Whats so great about hot play...

By Lovedrunklullaby

47 2 0


Amy's *Perfect* Life

Chapter 2

12 1 0
By Lovedrunklullaby

Chapter 2

* Amy's P.O.V *

I woke up to incessant beeping from the alarm clock sitting on my dresser. Groaning internally I shifted over and shut it off. I slowly lifted my body off of my unmade bed and walked to the bathroom.

An hour later I was showered, shaved and dressed with my makeup on. I checked the mirror one more time, fixing my eyeliner quickly. I scanned down the rest of my body slowly taking in my golden tanned legs and frayed denim shorts that rose to around mid thigh. My top slid off my shoulder on one side and had gold chains on my open back. I sighed and slipped on my black vans before re adjusting the dark brown teased hair on top of my head.

Another 30 minutes later and I was parked at school. I slowly slid a fake smile onto my face before locking my car up and walking towards the front doors. On my journey I was greeted by a few people saying 'hey' and 'what's up' I simply nod and smile, afraid of my voice cracking under pressure. I had to find my best friend Chris, and soon.

I sped walked to my locker ignoring everyone and spotted Chris a few yards away. Instantly I grabbed my books and slammed my locker door shut before walking over to Chris and nudging him with my ass while giggling.

"watch that ass, Amy. It'll get you in trouble" Chris winked jokingly.

"I can't help it. I missed you." I whined.

He laughed and pulled me to class.


The day was boring until lunch. After I walked in and grabbed some pizza I went to sit at my table with Chris but found a very attractive guy taking my spot.

"um.. Excuse me.. That's my seat" I sighed and looked at him slowly, slightly checking him out. He has very nice shoulders from the Back... And what's up with his hair? It looks so soft..

He coughed awkwardly and stood up, Before turning around to look at me. My breath caught in my throat as I took in his appearance from the front. Muscles showing through his black, tight fitted tee, very tan, muscled shoulders and neck, I noticed his pink lips next. They were so full and pretty, with two rings going through the bottom, only adding to his image. He had a perfect nose and then I noticed his eyes.. Breathtakingly green. I could stare all day at this beautiful creature.

"excuse me then." the beautiful boy stated before pushing past me and walking out of the cafeteria.

I watched him leave and he turned around at the exit. I thought he might smile at me, but when we locked eyes, he only smirked and held up his middle finger. I gasped and turned around quickly, sitting in my seat.

What a handsome asshole...

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