fall for you ll Nathan Sykes...

By kidbianca

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Jamie is a smart bright girl she does her best day in and day out but when 'it' comes in her life, everything... More

fall for you
chapter 2 'beautiful'
chapter 3 'unique'
chapter 4 'secrets'
chapter 5 'clueless'
chapter 6 'Everybody knows
chapter 7 'demons'
chapter 8 'DANGEROUS'
chapter 9 'danger'
chapter 10 love wolfs???
chapter 11 'weird'
chapter 12 'radioactive'
chapter 13 'insane'
chapter 14 ' flashbacks'
chapter15 'explanation'
chapter 16 ' new creation'
chapter 17 'safe'
chapter 18 'your home'
chapter 20 ' we need to go'
chapter 21 'this day wouldn't come'
chapter 22 'as long as were alright'
sneak peek
lame news

chapter 19 'at sunset'

46 2 2
By kidbianca

jamie's p.o.v

so lately we have been doing nothing but sit around in the hotel and just watch movies so today were practically doing the same thing. but at least nagsia is here ! say surprised me that he went back for her. " so what do you think Jamie?" said siva. "I'm sorry what?" "I was asking you if you wanted to do something instead of being stuck in this house." he said. "sure would anyone come with us?" I asked curiously. " yes if course it would be really awkward." he said which was true because we rarely talk to each other since the whole 'father' thing. but lately I've been getting that weird feeling that something going to happen like to me like I don't know its hard to explain. "Jamie!" said Nathan as he walked over to the sofa that I was on and sat down. "yesh" " so the fans want to know you like how you look like and stuff like that" he said. " oh okay... how are you going to tell them?" I asked curiously. " twitter and instagram I don't know" he said. he sounded a bit stressed about it. " how are we going to tell them that Siva is actually my dad huh ?" I said as I got up from the sofa and in the kitchen. "well I have a picture of you when you were a child." Siva said "cool let me see it" I said from the kitchen.

Nathan's p.o.v

so I just got down with a twit cam and the fans keep asking me who my girlfriend is and if she is pretty or dose she look like a slut. I gotten really mad at the types of comments like that because they don't even know her and their already judging her don't they know 'don't judge a book bye its cover?' so once I was done with that I went into the living room and saw Jamie and Siva talking. "Jamie !" I screamed. I said as I walked to the sofa and sat next to her. "yesh?" god I love it when she was being stupid like that." so the fans want to know who you are and what you look like" I said. "oh okay how are you going to tell them?" she asked. " um.. probably twitter or instagram I don't know really"  I said sounding a stressed. " how are we going to tell them that Siva is actually my dad " she asked " well I have a picture of you when you were a child." Siva said. " cool let me see it" she said from the kitchen. siva got up from the sofa and went to his room. " I wonder who my mother really is ?" she said out of the blue. " I don't I know for sure I know its not ashlyn " I said because Siva met her In a café it was really nicely when he found her because he was still heart broken because of Nareesha . He wouldn't even let us get near that women I don't know what happened between them but something changed like emotional and then after that we never saw her again... " hey I have the picture" said Siva as he came in the living room. " hey dad who's my mum?" I laughed at her because she tried to say 'mum' instead of 'mommy' like the American's say it. " um ...... that's someone who I don't really want to talk about" he said as he showed the picture to Jamie. I started thinking about who could be Jamie's mother and the only person that he doesn't like talking about was Nareesha. " hey mate can I talk to you?" he nodded then me and him both walked in the hallway. " so is ........."

Jamie's p.o.v.

Nathan wanted to talk to Siva and so I was left alone in the kitchen thinking about who was my mother but nothing came up. I grabed the picture and took a picture of it on my phone and posted it in twitter.

@Bianca___sykes : aww look at me when I was younger (picture twitter) 

after a few minutes of looking at the comment I logged off of twitter and went to the hallway to find siva and Nathan sill talking. " so is Nareesha Jamie's mother? " said Nathan very frustrated, Siva didn't say anything at all or so I think, That's when I saw the door try to open meaning they were coming in I tried to run to the spot where I was when they left but I didn't make it. " um Jamie what are you doing " said Nathan. I turned around to see and they were both looking at me like I was some crazy lunatic. " um..... nothing what are you doing ?" he just laughed . " I asked you first" " and I answered first." I said he laughed again. I ran in to my room or Nathan's hotel room as you can say. AND NO WE WERE NOT DONING THAT THE OTHER NIGHT YOU DIRTY MINDED PEOPLE ;)  I went on my phone and logged on my twitter and noticed that a band called ' at sunset' just followed me I decided to check them out. there were only three memebers of the band Andrew kantaris and harraison and also a guy named tom or jay. I have got to admitted that Andrew was kind of cute but not like Nathan, Nathan is a sweet person  who has a cheesy  personality which he also looked like sid the sloth but hey sid is cute to.  anyways they seemed pretty interesting. " hey Jamie you okay?" nathan asked. " yea I'm okay "I said still focused on at sunset. he gave ne a disapproving look. " what ?" I said curiously. " I want you" he said very calm. oh Shit he wants to fuck oh Shit oh shit. " and what about that?" I said trying not to sound frightened."I want you Jamie I really want you" he said coming closer to the bed. I moved each time he came closer to me until I fell off bed.  then door then closed. I looked at the the door to see anything there but their wasn't. "don't worry everyone left for a drink so where all alone" he said. "what is that suppose to mean?" I said with a smirk. he stayed quiet.


