Rehab for Jerks

By Oreo_Star

2.3K 125 36

A Rehab for the mean, the cold, and the untamed. Torrelai Evans was a stereotypical goody-two-shoes her entir... More

The Cast (Guideline)


308 18 5
By Oreo_Star

~Torrelai's POV~

"I have late night conversations with the moon, he tells me about the sun and I tell him about you." - S. L. Gray.

I felt a lot better than I would have to admit. I wasn't as tired as two days ago. I was re-energized, and happier. I don't feel like crying my eyes out anymore, and I'm even eating and sleeping on my regular schedule.

I rise from bed and head into the kitchen. I slowly pack away any groceries that I didn't put away the days before. I put the cereal aside as I continue with my task, keeping myself busy. I retrieve the milk and a bowl. I pour in the combination of ingredients and I get a spoon from the drawer. I close the drawer with my hip as I eat.

I had the need to lounge around and watch TV all day, as I was feeling unproductive. All I craved was a drama filled TV show with love triangles, but someone knocked at my hotel rooms door.

I groaned as I got up. I put my now empty bowl down on the coffee table and head to the door. I mentally slapped myself when I realized that I still had my sleepwear on. No going back now.

I open the door and it revealed a beautiful image. Standing in front of me was a boy -no, a young man.
He had glorious locks of blond surrounding his face, and a tanned complexion . His eyes were a deep green that reminded me of a peaceful forest where everything was magical and loved.

He stood with confidence, with assurance, and a stack of towels.

My smile fell from my face as I frowned at the towels.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, Bambi. But I have come to deliver your Clean towels." He says and shoves the towels toward me, making me stumble.

"Gee, thank you, my knight with clean towels." I say and roll my eyes.

"Nice Pj's. Might want to wear something that covers up more."

"Suck my toe."

"I would say it was a pleasant encounter, but mother thought me one shalt not lie. Good riddance, Bambi."

"Adios, douche." I say and slam the door.

I felt sorry for Jo. If her staff behaved like this to all motel inhabitants, then I felt sorry for her. How can someone so nice have people like this offering service?

I stacked the towels nicely and placed them on the bathroom shelf. I suddenly had the urge to keep busy, rather than punch a wall I would have to pay to fix. I gathered my stack of garbage on the table and my breakfast bowl, and threw away the waste and continued to wash my bowl in the sink.

I was halfway with scrubbing the counter when my phone rang a tune.

I quickly dried my hands on a kitchen towel and ran towards my phone. I put the phone to my ear and answered it.

"Hello. Torrelai Evans speaking."

"Miss Evans! Pardon for the intrusion. This is Amber from the University of Jennamaine. You applied for a position, correct?"

"That is correct, yes."

"I'm afraid we do not have a position open for a full time teacher at the moment. Would you be interested in a internship? It would consist of teaching normal classes and filling in for sick teachers, and of course you would be able to take part in school decisions and events, and a salary would be available to you. "

I sigh at the sound of me not getting a job. But the internship does sound appealing." May I ask how much the salary would be? "

My mouth falls open at the sound of the amount of money. But the full time position would be three times that.

" It is a reliable salary due to the fact that the school is very successful and trustworthy. Would you like the opportunity to think about it?"

I didn't need to think twice.

"I would like the job." I say as I do a little happy dance around the living room. "

" That is fantastic to hear! I will be sending over the details. Work hours, shifts, time schedules and the lot, very soon. You'll probably start on, "

I heard a series of flicking and shuffling papers, and a number of typing.

" Monday, which is five days from now. Is it suitable, miss? "

"Yes, thank you so much, Amber. I look forward to this opportunity."

"Of course, see soon Miss Evans."

I hung up the phone, and I might have squealed.

I was finally going to get my life in order, set everything straight, and rub it all in my parents pretentious faces.

I was going to prove them wrong.

I was proud of myself at the moment, I didn't have another breakdown about how life sucks or how much I hate life, no. I was going to give it my everything.

If I was going to be a teacher at an university, I should look presentable. A shopping trip would be number one on my to-do list. And second, I should probably visit a stationary shop for supplies I would need, things like a notebook, pencils, and some marking pens.

I needed fresh air, or to at least tell someone the great news. I couldn't call my parents -no, I refused to talk to them until I am ready.

I jogged down the stairs, and walked with a spring in my step. I was happy, overjoyed. I noticed Jo leaning on the desk of her work space, looking through a magazine.

"Jo!" I yelled, accidently scaring her, as she was shuffling around frantically and clutching her chest.

"Girl, do learn not to sneak up on the elderly."

I stifled a laugh, and I definitely couldn't comprehend that Jo thought of herself as elderly, but who was I to judge?

"Sorry Jo, didn't mean to do that on purpose." I apologized and looked at the ground in embarrassment.

"That's quite alright." She said as she gathered up the things that fell when she got frightened.

"Anyway, I got the best news today!"

"Oh, really? That's great. What's the fantastic news?"

"I got a proper job, one my parents wouldn't approve of-so that makes it even better!"

