Alpha Ryland

By ATwistedFate

2.4K 205 18

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into," he glares at me, "I'll do everything I can to push you aw... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 1

361 9 4
By ATwistedFate

It's the end of the month and my favorite day: my monthly allowance! My father owns this big company that does biomedical research and is on the verge of great medical advances. My mother works alongside him, and together they are a literal power couple. They bring in more than enough money to support the whole city.

I don't see my parents too often, but at least I can do whatever I want with the money given to me. We live in the most beautiful, richest pack in the world: Northern Pack. In this pack, everyone can afford anything they want and there are no poor people! My Alpha makes sure everyone can support themselves and makes sure there are no people eating off the government here. I've read through the policies before, but it's too boring to really comprehend it. Instead, I spend my time getting decent grades and hanging out with my friends. They are not as rich as me, but they are by far wealthier than most rich people in other packs. Even the poorest person living here is richer than a common person in another pack. At least that's what I've been told. None of us here leave this pack because it's perfect.

I finish up my makeup and make sure my outfit is decent enough to show myself in. I still want to look great as a middle schooler, even though most people would disagree with kids looking like adults. I don't care what they think.

I get in my Lexus, passing over my Mercedes-Benz because it isn't as shiny today, and sit in the passenger seat. My driver that was waiting for me turns the keys in the ignition and starts his course for school. I admire myself in the mirror and get out of the car when he stops in front of my school. Dylan, my best friend, runs up to my car and takes my backpack for me. He usually waits for me every day because he is so friendly. It has become tradition for him to wait on me and I offer my friendship in return. We have similar classes together, so we are practically inseparable during the day.

Today, our class watched the annual screening of the day our Alpha became the best Alpha ever. It's amazing to watch him take over his father's role without a Luna. It's not uncommon, but it is when he swore off the Luna when he met her. He wanted the best Luna ever but she ended up being a regular person that moved here when she was young. I don't feel sorry for her since she wasn't born to look the part. She should have gotten surgery or something to make her attractive. Such a pity that she was born with a defect.

The video shows the growth of our magnificent city and describes the wonderful advancements, particularly by my dad. We all clap when it's done and continue our day. After an uneventful day of classes, I head back to my car. My best friend, Dylan, rushes to my side and talks to me, " Hey, May!" I glance over and nod my head. He slows his pace to match mine, "So there was this new girl in class today that was pretty cute. Do you think I'll end up with a mate that pretty?"

I stop walking when I reach the car door and turn to him, "Did you talk to her?" I avoid his question and ask one of my own. "She can't be a part of our group, so if you start dating her, our friendship will stop."

He stares at me, smile dropping, and shakes his head. "No, I was just wondering if I could have a date with someone like her." I smile at him and pat his head, "Good! If you meet someone, they have to go through me first. I don't accept just anyone."

He gives me a small smile, "Would someone like you meet the requirements?" I look up at the sky and think. I open the car door and pat his head, "Someone like me would do!" I shut the car door when I'm in and we drive off. Leaving Dylan behind to stare at the spot we left. After that day, he has been a lot nicer to me, if that was even possible, and his attitude changed through the years.


I turn up the music and let the wind fly through my hair as I race down the road. Today was my last day of high school and the biggest day of everyone's lives. The mating party is tonight! This is when everyone who graduates gets to go to the biggest party of the year to mingle with people to find their mates.

Some people have already found their mates, but can still come to this party. When a person turns eighteen, they are able to find their mate by touch. If a person is of age to find their mate and their mate is under the age, they may still be able to find each other through touch. I haven't found my mate yet, so he either isn't near me and in some other part of the city, or he is my age and will be at the party tonight! I'm beyond excited!

Dylan, my best friend beside me in the car, is also excited to find his mate. I ask him who he suspects it could be, but he only gives me a smirk and doesn't say anything. "All I can say, is that when I finally confess my love for her, we will mate for the whole night." Dylan says with a smirk.

"Ewww! I don't want to know your business in bed!" I yell at him. He laughs and hits my arm. His birthday is today and should barely be able to find out his mate tonight. He was born around ten at night, so he will be able to tell then, unless his mate is older. My birthday isn't until a few weeks from now, so I can only hope that my mate is old enough to find me tonight so that I can finally know.

When school finally ends, I give Dylan a ride home. "Dress nice tonight, May." His nickname for me is May, even thought my name is Maura. When we first met, he thought I said May and it stuck through the years. Â I nod my head and wink at him, "You know I always dress to impress." He laughs and shuts the door, heading home to change for tonight. Everyone is excited since every school in the city will be here. Tonight, is my night.

I finish my final touches and arrive fashionably late to the party. Dylan immediately finds me and eagerly waits for 10:00pm to hit. I introduce myself to every guy at the party but no luck of finding my mate. Dylan doesn't talk too much with the girls; they are the ones coming up to him. He looks excited when one minute remains until he is officially eighteen. "May, can I steal you for a quick minute?" I nod my head and follow him to a semi-secluded area. He holds my hands in his and smiles eagerly to me, "Maura Delreal. I have been waiting for this moment for years. Tonight, we will find our mates..." I nod my head and listen to him. He is using my real name? This must be important.

He looks at his watch and pulls me close to him. His lips are dangerously close to my face and I start to feel nervous. Is he implying that he has feelings for me? "Maura, we are mates." He leans in and kisses me. My heart starts to pound and my eyes don't shut. How could my best friend be my mate? I never thought of him that way. When he pulls away, I stand still with my hands in his. I'm too shocked to say anything. I always thought that when you touch your mate, you feel sparks. Electricity is supposed to fill you up and draw you to the other person like a magnet. But with Dylan, I didn't feel anything.

