Safe Haven// Scott McCall 2 {...

By voidhales1242

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After suffering from a brutal attack from her great Uncle on the day of the formal, Isabella Hale is done fee... More



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By voidhales1242

Chapter 10: Back in Action, Bitch

Chapter Song: Killer Queen by Queen

"She's a killer Queen, gun powder, gelatin, dynamite with a laser beam. Guaranteed to blow your mind. Anytime. Recommended at the price, insatiable an appetite."

          Scott and Isabella had just finished a conversation with Allison after Isabella's fight with Erica, where she had warned Isabella to not to get too involved. Gerard was in town and Derek was creating new betas, neither was good. Allison saw these events as battle lines being drawn between the two sides; the hunters and the werewolves. Isabella fully agreed with Allison about the battle lines, but she wouldn't promise that she wouldn't get involved. She just couldn't stay away from it, it was inevitable.

Allison had left not only seconds ago and Stiles was now rushing through the cafeteria towards Scott and Isabella's table. Isabella slammed her hand onto her forehead in aggravation," Oh, what now?"

Stiles slid to a stop behind them and put his arms around both of their shoulders," Scott, Izzy. Look at that."

Isabella looked up from her hands to see where Stiles was pointing and followed his finger to look at a vacant table across the room. It wasn't just any table though, it was the table they had sat at only the day before to retrieve some keys; Boyd's table. Isabella's eyes went wide and she sat in her seat in shock. The table was empty; Boyd never missed school. Isabella didn't want to believe the thought that immediately came to her mind but she couldn't help it. Boyd was the third one; the third beta.

It made sense, her dad was picking people who needed power in their lives and Boyd was the perfect prey. He was a loner and was typically very shy, he sat alone everyday. Isabella thought herself to be very friendly so she didn't understand why he would choose Derek over asking to be friends with her. She would do it without a second thought. Those teenagers didn't need Derek, especially not Boyd.

Isabella was brought out of her state of shock as Scott spoke up in confusion," What? It's an empty table."

Isabella turned to him in a state of panic and asked, " Yeah, but who's empty table,Scott?"

Scott's eyes then widened as he realized who should have been sitting at the table, "Boyd."

Scott looked to Isabella, questioning if she was thinking the same thing as him and when she nodded her head in agreement they both sprung out of their seats and hurried out of the cafeteria. They knew that they needed to stop him from making such a drastic and horrible decision, they couldn't stop Erica but they could help him.

Stiles struggled to follow behind his friends and was relieved when they assigned him to check Boyd's house to see if he was there. He was happy that he wouldn't have to keep speed with them for much longer, they'd go their separate ways once they were outside the school.

Scott and Isabella held hands as they hurriedly walked down the hall with Stiles at their sides, barely keeping up. Scott turned to Stiles as they rushed down the hallway, " We're going to go to the ice rink, see if he's there. And if he's not at home, you call me, got it?"

Stiles began slowing down, Isabella and Scott noticed immediately. They both stopped in their tracks and looked at Stiles with questioning stares as he stood still in the middle of the hallway. He had millions of emotions flowing off of him but the most prominent was hesitation.

Isabella rolled her eyes at Stiles and asked him in annoyance, " What? We don't have time for this, Stiles."

Stiles sighed and threw his hands up hopelessly,"Maybe we should let him. Boyd, you know, guys?" Stiles paused and gestured to Isabella,"You said Derek's giving them a choice, right?"

Isabella rolled her eyes again, "Yeah, and they're making a stupid choice. We can't let him do this Stiles. "

Without another word, Isabella turned on her heel and began walking again with Scott by her side and Stiles lagging behind. Stiles scoffed in annoyance and guested towards Scott as he completely ignored Isabella's comment, "You gotta admit, Erica looks pretty good. You know, the word "sensational" comes to mind."

Isabella immediately stopped and turned to Stiles angrily. She used her free hand that was not connected with Scott's and punched him hard in the shoulder. Stiles winced and grabbed his shoulder with a cry as soon as her fist collided into it.

Isabella pointed at him harshly and angrily spat out, " You say one more word about her being "sensational" and I'll kill you, Stiles.You know I don't like her."