"Congratulations! What career is it? Please tell me it's not a stripper job."

I blush at the thought, I ate way too many snacks to be able to dance around a pole.

"Definitely not. It's a teaching position, I'm standing in for now, but hopefully a full time job can be in my future if I can prove myself."

"I wish you all the best, girl. Oh, pardon me -"

She stopped adruptly to answer the ringing phone.

"Hmm. We can take care of that. Room 22? We'll be up in five,"

She hung up the phone and looked at me with a sour expression.

"Apologies. But I need to run an errand for a guest. See you around. And, girl?"


"I've never asked your full name, you only go by Tory."

I smile. "Torrelai"

She nodded and repeat my name. "It's been a pleasure, Torrelai."

And she left. I couldn't help but compare the situation to my life. I felt abandoned and, quite frankly, alone. I shrugged off the thought. I was not going to be sad. I had something to look forward to, a challenge to distract me.

I decided to walk around the motel and explore. The only parts I have seen are my room, and Jo's reception area.

Sticking my hands in my jackets front pockets, I went to roam the building, curiously. The design was one that had to be admired from a different point of view to be considered pretty.

It wasn't old or run down, exactly. It felt like a temporary home, where you can kick off your shoes, relax, and just enjoy life for a few days. The carpets were a ruff looking gray -probably from the many guests walking on it, and the navy blue walls were almost bare except for a few photo frames of what I assumed were Jo and people she considered important,and big milestones.

The most eye catching thing was the biggest frame, of a young woman and her spouse, holding their toddler son. The son had his mother's flowing locks, and his father eyes. They were standing in front of this very motel, and I couldn't help but admire the remembrance of the moment. I couldn't take my eyes off it, but was forced to when a voice behind me spoke.

"Need any help?" It came from a frail woman, who was very petite, and tall. She had a work outfit on, which I classified as a cleaner for the motel.

I offered a grateful smile and shook my head, "No thank you, just walking around. Taking it all in."

She gave me a curt nod and proceeded pushing the cart of supplies and folded linens down the hall.

The door she opened revealed a scent that could only be described as the most wonderful smell ever. Food.

It smelled what I imagined food in heaven smelled like —glorious.

I walked towards the door and peeked around the corner, into the room. What I saw was a kitchen, occupied by one person, wearing a white chefs outfit and hat, cooking a dish that smelled absolutely delicious.

Ducking my head in deeper into the room to get a closer look, I noticed the dark curls escaping the chef's hat. The person had a lithe frame, very slender, and their hands were extremely skilled. Chopped ingredients with the speed of light, added it into the bowl, with a skill that could have anyone jealous. Strange how someone so talented worked in a place like this.

I was still staring at food platters when a very threatening wooden spoon appeared in my face. I went cross-eyed to stare at the spoon that was dangerously close, and at the other end of the spoon —was the chef.

If I wasn't so terrified I would have noticed more details, but I could only comprehend the unmissable. The dark curls, now more present since the chef hat was askew, the steel blue eyes staring me down, and the handsome guy with the angry expression. I forced down the smirk surfacing.

“What are you doing in my kitchen?Which imbecile let you in?”

Oh my, he was actually serious. I snickered as a laugh escaped.

"Is this a joke to you, you less brained idiot?"

I have been called many things, much worse things that actually stung. But being called a 'less brained idiot' is just humorous.

"Are you going to keep ogling like a monkey eyeing a banana or are you actually going to answer?"

This guy really loved talking in questions.

"Sorry. I wasn't snooping, I was just exploring, Jo said I could go anywhere."

"Of course she did."

He finally removed the spoon dripping sauce from my face and crossed his arms over his chest.

"No matter. Just stay out of my kitchen."

"Right. My apologies. I'll be off."

He just shook his head, and gestured to the door by extending his arm.

I raised my hands in surrender while walking out. Rude.

I already made a point of where I was not going to enter that room again.

Boredom hit like a double decker bus. I wanted to keep busy, keep the nerves at bay. I didn't want to think off Mr. Blue eyes wrath if I entered the kitchen, my internship, or the fact that I couldn't dodge my parents forever.

I allowed the guilt to pass its way through. There is no reason why I should be rude to my parents, they were doing what they thought was best for me, even if I didn't think so at the time.

My phone rang my ringtone, 'All of the stars.' pushing my thoughts aside, I looked at the caller I.D.

It was Valentina . I didn't feel like talking to family, or having a lecture, even if it is important. But knowing Val, it was to brag about how amazing she was doing with Brad, how alike they are in nature, and how much she enjoys being on holiday with her rich husband.

My parents always said my sister had  better sense to marry rich before love. That it was logical, practical even. The fact that my parents allowed her to marry at eighteen still amazes me. Now, four years later, I'm paying for all the things karma thinks I deserve.

I press the red button, rejecting the call. I suddenly didn't feel like keeping busy. I just wanted to sleep. So, I went up to my room where my glorious bed was, closed my eyes to welcome the darkness, and slept for what felt like days.


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