Not of this Time

By AngelNatari

198K 7K 662

Diana and Meg are two normal girls visiting Greece on Vacation. What they didn't expect is to be pulled deep... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Book Trailer
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Authors Note

Chapter 38

2K 94 14
By AngelNatari

Meg's POV

Less and less words were heard from Achilles to my husband, his cousin, Patroclus. It had taken quite a toll upon him and to say that he blamed Diana would not be false at all but I knew that Diana had a war going on inside of her heart for a long time and with Hector she could have a little peace. Knowing he would want to be alone to write his cousin back, I headed back to the palace where my children played with Alec and the little princess. It made me happy to see them happy. Watching them from the balcony I turn my head just in time to see Hector leave his room and look around as if he were looking for someone.

"Looking for someone my king?" I question Hector as I call out to him.

"Meg, did you happen to see Diana?" Hector answers as he walks up to me.

"No, only you. Di may have gone to read or a walk just something to occupy her mind." I comment with a shrug as I look back to the children.

"She has been doing that more often, is something more occupying her mind?"

"I'm not sure, maybe she is just trying to stay out of the way? I know she hates to feel like she is imposing upon someone." I say and then we hear Alec tell his cousins exactly where Diana is.

"My mother is fighting Paris right now!" Alec says proudly to his cousins.

Hector's eyes widen as do my own. Running down the stairs, Hector asks Alec if he knows where Diana and Paris were to fight to which of course Alec pointed down a corridor. Hector took off running and I followed behind him as best I could. Once we arrived at the garden there was Diana and Paris and they were fighting but poor Paris never had a chance. Any move he tried to make it was like Diana could read him before it ever happened and blocked her.

Paris did not give up easy though, which made me wonder how long these two had been sparring for? Then Paris went to attack again but Diana made an odd face which both Paris and I noticed, dropping her weapons she retreated to the interior of the palace leaving everyone in the gardens confused.

"She's been doing that all morning, she leaves for about ten minutes then comes back and attacks me at full force." Paris said as he picked up a rag and wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Only this morning?" I ask as I try to piece together something in my mind.

"That past three days I would say, haven't you noticed brother?" Paris questioned Hector who tried to think back as to when he had seen Diana make a run like that.

"Three days sounds right, she had told me that her stomach was out of order and that she had not been feeling well. Something she ate that she wasn't used to she said." Hector said as he began to pace the garden.

"What would make her ill for over three days?" Paris questions as he puts his sword down.

"A baby." My mouth replies not allowing my mind to stop it.

Both men look over my way as though I had just told them the biggest secret in the world. After all that was the only other answer in my mind, though I am sure that Diana would want to tell Hector in a special way but I had just gone and ruined the surprise. Even if that was the news...which I wasn't 100% sure that it was. Hector and Paris walk my way and look as though they were about to question me for god only knows how long but lucky for me Diana walked back inside.

"Why are you cornering her like wolves?" she asks as she walks up to the King and Prince.

"Three days you have been ill to your stomach, is it true you carry my brother's child?" Paris asks quickly not allowing to Diana to understand him the first time, after he repeats it though she turns her head my way and narrows her eyes at me.

"I am not sure, it could be but it could also be something I ate. I was waiting to see if something did or did not come Meg." Diana said as she walked up to me and nudged me playfully, she wasn't mad which was good.

"How much longer must you wait?" Hector questions as he goes right to Diana and takes her hands in his.

"Tomorrow should tell me, I swear you will be the first to know." Diana says as she watches Hector's face break into a wide smile.

Patroclus POV

Diana...she ruined everything! Not only did she just let my cousin leave but she replaced him so quickly. It's all her fault that Achilles won't come back, if he did he would be put in prison or worse. Not even I would risk that. Meg, my own wife, is always on Diana's side though and I can hear her pray every night that Diana would have a baby. Not just any baby though, oh no, she had to provide Hector with a male heir. Unless I could stop them...

Finally after the children and my wife had gone to bed I make my way out of the house, locking it up behind me as I make my way to the palace. I had had enough of Diana and now I would take matters into my own hands, she was still married to my cousin not Hector and that is who she needed to be with. Even if I had to be the one to take her to him.

Getting into the palace wasn't hard, since I knew ways to get in that Achilles had used to let the whores in to get his son. Alec, I would have to come back for him another time. Keeping my hood over my face so as not to be seen I make my way to the room I know to be Diana's. The doors opened with no hesitation nor noise. The room was barely lit but I could see her there upon the bed fast asleep, her long red hair draped across her pillows and Hector nowhere in sight. That was an error that Achilles would have never made.

Making my way to the bed, I take the rope out of my bag and sit it down beside her bed. Taking out a bottle and rag I also kept in my bag I start my plan. Opening the bottle I pour some of the contents onto the rag and then jump onto Diana and puts the rag against her mouth forcing her to breathe in the vapors from the liquid. Her eyes open wide with panic and fear but there's nothing she can do because within a matter of moments she is passed out again. Grinning, I throw the rag aside and take the rope quickly binding her hands and feet. Moving off the bed, I pick up the rag and burn it, leaving behind no evidence. Lifting Diana from her bed and outing her on my shoulder I made my way to her door just in time to see Paris about to knock upon it.

"What do you think you are doing?" Paris questions me as he quickly draws his sword. "Put her down or I will kill you!"

Weighing my options I drop Diana right then and there with a loud thud upon the ground. Grabbing my own sword I begin to fight with Paris. He was still a weak fighter even after all of this time he would still be easy to beat. Remembering an attack my cousin taught me I used it. Turning Paris around and knocking him out from behind, I grabbed Diana again and made my way to the old tunnel out of the palace.

Hours later, I finally arrived at the last place Achilles had written me from, Diana still upon the camel I had used to bring us there I was directed to Achilles tent. Taking her down and holding her close to me, I opened the flap to Achilles tent and there before his feet I dropped Diana.

"What the hell have you done Patroclus?!" Achilles screams as he rushes to Diana's side.

"She's not dead...not yet..." I answer with a chuckle as I sit down beside the tent's flap.

Achilles doesn't say anything as he jumps up and grabs a rag from a basin. Wetting it he returns to Diana and begins to pat her head down. It is useless though she wouldn't wake up for a good day at most. Grabbing a bottle of wine, I take a drink and watch him looking for any sign of life in her.

"She will awake in a day...or whenever the gods say." I laugh knowing for once I had succeeded in my mission.

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