Stiles flinched away from Isabella as they walked down the steps leading into another hallway in the school. Scott spoke up just as they were about to reach the parking lot doors and directed his words sternly towards Stiles, " How do you think she'll look with a wolfsbane bullet in her head?"

Stiles shook his head and said with a sigh, " All right, all I'm saying is maybe this one isn't totally your responsibility."

" They all are. And you know this thing's gonna get out of control. That makes me responsible." Scott said truthfully which made Isabella feel for him, she hated that he thought this was his fault when it really wasn't. It was all Derek's fault but if Scott wanted to blame it on himself, she figured she should take some of it too.

Stiles looked at Scott with doubt for a few moments before he took a deep sigh," All right, I'm with you. And I also gotta say this new - found heroism is making me very attracted to you."

Isabella gave Stiles a disgusted look as he said this. Scott was hers, he would never be with Mr.Adderall Overload. She supported men liking eachother but she had already taken Scott, he was not on the market. She knew he was joking but after Erica earlier that day, she was kinda in jealous girlfriend mode.

Scott chuckled to himself and shook his head as he pushed Stiles away from him, " Shut up."

"No, seriously. Do you wanna just try making out for a sec? Just to see how it feels."

This time it was Isabella who pushed Stiles away from Scott as he tried to make kissing faces at him. His back landed on the door with a thud and he gave her a glare before he walked out the door and held it open for her and Scott. As she walked past him, he held the glare on her intensely.

Isabella just smirked at him and patted him gently on the shoulder as she walked past,"Sorry Stiles, it's just that if anyone's gonna be making out with Scott it's gonna be me."

Stiles just rolled his eyes and walked away from them, going to his Jeep so he could go to Boyd's house.

Scott gave Isabella a look of disappointment as she turned to him. She raised her eyebrows in question and threw her hands up, " What?"

Scott just shook his head with a chuckle," You know he was joking right?"

Isabella chuckled as well and sarcastically flipped her hair over her shoulder, " Of course I did, but you know I got to protect what's mine, right?"

Scott just chuckled to himself and stayed silent. Isabella took this as her cue to pull him down the steps and to the Camaro. They both jumped in quickly without any more words and sped out of the parking lot out onto the street.

Isabella was so happy to finally have her car back because now she felt more like the old her. The one who jumped in front of Alphas to try and save her best friend. The brave one, the badass one. Maybe, she was getting back to her.

First, she had fought her sadness and turned it into anger. Then, she had fought Erica and didn't even feel bad about it. Now, she was cruising down the street in her fast Camaro. All she needed was a new leather jacket, no way was she gonna wear what now had Erica all over it. She had told her that she wanted it back but, she couldn't take it back. She didn't want anything that has been worn by her.

She was happy with the person she was getting back, it felt right. She didn't want to be insensitive though, she just wanted to be strong.


Isabella flung open the doors of the ice rink with force and casually walked in to see Boyd sitting on the Zamboni going over the ice. They had been the lucky ones to find him, it had actually been really easy.

Scott was lagging behind her but she wasn't waiting for him. Ad soon as her feet hit the ice, she shouted out, " Boyd!"

He looked at Isabella for a moment before looking away and continuing to drive over the ice. It was like he didn't want to talk to her and it only set more of a fire under Isabella.

She smirked and rolled her eyes playfully as she walked closer to him and the Zamboni, " Oh, come on Boyd. All we wanna do is talk."

Scott grabbed Isabella's shoulder when he caught up to her. He wanted her let him talk to Boyd, but she wasn't having it. She quickly shook his hand off and looked back up at Boyd. She wanted to do it.

Isabella proudly skipped over to where Boyd was driving the Zamboni around slowly, matching pace with it. She looked up to Boyd who looked down at her in annoyance and gave him a mock pout," Come on Boyd, please."

If Derek wanted to be the dumb ass that he used to be, then she going to go be the sassy bitch that she regularly was.

Boyd looked down at her and rolled his eyes without a word. It made her kind of angry but she quickly shook it off and continued to walk alongside the huge vehicle," Well, did my dad tell you everything about what you're getting into? And I don't just mean going out of control on the full moons, I mean everything."