after a few minutes later I looked at him and before I could say anything he kissed me , but these were on of this hard and passionate kiss the one with meanings. he didn't brake form the kiss not one bit. he slipped of my pantie's and Keith went straight to work. I did have to say that for my first time it did feel amazing. "Nathan" I moaned. "It's okay babe don't worry I'm almost done" he said. "nath"I moaned. "I'm almost done" he said. he kept repeating that over again. " call for me babe" he whispered in my ear. "Nathan" I said. "louder" he said. " Nathan "I shouted. " that's not enough babe" he whispered in my ear. " NATHAN " I screamed. the heat in the room started to escalate. once Keith was done with his work, Nathan crashed his lips on to mine and started to remove my shirts slowly then my bra, until i was completely naked. Nathan still had his lips on me, trying not to break he laid next to me "I love you" he said."then show me love " I said.(see what i did there lol back to the story) It was dark in the room but i could have swore that I saw the smirk on his face.

~~~~~~~~10 minutes later~~~~~~~~

we both laid on the bed painting of what ge had just done for the last hour or so. I looked over to Nathan and saw him trying to fall asleep, while me on the other had I was still wide awake. "Nathan babe change come on." I Said trying to got him up from the bed. "no" "okay then I'm going to take a shower then" I said while getting up and, and getting my things. I entered the shower and started the water. all that was in my head was the song All of me.

what would I do without your smart mouth

what going on in that beautiful mind Im on your magical mystical ride and in so dizzy don't know what hit me but I'll be all right.

My heads underwater but I'm breathing fine your crazy and Im out of my mind cuz all of me love all of you love your curves and all your edge all perfect imperfection.

give your your all to me I give my all to you your my end and my begining even when I lose and winning cuz I give you allll of me and you give you all of  you

him many times do I have to tell you even when you cry your beautiful to the world is beating  you down I'm around or whearmore

your my downfall your my muse my worst discration my rhythm and blues

I can't stop singing or ringing my head for you

my heads under water but I'm breathing fine your crazy and I'm out of my mind

cuz all of me loves all of you love your curves and all your edges all your perfect imperfections give your all to me  I give my all to you.


I never noticed that I started to sing because a voice joined with ny voice so I stopped singing the voice kept sing. "theirs no reason to stop babe" I was too shocked to answer back because I realized that he was in the bathroom with me. "Nathan what the fuck are you doing in the bathroom I'm taking a shower if you didn't noticed." I said. "oh I know its just I herad your voice and I want to hear it a bit better" he said. I stopped the shower. "well since your in here you might as well as pass me my towel."I said. "I've already seen you naked so theirs no point of hiding you know that right" he said I could see that smirk he has on his face right now.  I know that Im not stupid I just ... I ... I'm just not confidence about myself .

I just heard him sign. "here babe their your towel" i grab the towel and raped it around ot my body. I got out of he shower and remember that I didn't hear a door close I look at my surrounding and notice that Nathan is right hair staring at my like he's waiting for something to happen " um.... what are you waiting for?" I asked him. "for you" I laughed at his comment. " well then you have to wait outside because I'm going to take a while " I said with a smirk. he laughed and walked out he door. I looked thur the closet and found what I was going yo wear. I bowed dries my hair and walked out of the bathroom. "you alright?" he asked me. "yes I'm fine." I said as I got in to the bed. 

next morning

"you know she will find out right?" a voice said. " yea and when she dyes it won't be good for neither of us" said another voice. I decided to get uo and figure out what and who thy where talking about. I walked out of the room and noticed Nathan and Siva were the ones talking. "so what are you guys talking about?" I asked them. " nothing" they both said. "okay?" I said then walked off in to the kitchen  "were leaving at 5:00 in the morning" said Nathan coming in." okay cool so are you going to pack? " " no I'll do that later." " no I thinks its best that we do it now" I said. I got up and grab this hand and lead him to the room.

after what felt like 2 hours .... 

"Shit Nathan you have a Shit load of ... Shit" I said. while trying to stuff all of his things in his bag. " how do you even fit all of this Shit in you bag " I said zipping the zipper. "your really go at those type of his you know that right because the only one who can do it is tom" I laughed as I sat down on the bed. " I'm tried" I said. "then go to sleep I'll wake you up " Nathan said. "okay" I said as I drifted to sleep . I woke up at the sound of voices. " WHERE IS SHE WERE THE FUCK IS MY DAUGHTER  SIVA  HUh WHERE ID SHE I KNOW SHE'S HERE " the person said . " she not here " said Nathan. " Nathan done you dare lie to me I know when a person lies and you my friend are lieing. " she said. I got up and walked in to the room. I saw a woman standing their like a mad person then the rest of the boys around her. " Jamie I thought you were asleep" said Nathan. " well I head mad batches screaming so I woke up from my nap"  I said with an attitude." ow my dear you look a lot like your father " said the woman. I looked at her like she was insane. " an who the fuck are you, you were the one who got me in to those bitchy mood you you can just shut your mouth thank you" I said clearly not in a good mood. " you better not talk to your mother like that young lady especially with your father here" she said and pointed the finger at me. I calmed down for my bitchy mood. well this is not what I expected to need ny own flesh and blood like this but this person couldn't possible be my mother right Nathan I asked him

well she is this is nareesha

those where the last words before I formed.

hahahahha long time on see yes i know its been like millions of years since ny last update but hey i hope you like this update because this is a long update i think .   so yea your welcome :D

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~bxanca ;)

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