Hamilton oneshots

By unidentifiedturtle3

4.6K 92 57

title says it all I take requests Oh and I'll probably include my reaction to ships. ---- ships Philidosia Th... More

Thomgelica~ Competitive
Hamliza~ Sweaters and Scarfs
Happy new year!~
Real or not real~ Jeggy
My Reaction- Lams
Thomgelica~ Hair colour
Thomgelica~ I won't say (I'm in love)
Thomgelica~It's not like I like you
My reaction- Thomgelica
Jeggy~ Convenience Stores
More prompts
Laurens x Lee- My reaction
Philidosia~Rewrite the stars
Thomgelica~ Stolen Kiss part. 1

Merry Christmas

844 11 27
By unidentifiedturtle3

I own nothing.
Everyone is like 25-33 years old. Philip and Theo are 8 and the other Hamilton kids don't exist yet.
Since this is being published on Christmas, my first one is a Christmas oneshot. Ships- Hamliza, Thomgelica, Jeggy, Burr x TheoSr. (What is their ship name?), and Philidosia. Modern AU
Ding ding ding ding

"Momma, wake up, it's Christmas!" Philip shouted.

"Yes, Philip I know." Eliza replied. She yawned, "Is your father awake yet?"

"No," Philip frowned, "Is auntie Angelica coming? Will Mr. Macaroni come with her again? He lets me play with his hair! What about Theo? I miss Theo." Eliza smiled.

"They are all coming, now go wake up your father." Philip bounced up happily and ran to his father, who was of course, in his office.

"Daddy? Are you awake?" Philip asked.

"Merry Christmas, Philip." Alex smiled. He was already awake.

"Daddy, Theo is coming over today, I'm really excited!" Philip yelled.

"I know Philip, let's go get ready now, okay?" Alex asked.


Timeskip- When people start to arrive

Knock knock knock

"Daddy, mommy, someone is here!" Philip yelled. Philip ran to the door. "It's auntie Angelica and Macaroni!" Eliza came downstairs and opened the door. She welcomed them inside.

"Angelica," Eliza said, "It's wonderful to see you, how have you been?"

"Wonderful Eliza, here you go and merry Christmas." Angelica handed Eliza three gifts.

"We bought them while we were in France." Thomas said.

"Angelica, Jefferson." Alex acknowledged them, pleasantly to Angelica, slightly ruder to Thomas.

"Hamilton." Jefferson replied. Angelica and Eliza glared at their husbands.

"Macaroni, can I play with your hair?" Philip pleaded, "Theo said I should practice on you so I can do her hair."

"Sure, kid." Thomas replied, patting Philip on the head. He let Philip lead him to the couch so he could do his hair.

Knock knock knock

Alex opened the door to reveal Aaron Burr, the Theodosias, John Laurens, and Peggy.

"John," Alex grinned and gave him a hug, "Burr, Theodosia, lil Theodosia, and Peggy."

"Hey Alex," Peggy smiled, "Are we allowed in or what?" Alex rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever, come on in." He replied.

"TheoOOOO!!!!!!!!" Philip yelled. He gave her a hug and nearly crushed her.

"Hi Pip, merry Christmas." She replied, blushing a little. As the kids played with Thomas' hair the adults chatted and exchanged gifts. Eventually Burrito, Turtle and Ham sandwich sat down with Thomas and they played a very competitive game of tic tac toe.

Knock knock knock

Eliza walked over to the door and welcomed Lafayette and Mulligan.

"Hey guys, come and join the game!" John called.

"Do you guys want anything to drink?" Eliza asked. Hercules and Lafayette exchanged glances.

"BooOOOOOze!" They both screeched at the top of their lungs. Eliza laughed, but gave them some anyway along with their gifts.


Thomas now had his hair in braids with bows on them. The bows were obviously magenta. Angelica laughed and took pictures as Thomas posed.

"I'm beautiful," He boasted jokingly, "Draw me like one of your French ladies." Angelica giggled.

"You do realize that she's going to post that on Instagram, right?" Peggy stated. (A/N Guys, I don't have Instagram, snapchat, Twitter, or Facebook, so idk how that stuff works. I only have Tumblr and Pinterest)

Thomas froze for a second, then shrugged, "Meh, let her show the would what a beautiful husband she has." Peggy rolled her eyes and continued talking *cough cough flirting cough cough* with John.

Timeskip- Dinner time!

"Guys, food is ready!" Eliza called from the kitchen. Everyone gathered together for Christmas dinner. As they ate, strange conversations went around the table.


"Theo, when we grow up, will you marry me?" Philip asked. Theo's eyes lit up, "Of course." Then she turned to her dad, "Dad, Philip and I are going to get married."

Philip turned to Alex, "Dad, I'm going to get married to Theo." Burr and Alex both nearly spit out their drinks onto each other as Eliza and Theodosia Sr. laughed at the sight of young love.


"Psst, Madison, I learnt a new tic tac toe trick, we can use it to beat Hamilton."

"Thomas no- you're drunk."

"Lafayette, what would you do if I got you a large baguette for Christmas?" Hercules asked, clearly drunk.

"Je ne sais pas. What would you do if I got you more booze?"

"I'd drink it, duh."


