
Von RebelYell861

262 15 2

Elizabeth had made it to 11th grade without a father. Not that it bothered her because she had grown up witho... Mehr

Smalltown Court House
Phone Calls
The Internet
Meeting the Family


40 3 0
Von RebelYell861

I'll be honest, I have no idea how the whole "who's the father" thing goes but I'll give it a shot. Enjoy!

      The drive to Richmond the next day was nerve-wracking for Elizabeth. To start, her mother was being secretive. Not the, "I'm not telling you why your going to the doctor " run down  but more of the "yes," or "we'll see".  Next, Liz wasn't so much afraid of needles and doctors it was just more of awkward interactions in public.

  Upon entering the hospital wing that they had been directed to, Liz noticed several things  at once,  the sterilization smell and feel that all hospitals seem to have made her senses tingle. Then there were the bustling nurses racing down the hall going to check on patients. Liz awkwardly sat down in a chair as her mother filled out some paperwork and talked to the receptionist. A gruelling ten minutes passed before they were called back. Liz anxiously checked instagram as the nurse found a vein and began to draw blood.

"So, what grade are you in?" The nurse ms. Lewis tried to make small talk when she saw Liz's discomfort.

"Eleventh." Liz answered.

"What's your favorite class?"

"History, definitely history. I love the civil war and I'm starting to get into the Revolutionary war but overall I love all wars. I mean that sounded bad, I like learning about them. Because they are interesting. " She rambled.  When it came to history Elizabeth could be difficult to shut up.

"Well, I'll just be sending this to the lab and you'll here back from us in two to seven business days." The nurse put a bandaid on and Liz's blue eyes widened at the realization that she had been tricked.

"Were do you want to eat lunch at?" Kate asked her daughter.

" Uh, O'Charleys! Was that even a question? "

Kate laughed and got into the next lane  and pulled into the parking lot. After being seated and placing their order Liz looked up at her mother who was frowning at her phone.

"What?" Liz asked.

"I just got an email from the hospital stating that whenever they take blood from a minor they must inform both parents." Kate clearly did not want to say anything more on it but Elizabeth pressed on.

"So, who is my dad?"

"Liz, I love you. And I'm sure your father would love you-"

"Wait, he doesn't even know I exist? "

Kate stiffened before continuing, " We were young. He had dreams, big ones and I knew having a child would ruin them and take that from him. I was scared Liz.  I was eighteen and couldn't tell anyone I was pregnant.  If I had told your grandfather neither one of us would be here." She said seriously as she paused when the waiter came back and set the food down. Elizabeth new how her grandfather had treated her mother and grandmother, in fact the whole town knew their name because of the business man's cruelty and success.  "Liz, your father was good to me when we were together but we both knew he had a future and I didn't, not with Jacob's iron fist dictating my life. The last thing I said to him was, "I don't need you,  you Bastard. I hope your happy in the bed you've made because I won't take you back."
It was hard for Liz to believe that this whole situation was going down in an O'Charleys but she shockingly found it kind of funny, besides you know, the deep pain of the past being revealed.

"So, what happens now? If the hospital alerts him about me won't that lead to questions ? " Elizabeth had friends who went through divorces and custody battles and it was not fun.


"Honey, your phone is ringing." Vanessa called to her husband who was currently taking a shower.

"Answer it please! It could be someone from the theatre." He called back over the running water.

Vanessa looked at the unknown number and put it to her ear as she walked down the hall to their son's room.

"Hello, this Lin's wife Vanessa speaking."

"Hi, this is Susan from County Courthouse  calling to inform you that his daughter Elizabeth Blackwell has had bloodwork done and has also received her liscense."

Vanessa's eyebrows arched in confusion,  "I'm sorry, you must have the wrong number. Lin only has one child, our son, Sebastian. "

Susan checked the paperwork before continuing, "We are talking about a Mr. Lin Manuel-miranda correct? Because the paperwork that I have received from the hospital clearly states that he is the child's father. A copy cam be emailed to you if you'd like."

At the mention of paperwork Vanessa's inner lawyer kicked in, "Of course. Could you please tell me the age of Elizabeth?"

"Typically we don't reveal information about a minor over the phone but my manager has made an acception. She is sixteen. "

"Okay thankyou, and here work email so you can send me all of the information.  Oh and one more thing, can you tell me the mother's name?"

"Yes, mam. It is Katherine Blackwell. "

Vanessa responded with a curt, "Thank you and goodbye. "
She turned on her heel and marched back down the hallway and into her bedroom. Lin had walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Who was it?" He asked when he saw Vanessa's face.
"How about you tell me? A court representative called to tell you that YOUR DAUGHTER had bloodwork done." She spoke trying to keep her voice level.

" I don't have a daughter. Sebastian is a boy. And he hasn't had blood drawn."  Lin said confused.

"That's what I said but then I was informed that the mother is Kate Blackwell. Does that ring a bell? Because if I remember correctly she was your highschool sweetheart. "

"Wha-, but, no. There's no way! Kate would have told me if she was pregnant. I mean, sure,  we didn't part on the best terms but still. A kid, she should have told me. I mean how did she do it on her own? " Lin looked at Vanessa.  "V, I'm sorry. Your my wife and you and Sebastian come first before anyone. Are you sure this isn't some wierd fan thing?"

Vanessa shook her head, "It's not. This legal paperwork is correct."

The two made eye contact.

"What now?" Lin asked.

"Well, now we get in contact with Kate so you can meet my step daughter. "
Lin looked up increadously,"Really? Vanessa how did I get so lucky? "
Vanessa wrapped her arms around him, " I'm not sure. But, I'm telling you this, I'm shocked that this has come about but I can't do anything about it. I'm angry and hurt but I can't help but think about how Elizabeth must feel to not know her father. I can accept her as my own but as for Kate I'm not sure. I've contacted lawyers as we've been speaking and I will leave the legal decisions to you but you are going to parent this little girl. " Vanessa said firmly.

"This is why I love you." Lin said as he kissed her.

"Know, let's go meet my daughter. "


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