Boyd suddenly slammed down on the brakes of the Zamboni and looked down at her with steadily rising annoyance, "He told me about the hunters."

Scott came over to Boyd and Isabella and grabbed her hand softly in his. He had faith that she could do this. He had wanted to take the reins seeing that she had been handling many things with anger recently, but he was pleasantly surprised with how calm she had been. This was her time to shine.

She looked back and smiled at Scott before turning around to Boyd and rolling her eyes as she said sassily, "And that's not enough for you to say no? I mean let me tell you they are scary. Whatever you want there are other ways to get it."

Boyd sighed and looked at Isabella sadly as he sat on the parked Zamboni, " I just want to not eat lunch alone everyday."

This shut Isabella up quickly and she immediately felt bad. She felt Scott put his hand on her shoulder, pushing her behind him while stepping up closer to Boyd who was still sitting in the Zamboni.

She had her turn and now he had to take over. She sometimes got too emotionally attached to people and she needed a moment to shake off the words Boyd had just spoken. She easily let him step up and take over.

" If you're looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek." Scott said with a chuckle in his voice.

Isabella knew this was absolutely true, he could have them as his friends. They were one million times better than him.

Boyd looked at the two of them with a guilty face and in that moment, Isabella realized he had already chosen Derek. Boyd had already been bitten. Her suspicions had been confirmed when Derek suddenly came out of the shadows with Isaac and Erica, right into her line of sight. She jumped back in surprise, not because they were scary as a whole but just because Erica's face was scary.

Scott hadn't seemed to notice Derek as he tried to read Boyd's expression and figure out where the guilt was coming from, but he soon would know as Derek shouted out across the quiet ice,"That really hurts, Scott. I mean, if you're going to review me, at least take a consensus."

Derek made a gesture towards Isaac and Erica,  as if asking them to review him. Isabella didn't really didn't want to listen to them, she knew they'd just be his little bitches and suck up to him; especially Erica.

Isabella scoffed at her father as she turned to him and crossed her arms over her chest with an unamused expression on her face. Derek had not expected her to be there so it was a bit of a shock to see her. He knew she was even more furious at him than she had been when he last saw her, it was written all over her face.

He gave her a glance but ignored her as he directed his words and body towards his betas, "Erica, how's life been for you since we met?"

She looks at Isabella with a smirk before answering in a bitchy tone,  "Hm. In a word - Transformative." As

As Erica finished talking, she bared her canines and growled at Scott and Isabella, but kept her focus on mostly Isabella. She still remembered what had happened in the hallway and she wanted revenge for it.

The way Erica spoke riled Isabella up, along with the fact that she had the nerve to growl at her when she was the bitch in the situation. If Erica wanted another fight, Isabella was ready for round two.

Isabella felt herself going to lunge at Erica but was pulled back by a set of arms which she knew immediately to be Scott. She turned to him and glared as he pulled her back, angry that he had stopped her from giving Erica another smackdown. She finally gave up and smiled at Scott, signaling he could let her go. Scott immediately let her go, but grabbed her hand in his to prevent any more outbursts before both of them turned back to face Derek.

Derek gave Isabella a look of confusion. She didn't know if it was because she had lunged at Erica or not, but it shouldn't have been surprising, everyone knew she hated her guts.

Derek shook his head quickly and regained his composure before shouting to his other beta,"Isaac?"

Hearing her brother's name took all the anger out of Isabella and she finally snapped her eyes to him. She had been trying not to look at him or even think about him, she would rather that he wasn't associated with Erica and Derek. He had been calling her nonstop to try and talk to her about god knows what and she had never answered. She felt bad...just a little.

She took in his appearance and noticed that he was now wearing her leather jacket...not Erica. It was a wonder to her as to how she didn't notice that as they walked in and it utterly confused her. Why did he have it on now?

She arched her eyebrows at him in confusion, but shook it off as she watched Isaac smirk evilly in a way she had never seen him do before,"Well I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive but other than that I'm doing great."

