (Y/n) in before locking the door again. He sat on his bed as (Y/n) brung over a chair. ''So what's your plan? How do you expect people to treat me differently?''

''We are going to make you nice.'' Said (Y/n). Dark Pit looked surprised.

''Me? Nice? That's not going to happen.'' Said Dark Pit.

''See this the act that got you in this in the first place. You want people to like you, we need to start by being nice.'' Said (Y/n). Dark Pit sighed again.

''Alright. I guess I can try.'' Said Dark Pit. (Y/n) cheered and hugged the Dark angel. Dark Pit blushed slightly and turned away from her. She then parted the hug.

''We should start by a nice greeting.'' Said (Y/n).

''A nice greeting. I don't greet people.'' Said Dark Pit crossing his arms.

''Exactly.'' Started (Y/n). ''If you could greet people with a nice 'hi how are you?' I'm sure it would get people's attention.''

''It's worth a shot.'' Said Dark pit. (Y/n) smiled.

''Good, let's practice. Greet me.'' Said (Y/n). Dark Pit gave her a fake smile that didn't even look real.

''Hi how are ya?'' Said Dark Pit. His fake smile instantly went away shocking (Y/n).

''Dark Pit you have to smile like you mean it. You can't frown right after. Especially in their face.'' Said (Y/n). Dark Pit rolled his eyes. (Y/n) glared at him. He looked at (Y/n) and smirked at her glare. He chuckled.

''You gonna stare at me all day?'' Asked Dark Pit still smirking.

''If I wanted to stare at something good I would look in the mirror.'' Said (Y/n).

''Please you need to look at a brick wall.'' Said Dark Pit. The two laughed and practiced the line over again. They then left the room and started walking down the hall.

''I think you been doing really good Dark pit. You showed commitment and tried hard.'' Said (Y/n). Dark Pit hid his blush.

''I didn't ask for your opinion.'' Said Dark pit. (Y/n) glared at him again as Dark pit laughed at her face. (Y/n) then noticed 3 people walking their way. Pit, Link, and Roy. (Y/n) looked excited.

''Dark Pit look. How about you try your greeting on them?'' Asked (Y/n). Dark Pit rolled his eyes.

''Fine.'' Said Dark Pit. The two continued to walk and stopped in front of the three.

''Hey guys.'' Said (Y/n).

''Hey (Y/n).'' Said the three boys. Dark Pit sighed. He smiled and looked at them.

''Hello, how are you today?'' Asked Dark pit. Pit looked at him shocked.

''Whoa Dark Pit your being nice.'' Said Pit. Dark Pit turned his smile into a frown.

''What? Is that a big surprise for you.'' Said Dark Pit.

''Yeah, your this mean and rude person and to think your being nice is different.'' Said Pit.

''Mean!? And Rude!? You hardly know me. You never took the time to get to know me at all. How would you know how I normally act!!'' Yelled Dark Pit.

''Because your 'Dark' Pit. Your meant to be evil.'' Said Pit.

''Just like how Dark Link is meant to be evil.'' Said Link.

''So just because I'm the 'Dark' one I have to be evil. In this game I worked with you. We did events together. If that's the case why can't you be called Light Pit!!'' Yelled Dark Pit.

''Because I am the original.'' Said Pit.

''You think I wanted to be a Copy!!'' Yelled Dark Pit.  ''Screw this I'm leaving.'' Dark Pit started stomping away. (Y/n) called after him. She then looked at the three boys in front of her.

''Not cool guys. He is really trying and it's not fair to him.'' Said (Y/n).

''He's nothing but a dark clone (Y/n).'' Said Roy.

''He is mean. That is how he was designed to be.'' Said Link.

''He is evil. You shouldn't even being hanging out with him.'' Said Pit.

''No, He may be the dark version of you Pit, but he never asked for it. You can't judge him because of his name and his role in your video game. We are in a all different atmosphere.'' Said (Y/n).

''(Y/n) he got you brainwashed. He isn't your real friend. He is just using you.'' Said Roy. (Y/n) felt water in her eyes.

''Don't say that Roy.'' Said (Y/n).

''It's true (Y/n).'' Said Pit. A tear hit the floor as the clamping of shoes could be heard getting louder by the second. (Y/n) turned to see Dark Pit angry. He ran at Pit with a fist.

''YOU DON'T KNOW NOTHING!!!'' Screamed Dark Pit as he punched. (Y/n) went to get in front of Dark Pit.

''Dark Pit Stop!!''

All of the chapters that say Part 1 will get a Part 2 and 3. During this time I am taking requests so don't think you can't submit them. I hope you liked part 1 of each of the stories and I will be updating soon. Maybe when this book gets more views. Thank you for reading so far and I won't be giving up on this book. Stay toon for updates that will come soon.

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