Hammer of Steel: A Supergirl...

By Aspergirl23

81.4K 1.5K 551

You've seen Supergirl fight crime with the Flash, but what happens when the Girl of Steel comes face-to-face... More

Prologue: Two Brothers
An Unexpected Visitor
Strange Alien from an Unknown World
The Search
The Confrontation
Aliens From Another Dimension
A Day in the Life of Kara Danvers
The Capture
A New Plan
The Exchange
The Battle
A/N: Possible Sequel

The Distraction

1.3K 32 10
By Aspergirl23

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"Wait a minute!" Loki shouts, grabbing the attention of the two Luthor women. Lillian and Lena both turn around, and Loki drops the container, causing both the container and the Tesseract to shatter into a million pieces.

"You thought you could deceive me with a fake cube?" Loki sneers, "The Tesseract is an infinity stone; it cannot and will not be easily broken!" "You honestly believed I would give up unlimited power so easily?" Lillian sneers back, "I was under the impression you were a little more intelligent than that. No matter, we've would've had you shot a mile away once you figured it out, but now you just saved us the time."

She directs the Cadmus agents to take aim and open fire, but Loki moves lightning fast and took the agents out with uncharacteristic strength, much to Lillian's surprise. Loki's eyes turn red and, as it turns out, Loki was actually J'onn J'onzz who transformed into his Martian form.

"I should've known the DEO had a hand in this," Lillian exasperates. "You will either hand over the cube, or we will take it by force," J'onn threatens. "Us?" Lillian scoffs, "You may have your brutish alien strength, but there's just one of you, and there are hundreds more of us."

"Make that two, Lillian," Kara swoops down and lands next to J'onn, "Supergirl," Lillian sneers. Thor lands right next to Kara, "Make that three." "You must be the blonde brother of Loki's," Lillian observes. "Don't forget about us," Sif proclaims as she and the Warriors Three take their fighting stances next to Thor.

"What is this, the Renaissance?" Lillian mockingly scoffs, "Next I suppose you're gonna challenge me to a joust?" She directs the remaining Cadmus agents to attack. Kara, Thor, and everyone else retaliated.

While the battle was fought, Jane, Alex, and James, who was fully dressed in his Guardian suit, sneak in through a back entrance that was only guarded by two men that James easily took out; that same entrance also required a retinal scan which the guards were "willing" to give in order for the stealth team to enter.

"Winn, we're inside," Alex speaks into her comm device while Winn monitors the situation from the DEO, using a special camera installed on James's helmet to help the team navigate the interior of the facility.

"Okay," Winn begins his instruction, "Turn left and continue straight pass two intersecting halls, then turn right. There are significantly high energy levels right in the center of the building." "That's the Tesseract, no doubt about it," Jane confirms reading her own hand-made device, "I'd recognize these energy readings anywhere." "Any idea where Maggie is?" Alex presses. "I'm picking up several lifeforms left of the first intersection," Winn answers, "Three are surrounding the one in the middle." "Got it," Alex nods, "You two can handle dismantling the cube without me?" "Don't worry, we got this," James reassures, "Now go save your girl."

While Jane and James run for the gate, Alex sneaks her way to the detention area. Sure enough, there were several guards watching over a cell, and Maggie was locked inside. Alex finds an opening into the air vents, and sneaks inside. Crawling her way up and over, she notices one of the guards getting an incoming message. Guns loaded they open the cell door and take aim at Maggie, but Alex pops open the vent and jumps one guard. The other turned to shoot Alex, but Maggie lunged at him and knocked him out with one punch over the head. Alex finishes off the one she jumped.

"Maggie," Alex breathes out and runs to hug her girlfriend, "you're okay." "Yeah I am," Maggie nods into the hug, then gives Alex a slight peck on the lips, "How did you find me?" "Well let's just say we had new friends to help us," Alex answers. "Thor brought in reinforcements?" "Something like that," Alex chuckles, "Now come on, we gotta get outta here."

"What about that glowing cube?" Maggie points out as the two run to the nearest exit. "Don't worry, James and Thor's girlfriend are taking care of that right now," Alex assures, "Kara, J'onn, Thor, and his Asgardian friends currently have Lillian Luthor's attention on them so we shouldn't run into any trouble-" The ladies stopped dead in their tracks when electricity started to crackle across the halls.