As he spoke, all Isabella could think about was how this wasn't him. This wasn't the boy she had met at Macy's, the one who was buying a scarf and the one she called her brother. No, this was a whole new person and she didn't like him. Isabella narrowed her eyes at him in distrust for a few moments before she took her eyes off him and turned to her father solely.

Isabella scoffed as she pulled her hand out of Scott's grip and laid her arms on her chest while saying unenthusiastically, "Now that your little lap dogs are done talking. Can I put in my consensus?"

Derek rolled his eyes at her but nonetheless gestured his hands towards her in a way that said go ahead. She smirked to herself and spoke confidently, " Well, I was just gonna say that you're an asshole and that this three against two thing isn't really fair."

Derek smirked back at her, " Then go home. You and Scott."

He turned his head towards Erica and Isaac and nodded. They began to walk over to Scott and Isabella as if they were going to fight them. Isabella internally scoffed, they wouldn't lay a finger on them. She supposed it would be fun though, she would get to whoop Erica's ass again.

Isabella looked over to Scott with an evil smile which he returned before he suddenly smashed his hand into the ground, landing on his knee. Scott's eyes were closed when he landed and Isabella already knew what he had done.

She smirked to herself as Scott opened his eyes and spoke with a growl, showing off his amber eyes and sharp teeth, "Oh, I don't think she meant unfair for us, I think she meant unfair to them."

Isabella shifted as well and held a smirk on her face as Erica and Isaac came closer. When they were about four inches away, she growled and charged straight for Erica, colliding with her as Scott went for Isaac.

As soon as she collided with Erica, she grabbed her by the neck and swung her into the Zamboni that Boyd was still sitting on. He jumped in shock and looked down at her with wide eyes, but she didn't really care about him right now. Erica was her main focus.

She held Erica by her neck on the Zamboni, her feet dangling and her throat gasping for air. Isabella smirked evilly and brought her mouth up to her ear slowly as she whispered, " Oh, how I enjoy our times together. "

Isabella then dropped Erica from her hold, letting her fall to the ice. As soon as Erica stood up, she growled at Isabella and tried to act tough when she clearly was not. Erica's actions made Isabella roll her eyes and kick her in the stomach, sending her body into the Zamboni again as she hit her head against it hard.

Isabella suddenly heard a crash from across the room and she tried to ignore it, but her body started screaming in pain like she had been thrown into something. She ignored the pain but turned her head around to Scott and Isaac; the source of her pain. Scott had thrown Isaac into the ice rink wall and she had felt the pain since he was her twin. She longed in her heart to go to him and help him, it was really hard to resist the urge but she knew she couldn't. At least not until he was the old Isaac again. Not until he realized he was on the wrong side with Derek.

Isabella's one second of carelessness that she took to think about Isaac cost her. Before she knew it, her body was pushed harshly from behind and she fell to the ground. Her head hit the ice with a sickening thud, blood immediately pooling up on her forehead. She knew it was Erica and she hated to admit it but her head hurt like a bitch.

Nonetheless, Isabella quickly stood up and growled at Erica before charging at her and tackling her to the ground, even with her head thumping and leaking blood. She grabbed Erica's head angrily and began slamming it against the ice without any remorse. She didn't care what happened to her, she deserved it in her mind. The injury to her head had made her snap worse than she had ever before. Erica had tried to fight back and had tried bucking her off with her hips but she wouldn't let up.

Unfortunately, something happened and Isabella fell off of Erica with a gasp. Something ripped across her stomach, making a long oozing gash across it. She knew Erica had not done it to her because her arms had been pinned under Isabella's legs when she had tackled her, but maybe she was wrong. Isabella looked over and saw that Erica was laying on the ground and panting heavily which confirmed that she had not been the one to injure her.

Seeing that Erica was still hurting and recovering gave Isabella the chance to take a look at Scott and Isaac. She saw Scott kneeing Isaac in the face harshly, she could feel the impact on her own face and it hurt tremendously. She tried to ignore the pain as she examined Isaac's body, the injury had to have come from him; it was the only logical option. Sure enough, there was a huge gash across his stomach that looked exactly like hers did.

