Child Of The Moon

By EbiruAni

784 18 7

Hunters ruined my life; they killed my family and left me alone with my sister to take care of me. Yes, I sai... More

Child Of The Moon Chapter 2

Child Of The Moon

552 7 3
By EbiruAni

Chapter 1: The End Where I Begin

"Sometimes tears say all there is to say/ Sometime your first scars won't ever fade, away" The End Where I Begin by The Script

The day stared like any other, we were in the middle of the summer so we didn't have school, and even if we had, we wouldn't be going today, the full moon was out, and that meant that all the pack was going to gather in the main house to prepare for The Hunt, the one that took place every month that even the pups of the pack, like me, participated.

It was 9:30 A.M. when mom knocked the door of my room. "Lulu, Amy. Wake up, just because its summer and tonight is the full moon doesn't mean you can sleep all day. Come on wake up!"

I shared the room with my sister Lourdes, everybody calls her Lulu. She's 4 years older than me; I'm 13 by the way. Apart from her I have 2 more brothers, Lucas that is my sister's twin and Nate that is 1 year older than me.

Lulu woke up first making an annoying sound "Amity wake up"

"Five more minutes, please" I answered pulling the bed covers tighter around me. I heard Lulu chuckle and a second later her pillow hit me on the face. "Ok, ok! I'm awake. Happy!?"

"Almost" she reply with a small smile on her face "now go and take a shower while I help mom in the kitchen"

I grunted in response and got out of bed, grabbed my clothes from my closed and went to de bathroom, unfortunately, when I was about to touch the knock of the door Nate came running and pushed me away ."hey! I was here first" I yelled at him.

He just laughed and turned his head to look at me "To bad Amy, but fasters always win"

"You know I can beat you running whenever I want" I glared at him pushing the door open so he wouldn't be able to lock it. "Just not in two legs" I mutter at the end.

"Yeah, and guess what?! We are in two legs right now" he said before pulling the door closed and laughing. I loved my brother Nate, we were all close, but he was definitely the one closes to me from all, but he could be such a jackass sometimes!

"Jerk" I muttered, knowing that with our hearing he would be able to hear. "What's going on?" said a voice behind me, I turned and saw Lucas head sticking out of his and Nate's room, they also shared rooms like me and Lulu. "Nate is being a jerk and took the bathroom before me saying that the faster always win" I answer him.

Lucas laughed and shook his head before saying "he's just saying that because he's jealous that he can't beat your wolf running" he said while walking towards me "Nate! Hurry up you're not the only one that wants to use the bathroom!" He said knocking at the door.

"I'm not jealous! It's just that I always let her win so that she won't started crying because she loosed!" said Nate as he opened the door to let me in.

"Yeah, yeah. Keep telling you that and maybe, someday, you will believe it" Lucas said while walking down the stairs laughing.

Nate swung his head at me, glaring "crybaby" he said.

"Jackass" was my answer before pushing him out of the bathroom and locking the door. This day was going to be fun, I thought. It's impressive how wrong one could be.


It was already around 10 or 11 P.M. The sky was clear, not even a single cloud and the full moon was up, almost directly above us.

All the Green Lake pack was gathered in a meadow just outside the main house, where the alphas, Edward and Joanne Carter and her daughter, and my best friend, Jennifer lived.

Me and my family lived in the second house because my father was the Beta of the pack. Normally the betas lived in the same house as the alpha but I think that with 5 teenagers in a house, even wolves would get crazy.

Edward took everyone's attention when he started speaking "Green Lake, we are here for our monthly hunt, it will take place in half an hour so go get ready and call the wolf in you" with that said, everyone from the pack started to take the close off. It will usually be strange scenery to a human but for werewolves, for us, it was a monthly routing, so no one was self-conscious about their body. It's not to presume but you would never be able to find an ugly lycan.

After I took my clothes off I lay down on the floor, took a deep breath and let my pelt take over. I have to admit that is an ugly sight to se the change of what looks like a human too a wolf, the sound of bones cracking and moving to their new places. Let's just say it's something you have to grow up seeing so that you won't throw up every time the change takes place.

After a few minutes I open my eyes. The first thing that I saw was a grayish wolf in front of me, crouched down and waving his tail at me. It was Nate. He yelped at me and I got up, he wanted to play so I threw myself at him and we started to play until I felt a tug in my tail and turned around just to find a brown wolf. Jennifer, I thought before throwing myself to her. Now it was the three of us, Nate, Jen, and I playing. We were the youngest pups of the pack, Jennifer being 2 months older than me.

Edward, the alpha howled and we immediately stopped playing. It was time for the hunt. Jen went with her parents and me and Nate with our family. Lucas and Lulu where 2 white wolves, just like mom. Nate was like my father, grayish, only that my father had a little of red fur in the front of his head. I was the only reddish wolf in all the pack, I liked that. It make me feel unique.

When the alpha howled a second time we all raised our heads and howled with him. The second we finish our "song", that's how we call it when all the pack is howling together, we sprinted to the wood. Nate was next to me, challenging me for a race. He never gave up. I gave him a wolfish grin and started to run faster, leaving him behind. I was now next to my sister when it happened.

There was the sound of a shotgun, then another one, and Marcela, one of the oldest wolves of the pack that was in front of me, felt.

I stopped, and saw blood coming out from her head, at the contrary of what the legends said, when a werewolf died his body doesn't returned to his human form, we prefer to die in our wolf form. I just stood there, starring at the lifeless wolf in front of me until the sound of more shotguns and my sister pushing me to the bushes woke me up from my trance, I panicked and start running to where my sister was guiding me.

All I could hear in that moment was an agonizing howl, painfully familiar, and the sound of shotguns. I couldn't think of anything apart from running, I barely registered the white wolf running beside me.

Since that night, the only werewolf I have seen is my sister Lourdes. We never returned to the meadow, we where to afraid in what we could find. Hunters, waiting for survivors like us to return, or even worst, our family death.

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