|Two Worlds Apart|

By Klarolineswife

5.6K 373 78

*being edited* |If you've watched Merlin, and ship Arther and Merlin together, then this one's for you| *cont... More

Chapter One•
Chapter Two•
Chapter Three•
Chapter Four•
Chapter Five•
Chapter Six•
Chapter Eight•
Chapter Nine•
Chapter Ten•
Chapter Elleven•
Chapter Tweleve•
Chapter Thirteen•
Chapter Fourteen•
Chapter Fifteen•
Chapter Sixteen•
Chapter Seventeen•
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen•
Chapter Twenty•
Chapter Twenty One•
Chapter Twenty Two•
Chapter Twenty Three•
Chapter Twenty Four•
Chapter Twenty Five•

Chapter Seven•

267 25 7
By Klarolineswife

Arthur's POV;

It was all so clear now, Merlin had magic. It would explain quite a lot actually. But I'd never really thought about it. I still loved him though or rather liked him. Whatever. I hate feelings for him. He was still my skinny, little, annoying companion.

No. Magic was banned in Camelot. He should've told me. I should be angry but I can't be.

Once Merlin had settled down, I grabbed Gwen and we all left. Gwen was using my horse and I was walking beside the two, it was awkward. Gwen was her happy, usual self. But she could sense the tension between me and Merlin. We hadn't spoke a word to each other since we left the castle.

I felt sad; I knew he'd been through a lot. But I wasn't angry he had magic at all. I was angry he didn't tell me.

I hadn't made eye contact with him since I helped him up. He started to cry after his outburst, and I hugged him for a while until we brushed ourselves down.

I could tell he was still upset. In his eyes. He always showed his emotion through his eyes. I wanted to yell at him, push him and shove him. I was afraid. But I couldn't. I stayed put and walked ahead. This was where we'd be setting up camp for the night.

Merlin's POV;

I was so baffled. Arthur didn't scream at me like I expected him too. He wasn't talking to me though, and that was the worst part. Why wasn't he sending me to my death?

It was awkward, everyone was awkward. I looked over at Arthur whilst he was putting up his tent. I'd finished with mine, and I'd longed to run over and laugh at him, offering my hand in help. But I stood my ground and sighed.

We were definitely in a bad place, and what's worse, we were on our way back to Camelot. The thought of leaving kept racing through my head, but I couldn't. Not without saying goodbye, not without being in a good place.

I tried to speak, but all that left my mouth was a sigh. Sigh after sigh. I couldn't take it anymore, watching him struggle. It somehow agitated me. I sat inside my tent and rubbed my eyes, I wasn't tired at all. Physically anyway. I heard Gwen say she was going to grab something to eat, I was really feeling some ground potatoes and vegetable soup.

I led down onto the hard floor and slid my tongue over my bottom lip. I decided to close my eyes, for a minute or two. Visions of me and Arthur danced in my head. He'd smiled at me, I'd smile back. It felt like an electrical cable had hit us both. Especially since that kiss.

I rolled onto my side, still envisioning Arthur in my mind. I told myself to stop as I felt a tear run down my face, I thought I could hear my own sobs but it must've been Arthur's.

That's it. No more silence. I stormed out of my tent and strolled towards Arthur's.

"Arthur!" I said sternly. And there he was crying.

"Arthur." I calmed my tone and sat beside him.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault what happened to you. It's my fault!" He said, wiping the tears as more fell down his cheeks.

I felt a pit of guilt drop into my stomach. Of course it wasn't his fault.

"Arthur. There was nothing you could've-"

"I should've woke up! I should've ran to you sooner!" Arthur sobbed.

Seeing him like this almost made me cry. I rubbed my eyes and took a deep breath, taking a seat beside him.

"I promise you, there was nothing you could've done."

Arthur allowed me to cradle him. Usually it was the other way around, but today. I guess he was fine with being hugged. I needed to tell him the truth, We were on our way back to Camelot anyway, so the truth would soon come out.

"Arthur. I know who did this to me..."

Arthur sat up and furrowed his brows as soon as he heard the words leave my mouth. He stood up and raised his brows, as if I should tell him. I tried to crack a smile to enlighten the mood as he was furious.
I knew he was. I could see it in his hands. Arthur always showed emotion through his hands. They were white, and I must've heard his knuckles pop a few times before he got seriously angry and ordered me to tell him.

"Fabian... Arthur. Fabian done this to me." I bit my lip in disgust and shook my head.

Arthur fell to his knees. Fabian. Of course. Why didn't he see it before? The jealousy, the constant attention. Fabian clearly liked him too.

"Oh my god, Merlin I'm so sorry." Arthur huffed, dragging me into a hug. His hugs were so warm, so genuine. But I felt like he was giving me sympathy. I furrowed my brows.

"Stop. It's fine, honestly. I'm okay now. Clearly he's just jealous, and knowing I have you, well that's enough revenge to last me a lifetime."

Hearing those words made both me and Arthur think. A life time. Revenge. Arthur wanted Fabian dead. But he also wanted a life with Merlin. He had the perfect plan stirring in his mind.

Arthur explained that once they were back in Camelot, he'd kill Fabian, of course, and run away with me. At first I was hesitant. But then it made sense. Uther was fit enough to rule for somewhat years, and when they returned Merlin could rule by Arthur's side, without any questions being asked as he was the king of Camelot.

Gwen broke our train of thought.

"Boys, I've brought us some ground potatoes and vegetables. We're going to make a stew." She smiled as she realised we were in the same tent. I blushed and Arthur elbowed me. Still the same prat from before, just different. We'd finally admitted we liked each other.

All that had to be done now, was escape Uther and any other person who'd be on the look out for Arthur. But I knew what to do about that. I had my own plan. I finally realised, I could run away from Camelot, but I could never run from my feelings. I screwed that plan up and threw it right away, I was sticking with Arthur's plan.

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