The Player's Game [Louis T. A...

By Kendyll_marie

163K 4.4K 1.7K

Entering into her Sophomore year of college, the last person Chelsea wants to run into is the campus bad boy... More

The Player's Game
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 13

4.5K 131 46
By Kendyll_marie


"My gosh. This thing weighs like five-hundred pounds" I say, straining my voice as I try to pick up my suitcase full of all the things Monica said I would need for our ski trip.

"Just get Louis to carry it for you" Monica said grinning

"No" I said, setting the suitcase down and letting out a small breath "I don't want him to think I am incapable of preforming a physical task. I am perfectly capable of doing it myself" 

Unfortunately, my suitcase that once had wheels-now does not. This task would be much easier to accomplish if this was not the case.

I grip my bag once again, lifting it in one swift motion. 

"Ok" I say softly "Let's get this to the bus before I put my back out" I half joke, following Monica down to the bus that the college was providing for the trip. I make it to the parking lot before I have to drop my bag, giving my back a rest. "Sweet Jesus" I say, bending over and placing my hands on my knees.

"Need some help?" I could almost hear the smirk in Louis voice

"No, no. I'm fine" I say, quickly straightening to the upright position, sweeping my hair out of my face

He raises an eyebrow, watching me as I struggle to carry the suitcase towards the bus

"No you're not" he laughed, grabbing my suitcase with ease, tossing it into the back of the bus.

"Thanks" I breathe, resting my hands on my hips

"Sit with me?" he says barely loud enough for me to hear

"What?" I ask

"Sit with me..on the bus?" Louis asks, directing his hands to the large white bus parked directly beside us

I tilt my head slightly, not answering his question. Monica playfully kicked me, pulling me out of whatever state I was in. 

"Uhm- yeah" I smile

His eyes lifted slightly as he cracked a small smile "Save me a seat. I'll be right back" He said, walking back towards the dorm facility

"Ooooh, get it" Monica laughed at mine and Louis interactions before walking onto the bus to find Derek

I let a smile occupy my lips as I climb on the bus, walking to the middle of the large vehicle and sitting down. The bus is loud with commotion. People walking back and forth in the isles, continuously changing seats. Before long, Louis treads down the tight isle, squeezing past the swarm of people who are occupying the path. He sits down and turns towards me, placing his face in his hands as he stares directly at me

...Do I have something in my teeth? Why is he looking at me like that?

"..What?" I ask, turning around to see if he was looking at someone outside of the bus window

"Nothing" He smirked, straightening in his seat

For some reason I was really looking forward to spend this time getting to know Louis..


"What about The Undertones? You have to have heard of them" I say, hoping Chelsea would recognize the name of this band

"Nope. Never heard of them" She shook her head once again

"You've got to be kidding me! The song Teenage Kicks? Ring a bell?" I ask, flabbergasted that she hadn't heard of them

"Nope. Sorry" she laughed 

"This is just sad" I shook my head head chuckling slightly

"Hey, we're pulling up to the resort" Derek said, reaching his hand around my seat to tap my shoulder.

"Chelsea' quickly turned her head to look outside of the window. I mimicked her reaction. I hadn't noticed that it had gotten dark outside. Chelsea and I had been talking the whole trip, which took my full attention. You could hear the bus spitting out exhaust as the driver made it over the last hill, pulling up to the large resort

"Holy crap. This place is huge" Monica uttered. 

The resort resembled a monstrous size log cabin. The wood a light color. The front entry way was covered in large slates of grey stone.

The bus become loud with people talking about how nice this place looked. The noise became too loud so the bus driver picked up his small microphone transceiver

"Get your bags and file in quietly. We don't want complaints of obnoxious college students. Get your key cards at the front desk. Give them your last names and they will give you your keys. Behave"

The four of us walked to the back of the bus, waiting for it to be less empty to grab our bags. 

"Geez it's freezing" Monica said, huddling close to Derek

"Why don't you two girls go inside and get the key cards. Lou and I will take care of the bags" Derek said

"Oh, you don't have to do that" I looked at Louis "It's not too cold. I can get mine" Chelsea said

"Liar. Your hands are turning purple" I smirked "Go inside" I nudged her arm, letting her know it was ok

She gave me a smile and then followed Monica into the large building

"You guys were really chatting it up during the drive" Derek said, sliding his hands into his pockets

"She's pretty interesting to talk to" I replied "But she has no taste in music" I laughed "Hasn't even heard of the Undertones" 

Derek looked at me for a second before answering "Isn't that an old punk rock British band from like- the 70's?"

"Yeah, so" I shrugged

"Bro, she's not British and she's not from the seventies" he laughed "No wonder she didn't know who they were. I don't even know why I know who they are"

I stepped onto the ledge of the bus, sliding the bags closer to the back. I handed Derek his and Monica's before grabbing mine and Chelsea's.

Derek followed shortly behind me into the resort.  As soon as I took a step inside, a wave of warm hit me, warming my chilled skin. The inside of the building was just as magnificent as the outside. Everywhere you look; there was dark mahogany wood and slate stone. The large lobby was filled with tasteful red couches and seating. The end tables sitting next to the couches matched the wood covering the floor and parts of the walls. Chelsea and Monica were still at the front desk. The tall receptionist was handing them their keys. We came up behind them, waiting for them to be done. As they turned around they noticed us

"Oh, hey" Monica said "Apparently there was a shortage of rooms so the four of us will be sharing a deluxe sweet" She said with an excited tone

I could tell Chelsea wasn't quite as excited about these arrangements. She probably doesn't like the idea of sharing a room with boys.

Chelsea is the only girl I would care about making her feel comfortable. That in itself shows me that I am really starting to fall for her.

"Hey" I say quietly to Chelsea "If it comes to it, I'll sleep in the tub." I say, attempting to ease Chelsea's concerns

She smiled slightly

We stepped into the elevator, Monica pushing the fourth level button. She opened the paper that the receptionist gave her "Ooh, look!" She exclaimed  "This is the description of our room" She wriggled her eyebrows, making us all laugh "Thoughtfully planned suite style room, with features including: large sitting area, fireplace and private bathroom. In addition, it offers a Jacuzzi tub and the Vail room has a balcony overlooking the private gardens. Sofa beds in the room allows for a capacity of 4 guests." 

Chelsea's face then lit up a little. I assume that would be because she heard there would be sofa beds too. Not just beds. 

"See" I nudge Chelsea "It all worked out"

She gave me a genuine smile

The smile on her face assured me that she was now ok.

The elevator doors opened. We all walked down the long hall. The sound of our suitcases rolling across the carpet filled the hall.

"417" Chelsea said, stopping at the door. Monica slid the key card into the door and Chelsea held the door open for Derek and I, carrying their bags

"Woah!" Derek said, looking around the room "This place is great"

"I'll take the sofa bed" Chelsea said, taking her jacket off 

"Umm, no you won't" I squeeze my eyebrows together "Derek and I are taking the couches. It's already been decided" I say, hoping on the couch

Chelsea crossed her arms and gave me a look

"Don't look at me like that" i say, leaning my head in my hands

"You're impossible Tomlinson"  She shook her head laughing

"I suggest we get a good amount of sleep tonight." Derek spoke up "Louis and I will be giving you guys a full crash course on how to ski. We will be hitting the slopes bright and early before they get too packed"

"Alright. Sounds like a plan" Monica chirped

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