"Angelica, can we rewatch legally blonde tonight?" Peggy asked.

"Go ask your turtle boy." Angelica replied, she was slightly drunk. Peggy turned to John.

"Lovely turtle, can we watch legally blonde together when we go home?" Peggy begged. John shrugged, he had to drive so he didn't drink.


Timeskip- gifts

By now, Lafayette, Hercules, Thomas, and Peggy were drunk. Angelica was slightly drunk. Thomas was now crying in Angelica's lap over the Titanic. She was patting his hair. Lafayette and Hercules were singing Christmas carols. Peggy was playing with John's hair.

"Guys, we have to do gifts soon, it's getting late." Eliza reasoned.

"Do as she says or else." Angelica backed Eliza up. Of course, nobody wanted to know what "or else" meant to a drunk Angelica.

Everyone sat in a circle with gifts in front of them. Much like dinner, strange conversations we're happening.

"So Theo, part of the reason why I asked you to marry me is because I had already prepared promise rings for us." Philip said, only blushing a little.

"Oh my God Philip!" Theo sqealed. Burr and Hamilton turned and stared at them and saw a Philip and a Theo both wearing promise rings. Oh and because Philip is Philip, he was cuddling with her.

"Burr, we are going to be related one day."

"Hamilton, I'm too young to be a grandpa, tell your son to stop being like that."

Anyway, back to Philip and Theodosia

"Here, I also got you all of this," Philip said, handing her a pile of gifts, "I bought it using my allowance money."

"I love you Philip! Oh and here, I got you these." She handed him three boxes. "Oh and here." She pecked him on the cheek. Philip blushed and placed the promise ring on her finger, and she put his ring on his finger, soon enough they started cuddling together.

"John~" Peggy mumbled, "I love you, here are your Christmas presents." She handed him a box with holes in it and a bag.

"Oh mY gOd, it's a tUrTlE!" He yelled, "And stuff I can use to take care of my new turtle, thank you so much love." He handed her a small box and got down on his knee, "Marry me?"

"John, why did you pick Christmas day? Do you know how hard it will be to have an anniversary on Christmas?" Peggy asked.

"Is that a no?" John said meekly. Peggy rolled her eyes.

"John, we're getting married." She said.

"Oh thank the gods." He mumbled as he brought her into a kiss.


"Thomas, have you finished crying yet? I would like to give you your gifts now." Angelica said. Thomas nodded happily, he loved presents! She handed him his gifts.

"Whoa, a fancy suit!" His eyes were basically sparkling. He handed her the gifts he had gotten her.

"Thank you Thomas." She said politely. She opened the the first box.

"Thomas," She started, "How much did this cost you?" Indicating to the sparkling diamond necklace in her hands.



"Please tell moi that tu didn't actually get me un grand baguette. Lafayette said when he saw the long package.

"Nope, I got you three giant baguettes," Hercules replied, "And other stuff too."

"Oh well, looks like I won't need to buy food for a week." Lafayette sighed, "Here are your gifts, mon ami."

Eliza smiled as she watched her slightly crazy family enjoy Christmas. She had also opened her gifts. She had a few books, gift cards, and some clothes. Oh and Alex gave her bracelet with charms on it, it was actually quite cute. It had custom charms made to represent special moments in your life.

---- Goodbyes and Merry Christmas

"I don't want to go home." Hercules whined, clinging to Alex.

"Mon ami, please, we really have to go." Lafayette pleaded, "We can come back soon."

"Fine." He sighed.

"Merry Christmas!" They both smiled and left.


"Bye Angelica, see you soon Thomas and merry Christmas." Eliza whispered.

"Merry Christmas!"

"See you soon Hamilton."

"Later Jefferson, and remember to go online so we can play competitive tic tac toe." Eliza and Angelica stared, but shrugged it off.

"Congrats on your engagement, to all the best to both of you." Eliza said sweetly.

"We had better be invited to your wedding." Alex said.

"Duh." John and Peggy said in sync. They all laughed.

"Merry Christmas." They cheered.

"I'll miss you Theo, I promise to write to you." Philip promised.

"I'll miss you too." She replied, "Merry Christmas, and remember to read the books I gave you."

"The next time I see you, I would of memorized all of your favourite parts." He smiled, "Merry Christmas, I love you."

"Love you too."

Meanwhile, Theodosia Sr. and Eliza were trying not to fangirl over Philip and Theodosia. Hamilton and Burr just watched, otherwise the women would kill them for ruining the moment.

"Merry Christmas." Both families grinned. Burr and Alex were glad it was over, Eliza and Theodosia Sr. because they were happy for their kids.

"Time to sleep, Philip." Eliza said.

"Okay momma," He yawned, "I'm going to read the books Theo gave me tommorow." Philip went to his room and slept.

"Merry Christmas, my love." Alex whispered in Eliza's ear.

"Merry Christmas, Alex." The two watched as the snow fell from the sky.

Oh just one thing- everyone got gifts for everyone, I just mentioned the more significant ones I guess. If you want to know who got what then just comment and I'll reply.

Merry Christmas everyone! My feet are freezing right now because I am standing on the cold ground as I write this. Oh well. Merry Christmas and thanks for reading!





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