With one last knee to the face from Scott, Isaac went crashing to the ground as he tried to catch his breath and heal from the ass whooping he just received; just like Erica. Isabella took this as a sign for her to stand up and show that she had beaten Erica. She slowly stood to her feet as she stood over Erica and smirked down at her while holding her bleeding but slowly healing stomach.

Isabella took one last look down at the blonde bitch before she turned on her heel and left her laying on the ice. She walked closer to Isaac but stayed still in range of Erica as she began to address them both sternly, " Don't you get it? He's not doing this for you. He's just adding to his own power, okay? It's all about him. He makes you feel like he's giving you some kind of gift when all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!"

Isabella growled out her last few words and walked back over to Erica, grabbing her by her hair before sliding her across the floor Derek. She looked over to Scott who already had a hold of Isaac's shirt collar and nodded at him to do the same to Isaac.

Derek gave Isabella a strange look that almost looked like he was pleased with her in some twisted way, but quickly shook it off and said with a nonchalant tone, "It's true. It is about power."

Derek then angrily started walking towards his daughter and her boyfriend. As he walked, he extended claws with a flick of his hand and he brought out his glowing red eyes. His teeth grew into canines and he let out a loud roar in their direction as he stomped over.

Scott tried to push Isabella behind him as he realized that Derek wanted a fight, but Isabella held her ground and pushed Scott aggressively away from her. She wanted this, this was her time to show him that she didn't need him, and that she didn't need her so called brother. She would be fine with her friends and fine on her own. She was becoming strong now.

Derek stopped in his tracks and his face became pale as he saw Isabella standing there, not backing down and not scared. She didn't become scared for even a second and as soon as he was close enough to her she charged at him, she charged at him fast.

Isabella brought his face down to her knee as she reached him which earned a sickening crack and brought a smile to her face. She then reached low and slashed his stomach a couple times before pushing him to the ground hard. She was expecting him to fight back or to be able to keep his footing after the push, but he fell to the ground and stared up at her in shock.

Her face became angrier as Derek just laid there staring up at her. She was finally letting out the anger he had put inside of her for the past few days and he had the audacity to not fight back. It made her think that he didn't believe she could take him in a real fight, but to her this was going to be a real fight.

She glared down at him with her eyes practically burning as she growled out, " Fight back! Do you think I can't take it?!"

She then ran over and kicked him in the ribs as he laid on the cold ice, " Come on, Big Bad Alpha, fight back!"

She stopped abruptly and smirked while crouching down next to him and whispering in his ear, " Oh, yeah, I forgot you need your little bitches to do anything now a days, huh?"

Derek pushed her away harshly, making her fall back on her butt.

Isabella chuckled darkly to herself and licked her lip eagerly as she continued to egg him on from where she sat on the ice,"Oohhh, there he is.There's the Big Bad Alpha. Hey Scott,  I think I hurt his feelings."

Derek immediately got to his feet after pushing his daughter away and gave her a sad look. She had expected him to be angry so the sadness confused her. He didn't try to fight her by any means, he just turned on his heel and went to retrieve his betas off the floor.

The two of them were pulled to their feet and they immediately groaned in pain as they dusted ice flakes off of their clothes. Erica scowled over at Isabella while Isaac gave her a look of sorrow, he didn't like hurting her. He just had no other place to go and Derek supplied him with a home.

Erica and Derek both walked out of the building without any other words to either Isabella or Scott but Isaac stuck around. He and his twin sister engaged in a sort of stare down from across the ice. It was like Isaac was torn and had no idea what to do, Isabella was waiting desperately for his decision. If that fight had turned them to their side Isabella would be over the moon but she wasn't going to get her hopes up, her dad seemed to have a tight grip over him.

The twins were only broken out of their stares when Isabella heard a loud thud from behind her as something hit the ice. Isabella turned her head around to see that Boyd had jumped off the Zamboni and was beginning to walk towards the door, following Derek and Erica.

Isabella watched him with a panicked expression and began to scream at his retreated figure in desperation, " Don't. You don't wanna be like them!"