He stares at me, a bit confused, but then smiles. He pulls me into a hug and kisses me again. This time, I push him off. He looks at me with a hurt expression and asks what is going on. "What do you mean what's going on? Why are you kissing me?" I back away from him, "And what do you mean we are mates? I didn't feel anything."

He takes a step toward me and tilts his head, "You didn't feel what I felt? It was an amazing feeling! To finally be with your mate... that is the best feeling in the world." His eyes are half-lidded as he looks at me, "I still can't believe it is you." I shake my head and keep my distance from him, "I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't feel anything, so I can't possibly be your mate."

He takes a step forward and his eyebrows furrow. "Wait. So, you are telling me that you seriously can't tell I'm your mate? We should see a doctor!" My heart starts to pound. Is he telling the truth? He is my best friend, so he would never lie to me. Maybe there is something wrong with me? I don't want to go to the doctor, though, to find out. I hate taking medicines they give me. Some work amazing but others make me feel weird. Maybe if I let us stay together for a while, I may feel something? My parents work in a big medical company, so maybe I'm suffering some side effects?

I let him walk up to me and hug me once more. He'd never lie to me, so all I have to do is believe in him. He kisses me on my cheek and tells me how happy he is. I let him lead me to a bunch of people and he gushed about how he got me. I fake happiness, just so that I don't embarrass us. Something is wrong with me, but it's embarrassing to admit. After a few hours of partying, I head home.

The next morning, I get a text from Dylan saying that he will be spending the day with me. It was awkward that day and the few weeks after that. He was persistent and didn't lose hope in me. My parents loved him and my friends at school were happy that we ended up together. I learned to conform to our relationship and developed feelings for him. I ended up having many good times with him and had multiples fantasies of us mating and finally being together. We started off childhood friends, and then best friends, and now mates. What is a more perfect love story out there?

At least that's what I thought when I decided to finally give myself to him. It was an embarrassing process for both of us to get the hang of, but it ended up being enjoyable enough. Though, I still couldn't get the thought of if this is what it feels like with your mate. I still don't feel anything but I may just have some genetic disease or defect.

My best-friend-turned-mate is lying next to me on my bed with the covers on top of us. His brown-tinted red hair is on my forehead while his lips are interlocked with mine. His hands are moving across my naked body, sometimes getting caught in my long blonde hair. We had just spent part of the night together and planned to finalize our relationship by him marking me.

I'm a tad bit reluctant to do so, since I still can't feel what he says he can feel. I relate more to my human friends online than I do with my werewolf friends from school. I feel no sparks, but just a simple attraction to him since we are close. I'm afraid we aren't actually mates and I was right in the beginning, but I'm in too deep with this relationship to stop it. Plus, Dylan would never lie to me about this. I still stay quiet about this problem and only tell Dylan about it. I'm too embarrassed to admit I have a problem.

Dylan gets off of me, taking deep breaths, and lays down next to me. I sit up from the bed and he follows, glancing at my neck. My heart starts to beat fast in my chest, knowing what is going to happen next. "You ready?" He asks me while positioning himself closer to me, placing his right hand on my left cheek.

I smile and look down at the blankets, "I wish I could say I am." I still have so many doubts and my wolf isn't as happy as she wanted to be. She tells me something is wrong all the time, but I try to talk to her to make her understand the situation. It gets tiring after a while.

His smile loosens, "I understand. It's horrible that you can't feel anything. But," he pulls me onto his lap, "the marking process is supposed to be so strong, that you should definitely feel it. Then, afterwards all of our touch senses are heightened. This may be the key to feeling the mate bond. It could either make you feel normal, or strong like it's supposed to."

I nod my head, understanding what he is telling me. When he marks me as his, it is supposed to be the game changer in relationships. I will find out if we are officially mates for myself, or find out we are not and be stuck. This is a 50/50 chance, but either way I love him so it isn't much of a risk. I just wish I can feel what others feel.

He leans his face toward mine and kisses me. "I love you May, and I will never hurt you." He kisses down my chin and neck until he reaches the skin that connects my shoulder and neck. It's now or never.

I feel his teeth graze my skin and I close my eyes. My hands are around his body, tightening with the expectant pain and pleasure that is supposed to come. He applies pressure to my skin, not breaking it yet. Before he can break skin, my door shakes with a few knocks placed on it. I mentally curse at myself and make sure my door was locked.

Sighing in relief, I push Dylan off of me and look around for my clothes, "Yes?" I yell at the person on the other side. Dylan looks disappointed, but searches for his clothes too, just in case someone decides to walk in.

My father from the other side talks, "Your mother and I are home together. Do you want to talk downstairs?" I grab my shirt from the floor and quickly put it over my bra. "No thanks, not tonight!" I yell back at him. Usually I would race down to chat with them since I don't see them very often, but right now isn't the best time.

"Are you sure? We've got some great advancements lately!" He says with pride in his voice. I put on my sweatpants and look in the mirror. "I'll be down in a few minutes!" I fix my hair by brushing it down and putting on my slippers. Dylan is fully dressed now and runs his hand through his hair.

My father tries to open the door and finds it locked, "Is Dylan with you? He's been around a lot." We all stay quiet for a few seconds before my dad speaks up again, "You two better not have made any new advancements, too. My daughter isn't eighteen yet!" He bangs on the door a few more times and sighs. I hear his footsteps go quiet when walking away and I smirk.

I jump back on my bed and he leans over me, "Too late." Dylan smiles at me and I laugh. "Finish this another time?" He refers to him marking me another day since we were stopped tonight. I nod and he leans down to kiss me. I have extra time to sort out my feelings.

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