"Going somewhere ladies?" they hear Livewire's voice sneer as she materializes right in front of them.


"Winn, are we close to the source?" James asks from the comm link on his helmet. "Here we are" Jane announces as they reach the center of the facility. "Wow," James states in slight amazement as he stares at the portal gate, "Cadmus really does go all the way with alien expulsion."

"There's the Tesseract," Jane points to the generator the cube was attached to.

Jane proceeds to open up the generator. "You sure you know what you're doing?" James asks slightly nervous as he stands guard. "Not exactly," Jane admits, "But I've gone over Selvig's notes plenty of times, which do include the probability that one slip up could cause the energy from the cube to overload and disintegrate this entire building and everything else within a five mile radius." "Great, I feel even more comforted," James mutters.


Back outside Kara, J'onn, Thor, Sif, and the Three were busy taking out Cadmus agents left and right. Kara punched several before confronting Lillian.

"Is that the best you can do?!" Thor taunts towards Lillian after he swung at the last agent.

To answer his question, Lillian pulls out a green knife and stabs Kara on the side. "Supergirl!" J'onn gasps as Kara groans in pain and falls to her knees; the knife was laced in Kryptonite. Twirling his hammer, Thor lunges at Lillian. "Take another step and I'll give Supergirl another taste of Kryptonite," Lillian threatens, making the Asgardian stop in his tracks.


"How's the progress so far?" James slightly turns his gaze slightly towards Jane. "I think I'm almost there," Jane answers as she cuts the last cord, "Hand me the briefcase," James does as Jane instructed, "...and....got it," the Tesseract pops from the generator and Jane safely stores it in the briefcase. "Okay we have the cube," James announces to Winn on his comm. "Good," Winn replies, "Now all you gotta do is get outta there before-"

Before Winn could finish his sentence, a metallic fist punches James in the gut; if it weren't for his suit, the punch could've severely injured James, but the impact was enough to disrupt any communication devices on his helmet.

Looking up, Jane spots a man who resembled J'onn's human form. "J'onn?" Jane frowns. "That's not J'onn," James wearily gets back up on his feet, "That's Hank Henshaw, the original DEO director, now he's Cyborg Superman." "That cube does not belong to you," Hank sneers, "I suggest you hand it over." "It doesn't belong to you either," Jane counters, holding the briefcase close. Hank lunges at her, but James stops him in his tracks.

"Run! Get outta here!" James orders. "No, I'm not leaving you behind!" Jane counters. "You have to take that cube back to the DEO," James insists as he stands his ground, "Don't worry, I got this."

Reluctantly, Jane heads for the nearest exit while Guardian kept Cyborg Superman occupied.

Jane kept running, refusing to look back. That all stopped when electricity started to surround the halls.


With the Luthor woman keeping her attention on Thor, she didn't see Sif sneak around and slam into Lillian with the shield. Thor then rushes to Kara's aid. "I'm okay," she insists as Thor helps her to her feet. "What was that she stabbed you with?" Thor asked curiously. "Kryptonite," Kara explains, "It's my one weakness. Every Kyrptonian shares it, including my cousin."

"Do you wish to give up now, witch?" Fandral taunts as the rest of the team gang up on Lillian. "Don't think any of you have my beat so easily," Lillian sneers, pulling up an image from a device she was carrying. The projection revealed Cyborg Superman and Livewire had Alex, Maggie, James, and Jane in custody. "Jane!" Thor exclaims about to charge at Lillian again. "Not so fast," Lillian stops him, "Take another step, and I'll order those two to kill your friends."

Having no other option, the team surrenders. Having witnessed the entire thing, Lena was about to step up and stop her mother but a couple of Cadmus agents stop her.

"It's fitting that you extra terrestrial parasites would find me here," Lillian makes an evil grin, "Not only did it save us the trouble of rounding up the likes of you, but it feels like poetic justice what's about to happen next?"

"Whatever are you implying, woman?" Volstagg frowns.

"You lucky seven will be the first to test the portal that will expel non-humans like you to another dimension," Lillian replies like it's obvious.

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