Boyd stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at Isabella with a huge smile on his face. He then proceeded to lift up his shirt to show off the fresh bite on his hip. Isabella let out a soft whimper of defeat upon seeing the mark on his hip. She had been confident earlier that her father had already turned him by the way he was acting but now Isabella had the literal proof. It broke her to know she couldn't stop him from corrupting another innocent kid.

Boyd looked at the bite proudly before smiling at Isabella, " You're right, I don't want to be like them. I wanna be like you and Scott."

As soon as Boyd walked out the door, Isabella hung her head low in defeat. If she had just let her anger go and not beaten up Erica in the hallway maybe she could have reached Boyd first. She must have been the distraction, Erica had started a fight on purpose. Isabella has been so blind that she had unknowingly helped her dad get his third beta.

She could have gotten to the rink faster too, that was also a possible reason for why Derek had been able to get to Boyd. Why did they take so long, why didn't they go faster to save him? Why did she have to act like a hard ass and beat up her father to make everything look so glamorous to Boyd?

The more Isabella thought about blaming herself though, the more she decided that it wasn't her fault. The decision had been all Boyd's and Boyd's alone. He had made his choice already and there was nothing she could do about it. She had deserved to let out her anger of betrayal on Derek. She deserved to finally get some fire back. She deserved to be the STRONG, Isabella Hale, not the weak. She could be sensitive at times, but she was strong at the same time.

Isabella was brought out of her thoughts when a hand came into her line of vision. She had at first believed it to be Scott but when she looked up a scowl overcame her face. Isaac stood in front of her and held his hand down to her, offering to help her off the ground. She sat there for a minute and looked at his hand in disgust until another hand reached down to help her, this time it actually was Scott.

Instead of looking at this hand in disgust, she looked up into his eyes with glee and allowed him to pull her up instead of Isaac.

When Scott pulled her up, she gave him a quick peck on the lips. When they pulled away, he quickly pulled her into a hug and whispered in her ear, " That was hot."

She turned a deep red and chuckled into his shoulder until they were rudely interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Isabella turned her head while still in Scott's grip and saw Isaac standing there with his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

She unraveled herself from Scott but grabbed a hold of his hand before sighing and saying to Isaac in disapproval,  " Shouldn't you be following your Alpha?"

Isaac brought his hand up to the back of his neck and scratched it awkwardly before sighing and taking off Isabella's leather jacket. He held it out to her silently as she gave him a look of confusion. He pushed it towards her, motioning for her to take it without a word. Isabella looked at her jacket strangely before hesitantly taking it from his hands. She held it in the tips of her fingers and looked at it in disgust, remembering that Erica had been wearing it only hours earlier.

Isaac chuckled to himself upon seeing her reaction to the jacket and motioned towards it nervously, " I washed it just so you know. So if you're disgusted because it had Erica on it then you shouldn't worry."

She looked down at the piece of leather in her hand for a moment, contemplating if she should take it back or not, before she soon realized that this whole thing was never about her leather jacket. To be completely honest, that jacket didn't define her. She was her own person and she didn't need to have the jacket to be Isabella Hale.

With this in mind, she smirked down at the jacket before gripping it tightly in her hand and throwing it back in the face of an unsuspecting Isaac.

He reacted quickly enough to stop it from hitting him in the face. When he caught it, he looked at it and then back at Isabella in disbelief with his mouth hung wide open.

She let go of Scott's hand gently before walking over to Isaac and saying sassily, " Tell Erica she can keep it because I finally realized I don't need an object to define me. I'm Isabella Hale and guess what?" She paused and smirked cockily,"I'm back, Bitch and I'm not going anywhere."

She then walked back over to Scott and grabbed his hand in hers before flicking her hair over her shoulder and walking out of the ice rink while pulling Scott with her.

When they got outside she heard Scott chuckle to himself lightly," Again. That was so hot."

Isabella opened the door to the Camaro and rested her arm on it cockily. She sent a wink to Scott, " I know."

She then swiftly jumped in the car and started it. Scott followed suit and jumped into the passenger side before they sped off and away from the ice rink. She finally had her flame back and she had her boyfriend, what more could she ask for?

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